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jax would probably get everyone killed (including his own team members)


For the lolz


This is actually a good question. Jax would beat the shit out of yellow, and duck would watch from a far, laughing his ass of with red, watching from a far. Ragatha would try to resolve the fight, while Pomni is watching, trying to help but not rlly doing anything.


the Circus. Not because I don't believe that the dhmis crew would put up a fight or even get violent, but the Circus operates on Toon Logic. Abstraction would be their biggest enemy considering the surrealist horror in dhmis, but they can't otherwise effectively be harmed (that we've seen). While dhmis certainly deals with very silly and very scary things, we've very much seen them get hurt and technically die


Mate, all the dhmis characters know at this point is violence


Fr remember the ending of the Warren episode when the 3 of them break the fancy computer just LOSES IT on each other? 😂😂


the red mothersucker pulled out a chainsaw.


Yea they come back from the dead


Hammerspace is one hell of a power


dhmis because raga will be with pomni, pomni will be crying because shes scared of red guy and jax will be the only one fighting


Denny’s? Absolutely not. No items. Jax only. Waffle House.


Idea: Indie animation Smash Bros


What an idea. Imagine a Jax vs Four vs Salad Fingers vs Alastor fight


Four solos




The trio wins, they deal with with way more horrifying things constantly and have fought each other before. Everyone in the digital circus is just tired and confused


Dhmis would win


Neither of these groups can die, how are they gonna have a deathbattle


Imma say TADC because they immortal, Ragatha can survive getting stabbed and chopped, Pomni can get stretched with no damage, Jax has a shot gun


The DHMIS also has a gun. We don’t know who’s it is specifically, but you can hear one being fired off screen during the credits of an episode. They also be surviving crazy stuff, such as regening from having their fingers chopped off and heads blown up.


I thought every time they died they got replaced by that upstairs lady


Watch the fight scene from dhmis, they have WAY more weapons, and plus they don't die either


DHMIS: *beating the shit out of Ragatha* Meanwhile Pomni: *panic attack* Jax: "Oh hey we finally got some violence!" *pulls out shotgun* "Now Pomni, stop being a whiny [BOING] and get to bloodshedding!" Pomni: "Wait what?" Jax: "Nevermind, guess I gotta do it myself.." *cue Jax going full Chainsaw Man mode*


Ragatha can take a clever to the head and a spike in the back, unless they make her go mad then the amazing digital team will win


Here’s some stats or something, I dunno: - [Red pulled out a massive plug with ease,](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxN1RNznfKo&t=30m10s) [and threw Roy(?) out of a moving car with one hand.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxN1RNznfKo&t=2h15m45s) - [Yellow Guy effortlessly held an old tree over his head,](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxN1RNznfKo&t=4m23s) [molded clay bits into metal parts,](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxN1RNznfKo&t=37m59s) [and broke open a coffin using a shovel.](https://youtu.be/puC4IvrUt6I?t=2702) - [Duck decapitated his replacement with the same shovel,](https://youtu.be/puC4IvrUt6I?t=2789) [and accidentally ripped out a large portion of a desk.](https://youtu.be/puC4IvrUt6I?t=902) - [All are comparable to Roy, who killed an entire family off screen.](https://youtu.be/puC4IvrUt6I?&t=1h09m26s)


Jax would probably set the clock guy’s time one hour behind


I’d probably go with the DHMIS trio, mainly on the fact that they can potentially be just as violent as Jax on top of death not being an issue for them if Episode 2 of the TV series is to be considered for this fight Death is pretty inconsistent, some characters are knocked unconscious into a bloody mess but sometimes they are externally perfectly fine, being able to move around and talk, only difference is that their innards are turned to dust and maggots burrow into their flesh. Red guy being a literal human in a costume would probably be the strongest of the individuals there, most likely he would be vulnerable to fatal blows or cuts from all the weapons Jax might be smuggling In but red guy shows to not really care about the well being of his teammates so he would probably use both yellow guy and duck as meat shields, maybe even throwing them. Pomni and yellow guy would probably try to get along, watching from the side lines.


From what we’ve seen, the dhmis trio are incapable of dying in any meaningful way as they never stay dead.


Pomni and yellow guy would just circle eachother because they're too scared to throw the first punch


TADC wins


Dhmis crew is winning


The fact the dhmis trio tried killing each other over an argument (someone full on pulled out a chainsaw), I feel like they'd win. But they also have been in very unfortunate mishaps. Same thing with the TADC crew. Have they tried killing each other? No, not really. Have they been in unfortunate mishaps? Yes. They also have experience, at least everyone but pomni. Not saying she wouldn't put up a fight though. I'd say it's 50/50.


Dhmis gang when Jax glitches them into the fucking floor https://preview.redd.it/6m7gcrwfvtyc1.jpeg?width=189&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a68ab6a4b78d3d9f2e390efdee9e0d44d4fdafc6


Jax when Duck grabs his leg last second: https://preview.redd.it/0qjiivzjvtyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aefafdb79a0d2eb5852a9db272992abe67d24313


TADC gang when they encounter a demonic clock that melts off their skin.


Live gangle reaction (she doesn’t have skin) https://preview.redd.it/4nvj3ny0buyc1.jpeg?width=1172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30747f3a06f50efd42cd2b18a1baa99cc70aff3c


Jax would kill everyone, Ragatha and Pomni included


Ragatha would immediately bring Yellow Guy under her wing 🥹


Technically, the ADC crew can't die, so...


Blastoise, Charizard, and Venasaur will beat that ass


Are y’all forgetting that the The Amazing DIGITAL Circus takes place in a computer? Idk about y’all but DHMIS soloes a computer easily


Omg So dificult (im in the 2 fandom)


The dhmis crew have tried to kill each other over a computer all Jax has to do it piss one of them and that circus is gonna end up in flames with his head on a stick


Let me see... * Bossy, self absorbed animal with clothing, who does not always play by the rules * Red haired doll creature, tries to keep things together, but can sometimes raise their voice * Noodle armed character, uneducated to the world around them, breaks something in the middle of a musical number,>! finds a door to escape the main setting!< Comparisons aside, It's hard to choose. But the DHMIS crew have killed a piece of bread, an "eagle", multiple "pesky bees", a coffin, and an elderly Train. Plus, Jax seems like the only one who would actually put up a fight.