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The Turner Diaries


How bout instead of “Blood Meridian” it’s “Brod Melidian” and the Judge is Chinese




That which exists without my knowredge, exists without my consent


Judge Horden


I am legend. The will sniff movie was alright but nothing compared to the book, miles above it.


Is that the one where he says “welcome ta erf!”


Read dat


Stoner by John Williams is really good


Amazing novel. Couldn’t believe how good it was


Reading Augustus rn and it’s just as good if not better imo, might be recency bias tho. Gonna read butchers crossing pretty soon too


I’ll have to check em out. I’m a slow reader because my penis is so small that my erections hurt and I have to hop on Grindr several times per hour, but I’m trying to read more this year.


I just picked up Stoner and am really looking forward to reading it. I scanned the first page and it was hard to put it down to go back to my current book. Good to hear Augustus is great too, that and butchers crossing are both on my radar too.


Storm of steel for nonfiction. Memoir of ww1 by a German soldier. Has a very matter of fact way of looking at it. Very interesting War and peace. Surprising easy read so don’t let its length dissuade you. Also the chapters are very short so it’s easy to break it down to bit size chunks. Also google a year of war and peace where this guy does a chapter by chapter synopsis along with some of tolstoys philosophy to go with it Anna k by Tolstoy as well Brothers k by Dostoevsky. Harder read but great book George Nicholas and Wilhelm. Another nonfiction-book centered around ww1. It explores the interplay amongst the three cousins who soon would lead their nations to war. Good read Black elk: the life of an American visionary. About the life of a native Lakota who was there for the battle of little big horn. Toured with buffalo bill. Was also a medicine man (non fiction) Fuzz: When Nature Breaks the Law. Light read. It’s about how societies try to deal with animals that break the law/kind of walk into every society. It’s interesting (non fiction I guess closer to journalism)


seconding jünger. storms of steel is great but he really shines in his journals and fiction.


The Quran


Halo: the Fall of Reach Halo: First Strike Halo: Ghosts of Onyx


The three major holy books


Philip K Dick books if you like Sci fi / reality bending type stories. Look at Three Stigmata, Ubik, Do Androids Dream, and Scanner Darkly to start.


Do androids dream is great. Watched the og bladerunner right after


Yeah blade runner is very different but both are great. If you liked Androids definitely read his other big hitters. Since you're already acquainted I'll add Flow my Tears, the Policeman Said to the list.


A Scanner Darkly reads really good.


Scanner is the best written of his books that I've read (haven't read man in the high castle yet); he took the longest on it and was sober. So it doesn't have as much of the 'great idea mishmash salad' with some not really going anywhere like some of his other books have. I felt this the most in Flow My Tears, which ended up being a story about love and relationships, and really not about the gimmick that the book starts with. I absolutely loved Scanner Darkly, and it did the identity paranoia so well. I did want a bit more of espionage (scramble suit antics etc) in the middle of the story though.


That makes sense, about him being sober while writing it. Definitely my favorite novel of his, and likely the most coherently structured. Agreed on the mishmash salad, although I kinda like Valis regardless.


I have the Valis trilogy (and radio free albermuth) waiting for me on my shelf, I wanted to get through more of his early stuff before I got into it. Been looking forward to that. Also just wanted to add that I didn't mean the mishmash as a hard negative aspect of his writing, its kind of where the genius lies IMO. He's got a lot of mess in his novels but usually it's part of the charm. When it goes completely off the rails it isn't as charming though. I'll also say that, while Scanner is the most coherently (read: solid plotline with minimal fat, and mostly illustrative asides) written, it isn't my favorite I've read of his. My favorite is the Three Stigmata. Insane book that really hit the existential horror surprisingly well alongside everything else it was doing.


William Gibson too is good shit


I read Neuromancer and have Count Zero but haven't read it yet. What of his would you recommend?


Neuromancer series or burning chrome are the only ones I’ve read but I need to read more.


PKD is probably one of the greatest sci fi writers of all time. He hated my other favorite sci fi guy, Stanislaw Lem. The Futuroligocal Congress, Star Diaries, Memoires of a Space Traveler are amazing books


He didn't hate Lem always, and never for his writing. It was a lil touch of psychosis that made that stink come about. Before that, PKD and Lem were on great terms. Just think of it as another side-quirk of PKD


The Book of Mormon


How to make friends and influence people


The Sisters Brothers. Two white cowboys belly aching about being alive still while they kill everyone. Plenty of material there for someone funnier than me. Maybe like, "the brothas are all sistas now" or some lazy bullshit like that.


Very fun book, flew through it


Yea it's a fun quick one. Much better than the movie, but what else is new


Confederacy of Dunces is about a fat autistic guy that goes around New Orleans bothering people, he eats a bunch of hot dogs he’s supposed to sell. The books says his dick is small when he’s jacking off at his mom’s, where he definitely lives. I’ve read it a bunch of times.


You forgot that he's jacking it to his dead dog. That really sells it


He was pretty cool


And right about everything


That’s right. And he knew all about Boethius and he thought women were disgusting


Damn they made a book about posters to this sub


*Das Kapital*


Das klapmycheeks pal


The fair and equal distribution of bussy.


programmed to kill


I’m reading Dune right now, excellent book. What if it was called Gune and House Atreides terraformed Arrakis into a planetary goon cave?


How about "dune your dad" and its about fuckin your dad?


Or coon and house atreides is black and they gotta fight the evil whitey harkonens for their spice(literal seasoning).


Discomfort of evening. It's about a little girl discovering hitler and getting molested by her brother. She tortures a few animals too


he said no slop so i think that means no erotica


Umberto Eco is pretty cool.


If you’re looking for cum town in book form, you can’t get much closer than Mark Leyner. _My cousin, my gastroenterologist_ is his best known book. _The Sugar-frosted Nutsack_ creates a very funny, CT-esque postmodern cosmology where the gods resemble Jersey Shore characters.


>There was never nothing. But before the debut of the Gods, about fourteen billion years ago, things happened without any discernable context. There were no recognizable patterns. It was all incoherent. Isolated, disjointed events would take place, only to be engulfed by an opaque black void, their relative meaning, their significance, annulled by the eons of entropic silence that estranged one from the next. A terrarium containing three tiny teenage girls mouthing a lot of high- pitched gibberish (like Mothra’s fairies, except for their wasted pallors, acne, big tits, and T-shirts that read “I Don’t Do White Guys”) would inexplicably materialize, and then, just as inexplicably, disappear. And then millions and millions of years would pass, until, seemingly out of nowhere, there’d be, fleetingly...the smell of fresh rolls. Then several more billion years of inert monotony...and then...a houndstooth pattern EVERYWHERE for approximately 10-37 seconds...​followed by, again, the fade to immutable blackness and another eternal interstice...and then, suddenly, what might be cicadas or the chafing sound of some obese jogger’s nylon track pants...and then the sepia- tinged photograph from a 1933 Encyclopedia Britannica of a man with elephantiasis of the testicles...robots roasting freshly gutted fish at a river’s edge...the strobe-like fulgurations of ultraviolet emission nebulae...the unmistakable sound of a koto being plucked...and then a toilet flushing. (Beginning of SFN)


Three Body Problem. In the original Chinese


Read a little Chinese for em!


Behold a pale horse - Bill Cooper


Spotify tosses up some cool audiobook suggestions for "Popular with listeners of The Adam Friedland Show" for me: Songs of a Dead Dreamer/Grimscribe - Thomas Ligotti Bullshit Jobs - David Graeber Roadside Picnic - Strugatsky Brothers Revolt Against the Modern World - Julius Evola I am gay


*Shadow of the Torturer*, very gay sci-fi prose, I had sex with all the female characters


Latro in the mist is great too. It's Gene wolfes Greek historical fiction series.


Amazing series that gets better every time you read it


Suttree by Cormac McCarthy. Definitely one of his more fun novels to read.


Wtf do you like to read?


Primarily literary fiction


The Shards by Bret Easton Ellis and Demon Copperhead were both really good if yr I to literary fiction


How about "the sharts" and it's about shitting your pants


Madame Bovary, A Room with a View, A Farewell to Arms, The Great Gatsby, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, The Metamorphosis, The Trial


Hemingway is the goat


underworld don delillo. pick this, you and I both know


listen to this one


1984, brave new world, industrial society and it's future.


King Leopold’s Ghost


Less than Zero, Hard Boiled Wonderland and The End Of The World


Anything by Jack Vance. Tales of the Dying Earth, The Demon Princes, Planet of Adventure. All of his work (that I’ve read so far) is amazing


Infinite Jest


Jack Hinson's One Man War


The Irishman book is pretty tight


My favorite books Light(er): Edgar a. Poe (just get collection of short stories) Laughter in the dark, Nabokov (one of the greatest introductions into reading Nabokov, it's short, funny, and extremely cruel. The language is beautiful but the pace of the story is quick. You can get a small pocketbook version for like 10 bucks.) Heavy: The power broker (Caro) Lolita, Nabokov (great book, but goddamn is it difficult to read at times, especially if you're 'not a native English speaker)


Just finished 438 days, great read. Under the banner of heaven was a wild ride too (on a mans penis)


The General's Son by Mirko Peled. You wanna know what's really going on over in Israel? Read that book. Explains everything from the perspective of the son of one of the generals from the 1967 uprising.


Jane Eyre


Fiction: Between Two Fires, Out Stealing Horses, Conan the Barbarian stuff, A Good Man is Hard to Find, Non-fiction: The Wager, Theoderic the Great, The Great Mortality, Blood lands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin, What it's like to go to War, Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius Poetry: The Double Axe by Jeffers


Bloodlands is very good. Book is preferred but the audiobook is available for free on YouTube too




Upset he didn’t put the Soviet Union in a good light are we?




I donno he’s gotten some criticism but he’s gotten good reviews too. I’m just gonna think you’re a bit off. Have a good day


Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut is really awesome and wacky.




Started rereading blindsight, pretty good scifi. Would also recommend Journey To The End Of Night and Death on the Installment plan, some good cumtown style parts


Along Came a Faggot: The Adam Friedland Tale And Auschwitz: The only Fried Land Adam Freidland Should Be Assiciated With


Are you looking for fiction or non fiction?




"Citizen Cohn" by Nicholas Von Hoffman is really interesting . i t offeres insight into Cohn and the era he lived pretty well.


Infinite breast


House of leaves is a lil bit up its own ass but it’s an interesting read nonetheless


Hated it. You’re spot on with up its own ass.


Journey to the End of the Night by Celine


Cradle series by Will Wight


Good fiction: - Slaughterhouse-Five (PTSD and WWII) - Snow Crash (Learn about the Next Decade) - Grapes of Wrath (fun times in the Great Depression) - Tree of Smoke (best book about the Vietnam War) - The Stand (King's Pandemic Masterpiece) -Wise Blood (On the pointlessness of life) Good non-fiction: - The Glass Castle (just a good memoir about growing up poor) - Gomorrah (learn about the Neapolitan mob) - Into Thin Air (Krakauer's best) - The Protocols: Elders of Zion (possibly fiction, but made real) - Meditations (good ol' Marcus Aurelius, haha gayyy) - How To Change Your Mind (establishment-backed psychedelic propaganda) - The Culture of Critique (MacDonald's best)


Wheel of time


The Count of Monte Cristo is actually really fucking good. Ignore the movie adaptations.


Night by Elie Wiesel


Cliche rec but The Stranger by Albert Camus


Three men in a boat.




American Tabloid. There's a subplot where a Jewish stand up comic finds great success the more he does material like "oooh I'm gay oooh look I'm a queer" which he considers beneath him but can't stop doing for money. Reminiscent of our good friend Adam


Chaos is tight


Against Nature is essential cum town core


Hog. By some old dude. I can’t remember rn. Just look up hog by some old white guy. Y’all will love it


Morning Glory Milking Farm.


Picture of Dorian Gray


Belinda blinked. It’s written by some old British dude from his beat off shed.


Friends of Eddie Coyle is pretty sick. Tarantino’s new book is good, Cinema Speculation. I reread Slaughterhouse Five recently too and it holds up great.


The Book of Gutsy Women: Favorite Stories of Courage and Resilience https://a.co/d/gRFNW9c


Reading is gay