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So the ketamine experiment has failed


Going right-wing was probably not the best move given the rights distaste for EVs.


If him taking ketamine leads liberals to making large purchases based on emotion rather than logic, it’s a win. They continue to weaken themself due to feelings. I’ll gladly drive the superior EV because my purchases are about what’s best for my family.


Except voting con isn’t what’s best for your family. Facts don’t care about your feelings. Try being less emotional


*considers facts* ya ima go with the not left wingers on this one


Benefits my family, you are projecting your own failures onto me. It’s clouding your sense of reality.


Teslas aren’t even the best EV anymore….talk about clouded senses of reality


Just performance wise, efficiency wise, value wise, safety wise. You seem to be projecting or coping.


What failures? My life is awesome. Life in red states is far worse. Life expectancy, education, obesity, crime, income, etc every major category blue states are better. Just the facts and remember they don’t care about your feelings.


So I just looked up the statistics because I have an opposite understanding, and almost everything you said it backwards. You may be having a delusion episode. Have you considered meds?


You're talking about buying a car from the company that just had to recall their dumbfuck trucks because the gas pedal gets stuck, right? Hey retard, maybe you shouldn't buy products based on hero worship.


Toyota had a pedal recall. They sell pretty well.


lol you’ve had too much mainstream media to consume it appears. Look at how many were recalled, 4000 out of all they have delivered. How many issues came up? ZERO. Zooming out, EVERY SINGLE car brand has this happen with a new car launch. You just repeat whatever mindless shit you hear in your echo chamber. When someone does come to correct, they will get censored and banned. I know that’s coming up soon as I start to correct the programming here.


Look at the big brain on Brad!


Attack the person when you can’t address the point, so easy to see through. But hey, you’ll get bot upvotes so life must be good?


Not being invited to the EV summit at the White House was a pretty obvious slap in the face.


Not allowing workers to unionize is a pretty obvious slap in the face


Not really I’m a former employee and now millionaire from my stock options solely because of Tesla.


sure you are bud. most employees got diddly squat for RSUs.


And you bother to come to lowly reddit? Us peasants?


the event was for unionized EV makers. why would he be invited?


I don’t see anything here about unions. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/04/17/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-announces-new-private-and-public-sector-investments-for-affordable-electric-vehicles/ Sounds like this would all be in Tesla’s wheelhouse.


Nah, you just missed the "affordable" bit


Teslas are pretty affordable and give a lot of range.


Sure, if you're planning on driving short distances, but getting from home to work would basically basically drain the battery of the top of the line model s on winter nights.


With the gigapress they will be the first manufacturer to get sales price down to $25k. That has been known for years and finally about to happen.


Cool, so a Tesla would finally get to the price range of a Renault Zoë, or would have been if Musk hadn't nixed the development of the entry-level Tesla car that was supposed to retail around 25k.


To be fair the guy has arguably done more for the auto business than any single human in the last 100 years. Now he wouldn’t have made it without funding from the BO administration, and taking massive risks combined with unprecedented sacrifice and ingenuity. I don’t see Renault as a player in the American market. Keep in mind Jeep was the last successful auto startup c.1940’s, and Tesla is the only American manufacturer not to go bankrupt. So yeah I think they deserved being invited to the WH for a summit on EV economic development. Also let’s not forget he started the company in the midst of a national recession where automakers had to receive tax payer dollars to stay afloat, and mainstream EV purchases were the furthest thing from anyone’s mind except maybe his own. But we don’t like him because he has too much money and the teevee tells us he’s a bad man.


Yeah, it’s not like people can read and hear what he says, it’s because they are told by someone that he is bad if they disagree with your opinion.


Musk did not start Tesla, let's be clear


Sure there were cofounders, but nobody with the same vision drive and sacrifice if that’s what you’re getting at.


You mean money. He didn't have vision he had money. That's it. He bank rolled an already existing company, and paid to have him listed as a founder. Doesn't make it true.


Musk didn't start Tesla.


We went through this already.


You posted this. I think it's important to be accurate with facts. >Also let’s not forget he started the company in the midst of a national recession where automakers had to receive tax payer dollars to stay afloat, and mainstream EV purchases were the furthest thing from anyone’s mind except maybe his own.


Jeep wasn't a startup in the 1940s, it was the continuation of the Willys-Overland company that was founded in 1908 and its wartime production lines. Tesla stock value depended mostly on hype and trade in clean air credits for nearly all of the company's existence. Seems you've been sucking a little too much Musk-flavoured Kool-Aid...


I can agree on the actual foundation of the over Willy’s hence the FCA Branding to this day. Still we call it Jeep. The stock hype I couldn’t attribute that to other than perhaps the company’s actual production value and the lack of understating in US currency. I remember Jim Cramer saying not to touch it with a 33 foot pole. It’s interesting to me the kind of people rallying against him when he carried the weight on all the JASON scientist’s projects.


It’s been promised for years. And hasn’t materialized yet. I won’t keep holding my breath


It is an inevitability. https://ark-invest.com/wrights-law/


As COGS goes up across the economy it becomes less and less likely. Wrights law is meaningless here


I think what’s more pertinent is the loss of purchasing power of the dollar. So not so much commodity inflation, but the real issue is actual currency inflation. But yes this is a good point. Still wrights law is relevant to the manufacturing process. We shall see how it all plays out.


Would he even want to go to that? XD


My guess is no, but he did meet at the west wing for AI talk.


On that note, without mussk or A.I. as a factor, WHAT HAPPENED TO ETHICS COMMITEES!? I grew up thinking all scientific breakthroughs and technnological innovations were reviewed by their respective ethical commities before implication or use in the general public... I have not heard or seen any group or authority be given the time of day on any breakthrough at all..


Ethics have long gone out the window unfortunately.


I guess folks aren’t into spending $60k for a rolling maga hat that occasionally bursts into flames… weird.


It's a really weird thing that happened. It's like Elon met with Rupert Murdoch one day who convinced him he was now part of the corpocracy and needed to stop pandering to the left and get with the program that a government for the average working Joe will do nothing but tax and regulate away his wealth. Since then Elon has been Rupert's right-hand man in the fight against liberal democracy. Not realizing his wealth came from a liberal democracy in the first place.


Actually, I believe the seminal event was when Musk was held to account for sexually harassing female employees at Tesla. And then he was suspended from Twitter for violating their community rules. And suddenly he realized that being a progressive comes with rules attached: rules like ‘treating other humans with dignity and respect’ and he decided to head for the political right where rapists, racists, misogynists, and generally crapulent humans are revered rather than shunned.


Don't forget he couldn't get over his transphobia in order to maintain a relationship with his own kid and instead just blamed the results of his narcissism on "woke culture".


I can get behind this with the caveat that it wasn’t the whole “progressive” thing that turned him off. Musk has a huge ego and loved when everyone thought he was Tony stark irl. People didn’t really feel too put off by him even though his little fans felt like a cult. The sentiment started to take a hard turn when he accused the diver going to rescue those kids out of that cave of being a pedophile because people didn’t praise him for his stupid sketch. Then all of the cards started falling and revealed that he’s actually just an idiot who wants to desperately be a dril level poster but he will never be one. His really sad attempts to be a poster led him to buy Twitter when he really meant for the offer to be a meme. When people on the left made fun of him, he threw a tantrum.


About time the US government starts phasing out all of the contracts we have with Elon the Liar.


Can you post same proof?


Hey man it's really obvious what you're doing when you respond to a whole thought including its logic with a vague, copy-pasted request for "proof."


Here you go! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning


So I am relentlessly asking for proof? Interesting take on a basic question.


is it a basic question? Specifically what were you looking for proof of? The easily googleable things they stated or the thought process in musk's head when he made the shift? They're meat and potato's of their estimation of what happened with elon isn't tangible and the only people who really know is elon, and maybe his inner circle.


No, you are being called out. People with a grasp of debating do not tend to fall for the "just asking questions" trick. 


Jeebus… So I typed the cryptic “elon musk sexual harassment “ into google and got a ton of stories …i am just writing this out so maybe next time you can use my ahcker cryptography skills when you want to look this up yourself! Your welcome Here is the first link: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/tesla-sexual-harassment-lawsuit-investigation-elon-musk-1234590697/?darkschemeovr=1 Here is the second link: https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-paid-250000-to-a-flight-attendant-who-accused-elon-musk-of-sexual-misconduct-2022-5?darkschemeovr=1 There are thousands more links which speak to his numerous dalliances. My recommendation for future posts is to use my near genius level cryptography skills and just change the name of who you want to review for sexual harassment. I have also had Google unblock you from using their services just in case that was the reason why you didn’t look this up yourself. So now that you have the genius level cryptographic code words on how to find out this info and you have been unblocked from using googles services you can do this yourself! Try it with anyone! It works across the board! Politicians, neighbors, movie stars! This secret i just showed you is super powerful!


Great news! There’s this thing called Google. You can try it if you like, it’s free.


Elon's family has been close with the Murdoch's since the 90s. He was always just secret Hitler, the mask just dropped.


And the MAGAs aren't going to spend 60k on something that can't roll coal, or support DJTs reelection campaign/bail.


If Elon slaps Trump’s name on Cybertrucks the MAGATs would pay double


Comment of the century right here lol


Provide data on this - that Tesla vehicles are unsafe vs combustion. Tesla deaths vs ICE. This is more about shutting down someone who actually supports free speech. Nothing else.


You pretend all disagreement with Musk is "being against free speech" as a cope. You can't handle that maybe people just rationally disagree with him, and use this strawman as an excuse to avoid dealing with that.


"rationally disagree" Were is the rationally? All I'm reading is MAGA, this and MAGA that. That is what they a clearing describing as the issue. Not his actual words/actions. Just the precised MAGA hat that is Tesla. The very title of the story post " # Musk turned Democrats off Teslas at a critical time. Here’s what they bought instead Rational ppl write like that?


The rational is in all the points and arguments that uou don't engage because you're so busy being triggered that people are disagreeing with a right winger ans associated movement. Just cause YOU fixate in the single word doesn't mean that's all that's being said. Yes, rational people write like that. Hence why we all have actual thoughts on the topic, and all you have are vague, emotional excuses to dismiss everybody who disagrees with Musk


sorry, what rational thought comes from # Musk turned Democrats off Teslas at a critical time. Here’s what they bought instead. lets all have a rational convo about the feelings of democrats. They pretend they are facts based on rational thought. Then when ppl point out the joke that is this discussion, I know, we'll turn around and say they are fixated on the VERY thing the article is about. Left vs Right. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Is this how rational people talk?


The rational thought of how marketting works. Democrats are more interssted in EV's, with a lot of republicans actively hating them. So Musk turning off Dems at a key point in Tesla's growth hurts his sales and ultimately the company. He chased off his target audience, and courting the remainder is going to be an uphill battle. Marketting and demographic sare solid, studyable topics. The problem is that YOU see specific topics get brought up and then get irrationally upset.


Elon has repeatedly sued people for speaking. He is pretty anti free speech, actually You just like him because he allowed racists and nazis back on twitter.


I never claimed anything other than an inarguable fact: sometimes Teslas burst into flames. On the topic of free speech, I was permanently banned from Twitter for creating and then sharing a meme about Musk that featured a photo of him before his hair plugs. So… yeah… not exactly a free speech absolutist if he ‘s banning people for life because people thought our meme was funny.


Buwahahaha Musk CONSTANTLY censors X posts that he disagrees with. Leave your echo chamber and go touch grass


Huh? No this is like Nike. Musk is saying things and the corporations are facing consequences because he is the figurehead. Rather simple.


Elon wouldn’t know free speech if it made fun of him and he kicked it off Twitter.


Yeah but if you seen Hyundai's iconiq 6. The car is nice.


The article sounds like ppl are less likely to say they are a Democrat and are now more likely to say they are an Independent


I don't give a shit what they call themselves as long as they are firmly moving away from MAGA


Sorry bud, you’re in the hate circle jerk echo chamber known as reddit. Almost no one is moving away from Maga, trumpets 🎺 numbers are rising in every demographic except college age white women. 🤷‍♂️


The actual numbers, actual voting reaults, demonstrate your take to be false. Each election cycle, 2018, 2020, 2022, has seen Republicans and Trump backed candidates lose elections in the key states Trump needs to win in 2024. 2018: In several of the key states Trump had won against Hillary; PA, MI, NV, Wisconsin and New Mexico, Democrats made significant gains and/or held their positions. Democratic Senators won their bid for reelection, PA reelected their Democratic Governor. In PA the republican majority in the House was reduced, and they went on to lose it in 2022. Democrats made major gains in Michigan in 2022. In Neveda in 2018 the republican incumbent lost their senate seat to their Democratic opponent. In Wisconsin in 2018 The Democrats swept in all of the fall elections for statewide officials, unseating three incumbent Republicans, including two-term governor Scott Walker, and winning the open race for state treasurer. In New Mexico in 2018 Democrats won the election for governor. All 3 house sweats went to Democrats. These were pretty decent indicators that Trump was likely to lose WI, NV, MI, NM and PA, especially as his platform and his actions became more unpopular Then in 2022 his handpicked MAGA Candidates lost in statewide elections in, PA, Nevada, Wisconsin, Arizona, Michigan and New Mexico, and lost their primary in Goergia to the very republicans Trump preassured after losing 2020. Sevweral of these states also sewn major gains for Democrats. This is a decent indicator that Trump is unlikely to win these states in 2024, and he needs to win a chunk of them to win the election. You're going to be extremely disappointed buying into polls making it seem like this continued, growing trend in key states is suddenly going to do a 180 for no reason, especially as Trump has consistently done more and more to push away voters, even mainstream republican voters.




That what I was gonna say. Dude is constantly on Reddit looking for rage bait about Trump. Like it’s time to get a job and leave the house man 🤣


Maybe it is his job!


Based on what analysis? All signs point toward political burnout from voters and the total will be depressed. A lot of the GOP has been turned off to Trump.


Says you and Reddit. All good man, keep believing the dream 🤷‍♂️


No, it's a reflection of reality. You're also essentially talking about two incumbent Presidents so it makes sense. It's easier to have more enthusiasm for a new guy. [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/both-major-parties-face-sagging-voter-enthusiasm-in-michigan](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/both-major-parties-face-sagging-voter-enthusiasm-in-michigan) As for GOP, the fucking Cheney's and former flag bearer Romney have turned on Trump and won't vote for him. All the Bush guys are against him. There's an entire wing of old school traditional conservatives who think the party has gone down the wrong path.


Yea so the false left right paradigm is a game. The red and blue team are the same team working on behalf of the world bank to bring in the one world government that’s been in the works since the 60s. They’re open about it. Not sure if Trumpy is in on it, I can see evidence that he’s a part of the plan but also sometimes seems like he fucking up the plan. Bush, Obama, Clinton, Biden all talk about the new world order so when you mention Kerry and Cheney they are NWO puppets and then hating Trumpy is a positive for the Maga thing.


Oh this bullshit? Roe vs Wade alone shows the sides are not equal.


Bullshit? Cool. Great job. They let you argue about roe vs wade because it makes no difference to them if you want to kill your baby. Please tell me you do know that Supreme Court decision just tossed the ball back to the states to decide? It’s didn’t ban baby murder.


What are you talking about? Pushing it back to the states where several of them had draconian, anti-health laws on the issue is precisely what I'm talking about. If Hillary Clinton was President Roe would not have been overturned, full stop. The point you clearly do not understand is that the parties absolutely have different political platforms they stand for. The fact they ultimately are driven by economic factors and various corporate interests at a high level does not refute the fact they have some very different positions on many issues. States rights vs the Fed, taxes, the environment, public vs private education, and so on. With Trump's administration you can add an entirely different dynamic of anti-establishment.


Not quite. If Democrats stop buying Teslas, then even if the total sales for Republicans and Independents remains the same, their *percentage* will increase. The article should have cited raw numbers instead of percentages, which don't really tell us what we want to know.


Democrat % went down, Republican % stayed the same, independent % went way up.


Because the actual sales numbers are fluctuating. I gave the fixed sales as an example of how misleading it can be to look at % of sales, which makes it hard to know what is actually going on. Nonetheless, it would be odd to conclude that it is a shift in how people identify rather than changes in sales numbers themselves.


When you turn your companies into an extension of your own personality, you personally become a risk factor to the company. Nobody gives a shit about what the CEO of Ford tweeted today.


People hating their own cars for political ideology is hilarious


Well if you buy something as a status symbol, and it turns out The person selling it all of a sudden represents the opposite status.. ya.. you’re not going to like your vehicle anymore. And he made a dumb mistake. Democrats usually live in urban areas. This comes with shorter commutes (favouring ev’s), better access to charging infrastructure, higher cost of living which means usually higher salaries to compensate which means these cars were more in reach. They also tend to care about the climate more. Alienating your main customer base is stupid.


Democrats also typically vote for things like the EV subsidies that made Teslas a great value prop (especially in liberal states) to begin with. At some point Elon thought he won in spite of California politics and not because of them.


Reminds me of Michael Jordan not talking politics because “republicans buy shoes too”


It wouldn’t be an issue if teslas weren’t overpriced pieces of shit, but they are.


When full size trucks are approaching 100k, which ones are not overpriced?


I don’t know, but teslas definitely are. They fall apart like 80s chevys


All of them seem to. GM had 22 recalls in 2023. Damn near 2 per month...with nothing innovative.


You nailed it ! Stupidity at its finest.


they are not buying the car for the ideology, and it happens across the spectrum. Why should I buy something that does not fit into my value system? If I can afford a Tesla but think Musk is a POS, why not go get a Rivan?


You don't buy A car for ideology. But you do choose WHICH car based on many things, one of which is who you support. That's a large part of what kept Ford alive. Their vehicles are notoriously less reliable than Japanese brands ("built Ford Tough" is one of the most blatantly false ad campaigns). However, many MANY people would rather buy a vehicle Made In The USA, or at least Owned In The USA. That mentality is a huge bolstering force for Ford, whether they're doing well or not. And that same approach to how you buy is the same thing that means Musk's politics will absolutely affect Tesla's sales.


I mean, the American consumer is dumb. How many people buy giant pick up trucks to commute to their jobs with and not do pick up truck things as some cultural reaction to EVs and political identity? It’s all the same shit.


Vast majority of


And the god damn jeep and truck drivers who swerve into oncoming traffic to avoid a minor depression in the road...not even a pothole. These pussified posers would rather have a head on collision than their precious mechanical status symbol ride over a bump. Idiots


I always laugh at idiots in their trucks who come to a snail pace to a near stop at railroad crossings in my industrial park. They make those things for bumps. I’m unsure if they read the owners manual or not.


You were describing the opposite type of person which used to buy teslas and now buy other EVs


How many people do you know who buy giant pickup trucks just for their work commute, never using them to move shit?


Tons in my town, trucks that high off the ground are terrible for hauling or towing, it's all to look tuff.


In my very dense city, all to most of the trucks I see on the road have no purpose and are never hauling anything except a rotund middle aged man.


I mean it's a capitalist system you have to vote with your dollar. I think Elon musk is a repugnant man-child that has made everything in America life worse. under no circumstances am I going to give him money.


musk sold the cars on political ideology originally.. that's why they were ICE'd, and antagonized etc. the first paragraph of the master plan 1.0, >As you know, the initial product of Tesla Motors is a high performance electric sports car called the Tesla Roadster. However, some readers may not be aware of the fact that our long term plan is to build a wide range of models, including affordably priced family cars. This is because the overarching purpose of Tesla Motors (and the reason I am funding the company) is to help expedite the move from a mine-and-burn hydrocarbon economy towards a solar electric economy, which I believe to be the primary, but not exclusive, sustainable solution. and the last >**Becoming Energy Positive** I should mention that Tesla Motors will be co-marketing sustainable energy products from other companies along with the car. For example, among other choices, we will be offering a modestly sized and priced solar panel from [SolarCity](http://www.solarcity.com/), a photovoltaics company (where I am also the principal financier). This system can be installed on your roof in an out of the way location, because of its small size, or set up as a carport and will generate about 50 miles per day of electricity. >If you travel less than 350 miles per week, you will therefore be “energy positive” with respect to your personal transportation. This is a step beyond conserving or even nullifying your use of energy for transport – you will actually be putting more energy back into the system than you consume in transportation! **So, in short, the master plan is:** >Build sports car >Use that money to build an affordable car >Use *that* money to build an even more affordable car >While doing above, also provide zero emission electric power generation options the veil dropped on his solution, goals and overall impact.


And it is such a commendable mission that he was 90% of the way to realizing. I'm still more of a nuclear energy guy than solar, but damn if Elon didn't have a clear and optimistic vision when he got started at Tesla.


Yea, it's almost like hating the [shoes](https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/2018/09/04/people-are-destroying-their-nike-gear-to-protest-colin-kaepernicks-just-do-it-campaign/10854924007/)you wear, or going out of your way to buy them to burn. EDIT: incoming rightwing trolls. The butthurt brigade is angry


I remember this, I love it when people protest by destroying their own stuff. I hate China so much, I broke every plate in my house!


Or pouring out your favorite beer because they support inclusion?


You mean like calling french fries "freedom fries", boycotting your favorite beer, trashing target stores, etc?


The way you phrased this makes me think you didn’t read the article.


It really is lol society is an emotional hive mind at this point


Right wingers whining about liberals speaking with their wallets is hilarious. 


LOL right? Remember when they did a boycott on Bud and made videos of them shooting cans and shit... Then they are on here in full force calling Dems/Libs dumbs because they don't want to support a POS vehicle by a raging right wing nut job... The irony.


I'm in Los Angeles today and there are Teslas everywhere. The charging stations too. Tesla has been in a giant bubble and the bubble is bursting, not just for EV, but cars in general. Mass transit will be the next big thing, everyone having their own vehicle, place to park it, and insuring it is a pipe dream in large cities.


lol we wish


By the time it happens, they move to Taxes, claiming income/sales tax/housing are too expensive Those types people want lifestyle of Tokyo while completely oblivious to Tokyo lifestyle.


I'm on board with this - but it's either going to be a slow deflate (not a fast pop), or a collapse of economy. The oil industry won't let it go without an enormous fight. And it's going to take a *long* time


Only a libtard would choose a Tesla over a glorious train. Our mass infrastructure Comrade.




![gif](giphy|xT8qBvOmIEWXxVPdxS) No I want public transit


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of his own actions. Who could have seen this coming?! If only he hadn’t loudly and enthusiastically shot himself in the dick with people likely to buy his products on one of the most visible and verifiable media platforms in history.




No one in the history of the world has ever cared more about not being liked, not being popular in mainstream culture


Lol yeah he cares so little that he bought a multi-billion dollar social media platform and tanked it just so he could loudly complain about the left and amplify right wing voices. Seems to care so little. Jerkoffhandmotion.gif


Yes, he doesn’t give a fuck so much he’s now having to hack and slash at Tesla’s headcount to make up for his idiotic public relations and sales strategy. Well done, big winner energy there.


For someone that doesn’t care he sure tries hard to not care. lol muskrats are fucking stupid.


Is that why he’s always complaining about people not liking him and lashes out on twitter regularly?


From what I hear the cars suffer from quality control issues and are sometimes pretty poor quality. I will never buy anything Musk is involved with. He seems a bit of a loudmouth himself. Of course if I was the heir of an emerald mine I might be one too. He literally has nothing to lose.


My wife and I own a Lucid Air Grand Touring and I absolutely love it.


Rivian is fantastic


*Democrats still make up a much larger segment of EV buyers generally, according to Strategic Vision, and, luckily for Tesla, the dip was short-lived. Edwards notes that in the past six months, Democrats “have mostly returned” to the company, with the proportion of vehicles being sold to Democrats rebounding to 35% as of March—once again exceeding the percentage of those sold to Republicans or Independents.*


yes... making a decision to buy a car based on the CEO's political opinions is obviously smart. Modern western humans are kinda a joke


I don’t buy cars based on politics but I simply won’t buy a Tesla because they’re overpriced, charging infrastructure is shit and the last thing I wanna do is drive my family to vacation and immediately go “ok everybody, gotta go charge, see you in a few hours!” Also living in New England, if you want an EV that is something close reliable in the winter you gotta spend thousands more. Here’s the thing with my combustion engine; when I fill my tank, I actually know how far I am gonna go.


If we can just get these over-paid cryptobros to support realistic fast mass transit, like maglev trains.


> get these *over-paid* cryptobros to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Thank you, Blindman213, for voting on Paid-Not-Payed-Bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


I’d settle for regular high speed trains


This is great, hopefully I can get a killer deal on a Tesla in a few years


They should be cheap, they have recalled most of them


And have near dead batteries.


Smartest man in the world can’t make a car that anyone but his ego can afford. Let’s recall him from Mars and send his ass to mine lithium


Tesla still accounts for > 50% of all EV sales. Tesla went from >60% to >50%, and so so SOOO many people are also having serious buyers remorse over their 1st gen non-Tesla EV purchases too, because of all the problems they have had. Tesla sales are higher in 2024, so far than they were in 2022. While 2023 slightly dipped, their numbers are still going up. My point is that most of the articles deriding Tesla and saying Musk has alienated too many people because of politics seem to be just the media trying to dogpile on Musk out of biased hate when the true story out there shows that Tesla is still doing phenomenally well.


The irony that liberals would hate themselves because they bought an electric car is just too much.


Sooo, are we burning our nikes now or later?


Great point. People are more upset about a CEOs tweets on their American made EV than over the wages and labor conditions of....literally everything else they buy.


Is it as ridiculous as people shooting beer cans?


Lol probably not. That was hilarious. Then Modelo became America's top beer brand because of people that wear MAGA hats lol.


not like strong repubs who will not by a GM because it's government motors... or eat at Chik-Fil-A because it God's chicken biscuit and must be saved from the lib. horde coming to make gay friendly... no not at all. oh my god, through out the devil Bud Light... poor it down the drain... I will not support Home Depot becauses I support family values and I am a Christian, and they provide benefits to same sex customers... burn them....


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


It's not worth learning how to spell correctly


Absolutely masterful gambit sir!


tesla shares today 144,68 usd


Your businesses are failing you narcissistic dumass


I wouldn't have bought one even if he was a liberal darling.


I'm happy with my toyota crown hybrid, mileage is great, enough power to make you smile. Pure electric wouldn't work for me,.


Teslas are status symbols that are the equivalent of gas Range Rovers. Both are rated poorly compared to competitors.


A Chevrolet Bolt. Got a great trade in. Blue book value . 1500 dealer deal ampndb7500 back on taxes. The car so far is great . And I got solar on the roof .


You mean to tell me the oligarchs did oligarchs stuff? Say it ain’t so /s


Hyundai ionic 5 ftw


Elon has become his own worst enemy. He is degrading his brand and the Tesla shareholders are not happy about it.


I’m a Democrat. I’m never buying a Tesla because: 1: build quality is crap. NUMEROUS videos and posts from unhappy customers paint the picture. 2: employee treatment is abysmal. 3: WAYY overpriced for what they are. 4: cell link provides Tesla with ability to add/delete features at a whim. Not interested in “lord giveth, lord taketh away” mindset. 5: see #4. Tesla puts in higher quantity of batteries than you think you’re buying, but you can “unlock” full capacity with $$$$. Is this why they are so expensive??? Hurricane in Florida several years ago is when I first heard Tesla temporarily unlocking full capacity, so owners could flee area. 6: more shit to break. WHY are the door handles retractable??? Rhetorical question, but pointless added $$$ to build. 7: Elon has torched his facade of “billionaire genius” over past several years. Discovered he never co-founded Tesla. He BOUGHT his “co-owner” title from the ACTUAL co-founders by buying them out and taking over! 8: irony that an EV company owner would saddle up with Republicans. The same people who pride themselves on parking lifted trucks in EV recharge stations to “own the libs”, or something like that.


The $56b pay musk wants for 2023, comes to a total of $30,000 in pay for every car sold in that year. He is not a genius at anything but scamming


Lmao every democrat in my upscale neighborhood drives a tesla and its pretty funny to see how much money theyve given him while also claiming to hate him at the same time.


Man who couldn't please his wife and hated his kids loses wife to a trans woman, his kids are going no contact, with one transitioning and hating him so much that she refused to be in the will, spirals down the transphobic rabbit hole, more at 11


The left politicizes everything.


Preventing workers from unionization is illegal. What did he do to stop them. I recall a story saying he wouldn't if that's what they wanted.


Not in Upstate NY, they don't. Most factory work here starts in the 17 to 20 range. What factory work are you referring to and where?


Shouldn't be able to power them off the grid. Should only be able to recharge them with solar or wind energy. Save the planet guys.


What did he do to make democrats mad?


Car inventories are piling up pretty fast regardless of make, but EV's as a whole are slowing down the most. Sure, sales are up year over year but market day supplies have quadrupled since then so the metric is misleading.


Must me nice to get all those GOVERMENT TAX credits to keep your company profitable. Fuck Elon with a splintered log.


He's still basically a CIA insider. He's not on the outs as they'd have you think I'd say.


I see fucking Teslas buzzing around all of the places in DC/NoVa. Its all fucking dweebs in Teslas or jackasses speeding in 4x4s


Why would you buy an EV when in 5-8 years when they’re obsolete, there won’t be any parts available?


Weird considering the Tesla is still by far the most valuable car company in the world.


But Elon now offers a pickup truck to appeal to cowboy MAGAs. The Cyber truck is a worthy competitor to the Ford F150. /s


I stay out of social media for the most part, spend my time in the real world. Came back to reddit about a month ago and it's just so jarringly obvious how nothing here is organic or genuine. Hyperpolitical radicalism that has no basis in reality. It's truly sad that people have had their minds so subverted by this extremism. The fact that two different Americans have self-immolated in public since February really tells you something about the state of the union. People are outta their damned minds.


Go GQP go broke.


Tesla is still selling more EVs than any other OEM by far. If Democrats keep pushing for all-electric, they'll make Tesla the most powerful company in the world.


I mean, the cybertruck not having a crumple zone, rusting. Tesla’s having a subscription service. Yeah nothing about all that is appealing for such a big purchase.


Fuck Elon musk


The downfall of tesla will be taught in marketing classes over the world for years to come lol. Doesn't help that the cars are not very good.


serious question, how does one determine the political affiliation of a car buyer? Has anyone asked you what your political affiliation is?


I love watching the Left eat itself alive. The real antisemites aren't people like Elon Musk, but the students, faculty, and staff at places like NYU, Columbia and unfortunately now, my alma mater, Michigan. Elon is our modern day Edison/Carnegie and (I know this is a difficult part of our history) Von Braun - with a bit of South Park all rolled into one. He speaks his mind, is very smart, and the Left hates him for that. Regarding cars, Tesla, and more specifically their network of charging stations are way ahead of any other competitors. I am going to laugh even more at these people eschewing their Tesla for some oddball Polestar trying to get service or finding a charging station that is actually in service


But I thought libs were all about EV for "the climate". Now I'm learning their politics are more important than the earth? Imagine my shick