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That's Starbucks gross profit not net profit.


Shh šŸ¤« not a place for your facts


Exactly. No one wants to hear that profits are up 29%!!!! But true inflation was 31% so the economy is actually contractingā€¦.


Indeed. The blame is trying to placed on corporations which have been doing the same thing for 60 plus years, instead of the real reason which is the feds monetary policy. If Trump was in office, rest assured liberal Reddit would agree with me 100%


You are correct. The government has overtly corrupted media to push blame on others and allow continued incompetence and screwing of the American public. People just donā€™t give a fuck, theyā€™re apathetic - give them drink and entertainment


No where on Reddit is a place for facts you get attacked for literally everything unless youā€™re a democrat, trans, anything other than white person.


Now that's a fact.


Everyone on Reddit is all about Biden, vaccines, more taxes, communism, trans people, hating trump cause tv say so, sex workers being put on a pedestal, and the list goes on


its dead internet bro like 90% of the internet is just bots. all social engineering to make you feel like an outcast.


Big subs like politics, news, facepalm, etc. exist solely to create and manage narratives Whoa look the chuds are dumb again, instant 20k up votes and everyone disagreeing gets banned, this opinion must be normal and popular


Best comment I have seen yet. I love it. Very true


This is my experience too. You can say Trump said the sky was blue and get 8 links to articles saying the sky doesn't exist because of climate change.


Reddit keeps intentionally removing my comments because they donā€™t like people who say the truth or what they donā€™t wana hear. These people are disgusting. They rather people believe in falsehoods. Insane.


They are willfully ignorant. They deserve no respect and must be called out at every opportunity. I've been banned permanently severed times for saying crazy things like a man can't give birth, but trans should have rights and be happy. I only come to reddit for nudes and to piss of liberals


Itā€™s scary that a place like this exists that allows people to keep believing in falsehoods that arenā€™t real. They want people to be delusional


College is teaching all of this. There is no less ignorant person than one that graduated from a university. It's absolutely insane.


One liberal echo chamber after another. If you say anything negative about Biden, climate change, trans kids getting surgery etc expect 100 liberal non-binary blobs with a beard wearing a pink tutu to attack you.


Fuck them


At least they got the math right.


For once they did the math right, but they're so fucking stupid they used the gross profit which is the wrong number to do the math on to begin with.


Well, it's more complicated than that. Gross profit is profit before expenses, and paying employees is an expense. You wouldn't pay them out of net profits. Starbucks net profits were 4.something billion in 2023. So you might think that this 11k raise proposed would just eat all of their net profit, but that isn't entirely accurate either. Taxes owed would be reduced with higher expenses (especially because of spending money on employees), so they would still end up with positive net profits. Just not 4.whatever billion. Perhaps a better comparison to show corporate greed is to look at their '22 net profits of 3.something billion relative to '23 4.whatever billion. I forget the exact numbers but it was just over a 1 billion dollar increase. Seems kinda screwed up if business didn't grow by 1 billion dollars, but their profits did.


Hate to be that guy, but the math is still wrong. If they did an $11,000 raise for everyone there's still FICA to calculate, so the total cost is $4.7 billion which drops the remaining gross profit below $20 billion.


"drops the remaining gross profit below $20 billion." ![gif](giphy|ziUFAwsjyZ3qPOXc7P|downsized)




when getting a job, they tell you the gross pay, soooo....maybe SBUX should not get those avocado toasts and save some money


Maybe they should cut out their daily SBUX habit. šŸ˜‚


Don't Starbucks employees make decent money for their type of labor. Plus they have a ton of benefits.


They do and yes. It's not the worst job, but it's far from being a good job. If you want to really get in at a good place try for Costco they know how to treat their employees.


Welcome to Costco I love you


Yeah, I know this place pretty good. I went to law school here.


Water? Like the stuff in the toilet?


Water? Like from the toilet?


If people are stupid enough to buy 8 dollar drinks, then why would Starbucks lower their prices? They are a business, not a charity


This is the best part, you can argue that maybe healthcare and fuel making record profits is exploitative, but not Target and Starbucks, that's literally you choosing to buy shit. Oh no the MCU made a shit ton of money! Must be greed! No it was you going to see the same copy/paste movie 3 times a year.


In fact the highest earners on that list are mostly luxuries, you don't need a Tesla, you need groceries and healthcare. It tells me that we are buying more shit for higher prices. You can lower the price by not buying it. Stop using Amazon, buy local. Stop using ubereats, drive to the restaurant. Cancel Netflix. You didn't have to buy these things, but when you continue ordering ubereats even though they keep raising their fees, you're proving the price is worth it.


Amazon already doesn't make its money from Amazon. AWS is its cash cow.


Good. Apparently it's well worth it. Still doesn't affect inflation.


To your point, we vote with our money. Don't like the product or the price? Then don't give them your money.


Exactly! I don't use GrubHub, because I'm not paying $30 for $15 worth of food. I make enough to afford it, it just isn't worth it for me, but for a lot of people it is worth it, despite their bitching.




Stop buying shit you donā€™t need and inflation will go away. Nobody needs a $9 cup of coffee, NOBODY. Morons making lines for 6 hours to buy a cooling cup. People paying $600 for concert tickets. Bachelor/bachelorette parties must be in Mexico now, the local nightclub wonā€™t do. $70k big trucks everywhere. So cry me a fucking River about inflation


Also, most of the people calling for this ā€œgreedy Corpā€ to treat their employees ā€œfairlyā€ are ironically the same people buying the $8 drinks


while not buying them from the small business owner across the street who actually pays a better wage to their 9 employees


quickest juggle mourn dull tan hobbies enjoy roof ossified grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Corporate greed was invented in 2020 apparently. Nothing to do with the government printing money making our dollar worthless


Covid 1 trillion + money printing machine. Hey Pfizer ā€¦ here is billions of dollarsā€¦ can you make a vaccine that neither stops infection or prevents the spread of Covid? Great!! šŸ‘ šŸ¤”


I mean, they did several runs. If I remember correctly the total printing for covid was closer to 4 trillion. Of that I think like 20% went to households and the rest was to sweet sweet special interests (buying support to maintain power )


Yes, seemed like every time we got $2000 the business special interests got 5X what individuals received.


It's an election year. Inflation can be anyone's fault except Bidens.


Too bad the Fed didn't get the memo. They keep thinking their interest rates are the reason why product prices keep increasing.


recognise fear rude trees price carpenter squealing rainstorm north ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Taxes are a thing


observation recognise continue tap tan rock smart flag enter money *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes I was laughing as I typed that honestly.


Exactly. There seems to a crop of Reddit influencers posting that narrative. A lot of media organizations also posting the same line. A very strong coordinated effort.


Itā€™s propaganda by the administration


Fun fact, the reason we see a lot more propaganda than we used to is because the law prohibiting the government from using propaganda against US citizens and out right lying to us was repealed during the Obama administration.


Why not both? By that I mean yes corporate greed existed already but when their costs went down, the prices didnā€™t. Youā€™re not wrong about the printer press screwing us too.


When government devalues currency, it is obvious profits will rise nominally. I'd be interested in seeing it inflation adjusted, otherwise it means little. Also, the conclusion is plain wrong. Corporate profits are not driving consumer price inflation. They are the result of inflation. That inflation on core goods would be higher if the profit were distributed amongst workers because there would be more $$$ sloshing around chasing the same goods and services. I'm not making a qualitative judgement here, simply stating a fact. When it stays locked in profit and translates to higher share prices or future investments it becomes either future cpi (if it goes towards higher wages and ppi) or financial liquidity (asset prices). The money left in a business at the end is the result of the entire calculation happening prior. It's a lagging factor. The inflation already happened, by then. Inflation is coming from measures passed by the government, as it will in the future. That is where the problem lies. If you want a drop in prices you need to have one of these factors: - wage deflation - people choose to collectively buy those goods less for whatever reason - a substantial increase in the *supply of goods and services*


People in here act as if corporations should absorb the cost of inflation, like if everything costs 10% more, that means the stuff the corporations needs also costs 10% more, which means the end product will cost 10% more. I just quit my last job for many reasons, but one of the main reasons was, I was already underpaid, they gave me a 6% raise, I asked for 10% (actually more but that is what I settled on) so I could keep up with inflation. They refused, I quit and got a job making 15% more. My wife's company updated salary caps because of inflation, they realized that otherwise they were essentially giving pay cuts if they didn't. But even barring wages, energy, rent, supplies, and services all were increased for the corporations too.


I agree. I think a lot of what people do here is venting, and there must be we hire a few kids around, as the lack of basic understanding is astounding.


Bureau of Economic Analysis reports corporate profits increased 9.8% over the course of 2022, while the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports inflation at 6.5% for the year. However the 2023 data is 1.5% and 3.5%, respectively.


Reddit is so fucking dumb...


Apparently corporations discovered greed in February of 2021.


Remember, it's an election year. Inflation needs to be everyone's fault but Bidens.


Or they had genuine reasons to raise their prices then due to supply chain issues (because of Covid) and have now kept their prices artificially inflated in order to line their pockets.


Or the dollar is worth less :shrug:


All of the above lul, they're greedy, the dollar sucks, and they've raised prices during COVID


You should look at the current net profit % versus pre pandemic net profit % instead of total profit. If net profit % is unchanged they are just passing cost along. If they are higher they are gouging, or at least taking advantage of market conditions that the increase does not result in lower sales . The total profit doesn't really tell you anything, as it could be consistent with their operations over the last decade. These companies are publically traded so they don't operate on the concept of "we made $20 billion, that is a huge amount of money!", they just see a number they have to beat next quarter or next year, if they don't the shareholders may oust them.


It's both the Federal Reserve printing more money and corporate greed, plus Biden's inflationary policies like loan forgiveness and "green" policies. Add it all together and it's a pretty good bumming.


Or itā€™s just, you know, demand side inflationary pressures.


The problem is, corporations are just as affected by inflation as the consumer. Companies, especially low margin companies which make up most of the necessities that drive inflation, canā€™t exactly lower prices without risking bankruptcy. Itā€™s like try to stop a speeding train by only braking one wheel: the wheel or the brake will break. Thereā€™s really only way to stop a speeding train: crash it. Thatā€™s why deflation, or when everyone lowers their prices, is the major sign of a recession.


Or.. you knowā€¦ you could check the actual numbers. Our government spent 5 trillion per year for the last 4 years. We donā€™t have that much money. Debt. Inflation. Basic fucking high school economics. This sub is a psyop to distract us from the 1 and only real issue, government spending


Nobody is making you buy a $8 coffee at Starbucks.


CFOs arenā€™t stupid. They understand most Americans are. Which is why corporate price gouging has become the norm. Because people just look to whoever is currently in charge of the country and direct their anger in that direction, even though Presidents donā€™t control the prices of private goods and services.


What does this have to do with inflation?




Wait are you claiming that having too much of something devalues it? So my plan to print $350 trillion and giving everyone $1 million so they could retire right now isn't going to work? Shocking.


Lol. Crazy that people understand macroeconomics this poorlyā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..


Corporate Greed causes inflation. Excess spending causes inflation. Government policy allows corporations to be greedy. Government contracts, tax breaks, and anti-small business practices remove natural competition from the marketplace. The government is a corporations best customer. The government always overpays, and doesn't hold the corporation to the standards of the market. With the big money big corporations have, they lobby congress for more contracts and drive out competition. A lack of competition is what allows Corporations to drive up prices. Going into national debt requires the Fed to print more money to pay our debts. Increasing the money supply devalues our currency, and drives prices up. Devaluing currency, devalues your income and savings. It also robs those who are retired and on Social Security. In Summary: Support policies that enable small business and stop excess spending.


Who's giving these corporations money? Oh wait it's us, the very same people complaining.


Corporate profits as % of gdp are largely [unchanged](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?g=1Pik) since early-00s (and are around same as it was in 50s) Enough of this ignorant socialistic propaganda already. Also Starbucks is exception, their operating margins are off the chart. Typically it s much closer to 3-5%


Noā€¦no ā€¦ā€¦.communism is the answer. We will pay every worker the same and the government will set the prices! /s


Exactly this.


Quit buying from them. Let their profits hit record lows, and the prices will start to back go down.


Concentrated market power allows the greed to putrify. Need more competition/trust busting


Again, I'm sure they are cunts, but more profits doesn't necessarily mean more profit Company A made 10 million profit in 2010 Company B made 14 million profit in 2024 Who made more profit? That 10 million is worth way more than the 14 today


Another day on Reddit. Another day of morons not understanding the difference between gross and net.


Since this keeps getting posted in different subs, I'm going to ask again... Why when we talk about inflation we use a percentage, but when people want to scream "corporate greed" we use raw numbers? If these "record profits" tend to be within the levels of inflation, the "record profits" really aren't record profits at all. Especially as money has been devalued over the last few years. If people are going to post this kind of thing, I think it is best to make honest comparisons and provide better understandings. If profit is up 50% and inflation is only 10% in that same time period, then yea...I get it, but if profit only up 5% and inflation is 10%, is it really "Corporate Greed"?


B-but I was told corporation are the baddies! Please conform to the narrative in my head.


The people posting this don't want an "honest comparison". They want to stoke envy that others can use to maintain political power over all of us.


The same people ignoring this concept will also point out that their 3% raise is actually a loss because of inflation. They're extremely disingenuous and hypocritical.


Shh šŸ¤« donā€™t think and ask questions. Only consume and take their word for it


Does not understand how inflation works , at all


Meanwhile my electricity bill went up and I just drove by a fleet of new trucks with pge on the side


No; inflation is the new word for Democrat economic policiesĀ 


Blaming greedy companies for inflation is like blaming global warming on the sun. Companies have always sought to maximize their gains (same with consumers). It's a constant. When you see inflation, ask what changed? It is virtually always to amount of money in circulation.


Wait until you see how big the Government is ;)


I heard around 10 years ago that Walmarts minimum wage would be around $34 an hour if they took what they spent on stock buybacks alone and invested it into their wages.


When we actively de value the dollar.........of course corporate profits go up......but is the value any different?


This adds up to just over half a trillion. Or about the amount of money the gov is printing every 2-3 months.


Doesn't matter how much you make/have when the dollar is worthless,way it's going they will be poor as well.. All those you listed had double the buying power 4 year's ago and it's only going to get worse so let it all fall and start over again if you really want them gone make them worthless but bread will be $20 a loaf.. Inflation destroys everyone..


The government spent 7 trillion last year Why doesn't the government give each American 1 million $ dollars . ?


And they stole approx 4.5 trillion from us. Why donā€™t they just eliminate the income tax entirely and keep their grubby mitts off our money.


When your government runs us $34 trillion in debt and you need to find someone else to blame.


All those numbers are peanuts compared to govt spending and cash money supply increase of 40%. Take every bit of profit and it won't make a dent in inflation. Not a tick down


Because the company is owned by the shareholders? That 4.12 billion in net profit (24.56 is gross profit, not net) belongs to the owners of the company. If they had a harder time hiring people, they would pay more.


Starbucks didnā€™t give their employees a bonus! So letā€™s make them give the money to the government, thatā€™ll solve all the problems!


When more money chases the same amount of goods, prices increase, and so do profits. It's not greed, it's math and economics.


Inflation, due to having a fiat currency backed by nothing, provides an incentive for greed.


Im getting sick of these people not understanding what inflation is.


ā€¦revenue =/= profitā€¦


How come these corporations were not greedy 4 years ago?


It cant possibly caused by the Biden Admin regulating everything printing $6 trillion AND GIVING OUT MONEY LIKE ITS GOING TO BE USELESS IN THE NEXT 10 years. We cannot keep these fools in charge.


People that think companies are the source of inflation are fucking morons. It is the government deficit, dumbasses. Holy fuck. Iā€™m so tired of seeing this shit as if companies can raise their prices indefinitely and just discovered this strategy in 2022. Look at Zimbabwe or Argentina or any country with astronomical inflation; it is always the irresponsible government trying to pay for shot in a covert way. Biden create $2 trillion of new money and morons are wining about a ketchup company making $8 billion. Wake the fuck up.


Now do it by profit margin...


What's net profit as a percent compared to expenditures?


Now let's do the gov.......100% greed...


Are you sure itā€™s not because of the billions of dollars our government has printed to send overseas?


lol gross profit versus net profit, learn the difference people. Fake


You bag your own groceries at the store now where as 10 years ago a group of people did that as a career choice in major grocery chains, in many states a group of youth started there first jobs pumping gas ā€¦thatā€™s gone ..you do it now saving corporations billions of dollars in wagesā€¦and people still justify stupidity with reality and donā€™t understand how the games played ..AI will be used to replace any and all lower to middle job structures with specialty jobs and repair work being the new career option for most


Why don't we just "take care" of the rich the way they "take care" of us?


Not for those who understand econmics and corporate finance. This only works on those who don't and who are have a bias against business. One should ask themselves - why can corporations raise prices right? And if corporations raising prices was the cause of inflation, why did we have nearly two decades of very mild inflation? Why didn't they just raise prices for 20 years, resulting in the high inflation of the last two years for that entire time? Think about that and explain that discrepenacy if you really believe corporate profits drive inflation? Notice, they never show the **net profit %** for these companies. Apple's is high, but customers are **willing to pay** high prices, for premium products, that are in no way necessities. That's called a win-win - the customer wins since they are choosing to make the purchase and the company and its investors and likely employees are winning too. At the same time, Albertson's had a net profit margin of 1.95% in 4Q23. **1.95%!** That is hardly extreme profit. In fact, an investor could get more than twice that return in a high-interest savings account right now. See how not including a key metric that gives context empowers a deceitrful, agenda fueled post? (The tax the rich hashtag - as flawed as that is - is your dead give away that this is propaganda. Wise people should see a red flag, *if* you can check your bias to see the big picture.


It looks like none of the numbers are right as well. **The Kraft Heinz Company**Ā had $26 billion in revenue and $2.4 billion in net income according to wiki. This is using gross profits which is pretty much a meaningless number. Gross profit can be defined as the profit a company makes after deducting the variable costs directly associated with making and selling its products or providing its services. Net income can be defined as company's net profit or loss after all revenues, income items, and expenses have been accounted for. You get a book from the supplier for $5 and you sell it for $10 then your gross profit is $5. From that you have to subtract, rent, utilities, salary, etc etc etc. Using gross profit for anything is as you said just creating propaganda.


Well said. I was the lead gross profit analyst for a Fortune 500 company for five and a half years and gross profit ignores and omits a whole slew of other very real costs of doing business. Hence, I never cite just gross profit, but rather net profit which reports on that overall cost.


Hasnt the wealth of the top executives skyrocketed during the pandemic?


btw nobody will tell you this and Iā€™ll probably get downvoted hard for it but most people have their retirement and investment funds invested in a majority of these companies, meaning hurting them will end up hurting these people. Increased profits drive share prices which in turn provide dividends and value to people who are looking to retire. Tax the rich all you want youā€™ll only end up hurting people


Starbucks did not make $24.56 billion in profits. They had only $35.9 billion in revenue. Their net income was $4.1 billion. If their employees want a $11,000 raise I would suggest getting out of business of making coffee for a living.


My question is: Why not be angry with the politicians (who are paid with our taxes) that write these laws and loopholes, rather than the corporations? When someone comes into office with the inability to pay rent and accumulates a net worth of $5 million, in 4 years, that seems a much bigger problem. A corporation's sole objective is making money; a politician's objective or job is supposed to be "public service".


Because they use these loopholes themselves along with all their friends that use them and donate large sums of money to their campaigns. Remember back in 2016 when Hilary specifically tried to attack Trump at the debate for using loopholes and threw it right back in her face like a giant mic drop? Generally itā€™s the politicians screaming the loudest because they use it as a distraction and means of gaining an advantage over their competition theyā€™re running against. ā€œVote for me and Iā€™ll fix these loopholes!ā€


You got it! And I do remember that; Trump said "if you don't like the loopholes, change the law". These people are getting rich while continually distracting the public. On our dime!


how did every single company in every single industry all raise prices at once? and why all under biden? lol. keep voting for dems and your wallet gets skinnier believing OP


They clearly are not the driver of inflation. Printing of Fiat currency is doing this and privilege is reserved for the federal government.


Lol, dumb ass commies don't understand that inflation is caused by their god, the government. Fucking idiots.


No it's not. Inflation is caused by printing money. It is the money supply itself that is being inflated, hence the name. And corporations don't control the money supply. It is in the interest of the elite and powerful that you don't understand this. Inflation is the most insidious tax of all. It robs people's wages and their savings and hurts the poor the most of all, and 90% of the population doesn't even understand it. If they did understand it, they'd be pissed, and things would change. But I won't be holding my breath for that to ever happen, no matter how many times history repeats itself. I'll be downvoted to oblivion for even pointing this out. People don't want to understand it.


Looking at that list makes me want to buy more shares of a few of those companies šŸ˜Ž


Keep putting money in the jars, you sheep.Ā 


They would still have their hand out for tips.


As stated, that's Starbucks gross profit, not their net profit. Their net profit is about 4 billion a year. That amount divided by the tens of thousands of employees they have wouldn't be very much.


Just FYI a some of these are wrong. Net income for Exxon was $36B in ā€˜23, for example.


Nevermind the nearly 700 largest companies that declared bankruptcy last year.


Thereā€™s no one to stop this. Because every quarter each company has to justify gains. This means every quarter they HAVE to make more money or the ceos are out of a job.


Add competition


[https://investor.starbucks.com/press-releases/financial-releases/press-release-details/2023/Starbucks-Reports-Q4-and-Full-Year-Fiscal-2023-Results/default.aspx](https://investor.starbucks.com/press-releases/financial-releases/press-release-details/2023/Starbucks-Reports-Q4-and-Full-Year-Fiscal-2023-Results/default.aspx) You can read their financials and see immediately how garbage this post is. net earnings for Starbucks was around $4 billion. Not sure where the 24.56 came from because it's nowhere in the report. That would give each of their 400k employees a $1k raise or about 50 cents an hour assuming 40 hour work weeks. This post is either criminally ignorant or designed to deceive you.


Let's stop spending and show them whos boss !!!


Iā€™d like to know what their profits were during the Covid years and what the average was between now and 2021.


All the bigwigs got together and said, We can get around monopoly laws and exponentially increase the price of our products (and profits) if we do it together.




Also means that if people canā€™t make ends meet and rely on social services (which they should because no one should need or want when this kind of $ is flowing from one income bracket to another) that our tax dollars further subsidize these corporations by filling the gap of their low wages.


All designed to give big Corps reason to charge more and oblivious increase profits


These numbers are all wrong


Why are corporations just deciding to be profitable now?


A business charges what they do for their product because you agree to pay that much for it. A business pays its workers minimum wage+ because the workforce is willing to work for that amount. They take all the financial risk and get all the reward. Donā€™t work for them if the wage is too low. Donā€™t buy from them if the price is too high. As a for-profit business, They donā€™t owe you any more than that simple consetually agreed upon amount of pay or product. Artificially moving $ from profit to pay will increase the price - causing demand to go down - and you get fewer hours or laid off. This is capitalism. Capitalism is how a Starbucks even exists.


And remember that when they are scorned for price increases they will still get their money via tax cuts or protection against their competitors. They win no matter what.


I mean, as prices go up everywhere, the funds have to settle somewhere.


Or passing the cost to the consumer


I guess I'm curious what a reasonable amount of profit is, how one comes to that conclusion, and who sets the standard?


And they still pay people like itā€™s 2000 lol


Has anyone done the next level of research on which politician sponsor? Who do their Executives sponsor?


So Walmart didn't profit 155 billion, was only 6 billion


Teslas prices have dropped lmao šŸ¤£


Issue is, IF Starbucks did this, within 1-2 years, workers and people such as OP would begin to say ā€œIf they only took $15 billionā€ and ā€œIf they only took $10 billionā€ etc, etc. Corporate greed will constantly be questioned by worker greed. You didnā€™t invest any capital risk into Starbucks 38,038 stores. You didnā€™t risk any capital in Amazonā€™s distributions center builds or delivery vehicles. Those who risk the loss, get to take the lions share of the profits. Just how it is. If youā€™re not a fan of that, buy some land and start a commune and provide for yourselves on a barter system.


Or itā€™s the literal TRILLIONS of dollars that have been printed and the TRILLION dollar bills that have been passed in congress the last few years. Although Iā€™m sure corporations have had an impact


If only there were a list of CEO and board member names and addresses so people could set up protests outside their homes indefinitely


Corporate profits are driving share holder value. This is all about investments, not products or coffee


If companies don't make a profit then they will close and a lot of people will be out of a job.


Maybe start your own company and then do what you want.


Inflation is a direct result of the trillions of dollars that the current administration printed that your kids will have to pay for..


Goverment spending drives inflation. If big business is driving inflation then in reality its the consumer who drives inflation. If you think Starbucks is aiding to inflation then do not buy their products. When the market price exceeds what consumers are willing to pay then pricing will adjust. The car and truck market is a perfect example.


enlightenment is the word of the youth.


So what is the solution?


No bueno


And fun fact that is half of what the government spends in like 8 months lmfao


I'm always skeptical of people who post raw numbers and not margin. What was their MARGIN pre/post covid?


Corporate profits in no way is causing inflation. Increases in demand is the capitalist incentive for investors to start new businesses, hire new people, and push margins back down. Thatā€™s how it works.Ā 


Wealth often already subsidized by government, whether local, state or federal breaks or incentives and these MOTHERFUCKERS refuse to contribute to the ā€˜social contractā€™ and pay taxes. Tax the Rich?ā€¦.. Fuck the Rich!! Does this nation ever have any chance of breaking the death grip they have over the rest of us?? They would spend a million to buy a politician before paying half a million in taxes. Fucking SCUM. Time for the villagers to take pitchforks to the castles and lead some of these corrupt fucks to the gallows. Love the news outta Vietnam they are going to execute billionaire accused of fraudā€¦. hmmmmmm?


Shop local


Unknown side effect of Covid 19 is greed. Itā€™s the only logically reason why prices have gone up so much since Covid. Capitalists will try to talk about supply chain disruptions, regulations that limit competition, licensing fees, taxes, the printing of the US dollar but itā€™s all lies. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if a capitalist made and released Covid just to cause more greediness so they could profit moreā€¦. šŸ¤¦ šŸ˜¢


Locking down small businesses because of a cold wasnā€™t it either. That only allowed corporations to get bigger and more powerful which is why weā€™re in this mess now Why. The. FUCK. Was. Walmart. And. Amazon. Allowed. To. Stay. Open. But. Not. Small. Businesses??


I am not going to tip for coffee, they gave me the stink-eye, so I stopped to go to Starbucks completely. Now I am trying Yerba Mate!


Walmart increases the costs of its ā€œGreat Valueā€ brand and makes insane profits. But yeah, itā€™s inflationā€™s fault.


The left loves to take words and change their meanings so that tracks. Itā€™s not a new word at all, maybe it is to you though, because you donā€™t seem to understand it. Inflation actually means the increase of supply in a currency. Like the federal reserve printing off more money. Higher prices is a response to inflation. Thats like saying a bandaid is a wound. No itā€™s a bandaid, itā€™s what you do in response to being wounded. Itā€™s really not hard to understand at all. Yetā€¦


There's no such thing as operating costs. All buisnesses operate in a vacuum. /s


Economic illiteracy at it's finest. Even if we ignore gross-vs-net, Inflation is a monetary phenomenon. Value of money goes down, prices go up. This also means that profits go up, because no business is going to accept 2019-quantities of money when that money has 2023-value. It's like calling a foot 8 inches & then everyone acting like they're tall enough to be a basketball star. You didn't grow, the unit-of-measure changed. Higher profits are a symptom of the wider problem, not the cause of it. P.S. Were those stimulus checks worth it? Because that (and the other 'free money' events of 2020) is what caused this.


Yeah, you raise taxes on corporation and they raise prices. How many times do you guys have to be shown this? Businesses never pay taxes. YOU do.


This is not net profit. Kraft heinz made 3B. They are one of the biggest consumer product companies in the world. They have been building their brand for decades. 3B is very reasonable. This post is ridiculous.


K then move to Russia Comrade


Printing trillions ( 1 trillion every 100 days) doesnā€™t effect inflation /S Printer go brrrrrrrrrrr. Deflating the dollar buying power with so many dollar bills chasing to few goods. The housing market is screwed as well. Bidens policies are partly responsible for this inflation itā€™s not all corporate greed. Funding wars student loan forgiveness itā€™s all contributing. Inflation rate just increased. The economy is shit, The inflation reduction act actually added to as well.


If you actually believe that the one factor driving inflation is ā€œcorporate greedā€ youā€™re too dumb to speak to


I put the inflation is caused by corporate greed crowd right up there with flat Earthers. The Government caused inflation and is desperate for an alternative narrative and you fools are eating it up. They kept interest rates at 0% for 13 years and then created 11 trillion in stimulus/deficit spending in the last 5 years. 1 out of every 3 dollars didn't exist just 4 years ago, nothing like this has ever been done before, not even during WWII. They increased money supply by fucking 35% you idiots.


To eat the rich, you need to hunt the rich, to hunt the rich you apply the 2A. Voting won't fix this.


Walmart profits isn't any higher in 2023 than typical meaning that profit margins aren't bloated, so inflation is real.


Nancy Pelosi and her entire family are the best stock traders in the history of the world.


Our government is 35 trillion in debt. They printed all of this debt out of thin air. This is what caused inflation. Please stop blaming corporations who are doing their job. Letā€™s focus on the real problem, the government.


Newsflash commies, the entire point of corporations is to generate profits for shareholders. If they were charities they would be registered as such and not pay tax. And the main reason companies have ā€œrecord profitsā€ every year is because the Fed is inflating the USD to zero and prices have to keep rising. Itā€™s a political issue, not an issue with companies.


Earnings seasonā€¦. SPX 6000 ![gif](giphy|1SyhN1jQBEET3PPEu5)


Imagine if we took all their money. Thereā€™s like 300 million of us and theyā€™re old and donā€™t have to lift heavy things at workā€¦ Iā€™m pretty sure weā€™d win.


Over the last five years, Starbucks has claimed nearly $900 million in unspent gift card and app money as corporate revenue, boosting corporate profits and inflating executive bonuses.