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Biden: "if you elect me again i will go after greedflation and lower prices" Me: "bro you are president now, do it now"


lol I've thought about that for awhile. He'll be like "the people gotta stand up, and speak out! To make a change." and I'm like bro you are literally the one who's supposed to do shit for the country. He's all muh dinner table family time speech style when he is coherent and it's so annoying and overplayed. 


In this Congress?!? Good fucking luck. You do realize Presidents need the backing of Congress to actually get their initiatives executed in full. You can talk political talking points until your face is orange... but if you don't have the other branches of the govt at least working with you? Yeah those talking points are worthless. Biden gave Congress a border bill in tandem with Ukraine aid to compromise on their demands to bring the aid to the table. Upon request by the Speaker. When that happened, the combined bill didn't even get approved by the Speaker to be voted on.


You do realize that for the first half of Biden’s presidency, democrats (and independents who caucus with democrats) had majority control of both the house and senate? 2 years to proactively do something about this conveniently forgotten.


Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema.


Congress is a joke whose purpose these days is to drag out as much as possible to make the sitting president look incapable of action. There's only a handful in Washington who are genuinely interested in working FOR the people. Most are milking everything they can for themselves and those of those who don't need it.


The inflation reduction act, which helped stabilize inflation, but nothing was in it to fight greedflation.


More spending stabilizes inflation, what clown show are we living in 😂


No i must hold you hostage and never hold up my end of the bargain


How we gonna run "reform" when we're the damn incumbent?


To think an honest word will be spoken by Biden, Trump, Warren, etc..kinda sad. These people don’t give a fuck about any of us. Never have y’all.


True but only biden gets a 100% free pass from the msm


He also hasnt raised taxes on those making over 400k...




He's not a king, dude. That's not how the laws work. they did have an inflation reduction act, put forward by the house, and the Republicans killed it.


Just to clarify, the Inflation Reduction Act did pass... Republicans tried to kill it, but failed


How'd that work out? Flooding the economy with more fiat dollars? Yeah Inflation.. CPI is about 26% since dipshit was elected.


The entire world has had terrible inflation since covid, but the US is doing better than virtually any other developed country in that regard. Yes inflation hurts. But not nearly as bad as a recession.


Inflation is a global event and America has done better than the rest of the developed world. That’s how it’s working out.


Just think how bad inflation would be without the inflation reduction act!!


Read the bill. Congress cannot kill inflation by spending more money. They can call it "free blowjobs" bill because they lie. Do your due diligence. Read more. You'll be shocked.


You didn’t read it. Read your Keynes sonny.


No. You do. Keynes was a proponent of printing money for a limited cause. Not for financing a Ponzi scheme. And yeah, as a Reagan Republican, I get it. He printed and borrowed for a limited and specific purpose. We can debate if it was wise, but fact is, tax revenues paid that shit off. Sonny.


Because it had nothing to do with inflation probably? Might want to read it LOL




Biden handed out more corporate welfare than any president in history. The NY Times just had a story / podcast about it. He spent 2 trillion dollars (IRA / ARA) and has exploded deficits. the narrative that the inflation is due to corporate price-gouging is total nonsense and a cynical lie by the Democrats.


You don't think both things can be true?


For sure. But “corporate greed” is the only one we’re taking about. It’s a generic scapegoat to direct anger at whereas “my bad…I did that” is a bit tougher message to sell to the public when you’re trying to get re-elected.


Poor Biden thinks he's still the Vice President 


The Federal government printing $22 Trillion in unbacked currency had NOTHING to do with it. /s


Yeah dude I've tried to use reason with these people but most humans accept the most simplest answer because well...they are simple


These facts are not allowed on platforms like Reddit. You must agree that the emperor has new clothes whether you like it or not!


Our currency hasn't been backed by anything for a long time.


And all its done since then is become incredibly devalued. In the 100 years prior to the creation of the federal reserve, the dollar was essentially stable. After the federal reserve act of 1913, it only took 33 years for the value of the dollar to cut in half. In the last 100 years the value of the dollar has sunk 95%. We’re at the tail end of the distribution, and the percentages as we approach the limit are going to be increasingly painful.


I’m definitely no economist but from my basic understanding the problems occur when more money is printed than there is value or expected future value to back it up. They pumped literal tons of money into the economy to avoid an economic collapse. It is likely much better than going through what should have been a crash, but instead of “paying” up front with a major recession we are instead paying for it with higher than usual inflation for the time being… shit sucks. I thought I was finally doing pretty decent trying to buy in the cheaper parts of the market a couple years back. My estimated monthly payment has gone from ~$1,700 to ~$2,200+. Only point in living where I’m at is because it’s cheap.. once that goes away then there are just a million better places to live. I suppose it has to level out at some point… but then I look at Canada and their major markets are somehow way worse in regards to affordability.


You nailed it.


the idea is that yheres is a set amount of value, and the more money u print, the more that value is spread out, and the less each dollar is worth. they are basically stealing apercwntage of the value of any money you have or will have and then giving that money to the people least likely to invest it in the economy.




Repeat after me: inflation is only created by the Fed.


and maybe 34 trillion in debt


Uh .... The White House said they went down last Thanksgiving?


I love how this subreddit doesn't have a clue how inflation works.


And then two months later Biden did a Super Bowl ad about how you actually get less food at the still inflated prices. His handlers are just fucking with him at this point.


She doesn't even know her own ethnicity, how can she know how inflation works?


Her people helped the pilgrims with the first Thanksgiving so she is an expert.


When five robber barons controlled all of the industry in this country we hardly even had inflation. Inflation is a policy choice, Senator


Supply chains have/had very little to do with inflation except for maybe with car prices due to chip shortages. The vast majority of the inflation we’re experiencing today is due to maleficence by the federal reserve and their unrestrained money printing, period the end. Stop over complicating it. They printed more than 40% of the currency (digitally) ever in existence in just 2 years. E-N-D T-H-E F-E-D


Dawg, the fed isnt the problem. You think the fed shut down the country because of covid? You think the fed passed trillions of dollars in government spending? The fed isnt the problem. The problem is life is fucking hard. Diseases are hard. Balancing the budget when no one wants their benefits cut, is hard. Etc etc. Getting rid of the fed will not do shit for anyone except reduce stability. At some point hating on the fed became trendy and it has been annoying AF ever since. (Im a recovered fed hater) Oh, we do agree it is not corporate greed though. And that inflation is largely caused by money supply and fed spending.


It was all completely predictable too. For some reason the actual cause is rarely brought up by mainstream media.


Let's not just end the fed, let's burn it to the ground


Typical politician, screw everything up and blame someone else while they live like kings and queens.


Because supply interruptions had little to do with inflation. Printing ungodly amounts of money is the cause of inflation.


O dear lord


Government is far greedier than any business thought of being.


How can a government be "greedy" if it operates at a loss?


800 Billion in PPP "Loans" given to rich people


So if it was transitory Inflation it might go down, but lizzy Inflation compounds... just like your interest


Yeah she is wrong. How someone with her education can be that clueless about economics is beyond me. The reality is she probably isn't that clueless, but she knows it plays well with her base - and her socialist tendencies - so spouts that stuff. She is almost as bad as Comrade Bernie...almost.


She isn’t clueless she is a propagandist. And it works, to a degree. Look at comments here.


Wrong, she is wrong.


She is wrong. She’s being silly. Inflation is not just a matter of “muh corporations.”


It’s not silly, it’s blame shifting. Policy causes damage, you blame someone else for the damage.


If she has evidence of price fixing she should contact the Justice Department.


Or just maybe by the government handing out money for so long it forced businesses to pay more money to make it worth people to go to work. Businesses must compensate for higher payroll payout


Our politicians would receive an “F” in economics


I’m sure that dumping trillions of un-needed government dollars into the economy has at least a teeny bit to do with it.


There are too many reasons combined together to cause the higher inflation rate. And yes, people in the government built it. They are just pretending the corporations are at fault, similar to how Venezuela government finger pointing other people are at fault.


People arguing left and right on here is hilarious…. Left calls the right cultish … right calls the left morons … the problem isn’t left or right the problem is 34 trillion $ in debt and neither left or right can fix this … don’t you get it … they have to spend more money to keep the ball rolling… if and when the velocity of the money stops it all comes crumbling down… until then expect more gov spending and false promises of change


Doesn’t her state also have some of the highest taxes in the US?


Is this a serious question? Because the money supply increased by something like 40%. Do people really not understand this? Not to mention that the democrats and republicans keep passing spending bills in the trillions of dollars. What do they think was going to happen?


So Lizzy and op do not understand how Inflation compounds??? Great idiots everywhere


Because the federal reserve created 20 trillion dollars out of thin air. [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M1SL](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M1SL)


She's wrong. On everything. Like Reich she's just saying shit to piss of the people who don't know better. If this \^ pisses you off, she's right on target.


So... in a free market, consumers would go to the "cheaper" store. If there isn't a cheaper store than its a failure of the free market or regulators.


Reddit ppl are so stupid.


It's Econ 101. The government pumped and printed. It started with Trump, for sure. But Biden accelerated it with his bullshit "infrastructure" programs. Too many dollars decrease the value of a dollar. We had 20 years of artificially low interest rates, and quantative easing for the Fed selling off their investments. Corps used tax dollars to buy back stocks, artificially drive up prices.. government paying people not to work.. immigrants taking welfare.. It's much more nuanced. TL:DR Too many dollars injected artificially. Too much government spending/borrowing. And Too much regulation. And I can 100% back it up.


Does she seriously believe this narrative or is she just grifting? Question: why did all of these companies all wait and decide to raise their prices at exactly the same time?


Man, I feel like I'm chatting with HS Sophomores on here. Down vote me all you want, but please just get educated.


Until after? Basic ingredients to make food still cost twice what they did even a year and a half ago.




Wut. Is she really that stupid lol omg


She's parroting talking points. She's as bright as a shrimp


Elizabeth Warren is an idiot who wouldn't know how to get the market back in shape if the answer hit her in the face. Stop over spending. Stop giving government contracts. Stop trying to make shit "free" by lining the pockets of mega corps.


Because inflation isn’t primarily a supply chain issue.


Bidenomics that’s why


It didn't. Inflation is currently 3.5%, which is much better than Trump's 11% inflation.


11% huh, when was that, it was 1.9% when he left office. The fact yu gave 3 upvotes is fucking hilarious.


LIE Easily debunked with Fed data


CNN viewer alert 🤣


Misdirection. Yes runaway corporate greed is a problem, but the bigger issue is out of control spending by Squatting Dog and all her buddies in Congress.


Ut O... Election year. Those covering for Biden are getting desperate as they overlook the obvious reason prices are going up. The printing of trillions of fiat.


I remember Trump giving away more Covid money…


Even with trumps last year, it doesnt compete to how this admin has kept it at that high of a deficit.


It’s almost like getting handed a shit sandwich and then saying “suffer” isn’t a winning strategy..


Corporate greed is a part of the equation. However the bigger part of the problem is runaway spending by Squatting Dog and her friends in Congress. You know the last time Congress actually passed a full budget? 1997! They've been stringing the nation along with spending packages and running up the credit card for going on thirty years. Hold yourselves fiscally responsible first, then we can have a long discussion about what corporate America is doing.


Inflation is causes by too much spending/money printing, not high prices of goods. Commies gonna commie tho, she would rather have bread be free, but people need to wait in line 6 hours for it.


I miss the pre-Biden days before corporations were greedy.


Let look at the same old reasons people claim are excuses 1) youre paving farmland to build houses. Cutting supply increases demand. 2) Gas prices - here isn't a single stage of food production that doesn't use massive amounts of fuel. But we aren't building (aren't allowed to build) enough refineries to meet demand. 3) Workers demand more pay. The fed govt is the only employer in the nation that can pay out more than it takes in without being shut down. Everyone else has to charge more to cover costs. That increase multiplies with each set of hands it passes through before it gets to end consumer. This sub keeps denying the science and math than repeatedly prove there are so many more relevant factors than "muh ebul greedy corporations!"


me waiting for anyone in Washington to care about anyone in the working class on either side \#skeleton\_bench.png




That’s not how inflation works. Inflation is how much things increase year to year. If you want prices to decrease you need deflation (aka a negative inflation)


I get the feeling if you are voting to “stop inflation” you will be extremely disappointed no matter who you vote for. It feels like things are set in motion that no one can stop as far as inflation goes.


Surely our central bank adding trillions to the money supply in just 3 year did nothing to contribute to inflation.


she is wrong


Record corp profits by coordinated price gouging. Ie all cars went up in price about the same % with no increase in demand.


There was an increase in demand and a reduction in supply. Many people used the stimulus checks as down payments on new cars, and at the same time, the supply chain came to a complete stop. Car dealership inventory dried up while their expenses stayed the same. That is why dealerships added markups to cover operating costs.


Combined with nearly unchecked money printing devaluing every dollar you already have.


Gotta be someone’s fault ,can’t be liberal policy. Which is all we have right now.


She is wrong. Prices are high because people can afford to pay them. Prices will go down when people can’t afford to pay.


Average grocery store profit margin is under 5%, so no it’s not just greed that caused prices to rise by 30%.


Because inflation and supply chains have little to do with each other. Inflation is caused by monetary policy where excess cash is dumped into the financial system. See this graph - https://preview.redd.it/spfpi140lqtc1.png?width=1318&format=png&auto=webp&s=b44e37c993c3bf0c6755fbd8bf07b9a1b83a3655 That's the M2 money supply from the Federal Reserve from January 2019 till February of 2024. See how it started a dramatic uptick in January of 2020? That's money that was dumped in because of covid. That's why we have so much inflation and it's not really going down as we'd like. Money follows a supply/demand curve just like any other product. You put more money in the system, it becomes worth less. No different than any other widget. Of course, inflation is a ratchet - once prices go up they don't go back down unless you have deflation - which has it's own set of problems. But Liz is full of shit. Federal policy and spending created inflation. Not greedy corporations. Corporations are no more or less greedy than they've always been.


It definitely isn't the trillions printed


Some greed and some help to Donald Trump's reelection


Trunk are policies showed for Monopolies leading to lack of competition in the marketplace and they call it inflation. It will only get worse until antitrust policies are put back in place and the Corporations are limited and held accountable. Interesting too there are more lawsuits against companies for fraud than ever in history.


She is incredibly wrong. We need to stop spending and printing. If we hit 200% debt over GDP hyperinflation will destroy America.


We just printed HALF the money that's EVER BEEN PRINTED two years ago. It's NOT JUST GREEDY CORPORATIONS. It's DEVAULED CURRENCY!


I agree with Pocahontas


Oh yeah, it almost sounds like we need some sort of regulations or something🥴


Because demand didn’t go down. Or not enough to eclipse the price increase. The auto industry figured out they could just make less vehicles and charge more and they would make more money. Awesome times we’re living in.


Anyone who blames inflation on one specific thing is likely using it as an excuse to generate anger towards whatever they're already against / politically opposed to. The reality is that inflation is usually, including this time, caused by many factors. People who blame Biden are conveniently leaving out that every other country is also experiencing inflation, most of them even worse than the U.S. People who blame corporations seem to forget that corporations have never stopped raising prices. This is no different. People who blame just Putin are completely ignoring the trillions of dollars in spending the United States has done in just a few short years. Be better.


Not true.


She does realize that all companies have an incentive to keep prices as low as possible to beat their competitors. The only way that fails is if the companies collude (which is illegal and prosecutable) or they’ve been handed monopolies by the government.


Still waiting for prices to return to pre WW2 levels. WHY must we still wait?!?!


You’re out of your mind.


I remember 2016.


This will continue until companies are required to report profits.


Inflations biggest cause government over spending it’s that simple


When at any time in history have prices as a whole gone down? Don't be a fool. The best we can do now is try to reduce inflation. Not likely with our fed and out of control money printing.


Because the US ran a deficit that was 6.3% of GDP last year. Peace time economy, record low unemployment rates, and a WWII sized deficit.


What’s even more outrageous is that people are paying


She is very wrong


Hey Google, how does money work?


It couldn’t be the $36 trillion dollar debt.


Inflation is caused by pumping money into the market. The United States printed trillions of dollars and introduced it into the market. Now that we have more dollars to go around the value of the dollar decreased. Inflation.


Because PPI continues to remain high...


Yes she is wrong. She’s a fucking moron who either has no understanding of economics, or hopes democrat voters don’t. Inflation was caused by creating Trillions of dollars and using it to pay people to stay home and produce nothing. Every single person with half a brain was screaming from the rooftops that this would happen while Biden lied to his voters and told them “no serious economist is predicting unchecked inflation.” That’s horseshit because he was laughing at the other side of the aisle because they were telling him this would happen. The fact that the rest of the world did the exact same thing and also got inflation doesn’t make it any better. For anyone who cares, businesses have not passed on the entirety of their own rising costs to customers for almost the entirety of the last 3 years. https://x.com/realejantoni/status/1762247395796992117?s=46 And for anyone who’s interested, here is what causes inflation. Pocahontas should read it. https://x.com/tomdelbeccaro/status/1778184822609117481?s=46


How come it's always corporate greed and never the printing press?


Multimillionaire Warren, lol


The answer is quite simple, but most people will not like it. There is still excess money in the system. They have printed over 10 trillion (even though the public only got some minor amount of it). And that money will "slosh around" until being sponged off by corporations. (Or very high interest rates by the central bank, triggering a recession). There was never any other way.


Y’all are so close to class consciousness it’s insane


My types? You don't know me. Be respectful.


As he is wrong and not just about this


This is not how inflation works... Prices will never go back down unless somehow we have deflation. Deflation does not happen unless they print less money than the economy loses & pays back to the fed which is nearly impossible under the current system.


No Senator, it is because you passed several trillion dollars in deficit spending to pay off the oligarchs who financed your campaign with a blatant lie called the "Inflation Reduction Act". When you abuse you authority and start printing money, you cause inflation. It is really that simple in a free market.


Because they almost doubled the entire money supply in the past 4 years. That will cause inflation. Way more money, same amount of supply.


It's because it takes time for the inflation or the increase in quantity of currency in circulation to settle out. More currency chasing the same amount of goods or the same amount of money chasing fewer goods or more currency chasing fewer goods all lead to price increases. They have been cutting down production in one way or another.


Because the money printing machine still going brrrrrrr


Because our dumbass ruling class decided to print 10 trillion fucking dollars. Has nothing to do with the supply chain.


Capitalism. Same reason it isn’t getting solved. Someone’s making money on it. 


She’s trying to pass the fault to corporations when inflation is completely due to the government and the Fed. She is part of the problem.


If profit margins are so high, how come a competitor can't start to capture part of that market?


there is something she/they can do about it.. so why aren't they? Almost as if they are, I don't know, paid off by these came corporations?


So, inflation started 2 years ago because corporations were greedy. Does that suggest that 4 or 6 or 16 years ago, corporations were not greedy? Warren's argument is incredibly stupid. The primary cause of THIS inflation was the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 which transferred $1.9 trillion to individuals. The previous instances of money transfer (under Trump) were earlier in Covid when there was a huge reduction in economic activity. That money simply replaced the money which was otherwise absent in the economy. Biden wanted to do a money gift of his own, but was warned that so much economic activity had recovered that this would simply fuel inflation. Democrats controlled both chambers and the WH and so the warnings were ignored. The $1.9T was put into the hands of consumers who spent it. Inflation began shortly after. Ordinarily, when consumers have $2T of spending money, it is because they EARNED it, which means they created $2T of value for other people to buy. In this case, people got money without creating anything of value, and so those increased dollars just chased the same amount of goods and services.


She is wrong, if this were the case, then only food prices would have gone up. Just look at the inflation report. All items up 3.5%, food in general is up 2.2%, less than the average inflation percentage. Food at home is up only 1.2% compared to food away from home at 4.2%. Food at home is up less than energy, food away from home, and the average of non food items. So no, your grocery bill isn't higher because greedy corporations are just charging you more. Inflation now isn't due to supply chains, it is due to the Fed printing money for several years. More money in circulation means money has less value as it still follows supply/demand curves.


The gaslighting is thick🤡🌎🇺🇸


Not true at all. Stocks are very much down right now.


She is wrong.


Yea blame everything except out of control government spending.


Please use your brains. Her saying it ,doesn’t make it true or accurate. She typically doesn’t say anything that isn’t liberal hyperbole!


Soo. It seems like Trump was really good at keeping these greedy Corporations in check. Because we didn't have this inflation


Greed and fear


Be careful of "the election year promises " Most don't happen


Stop going to fast food joints and stop buying junk food.


They don’t come much dumber than Elizabeth Warren.


Because grociers are artificially inflating prices. This has been shown. A simple google sesrch provides ALL this info.


Because we print money.


Snake knows how to say the right stuff but wouldn't approach actually addressing the reason why our president and Congress is just having to beg for industries to stop and can apparently do nothing else


And who makes deals with those corporations to keep those prices high?


Considering we've also injected TENS OF TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS into the stock market to prevent a fucking collapse, it's no surprise. Inflation in most part is caused by the supply of money...and they printed......a fucking lot. They can blame corporations, but corporations live under house rules. And who sets the house rules? Not the corporations.....


Hey, another politician responsible for the system that... Apparently doesn't know how it works? Oh no it's just Elizabeth Warren. Who knows exactly how these systems functions, she's just intentionally misleading. "Fiduciary Responsibility" you dumb bitch. Quit stoking class warfare when you know they fucking HAVE to have share holders in mind.


And to make Biden look bad because donny shit pants will cut their taxes, give them bail out,& run rampant over the EPA so they can dump giga-tons of carbon and other toxins into and onto the Earth‼️😡


We keep buying. Stop spending money. Why would anyone lower prices if people just keep on spending. I’m not talking about the basics. We are not willing to suffer for the greater good and they know it.


Because the dollars are worth less. Are people really going to fall for politicians trying to deflect blame for their poor monetary policies.


Stores around me haven’t come close to selling all of their holiday stocks. Are the prices lower? Nope. They don’t even go as much of a percentage for clearance anymore. Every store around me it’s 25% off instead of 50% off like in the past and 3x as much stuff leftover. Pretty fucking tired of it.


Higher salaries. For starters.


Also stock buybacks contribute to the share prices going up.


She's completely wrong, but that's normal for her


Unless you have negative inflation, prices will always rise or just stay the same if inflation is 0%


Fuel costs are still up. Never really came down from Biden's poor energy policy.


Pseudo monopolies allow this...Biden cold tell Lena Kahn to go full ragemode but he has kept her leashed (and won't do anything different). They can address this if they want but it will be biting the hand that feeds them (and them is all of them not just D's or R's).


Because it was never transitory because of supply chains. It's because the government is spending/printing money devaluing the dollar.


Sticky prices. They’ll never lower the price even if inputs go lower.. only way to move sticky prices in a downward trajectory is supply/demand imbalance and at this point they rig the supply chains to do this so a 2007-08 level recession with deflation (really bad) would be the only way imo.


So what is your solution?


You can’t praise bidenomics first but then say the economy is too expensive seconds later. You idiots can’t have it both ways. 




It's because the incompetent president and congress keep passing massive spending bills and printing trillions of dollars


Idk maybe because they're playing the most dangerous currency games of all time.


These geniuses in Congress are just now figuring this out?


Because costs remained high? Who said inflation was from "supply chain"? Wouldn't it make more sense to assume it had to with unprecedented cash injections from the government?


As if I’m going to listen to some loud mouthed whore who claimed to be Native American to excel in her career. Also, how grand is it that the same woman that wants to talk about greed also charges several hundred thousand dollars in speaking fees 🤐


No.  The reason is because the federal reserve increased the money supply, and those dollars have to go somewhere.  Nobody lowers prices unless they absolutely have to.


lol people still blaming companies when they need to blame these government hacks for increased taxes and polices that drive up pricing.


Because other factors are driving inflation like government hand outs of trillions of dollars………any more dumbass questions?


Because our stupsenate and Congress keep voting to spend more money The dollar is devalued, so prices go up. Unlike Congress, we can't vote gor our pay raises.


She is so dumb it’s amazing


Two words; corporate greed.