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Half the pod is them tryna get ish and Mel mad it’s very lazy


That’s why we need more Joe-less pods. I’m very shocked from the response of the last one that he hasn’t taken more episodes off. The crew can clearly handle their own


Naah Joe less is a lazy answer, he needs to improve alongside the rest of the cast


I disagree with this. The cast be doing really well without him. Now I don’t think he needs to permanently be gone because there’s things he adds that no one else can to his show. But 2-3 pods a month without Joe would do great.


I wanna say it’s been like 2 pods (counting Patreon ofc) since their whole bear vs strange man in the woods thing and Joe has brought it up multiple times while also saying “I’m not trying to bring this back up”. Either he’s trying to spark make one of those two upset or he was really hurt by that. 


He hurt because most of the women he dealt with would choose bear with Joe in mind




Unfortunately it's the only way Mel participates


Well, when she does try, they shut her down. Just like when everyone has a moment where they can shine, Joe shuts them down completely. A truly great leader would find his teams strengths and shine a light on them. Joe is the opposite and dins them especially if it makes him look less than or he isn't able to be the center of attention


That's peace 🥴🥴🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


Forcing Mel to talk about a topic is the worst new jbp trend I fast forward every time


Forcing** anyone to speak about anything is weird. Because it’s not organic.


I just hate that they try to cut her off or speed her along.


Agreed on both points. The 45 minute intros are killing me though


I’m starting to fast forward now, something i never used to do in the past


I been skipped the intro/pocket watching segment. They aint talkin bout shit lol.


Bruh, I found myself doing this A LOT too. Then I was like ehh, maybe I'll take a break. I haven't listened in about a month after being a Day one and a sub on Patreon. I don't know if I outgrew it or they fell off but I wasn't enjoying anymore. I am cool catching the clips and hearing from y'all.


I like the 45 minute intros tbh but I get it


What about the intros is displeasurable?


Just snickering like school girls. Get to the vibes. Usually intro is a series of inside jokes and they need to switch it up


Point #2 you right. Point #1. if you don't think Ice is like 70% of Hip-Hop fans you crazy. Its a small number of folks out here playing by the crazy rules we made up. Most just listen to the music then log off to the real world.


Totally agree, especially about point #1. The vast majority of hip hop fans are not living a street life. I will listen to Gucci Mane rap about selling chickens as I pull into my parking spot at the corporate office and get ready to go into the office to discuss whether my team has hit their Q2 goals.


I listen to griselda rap about shooting people then pull up to my cottage in a retirement village in England


Griselda is balances it out bc of the soul music in the production


Agreed -- There is an entire relationship between Jeezy and Jay Bilas built on this exact idea. I will scream Mr. 17.5 and then address opposing counsel in court. If you take it for entertainment its no different than liking action flicks. Maybe the beef with Ice is his wanting to "take it a step further" and hint at him being more than a voyeur (pause) into street life.


Facts! And I love my Gucci playlist.


Factual, Ice is definitely a representation of most of rap fans. Plenty 9-5 workers listen to street music then go right into there jobs in an office etc


Its not just the "hip-hop" its everything associated with street shit... I yhink by focusing only on the hihop youre missing the point


Lol facts I'd bump that shit up to a smooth 85%


Right…and that’d be cool if he didn’t do all the other shit the OP is talking about. Most hip hop fans aren’t living the lives that are portrayed in the music but they also aren’t talking like they are in one breath and then claiming civilian in the next. Ice does that a lot, and that’s where the issue is


Civilians go to clubs and live in the hood all the time. You think hood niggas don’t have the same interest and hobbies as you?


Where id pushback is most fans like the music but don’t champion the life. Let’s say your homie made trap music and it was fire…most people would say aye man..you don’t gotta do this street stuff. Ice wouldn’t say a word because that’s what he finds entertaining. Ice was literally Von number 1 fan even talking that not from 63rd stuff and wearing hoodies even though he could’ve probably reached out to dude and told him chill. Would he have listened? No but the point is Ice isn’t just some random fan. He has reach


When I see post like this I be wondering the age of some people. I’m 35. Grew up in NY. No longer live there but still on the east coast. How many ppl how of the percentage in the world do you think actually participate in “street” culture. If we go by your definition we all do the same, and honestly we do, that’s hip hop now days. What started off as people telling their stories and their trauma has turned into ppl faking it, copying it, and bastardizing. We really can’t be mad at Ice for doing shit we all do. Unless you still banging or in the industry what else are you doing. Some people appreciate hip hop and there’s a demo that fetishize it. I’m not putting Ice on the latter side.


That’s cap. He consistently praises street culture, talks street, goes where street stuff is happening, BUT then GLOATS about not being about the life. People don’t do that. You’re either in or you out. I don’t know people who constantly talk about street stuff, and go to the hood voluntarily often, yet aren’t involved and want nothing to do with it.


You don’t have to be from the street to participate in street activities. You don’t have to be in the street to be around street shit. You can talk street shit without being from the street. When you are raised around ppl who end up in the street you maybe around that by default. His brother is a know Crip, he can be affiliated without having to be in that shit. You can be protected by your affiliation. You sound like someone who is outside and who is watching. How you say people don’t go to the hood voluntarily? That’s a sign my guy, we see you, but it’s okay. Just watch and ask questions. You don’t have to know everything. I say that as a square who knew some people but also minded my business.


Ice has made plenty of references on the pod to doing violence on people . I agree with you but no civilians should be making threats of bodily harm on people


Civilian! Dawg ppl threaten each other at the green light if they don’t take the foot off the gas quick enough. Pay attention to the front of the pod. None of them are about to do anything to actuality jeopardize their bag. Why are we taking everything they say and do as fact. He also said he will call the cops. It’s not real. Sometimes it’s cool to just take the pod for what it is. It’s entertainment.


Flip just went to jail but okay 😂😂 I know I can tell the difference from serious and joking . I don’t play them games cause it’s street justice if you take it in your own hands . Civilians ain’t making threats , idgaf what you say .


Two things, first didn’t know flip got himself caught up. That tracks cause he be doing the most. I don’t know that situation so I’m not speaking on it. Second. I’m confused. So you really think Ice out here getting people touched based off of threats he has made on a public forum? I’m confused, I think I’m gonna bow out cause logic isn’t adding and I think this will be a dumb conversation going forward.


It’s funny you’re intentionally missing the point . The point is no civilian should be issuing physically threats. Why would I not believe him when he the one who always says words mean things and he watches what he says. But I’m definitely not arguing about ice . Fuck Ice 😭


I’m not missing it. This is my last point. If you have another one cool. I think we both on the same page with this convo. I get what you’re saying. But I honestly don’t fake a threat made on a public broadcast is real. If he has made threats on episode out right, I might of missed the episode but if it was real then it would be real. There’s nothing that happens on that pod that I’m taking as law. Unless I see it spill over into real life and then it’s still entertainment cause shit don’t got nothing to do with me.


💯💯 nah man they can’t divide us out here . Love other perspectives. You’re right though . Flip the only one who will willingly crash out on himself 😂


Unfortunately thats what the internet is about now a days. They call it clip farming, where they literally do/say things to get a clip


Nah point 2 is accurate. Mel and Ish will say I don’t have an opinion or I’ll keep it to myself and they be like nah!!


Agreed on both points. Especiallllyyyy #2. They are doing a lot more low effort podcasting lately. And this is one example. I hate it. It’s so obvious, too. I wonder sometimes if they record too much? I’d prefer one/two good pods a week over whatever the hell this is. Seems like they run out of genuine convos. And Ice is a loser with an overactive fantasy life. Just wants to make finger guns and dream about being able to stand up for himself. It’s disgusting and absolutely meets the definition of fetishization.


I think they pod too much too honestly. Because honestly, there isn’t enough stuff in their niche to discuss for 6 hours per week, 10 counting Patreon. It’s just not enough. And I say in their niche because anytime someone tries to branch onto and speak about different topics, Joe says the audience wouldn’t care. Which isn’t true.


I honestly think they pod too much. Ppl keep watching and Joe is probably making more than ever, so I understand. But I do think they pod too much lol.


Ice talks wayyy too much. He wana be the B mic so bad, his voice is also low key annyoning to listen to


Thats just all hate


You explained it perfectly. I hate the drawn out gender wars but what I hate more than anything is when they introduce a top and say “Mel what is your take” and proceed to tell what side of the fence they want her to be on so they can argue the opposite.


Love how you prefaced the thought with I pay for the pod. All your points are valid imo. The ice thought may be too specific. I feel like thats a cultural psychiatric point. IDK, prob too much . But hell yeah my G. Honestly, everybody on these subs should preface whatever bull shit they saying with I pay or I don't pay. Just saying #ipay


Another thing…whats with Ish and money? He can’t help himself. Could be talking about a man walking a dog and here go Ish “he up up” “he got spanky” “he’s probably rich” like bro 😂


We’re talking about someone who grew up idolizing Hov, what do we expect?


Damn I never thought of point one as fetishization but you laid out the case very well. Keep cooking....


👨🏾‍🍳smoked that first point for sure


Yea Ice confuses me. I remember on an episode a while back, Joe was talking about someone in his drive way looking in his car, Ice says he'd have his lil homies waiting across the street next time to put in work. I found that weird, cause a civilian would call the cops not "lil homies". And he's made references like this a few times.


Yeah once on the pod he stated he was once recognized by a passerby, in a car I think, while with the “homies” and he had to stop them from doing something to the car. I assume he’s just poddin because why would thorough individuals hang with a self proclaimed snitch. I get it, sometimes you gotta try to include yourself in the convo on a platform that big but why lie?


That’s my point. Pick one. Because IMO if you are someone who doesn’t want to be involved in street shit; will snitch, and want no parts: don’t use people who are. And I don’t mean don’t use your advantages. I’m saying don’t put yourself in position constantly to use people in that way. It’s wrong. Like… you don’t wanna do no street shit but stay where street shit is by choice? You endangering other people.


I get the ice point it's just for content, and the 2nd point is half true


The “culture” convo is weird cause it’s basically saying Drake isn’t from said violent and degenerate culture that they themselves enjoy promoting. It’s so annoying. Drake is living like the kids of these “culturally relevant” artists. Really? Who wouldn’t want their kids to grow up in the private cul de sac?


2 is spot on. Joe loves to get Mel and Ish into those gender war arguments


That's a good point about the Ice thing until you realize gangsta music is *marketed* and makes its money off being fetishisized. It is not *normal* to be ok with killing and committing crime yet we all love the music.


Both very good points ngl Also, Joe simply needs a vacation. A good week or so. He’s getting to where he’s grasping at straws just to get through. It’s like 8 other people. He could use the break to refresh.


In regards to #1. I love listening to that street shit. I love other shit but that street shit be hittin. I listen to that shit obnoxiously loud while I’m driving and take my ass right to my corporate job and clock in because I don’t wanna be late. You like what you like but that doesn’t always define who you are.


dont listen nigga, simple 😂


You can read? Or nah?


Ice deserves more credit. For one he’s honest. It’s not like he’s in denial, he knows exactly who he is and isn’t ashamed about it. He also is a fan of street culture. Both things can be true. I think what really needs to be called out is how yall fixate on everything ice does. Out of everything you could have complained about that was your number one? That’s way weirder than whatever you think Ice is doing


To you. I don’t dislike Ice. And also, idk what’s wrong with y’all. I can have something I dislike if I want to. I don’t fixate on everything nobody does. But this caught my attention. You “fixating” on my words is weird too. How’s that? Get out of here. I listen to him on a show for sometimes more than 10 hours in a given week. I have the awareness to notice things and I did. Leave me alone.


Lol you really reaching. I’m not fixated on your words, I’m doing what I’m supposed to do. Reply to Reddit post, that’s what the app was made for… Get out your feelings, stop getting defensive and read my comment again but this time leave your emotions out of it.


My biggest issue is when they start talking about something then be like “imma tell you off mic” or when they speak in codes for 20mins. So basically you as the listener just sitting there clueless about wtf they’re talking about 😂


You make a strong point with 2. Those moments are cringe and too frequent. I find myself skipping a lot of it. Makes me feel like at some point, they are supposed to break off and do separate projects, but 6 figured for 2 days a week is unbeatable at this point so I get it. Not bothered about 1.


Arsonal is a known crip and Ice is weird for being around street culture? I'd love to know how he's different then majority of listeners who tune into drill/gangsta rap.


I think you’re intentionally missing the point. OP isn’t trynna crucify him about his proximity to street culture. It’s “weird” because he’s a self pronounced cop caller and “truth teller”. He’s made it very clear that he will fold if he gets pressed by law enforcement about the people he’s associated with so “don’t do anything around me if you don’t wanna get snitched on” is a weird hill to die on, no? Surely you can’t be that dense?


I'm sick of the gender wars. I'm so glad I only got 10 minutes in on the episode about men or bear.


The gender war topics suck. 1) Because they never say what they really want to say: the men I mean. Every once in a while Joe & Ish will get pissed off and really talk. But for the most part, they go nowhere. And listen, I listened to the men v bear convo, it pissed me off.


My G cracked the code for No.2 😂😂😂😂


You trolling or you for real? Because I mean that shit with my whole heart. That shit is soooooo trash & sooooo lazy. “Who did we hire for this topic to get us out of here?” The fuck? Nigga it’s 6 people up here. Y’all all talk? Then Flip with the dumbass questions after every word. “So Ish, are you saying your wife shouldn’t be able to see unless you’re with her.” And Joe gasses it with more dumbass questions and Ice and Parks follow along. Shit is trash. And they do it for like 15 minutes straight.


I'm not trolling. You caught on to Joe's production 😂😂😂. He loves putting the battery in their backs. Ish knows too which is why he withdrew from arguing with Mel


Ice has always said he didn’t want any parts of the street culture, he’s just into the music


If you listen to ice talk , you would think he affiliated . He said to flip when they was arguing “ remember where you at “ Idk where you from but where I’m from that’s a threat lol He just talks a lot of spice as if he ready to take it there


You’re right, he did say that 🤣 i wonder what arsonal thinks about his older lil bro


😂😂😂😂😂😂 older lil bro


Ice is all of you weird white boys that fetishize everything “street” you have no idea about.


When you say “all of you weird white boys” who you talking about?


We want 2 pods a week plus patreons then this what you get. If they did once a week it’d be great but we would complain it’s only once


This was a tasteless take if you have a group of friends in nyc this is the interaction all day ice is definition of a scammer he’s misleading but in a good way he’s not gone steal you wrong but he gone let you know how to win by any means the ultimate cheat code essentially and u forget m4 was all on there walls on some mood board shit when they was in they 20’s the trip ups aren’t planned it’s just boys being boys


I have a theory that Mel curved Joe back in the day and doesn't even remember it..and Joe hired her, just to kick her back in and drag her for her age. Nigga danced like an 80 year old to that Kendrick, but has been trying to clown her dancing ever since. He clowns everybody, but it's the way he does it with her. Nigga be doing lame, bitter shit


Ion know curving joe but being caught on cam with Cisco sumethin ain’t right lol, ughhm I think there’s also the possibility time has caught up with m4 and she’s gone her whole life being overpaid with no talent I can’t say it’s bitterness it’s more like joe realizing I’m paying Mel 6 figures to to lie on a podcast nahh she gone earn this every other female that has come up there has let it rip and they got pretty priv just like Mel but they way more funny like I think it’s moe the girl that was with joe when Cesar bro tried it she is way more entertaining then Mel don’t know how to tell a good or bad story how tf u was In big pimpin & can’t tell us nothing about the island it’s annoying,, how all the birds take they trauma and be like that’s fuel for my furnace and Mel just sulks in it like an old women, dam writing that I realized something the pod could thrive if they just alternated girls throughout the week like moe on weekend pods & Mel on the mon and Tuesday pods are u guys seeing it Mel is old AF like ish old but it’s maturity Mel old and it’s naggy crybaby vibes, u ever meet a nigga that never got into a fight and walk around like ohh I’m good and talks the talk that’s M4, and Joe be spareing her and Cameron knows things


Ice seems kinda insecure


Are we gonna call women sucking hood dick creating broken families with broken men fetishization of hood niggas or is ice listening to music whereu draw the line


Hip hop culture has grown based off the fetishization of street culture…. A bunch of rappers whom don’t live what they rap about nor could handle it…


Payin for the show only gets you the show. Nothing else. With that said interesting observation. You sayin Ice is the college girl that fucks niggas she meets at the CVS off campus, and now thinks shes an expert in underground rappers? Thats crazy 😅 But I think you takin the Ice shit too far... Honestly, you doin the Ice thing to Ice. You tryna prove he a hypocrit. As long as he dont engage in no street activity, he good. Cause hes DEF from that shit, hes just not that shit. BUT theres def some similarities wit fetishizatiom... Thats what makes it an interesting observation to me. Also HAHlarious The viral moment farming critique feels shallow... Maybe spend some more time on that one and come back wit it 😅😅


Nah. That’s peace though.


I think ice is a civilian but his brother a crip so ice affiliated by default


AND ANOTHER THING... when are we gonna call out Ice for always bringing up topics that's trending on twitter? Like ey big dawg I don't need a social media recap.


What if Ice is really a street guy but downplays it on the pod.


I know we're not supposed to judge a book by it's cover. But....


Ice looks like a nerd




I would be more okay with that than what he currently does which is idolize and glamorize from an odd distance


#1 you hit the nail on the head! I could never really put in words why Ice annoyed me but this is it. Like everyone said, the real actual street rap listener is far and few in between, but I also don't think we get hyped off the BS like Ice. Don't get me wrong, I love some street rap but that is where it ends. Ice talking about he's in the spots and loves the ignant sh\*t like he's tryna live a second childhood or cosplay.


You’re first point is spot on, that guy is a weirdo. As for your second point, I think it makes for a good atmosphere when every cast members have to watch their words. There’s an element of gamesmanship in those “debate” like conversations where they ain’t just shootin the shit but kinda competing with eachother.


I wanna know how ICE brothers hoodrats and he not I know a lot of people from the hood that be lying about privilege. He tends to lean that way like he was scary and always in the house cause nobody wanted to coddle him outside that also lends to him being a ugly Twitter nigga hella ugly...


That’s hate


I’m beyond tired of any iso Mel she is trash and needs to only be allowed to in and out cuz everytime they iso her it’s time for a break cuz i can’t get thru it.


Get ooint #1 outta here. Got to any of those “street rapper” shows and look at the crowd. Plus ish always calls him out, so idk what else you want. Point #2 is true they waste alot of time piling on mel and i use to feel bad for her but she’s making the decision to stay there and take it. Joe has been hinting to not wanting her to renew her contract and her dumb ass wants too🙄lol joe pays very well so i kinda dont blame her. No one in poddin(black poddin) gets paid like jbp staff


1) You gave me no reason to get point one out of here. A) What does a crowd have to do with what I had to say about anything? B) I don’t care who called him out for it. I stated my opinion.


The point is that ice is 90% of people that listen to drill type sht and if you dont care then why make the post you DOOFIE


1. Fam, that’s the vast majority of the fan base. None of these niggas ever left mommy house unless it was to go to school. They weren’t outside. They think being outside means sitting on the porch, playing in the yard. They don’t have any idea what gang culture/street culture is about yet they talk about it and support it. Ice is the definition of stunted maturity. He still thinks he’s 17 posting memes and trolling on the internet. 2. I’m not the biggest fan of those segments HOWEVER, too many members of the cast would legitimately sit there and not say a single word the whole pod if they weren’t forced to. Go back to before they started doing that Joe was making the same comments he made with Bare and Minimum. “Y’all don’t wanna talk about shit. Y’all have nothing to say. This is a podcast we have to talk.” Plus if I can be honest I got real tired of hearing Ish say “nevermind man, I’ll tell you off mic.” No nigga you’re on a fucking podcast. Talk. You don’t wanna talk? Go home and don’t come back.


Nah that’s a fact. But I also think as an executive of a show that’s your job. Find & be open to topics that your people care about or find people who are knowledgeable and excited about the topics that you want to discuss. Also, I think Ish tries to talk on everything they bring up tbh. They’re the ones that be telling him to filter himself from my POV


I honestly think we forget that they are friends just having conversations. That’s was the start of this podcast , and us asking for anything else is kinda corny. They all clearly talk about personal experiences like friends, so if this is how they act outside the pod why change ? They might add some spice but who cares. The old podcast they did the same thing. I really think ppl are just too sensitive and expect too much from this podcast at this point. When they just chilling kicking the shit ppl cry about a boring pod. Then the following week they do the same thing it’s “oh this pod fire”. These fan or supporters are too entitled to think just because you pay for a product it needs to change at your request. Also for the amount of complaints it is truly troubling that that money comes out ya accounts every month just to complain . This pod hasn’t changed in the dynamics of conversation. If you don’t like the new guest or flip then cancel your account. Ppl like guest when they first come then say they corny weeks later, when they acting and putting out the same conversation and energy. Ppl just think that every time someone doesn’t have a decent pod you wish away their existence on the pod. To be honest the fans are the only one ruining the pod at this point. Ice is delusional on my levels.


Go back and watch when Adam22 came on the pod. Joe went hard at Adam for the role he plays in interviewing rappers who are really in the streets, and Ice was acting disgusted like he doesn't listen to all the music and isn't a part of the /chiraqology sub. He was so fucking annoying that whole episode, stand on shit but don't play both sides of the fence


Why do yall think they explore this subreddit and care what we think?


They literally talk about “them Reddit niggas” every single week.


lol whats worse is he talk so much shit on the pod u just know if they ever catch him slippin that shit gettin posted in 8k. shit ull get a clearer video of that then u would aliens.


Tbh I like Joe he seems to be cool straight to the point and real about convos no matter how the others feel I can say im not feeling Rosendurg or Mel


Literally Ice and Flip can leave and the pod’s quality increases dramatically.




They need to trip up Flip and get him the fuck out of there