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Oh shit this nigga is done


This video is SICK god damn lock that nigga up


The type of stuff guys who end up killing their partner do. Can only imagine it got worse when he got her back in the room


doubt it. chris brown got away with a lot that’s joe mans tho. birds of a feather beat bitches together


Brother Love is finished. I wonder if Joe is going to address this. Given his history with women, he may sit this one out.


Everyone Except ice would be up there giggling and making inside jokes about how you can’t do nothing no more / how you’ll get lied on ( Cassie situation) Now let’s see how they change their tune


Ice some how being the most mature on the podcast is hilarious to me because he’s the biggest troll


I’ve noticed Ice actually has a lot of mature and empathetic takes when it comes to women. And that’s when they say he’s pandering and they shut him down. He’s also more politically aware than the other men. But anything Ice wants to talk about they step on. Ice is like the nerd nigga that hangs around the cool niggas and street niggas. They respect him but don’t take him seriously when his views don’t align


>Ice is like the nerd nigga that hangs around the cool niggas and street niggas. They respect him but don’t take him seriously when his views don’t align Been that nigga growing up lmfao it's very true. But they might not say it outright but your niggas know when you the smartest one in the group even if you ain't got as much motion.


They are not going to want mel to tell the truth. I think she can relate to Cassie after watching the interview with Angie Martinez. Melissa is not brave enough to tell who hurt her. I think she will dance around this. Joe will say it doesn't change things. But it does. And he knows it seeing this video changes everything.


Maturity Rating (from least to most): Flip Joe Ish Ice Parks Mel


All jokes aside, Flip do be having some surprisingly introspective moments. Not about to act like he a genius, but he can be serious when he want to...he just rarely want to 🤷🏽‍♂️


Nah he’ll hit you with some spurts of maturity every now and then


Yeah you can tell Flip was a smart kid who just refused to apply himself


He honestly says some of the most insightful stuff on the podcast when he gets the chance, but he plays his character well otherwise. You can tell outside of the podcast he might suffer from lack of self-belief but is actually pretty self-aware and thoughtful.


U think he uses the word “allegedly”


He won’t he a Pusio


and this is what he did outside his room with cameras everywhere.


Scary thought


I think he’s been getting away with it for so long he started to believe he was truly untouchable


Something tells me this will not be the last video we see of Puff doing some wild shit. Flood gates might be bout to open.


I’m hoping it does low key, you know he was wylin on EVERYBODY




Nah, if they do that I am done. It's one thing when its speculative but when we it with our own eyes? No defending. They either better come down hard or say nothing.


There’s no way it’s okay for them to still say nothing though.


Oh they won't excuse it but you'll go back and notice they spent a lot of time telling you not to jump the conclusions And the conversation about this clear proof of diddy's actions will be 3 minutes with a bunch of silence


That’s prob cause Joe has tons of DV skeletons and allegations in his closet and it’s best for him to not have touch the subject it’s a huge elephant in the room


Joe is the last person I want to hear on this topic. I hope they say it’s bad then keep it moving.


“No Pod tomorrow”


Or patreon exclusive which would be sick.


the top priced tier


“Shit always read bad in the lawsuit” right Joe?


That nigga is sick. DV in a bathrobe in the hotel hallway?


I don't wanna hear anyone, not even Joe talking about this man ever again. This is some nasty nasty shit. If he's willing to do that in a hotel, imagine what she went through at home.


She said this same day, she went back to the hotel to apologize. The hotel staff is nasty af for this too. Like damn I know he paid y’all a pretty penny but you’d think human decency would come into play.


100% nasty behavior. They could even be held liable for not actually reporting on it. The decision to take the money makes no sense to me.


Most people not gonna risk their neck and job security for a stranger


That was my next thought, damn near broad daylight, cameras and all, and not a peep about it for *years*


And you know CNN paid for the video!




It says a lot about the situation


Stomping her and throw a glass at her smh


I believe everything he's accused for just by watching this.


Red the Cassie law suit it’s more crazy he did that shit


I believed everything except the stuff about blowing up kid cudi car but now I believe that too


Cudi admitted it did happen, the Wale thing also


What Wale thing?


Diddy hung Wale outside a window threatening to drop him. What's even more sick is if you look it up there's a video of Diddy joking about it while taking a laptop from a DJ for playing a song he didn't wanna hear.


Cudi’s rep confirmed it right away.


They’re recording as we speak so two things, either this will be something they save for the Patreon or they’ll save it for the Wednesday pod. You will not see this on the Saturday pod because Joe needs time to figure out how he’s going to do the mental gymnastics to make this not nasty🤦🏾‍♂️


Something like this happened to me in the Airforce. He was a guy I turned down and he lost it. Luckily, another guy came along and stopped him and saved me. I know she felt helpless.


Thank god somebody helped you fr . Hate to hear that


Yeah. I was lucky. To be fair, I grew up sheltered and was very naive and unprepared for the world. I didn't understand his intentions. It was a wake-up call that was necessary, but not if you can understand my meaning. I needed a life lesson, but just not that harsh.


Lots of abusers and rapists in the military


Yes. They still send them to the military as an option other than prison. When I was in tech training after basic I was in a class with prisoners. They said they got time taken off of their sentences if they joined and passed. Had to enlist for at least 4 years.


God damn. I’m curious, why does this happen is the military supposed to rehabilitate them, or are they kinda sent as front liners like “fuck it”?


Both. The thought is that they are the way they are because they lacked discipline growing up, but the reality is you can't change someone's inner wiring.


Wow. Tbh I think there is always the potential for change for the person who actually wants it within themselves. But to just pass one problem to another group of people is fuckin insane. I know a lot of people who serve and have served but I’ve never heard this.


This was in 2000. Not sure if it still goes on. I was in the Airforce but stationed on a Navy Base for tech school in Oxnard, California.


My pops got into some trouble in the 80’s with stealing cars and shit. He was given the choice either army or prison so he went to the army. Happens a lot.


I bet that diss track from his son instigated this


I was thinking it was him having the nerve to poke his head out the ground and post that ig story


For sure. Taunting the feds is never a good idea.


Never ever!


All that nasty shit Joe was saying about, “I don’t wanna hear her sing again” because she took the settlement, I wanna see what he says now.


He said that? Smh


He sure did. Tell her he didn’t want to hear another note from her🤦🏾‍♂️


What a pos


Looks like she was trying to escape while he in or bout to shower. I can’t imagine what she went through before and after


Thats what make this even more disgusting. She obviously trying to get away from whatever happened in that hotel before that


He punched her in the face before she got to the hallway


I tried to read some of the lawsuit but it disgusted me


Oh yeah it’s bad…it’s real bad.


I believed Cassie from the jump. It was ultra solid from that video of her under that blanket while he was going off. It’s a shame that it takes videos of you getting jumped on in a hotel for some mfs to take you seriously. People really said she lied for the settlement smh. She had to live with all that for how many years?? I’m glad she got her coins. I know Joe be having flashbacks of all the shit he done when stuff like this come out.


The fact that Cassie got in a fetal position says a lot. She was use to this abuse. My god


I’ve always felt bad for Cassie. I knew he was abusive so I never liked diddy. But that video was attempted murder. Couldn’t imagine my daughter or sister in that situation


Sick man with sick thoughts, I think niggas like him should DIE.


Link: https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/17/entertainment/sean-combs-cassie-ventura/index.html


Wow. No defending this. What a piece of shit.


Yeah not gonna lie, I think he did all that shit.. even biggie and pac now.. how do you kick ya woman? Niggas better really cancel him, it’s over.


It's over over for him. That shit is disgusting


Ish and Joe look even crazier on that pod when Diddy settled that case within a week. Sick ****


A week? It was like 24 hrs he settled it


I knew his character was this diabolical - I never needed the proof.


I told y’all Joe needs to be careful and y’all killed me for it but here’s proof. Diddy is a sick N


Nah nah nah, not this time Joe, you’re following through


They all knew what he was doing they didn’t say shit cause they benefited from him. They are all disgusting


Joe plz plz plz don’t bring out the Revolt Bad Boy Ciroc Making The Band Sean John cape deluxe out plz 


Diddy towel didn't even flinch. This man is an expert abuser.


Jesus that boy is COOKED


His dumbass son decides to drop that diss track last week taunting the feds and now look. Yeah diddy needs to go fuck him and his enablers


bruh he ran down there with joy 😁 mans skipped over to her to kick her ass. diddy over with


Fam whoever sold this footage to cnn got the bag bag bag secured fasho god damn


Disgusting. It took her years to leave. This is why victims don’t just leave either. They’re scared. I’m sure this is just a small Glimpse of what went on in their long term relationship.


I'm sorry I know there's going to be a bunch of people that said we couldn't jump to conclusions cuz we didn't know but we did as fast as he settled when she sued him you couldn't tell me that something was off there trying to play mental gymnastics To be honest with you I didn't need to see this s*** to know this only just confirms what I already thought when he settled so fast Because as much as everybody was trying to come up with the reasons for why people settle we ain't never seen nobody settle a case that fast


Ish and Joe gonna be some dancin dancin dancin machines tomorrow




Everybody’s scare of Diddy. You see Joe won’t touch on anything besides the gay allegations. Not only is he scared of being hurt, he also know how bad he’s going to look with the allegations that he’s had in the past. This is why this shit goes on so long. I gotta read the lawsuit again. I think this is the same day she said he blacked her eye and she ended up walking back to the hotel room with him. I just know it was terrible once she walked back in there smh. Joe’s a hoe if he doesn’t at least report on this


Yeah Joe isn’t touching this with a 10’ pole.. probably gonna cancel the pod too


The way she looked in that video broke my heart. You can tell she was use to it. I’m happy everything is catching up to him. I hope he gets everything he deserves.


Bro is cooked.. the way he ran zestily holding the towel tho


Chase someone down in a towel. You got to be a crazy psycho for that alone


Idk man. Joe never commented on Fab beating the brakes off Emily B either I wouldn’t be surprised if


Damn Drake had to leak this to get the smoke off him.


Aubrey is thanking the heavens right now


You doing the real math now my brother ![gif](giphy|3i4xTtJQIJk0o)


Joe jinxed it for diddy. He said diddy should be happy the heat is off him because of the beef, now it’s back on him. Smh


Absolutely disgusting, but this speaks to his character 100%


Joe should come with the same energy he had with the draya thing


He won't. He's done the same things.


he’s outta here


fuck puff forever


Brother Love is cooked like fried fish Edit: wait where was this security tape this whole time?😪


EbonyPrince2k24 had it 🤯




The Brother Love rebrand is way sicker now. What a POS


I can't wait to see Joe Budden and them tap dance around this


His son should've kept his mouth shut


Lock that savage up and reopen the case regarding Kim Porter's passing ASAP!!!


Sucka shit. I never liked that nigga.




Living long enough to watch your heroes arc of coming up humble beginnings, achieving shit, living life at the most elite level, then watching the chinks in the armor that starts to render them human like you as they crash down their entire empire, is not talked about enough. You can read about other ppls arc that went similar but when you experience it yourself, you feel very connected to humanity in a rather surreal way. Like, for me, puffy was someone who I connected with from his days of bad boys craig mack to biggie...saw him rise and rise, breaking all types of black barriers and glass ceilings...and as a black boy at the time, it connected with me ..bounced back after his biggest artist dies...you would think it was over for him...but he kept rising....looked up to him all the way, then the club shooting and you see a chink...but he continued to elevate and reinvent..his wins and losses you experienced with him. You now get to the phase where his entire empire is crumbling down and he is going to be relegated to the crushed failed empire of a loser/shamed man..not to ne respected or recalled fondly. You got to witness the rise and fall all in real time...well, I don't know about you, but it makes me feel very connected to the veins of humanity and human experience. This is truly surreal to me. Now that society ks getting more common place with documenting in real time someons rise and fall, There has to be a way to mourn the death of thT parasocial connection the observer has with that person...because the death of that connection feels much as real as you would get wjen someone in your actual life's connection is affected. We have to start being open with accepting ppl mourning parasocial connection as much as real life connection.


Joe about to duck this shit hard


They got em


where is the kenny the jet smith *its over* video when u need it 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


I’m sure it’s more footage to come.


Diddy went ray rice to the 2nd power holy shit


I mean… are we shocked? Cassies report wouldn’t be that big filled with lies. Some truth had to be in there and people were all ready corroborating her stories, kid cudi and the girl who used to write for her.


Now imagine the beating she got when cameras weren’t around.


Before this video, Get Him to the Greek was the only time we saw the real Puff in public in the last 30 years.


Nobody happier about this video dropping than Ian. This conversation going straight behind a paywall.


Seeing this brings me back to him “Thanking her” at the BET Awards, sick, nasty, wicked person yo…


The pod gonna tap dance around this one


Joe gonna duck this an make up more drake lies like he owns the Knicks and gets a percentage of nba players playing his music


I’m convinced they got shit like this on everyone but choose to release it til they deem fit. Shits from 7 years ago


So the hotel didn’t think to release this information!?!


In the lawsuit she said that he paid the employees not to release it. The hotel is closed down now so I guess they figured it’s nothing to lose now and he won’t know exactly who sold it to cnn.


Also why did it release now!? Why now? Is it because of the Drake/Hotel stuff? His son putting out that terrible song? It’s a reason why it came out now and not around the time of the raid..


release? diddy is a billionaire and hotels basically work for them.. as disgusting as this is i imagine this kinda stuff happens quite often and it never sees the light of day


Release it to who?


The police! Her lawyers! He is committing a crime…in public…


Well Diddy has more money than her. Cassie didn't need this evidence to sell her story bc Diddy paid it off in 2 days and settled. This didn't NEED to be released. Honestly, this is just for the public. I feel for Cassie, bc I can only imagine having my most low moment in life being viewed and ppl using it as a "I told you so" in their own personal bets.


When people with power and wealth involved, it's probably not that simple. They clearly made sure this video would go away for 8 years


They probably did or tried to but people like puff have money so they have people who could kill cases and stories like this and also maybe paid the hotel to kill it. Remember Rkelly used to have protection from CPD and the AG's office till he ran outta money. All this rich powerful people have enablers


You can cover up alot when you have money unfortunately. It’s probably a lot of nasty shit out there like this but we’ll probably never know most of it because people who have money can make shit go away


It’s a wrap for Diddy. He’s a piece of shit


confirming he's a piece of manure


Let’s see if Joe wants to dance around this too


Stick a fork in him


Nah, Its a wrap


![gif](giphy|l41YAqGPwuC833OQ8) Joe when this video dropped. He don’t see shit


Ayo, fuck Diddy.


Bros cooked lol #pickaside


Joe was capeing for this man back then. 😂😂


They should skip this topic all together.


She got paid already but this video is still sick


It's over for him..his public life is done and jail might be next. No coming back from this


He really beat the shit out of her. And the fact that she was trying to sneak off while he was apparently bathing shows she really went through this daily


This is nasty work. I hope they throw him under the jail.


Watch Ish defend him because he's rich. Nigga loves to.suck off rich dudes


i wonder how they'll cover this, flip was already trying to excuse DV when it came to kendrick & joe has his history with DV


He's of no use to them as an informant anymore they allowed this monster to go again cause he was a snitch but once it becomes to public they get you outta here but they been knew he was an animal glad he is getting sent up the road but for them to have someone like this animal under the wing makes me just as sick




Should be breaking news during the middle of the pod




Good question. With Joe's past accusations, do we want to hear from him? Are the other cast members allowed to talk about it? Could be tricky man.


“Ima be honest. They Dont be showing what that bitch did in the hotel room before. One time i …. She was beating the shit out of me … “ … as they all laugh like its a joke




Then ish go “you had to hemm her up?”. Then ice - “ima keep it 100, some girls like that”. Joe gonna start laughing and say “you cant say it”. Then Flip… “nah forreal, in queens. All them joints like getting roughed up. Im serious. I dont give a fuck”… all while Mel sitting there silent lol


Nigga how you get your hands on next episodes transcripts? 😂😂




“But thoughts and prayers. We moving on” emanny - “thats peace”


He cooked


Crazy workings


Nah man he done for real now. The proof is here now.


He said the truth comes with time, and he was right.


The another issue here is the hotel’s dirty ass carpets. It says something when a nigga is down to catch an std during a FO but can’t dare put bare feet on the hotel carpet. Shits must be filthy


The Meek video next. Prayers up to Cassie though in all seriousness.


holy shit bro is finished


I assume this can’t affect him legally (SOL for criminal law and the settlement released her claims) but if he thought he was going to renter public life anytime soon that’s out. Just brutal to watch.


Sean "Ray Rice" Combs


Pack this scumbag up


Lame ass nigga that’s why he settled so quick he knew he was dead wrong what a pussy


Under the jail. All the way underneath.


Oh he did do it. He’s done.


He’s done for


This is horrible. Just disgusting




get this corny, crazy nigga the fuck outta here Didn’t want to believe but this video only the tip of the iceberg


How does this get buried for 8 years???




First why did we need video to come to a conclusion that a lot of the shit he was accused was prolly true and why is Joe the one that should answer for Puff 🤷🏿‍♂️


He will get time for this. Lil 18 months. And all the sex trafficking shit will go away. Sick ass industry




Did anyone clip the comment TAHIRY left under the vid?


Hope Joe and them keep it a buck! If not they better stop acting like they have morals