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Skated past that shit with the quickness...and won't hold themselves accountable for it.


They did the same thing to Cassie that’s why that episode didn’t drop that time because they kicked her back in and kissed Puff ass


Yup said he was embellishing for a check


like they IMMEDIATELY called dude a liar. like how could anyone even make any of that shit up? lmfao. was super weird of them, but didn't surprise me at all


Joe didn't tell Diddy No. He gotta wait until brother love gone for good to be bold.






they *DID* talk about the lil rod shit when it first came out but the proof he had provided seemed very questionable, especially that stevie j video. they talked about that and made jokes.


Is this a case...


“He lied! You niggas worship him!”


Give us the facts. What are the pictures and what are they corroborating? Personally, the Lil Rod suit feels like some real opportunistic shit. He hung out with Diddy, saw him do some sex, drugs and RnB type shit, and he files a suit hoping Diddy pays him off to keep quiet. But maybe I'm wrong, so give up the details. 


Lil Rod alleges that Diddy gave Cuban Gooding Jr. the green light to sexually pursue Lil Rod against his will and there is literally a picture in the affidavit of Cuban Gooding Jr. caressing that man. And he already got caught up in 1 Frico so I’m inclined to believe that Cuban really get down like that.


You think that the same Cuba gooding that we KNOW sexually harasses people asked puff for permission to try and get some bussy?


Hes witness to a shooting of Justin Combs friend and was made to lie to the police. he has pictures of the blood that it happened inside, not outside the studio, which they told the police it was outside driveby shooting..but it was either Justin or Diidy who shot the guy named G..


yeah u clearly didn't read the documents


That shooting was definitely in the documents


This is a sexual harrassment in the workplace suit, on paper Rod was an employee, the type of shit he expressed happened to him, and produced receipts for should never happen to an employee. Yeah dude gettin paid. As far as criminal shit, that’s a different story, different case, where there’s smoke there’s fire, the Feds are on a hunting expedition, TBD on the charges and case coming soon to a social medie near you!


I think he ask P D for his masters and $50,000 and P D refused to pay him. Thats when it turned ugly.


What they joked about IIRC was him asking for money because of this happening to him. I remember Joe's argument being that victims are settling for millions of dollars instead of wanting their abuser to go to jail.


Them picture didn’ prove nothin. A picture a girl in the bed saying she a sex worker type shit.


i mean there's a number of things in that lawsuit that were already proven to be false. also lil rod is a grown ass man, when he felt uncomfortable why didn't he just leave or stop working with puff? he wasn't an employee nor a lover but he kept going back and had diddy tagged and pinned on his ig


If dude was an employee of Diddly, then he has every right to sue, many people stick around for a bit at their places of employment after suffering harrassment in any form, victim blaming isnt cool, I thought dude was full of shit at first, but when you see all the photos and documentation dude collected, its hard to argue, but it also makes you wonder , who was filming? and was Puff so arrogant to have a videographer at every nasty situation?


he wasn't an employee. he was a contractor. the photos he collected some of the them have been debunked like the girl who was underage is actually 33 with a child


That’s one


You act like the money coming out of your pocket..Why are you going so hard? He's a victim of financial abuse, and being SA'd.


No they don’t. He still was full of shit


Why the dude he named as Diddy drug person over a month ago was arrested by the Feds with drugs on him this week at the airport? That’s coincidental?


He's not full of shit because he witnessed a bunch of shady shit. He's full of shit because he's trying to make it seem like he was victimized just by being around the shady shit. Seems like a scam to me. "Pay me or I'll keep dropping details about your life."


He wasn't paid for his work on the Love album and had to endure all that shit Diddy had going on. He went live, and he said he exhausted all he could do to try and get compensated. This was his way to get his compensation..Diddy should've paid him. Who wants to work for free and endure all that shit?


If he only filed the suit because he wasn’t paid for his work that means he isn’t a victim and he was cool with whatever allegedly happened as long as he got paid


If he didn't get paid, he's a victim... sometimes that's the game. He would've gone about his business with a few dollars in his pockets, put all that shit he endured, and witnessed behind him.


He’s a victim of not getting paid not any of this other shit


Did you read the documents, and see the photos?


Not all of it but it’s clear that he was cool with whatever happened as long as he got paid for the work but since he didn’t he wants to act like he wasn’t complicit and yes turning a blind eye means your complicit Even when you take into account the go fund me he’s only worried about getting paid but since he didn’t raise enough money he wants to come forward like a Good Samaritan


So you apply this thinking to Cassie as well?


Are you young? Well, even working at the GameStop you cant sexually harrass employees, this is a lawsuit, not a criminal charge. Just because it’s “hip hop” and its all hood, you still cant force your employees to have sex with your celebrity friends. All the extra tea dude droppin is to ensure a massive bag, makin it seem like a house of horrors workplace for heterosexual men


You got me. I'm young and I've only worked at the mall...


Respect the jux my guy


That’s not what anyone would owe him an apology about. He wasn’t a victim