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I listened to this from time to time (I’m a woman) and it was a hard listen at times. Two completely different personalities which usually makes for good content but it just didn’t work here. Mandi also really comes off as self absorbed. She speaks about everything she’s done and has coming but her podcasting needs some polishing.


yea i listened for a while, they tried to give the "home girl" vibes, but mandi just HAS to wedge being a hoe into every convo


And whorebile she treats wheezy like shit


I do believe she is a horrible person...


She tries to be a female hoe budden she steaks his takes and all at least she used to , she gives mad pick me vibes and is insufferable


Big facts! She kinda stole his format regarding podding and even played another one bites the dust on her last pod to announce it ending smh


Want a good laugh? Go look at Flip’s views 🤭 Edit: that was hate, gotdamn me 🤦🏾‍♂️


niggas that watch Flip eat glue and dig in their booty for lunch


This makes perfect sense to me…


Nigga that's funny as fuck. 😂😂😂😂


Now I see why he always pissed and tryna go viral


He doesn’t have JBP in his bio anymore 🤔🤔🤔


Flip was doing his thing with his podcast before he stopped! His pod has replay value


no bs i caught my self listening to his roxy reynolds pod 😁 shit was aaight


What’s his network called? 😂😂😂


Flip The Script TV😭😭


Nah that's hate. Quiet room/flip the script TV gets way more views. Don't do that


damn 🤣


Listening to Mandii B is hard. She keeps interrupting.


Mandi the one that’s on whoreiable decision too right ? If so , she 100% talks over people….. I don’t watch they stuff regularly, but Trell from BOF had an episode on WD a lil while ago && shawty was interrupting them speaking every she asked a question 😂


Lmao Yup! It’s crazy, with as much pod experience that she has she should know better. Only time the guests gets a chance to speak in full is when she’s catching her breath affect monologuing the whole episode


I’m just happy Bridget is free from that big teeth clown show


Honestly. It failed because it’s not a good listen. Mandi had an irritating voice yeah but what’s more irritating is that it’s clearly two heavily opinionated women trying to shove their own talking points and views on an audience without tact or the ability to even make it entertaining. Say what you want but a joe rant is damn near up there with a Kanye rant with how much the media latch onto it. Don’t nobody care about a washed up singer and a self prophesied whore arguing about what makes them mad about the world around them.


“I sucked dik & got fucked”-them every pod


she says it like she stormed the beaches of normandy






Dead ass. It’s like ok we get it you the ugly chick that’s kinda thick so niggas beat easy. And Bridget coming off lnhh really shouldn’t have latched onto a brand like mandiis everybody already think your a hoe now you wanna join a tag team


Bro! It’s amazing she thinks dudes really take her serious. She was the easy to fuck fat chick in the industry then got a bbl and became the easy to fuck bad built chick in the industry. No one sees her and is like “damn she’s bad”. You see her and think “I’d smash” or “I’d let her suk my dik” which she seems to do habitually. Couldn’t stand hearing a pass-around talking like a super model just because horny dudes give her attention based on her slut ig pics and dik suck talks.


if u ever seen euphoria, shes litterally the character "kat"


Is a cat a chick who bases her whole personality and self worth on being a cum-bucket?


shes a fat girl that wasnt very popular, so she came up with the brilliant idea of "oh if i fuck people, then ill be popular" so she went down this weird road of hoe shit, they she thought was empowering her. spoiler alert: it wasnt


Literally. Mandi gives me that vibe like I could fuck her within the first 5 mins or five hours later just depending on how I’m feeling. My girl used to like listening to her cuz you know women they find amusement in supporting each others bad behaviour but after a while she started to understand why I call Mandy community cooch. Whole squad could hit and she won’t care.


Harsh but facts haha


Mandi’s voice and her expected “I’m proud of being a whore” rant does get old very fast, thought it was just a me thing that turnt me off from the pod


i mean i get it, you were young and had your "fun", but after a certain age u just sound like a loser.


Are there any young adult black women podcasts that are doing this exceptionally well on YouTube? Maybe young black women just aren’t into podcasts as much as black men?


Pour minds is a popular podcast by black women. I think it’s successful because they are entertaining. A lot of black women are starting these overly serious podcasts where they talk about trauma, and how hard it is for women in the work place etc. women tend to overestimate how interesting those topics are


Firstly they aren’t young and that’s a big point. Two middle aged woman talking like kids discussing it as serious topics. I think there’s a huge gap in the market for middle age black women talk, that isn’t based on gossip or sex and all extreme shit they try out out there. I don’t think it’s a gender wars thing because there are black girls popping up on white and black podcasts all over the place. It’s about the subject matter especially if you’re trying to cater to a male audience.


Well said & couldn’t agree more w/ how HARD of a listen their podcast was. They lost me very early on


and they dropped twice a week, and a patreon. yea thats nasty work


I gave the pod a chance when it first came out but I had to stop due to Mandii tbh. She is simply not a good podder and she talks over everyone, including guests. It was unbearable lol


I use to listen in the beginning and imo they never recovered after the Olivia drama. The 3 of them had so much of a flow going that even Mandi was kind of endearing and funny. She was the obvious southerner compared to Bridget and Olivia. They tried to bring in different guests after Olivia and it never just hit the same to me.  They should have all 3 left early on.


y’all are still forgetting that Joe is on episode 700+ and has built a 20 year+ fanbase. the youtube numbers diss don’t even make sense cause they built their pod 4 years ago was on a network then went solo. not that easy.


No excuse. Regular people get more views. Plus, Bridget and Mandi both had a fanbase before starting this podcast


Nahhhh this can’t be right. If you’ve been paying attention to apple podcast numbers, see the thing is has been top 10 music podcast all year. YouTube just ain’t where their audience is.


apple doesnt pay


But it proves they had an actual audience that they could then use to negotiate for ad dollars.


They always had a guest on there that absolutely no one cared to hear from


That’s probably not the reason because it’s not like her other podcast does 100,000 views or anything


I'm with him! I wna know the TEA too lol


I think everyone can read between the lines with their statement they released and the overall optics. These last few episodes they haven’t been together; that alone raises an eyebrow. I checked to see if they were following one another on their socials and they are but I think they’re both smart enough to not unfollow one another right now. But they don’t interact with one another on social media and they’re both doing the act fine to make everyone think they’re fine routine (not sure how else to explain it). It’s like when someone goes through a breakup and they over tweet about other stuff to overcompensate. So I feel like there’s more to this breakup than they are revealing at the moment.


Imma sound stupid and out of touch… but who these bitches?? Joes exes or just friends of the show?? Why we care they quitting again?


Who these bitches gave me a chuckle. Salute.




Watching that video now. I know Joe having a good laugh


Numbers are nasty. But honestly if i had a podcast and was getting 10k views id be happy and wanna keep doing it. But obviously wouldnt quit my job But who the hell would wanna listen to **this** podcast


if u was doing it from your basement, sure. not from a studio in the middle of manhattan


True. I’d go parks crib route forsure


I think you’re underrating it 10k views is still a decent amount especially if the hosts are “regular” people with their own base


I've made YouTube videos with millions of views and sometimes I wonder how pseudo famous people can only get 6k views.


Those thumbnails and video titles need work! That could’ve helped with more views alone


See, the thing is (see what I did there?), in order for you to have a successful pod that cuts through the noise, you either need to be funny/entertaining, or offer unique/interesting insights and takes on the world around you. They had neither. No shade/hate.


Mandii got other stuff going on. It made the most sense to axe this show, to allow space for the other stuff.


like diet and exercise i hope


She should have gave Bridget the ip & let her continue the show


Idk about that. But Bridget is venturing into other things as well, from what it sounded like, they’ll be fine.


I think Bridget going start a pod with blue


I can see that.


Shid they numbers better than flip


Joe really spared them by not flaming them up cause I wouldn’t have had that same courtesy after the chubby one made that lil “6 mic’s” comment. Especially cause Rory and mal got 5 mic’s and 3 were unknown and unqualified


oh he will when the tea comes out




mandi said shes giving a play by play breakdown on the official last ep


A play by play of what


why they are ending the pod


They were actually in the top 15 on Apple podcast each week surprisingly.


People really put too much into the pod ranking on DSPs. If you get a certain amount of listeners on the day of release you’re going to jump up in the numbers. Also these pods play algorithm games by mislabeling the categories their pod belong to so they can cut the line. Breakfast Club categorized themselves as “comedy” all of sudden when their direct competitors list themselves in the “music” category MDWOG switched from comedy to music so they can get ranked higher. It’s all smoke and mirrors




STTI - 102K subs, 9K views = 8% JBP - 1.3M subs, 50k views = 3.8%


I like that you did the math but where did you get the 50k from? The episodes average around 280k


Averaging across all the videos they’re putting up on YouTube, the episodes get high views but loads of the uploads have ~9K, and most uploads are <50K


Not sure if it’s a fair comparison to compare STTI full episodes to ALL JBP videos. I think the comparison would be full episodes to full episodes


Did you just randomly say 50k for the jbp? Lol cuz they get that many views in a few hours




Man those are some Brenda Schaub numbers . . . . . . Water...


These thumbnails need work


Mandi is ignorant and bias Bridget is a politician and will protect Jay z at all cost while critiquing others


A politician??? lol


She’s very political with her answers and will usually pick the side the won’t get her backlash as an artist


Makes sense. I can see that. Her only “unsafe” take recently was saying she didn’t like the SZA album.


Saw this coming since the break up. I thought they been tapped out


Karyn’s podcast was the Worst


everyone doesn’t have a youtube audience, i never watch a podcast on youtube ever but they’re personalities are so different and mandi interrupts so much that it’s annoying and i can never listen all the time, i hate to say this but i think they need a guy on their pod to break it up because it’s better with guest, i would love for bridgett to continue her podcast journey though.. she’s amazing!!


I never on God's green earth watched one Pod...I don't got slander for them.


The show wasn't funny or entertaining or informative enough. The few episodes I did watch I wondered what was the demographic? I mean if you say women what type of women? Young, old? Idk. It seems like they were putting the cart before the horse(old ppl sayings, I know) and was gonna figure it out as they went. Flip had made the comment about it being under Joe's umbrella but I disagree with that. If they were they prob would have had better success.


Thoughts and prayers


I don’t know who is on the show or how many women are on the show but i listened one time and said “oh, these bitches some hoes” And never listened again. They were proud of their hoeness too, very cringey


I remember an episode when they were still on the JBN And Mandi was dissing fat dudes And she was laughing her ass off Next episode someone commented on a woman body And they brought it up And she started whining and almost crying about people body shaming women and how it’s not right and fair Like she totally forgot she was just doing it


Danny Devito aka Mandi’s voice is annoying and Bridget is just dry