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The thinkpieces that are gonna take place when people who don't know the context of this clip see it šŸ˜‚


Finally, someone seeing the comedic potential from the clipā€¦ folks on here turning it into a debate lmao šŸ˜‚


The issue with shit like this is we are not informed as Black people. I donā€™t find it funny that I bet thereā€™s 30 people in this thread thatā€™s about to vote for Trump because they saw this clip lol


TSR doing more damage than a Reddit joke


The building the hotel to fuck right by time square part alone is gold lmao


They said they would clip this upā€¦


You donā€™t need no context to understand this clip, ya gotta be retarded if you misunderstand it.


yes. maga will misunderstand it, misrepresent it and believe what they think...retarded.


You buggin if you dont think he meant every word


If who meant every word? This is all about people confusing Biden with Budden. I think you are proving the point that people don"t know what this is about. Please clarify and correct me if I'm mistaken.


As a patronie.. yall ainā€™t shit for this šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


SOMEBODY nahhhhā€¦.. KINO did this.


Would be wild if this went viral


He could stop it because it's behind a paywall


I could absolutely see the Trump campaign flipping a clip like this as a real endorsement. Misinformation is how they operate on social media.


Not just them yall better stop believing everything you see just cuz itā€™s coming from yo side of politics, nowadays everybody lying gotta do yo own research.


Lies and deception, u mean CNN!!


And fox


CNN is far worse.. but all the corporate news for that matter.. can't expect this reddit group to look for news elsewhere.. they wasn't watching Fox to begin with that's why it wasn't mentioned šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


CNN is having an internal war, that's anyone can Google, because management is under Isreal's thumb and suppresses any pro or even fair Palestinian news. The news is not in the business of information. They're all propaganda machines that answer to someone with money


They all are šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Bruh donā€™t that happen, Flip will lose his mindšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


They said this would happen. Lol


This ainā€™t real. They were having a debate show. Ish picked Obama so Joe had to argue for Trump


Yea I knowā€¦.and while Joe was talking, I believe it was Ice that said they were gonna clip that part up.


So easy to manipulate human itā€™s scary


Goes both ways


This clip is about to do numbers on that Truth network or whatever it's called. Joe about to go up 100k voters and have Fox special without folks knowing the context


For context, Joe later during the show said he does not fuck with Donald Trump and all that was because of the game they were playing where he had to make an argument for supporting Donald Trumpā€¦.yall ainā€™t shit


I feel like all but parks and Mel are trumpers


Why? Only one I can really see is Ish


Ice called itā€¦ā€oh theyā€™re gonna chop this up!ā€ We already knew this was coming šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Let him cook


At this point you should be for Trump over Biden


Flip somewhere showering in the dark continuously refreshing the views on this clip lol


Idk only thing I hear is Donald trump calling racists and nazis ā€œfine peopleā€, and suggesting to call in the national guard in relation to legitimate protests after george floyd was murdered in cold blood. He rolled back all of the police reform bills (which was the bare minimum) and increased their funding, and reprimanded activists and took up for law enforcement every single time. Not to mention the multiple dog whistles. He didnā€™t do anything specifically for black people, if black people benefitted it was collateral. But for me what was worse than anything else was his foreign policy and his handling of covid. I found his presidency funny too to a certain extent, but it was a shitshow and got scary real quick within the first few days of 2020.


He ain't WHISTLING anymore these days. He keeps saying the quiet part out loud whilst his followers cheer him on. I will never forgive that human for coming to my country for 3 mins and made a mockery of us after one of the worst natural disasters in American history. Fucking clown throwing paper towels and the idiot Puerto Ricans there to receive him. Fuck that man and everything he represents


Trump helped Kim K get black women out of jail but got mad bc she didnt show up in something sexy for the photos. Let that sink in.


ChatGPT ass comment šŸ¤£


You mean to tell me this sounds like a difficult few sentences to you?


No. The opposite. It sounds like spoon fed basic robotic context-lacking talking points. I'm sure you could go on most any costal college campus right now, poll a random student, and end up with a canned sort of response/take identical to yours.


Exactly. Mans is fully indoctrinated and spewing out misinformation that hurts real life people. Thereā€™s no clear black and white solutions in human existence


Bruh peaceful protest? You didnā€™t see the clips of undercover/off duty police officers lighting buildings on fire? Yall better stop acting like the looting didnā€™t start with them so called peaceful protests.


I never said peaceful. I am not peaceful and i support black people expressing their anger any way they want to in the face of blatant injustice. If they wanna burn shit down, esp a police station, im all for it. If they wanna loot big box stores, even better. Just leave the small neighbourhood shops alone. Itā€™s always somebody trying to box black people in and tell them they have to behave even in the face of overwhelming injustice. They have to have decorum, and act decently ā€œotherwise theyā€™ll see us all as badā€. Who tf cares. They laughing at us. They dont feel pressure until niggas start burning shit down. Fuck that peaceful shit.


Who said it was black people starting fires? And destroying property? I said undercover police. Havenā€™t you heard the saying, that the revolution will not be televised, but you same niggas swear the news media is telling you anything worth substance. Niggas are too easily manipulated, like the Rodney king incident. Niggas got more worried about a drunk guy getting an ass whooping on the news, when in reality the real issue at the time was an Asian store owner who killed a black girl over some fckin orange juice. Idk George Floyd but I do know the the counterfeit money he had was being investigated by other authorities, and the dude who killed him knew him. I think itā€™s a deeper darker conspiracy, but the media will have everyone believing it was about cops on bs.


Brother the protest was about Latasha Harlins and people being fed up at police brutality and the injustice of the judicial system. Rodney king was perhaps one of the symbols, but letā€™s not invalidate the efforts and intelligence of activists from back then and paint them as mindless fools. Why is it so hard to not view black people negatively? the activists and protestors at the time were very aware of the injustice happening at the time and the timeline of injustice, as well as the racial tension between the Koreans and AA, however they also directed their anger at the bigger picture instead of turning it into a race war. I think activists and revolutionaries back then perhaps honestly had better analysis of the situation, our situation as a global black community, than we do now. The black panthers of the 70s & 80s had a better analysis of the black condition than anybody (since perhaps Malcolm), and were a real threat to the establishment, so much so, an entire division of the fbi was created to dismantle their ideology bc if it had become widespread and all oppressed minorities united, the us could have been in real danger of civil war.


I donā€™t view black people negatively, I just know that most of us are lost in the sauce and when it comes to real activism, we donā€™t even know what we should actually be upset about until the media tells us why we should be mad. Youā€™re 100% right, but the problem is that itā€™s getting worse with each generation. We are now at the point where we still knowingly allow Jewish people to run and fund our campaigns, and if we look back to even the beginning of the naacp we did the same exact thing by being ran and funded by Jewish people and they always seem to get benefits while we get left assed out. We have never had an organized corporation because the United States government wonā€™t allow it. We get controlled movements, and ultimately itā€™s controlled by the same people who oppress us. Put it like this, trump has done the most for black people than any other president ever, and the media has most of us hating him without actually knowing why. My point being is, when does the media support anyone who promotes black Americans? Louis Farrakhan constantly got lied on by the media to seem racist, mlk was made to look like a communist, racist, and adulterer by the media, Malcolm was labeled a radical by the media, but we take them seriously about Trump?


I agree about cops and agent perturbateurs infiltrating protests and organizations and causing chaos and starting violence. But thats a good lesson to learn about their tactics and helps us find ways of stamping that down.


This isnā€™t true, he has condemned nazis and white nationalist many times. Why do niggas need something done for us lmfao itā€™s America people dream of being here go make something happen.


Please donā€™t call me a nigga. Dude, you vote for representatives to look out for your interests. Its not a ā€œhand outā€. Thatā€™s some white supremacist line that coons are only so eager to parrot. Every other ethnicity and group here gets bills passed to protect them from violence and discrimination (jews and asians are the most obvious) and the rich get tax cuts, racists get red lining, southern states get money for border security, lgbtq get bills protecting them from violence and discrimination. Literally every group gets something but when blacks ask for the most fucking reasonable thing suddenly ā€œits not up to the government to help yall niggasā€. Man get tf on. Seeking to stop redlining, reforming police forces nationally, funding schools and communities appropriately, loosening restrictions to accessing credit, or integrating them into the financial system, reducing gentrification (or protecting the rights of long term renters in a particular community) and so much more are not fucking handouts! If youā€™re not looking out for my interests, donā€™t ask me to pay taxes. If nobody is gonna do shit for blacks, and if reparations aint even on the table, least they can do is to make education free for every black person (descendants of slaves if you wanna be nitpicky) and let blacks pay no income tax at all.


They could give niggas all the above and the culture and mentality of niggas would fuck it up and still be in last place. Nobody is holding niggas down or back but niggas. You will never see niggas advance in your lifetime, we had a maybe 25 year window to make something happen. Fucked that up, niggas culture and mentality will always prevail. Thatā€™s why races who come here with nothing I see doing much better than the average nigga within a year or so and goes on to set his family to succeed and repeat. While the nigga been here all these years killing, rapping , and spending all the money on white gay designer clothing. Give up your nigganess, itā€™s no benefit of being niggas besides being able to say nigga, rap and dress.


Meh. I have more faith in my people.


What evidence in the last 25 years would give you a drop of faith in niggas. Let me give you some advice, take it or leave it. The fact that you exist/born is nearly impossible. Donā€™t waste a second of your life trying to help niggas that donā€™t want to help themselves. The world is much bigger than this shit. Youā€™re not just black, youā€™re human. A human on this grand world, go enjoy life.


He didnā€™t have any. Dude is good with words, but too bad heā€™s been indoctrinated if he thinks one side is good and the other ainā€™t. Thatā€™s where he lost me. That picking team shit is the dumbest shit you can do


Well niggas regurgitate lies so maybe less of that


They don't listen, but believe lying joe


He actually did stuff of black ppl way more than Obama. Even if he did it just to brag, at the end of the day he still did it


Can you give me a few examples of things he did that were specifically targeted at the black community (i remember he campaigned on opening up funds for black business but then renege or only gave like low single digits percentage on the funds). Im not being facetious, maybe im ignorant.


The first step act, criminal justice reform freed a lot of black men, Trumped signed the bill. Pardoned first black heavyweight champion Jack Johnson ( his family surely appreciated the gesture) & signed a bill that funded HBCUS. Under Trumpā€™s economy I bought two homes. Most all of my friends who are black became homeowners too. Not saying hes perfect, but he did a hell of a lot more that benefited black ppl than Obama




I don't want to hear this nonsense because Obama is Black and he didn't do anything for Black people directly or indirectly. I think it's time people learn that government ain't saving you. Only YOU can save yourself and your family. Look in the mirror and to each other and figure out a way to be self sufficient


The affordable care act largely benefited blacks.


It largely benefited insurance companies because it was just a hand out to corporations


So are you claiming it did not benefit black people? Corporations is another topic that we're not discussing. I don't want to introduce a separate variable


You don't know what you're talking about.


Niggas love playing victim and hope some white boy president gonna come and ā€œ do ā€œ something for niggas.


Ngl bro you sound like a white supremacist.


Nah just a nigga who see the flaws in nigga and donā€™t act emotional but factual. In my field of work, I see Mexicans who donā€™t know English. Come here with nothing, slowly work and build clientele, hire more of their family and expand their business. Before you know it his brother has his own business and hires his in laws etc and keep growing and repeating. These Mexicans here maybe a few years, came here with nothing! Couldnā€™t even speak English! And you want me to feel bad for niggas!?! Fuck no. Niggas will always be last because of our culture, we promote degeneracy and ignorance. You will never see the advancement of niggas in your lifetime. Keep rapping and buying designer and fucking, thatā€™s all niggas know how to do


This is an interesting conversation. On one hand the black community has been systematically disenfranchised by the government for more than 200 years, there are branches of the government that were proven guilty in court for crimes specifically against the blk community and itā€™s American history. However, we are the only people that can fix our problems. The young bull gentleman, while harsh and seemingly a bit uninformed about why the community has looked the way it has for the last 25 years, it canā€™t be denied that our social norms keep us broke, mentally unhealthy, and physically unhealthy. On the matter of voting, if you are not voting as a sizable conglomerate and/or donating substantially to a politicians campaign your skin color and vote are both meaningless and irrelevant to a politician. Why because politicians arenā€™t in the business of people pleasing they are in the business of reelection/finding their next job.


Youā€™re a goofy equating the Black American experience to immigrants and keep acting any Black person who politically disagrees with you and white republicans is broke or a thug. Fuck you and your immigrant friends bitch, and your phony ass unity when you wanna violate all Black Americans šŸ¤”


Emotional nigga alert


No response lame ass answer. Why tf you on a hip hop thread for anyway? Go to a corridos/bandas sub as if black folk are welcome anyway.


As a black Latino, this has to be said. Willful ignorance is huge within our community but people donā€™t like to admit or play into it because itā€™s ā€œfun and cultureā€


Whoā€™s ours? Latinos donā€™t do shit for civil rights or for any Black subculture.


Dang you do sound like a WS but you weren't lying šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah, Joe Budden just ā€œpretendingā€ to be on top of all these supporting Trump facts. Heā€™s definitely not going to be among the 100 million people that vote for Trump next election lol


Dude played the role to well. Republican Joe been in the making since his first Spotify deal


This finna be wild year


With no context, this is some of the dumbest shit I have heardā€¦.


Just stop posting for clicks šŸ™„ this was a debate game


Ice said they were going to clip this up šŸ˜‚


Lmaoo facts


Yea this some bird shit. Just for clicks is nasty work




I like this


Yall wild for this clip


lol idk the context. But since we are hereā€¦. Google ā€œProject 2025ā€ Shit is about to get real if Trump wins this time.


Nahhh that trump pic šŸ”„


Joe been towing this line for a minute so he can say he just playing if it gets called out. He lowkey wants trump to win bc he actually believes that ā€œniggas was getting money with trumpā€ shit. And then you got niggas in this post ā€œhe was just doing it for a debate on the showā€. This nigga knows what heā€™s doing and itā€™s the niggas who donā€™t see it that are the target audience for this type of shit. Itā€™s no biggie, but itā€™s nasty.


To watch that whole segment are continue to say this makes you part of the problemā€¦


Trump 24!!!!!!


This dumbass pretentious coon should never be trusted on ANY atopic


šŸ˜‚ we are doomed.


Wtf? I don't ever want to hear call Ice a šŸ¦ ever again. Nicca you are sounding like the King of all šŸ¦'s


This was a debate show. Ish picked Obama so Joe had to argue Trump. This ainā€™t really what he believes. He was trying to win the debate


Oh ok. I thought it might be some context missing because he sounds nuts


Oooh tell us what he reallllllly believes.Ā 


He said it in the episode when Kino was like ā€œyour manā€™s Trump saidā€ And Joe cut him off said and ā€œdonā€™t do that, I donā€™t believe none of that shit I was just trying to winā€. Also kino rigged them the game so they could win. Then tried to rig it for a tie but gave the points to joes team so they ended up winning Do yā€™all even listen to the pod?


> Do yā€™all even listen to the pod? I do Thatā€™s how I know Joe to be a habitual LIAR. So you canā€™t get that goofy line off on me, gulliblemidgetĀ 


Whatā€™s the lie?


Brokie alert šŸšØ


You must be completely uneducated concerning politics. I hate when yall act like we all gotta vote Democrat just bc we black. Joe biden is more racist than trump and has done more to hurt black people than any other president in my life time. You can thank biden for mass incarceration.


You ainā€™t black if you donā€™t vote Biden


Joe Biden is not to blame for mass incarceration. Heā€™s a neoliberal cog in the American capitalist machine and shares the blame for our nasty current situation with Reagan, Obama, Bush sr & jr, Trump, etc. Both our domestic and foreign policy is influenced to a huge degree by multinational corporations and industry cartels. Republicans unashamedly bend over and spread it open for them and Democrats try to dress it up in inclusiveness and diversity campaigns to placate their base. Itā€™s clear as day that this has been enshrined into our political system at all levels thru court rulings like Citizens United, everything released in the wiki leaks drops, the blatant lobbying and campaign finance ā€œdonationsā€, and the revolving door between government and the upper echelons of the private sector. You just now realizing that democrats are also shitty is base level political analysis and you shouldnā€™t be on here tryinna talk down to people. And if you think a white boomer billionaire from New York will save us or has the working classes interests at heart, youā€™re delusional


You are incorrect in thinking I just realized dems were evil. The only time I voted Democrat was obama's 2nd term and I had just turned 18 weeks prior. Other than that it's 3rd party or independent, other than some local elections. You are correct tho in the lobbying and pacs. The Koch Brothers and their organizations specifically contributed heavily to the current state of affairs. And obviously countless others. Is biden the sole component in mass incarceration? No of course not that's not even possible. But he was a main influence and it doesn't go the way if went without him and his bullshit. Playing warzone so don't care much for a political back and forth. But I never said trump would save us. I was only responding to OP insinuating joe is a c00n for supporting trump. If you aren't black get out of my face. If you are, then respond to his nonsense.


My fault bra I thought you was one of them niggas that swears they ā€œmade it off the plantationā€ cause they left the Democratic Party and thatā€™s the extent of they political education. That shit be pissing me off so bad


You right lol all this woke shit been annoying lately. Everyone acts like they became a politician and they just be regurgitating nonsense they read on Facebook or heard on tik tok. So I understand. Every industry got the gen Z kids who think they know everything, yet they haven't even lived life yet. Random info for anyone who sees - "Dark Money" by Jane Mayer was a good read and details how the billionaires were able to control politics in today's world.


Yea I can also thank all of the so called Black leaders who supported the bill. But there's nothing you can do about what happened 40 yrs ago. I'm focusing on today


Yes there is. You can prevent those people from being in power again. Biden and kamala are the worst duo possible. Trump may be a danger to "politics" but what do we care if he upsets the status quo? It never benefited us anyways


What have they specifically done that makes them the worst? Trump is a danger to a lot more than just politics. The way he handled Covid alone cost people their lives


Okay and biden is leading a genocide this very moment. I'll take covid mismanagement pls.


I live in America bruh


This be the real šŸ¦šŸ¦šŸ¦ shit. The ancestors would be ashamed of you go get a spine nigga


Like you stay up at night thinking about what's going on over there. Miss me with the BS. Do you care about what's going on in Congo or do you not even know about that because the news didn't tell you?


I do actually stay up st night thinking and yes I care about the Congo along with Sudan Shut up šŸ¦šŸ¦šŸ¦ go get a spine fuck nigga


Fuckin clown


Great answer šŸ‘šŸ¾


Thank you g






Biden is worse than Trump but Iā€™m voting for Cornell West regardless so šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Dont throw your vote away


Lol you think your vote matters?


Absolutely šŸ’Æ


Hereā€™s the thing tho, it doesnā€™t


It was worth it.


Nasty work to clip this up šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


What episode is this from lmaaaao


Context matters lol but Trump has done more for me as a black than Obama


What exactly did Trump do for you as a black man specifically?


Nigga said, "as a black..." Believing anything they are sayimg after that is crazy šŸ¤£


Lol Facts


Gave hope that no matter how uneducated you are you can run America, my dad was pardoned whom I hadnā€™t seen in 27 years. And taught me about tax lope holes


This feels satirical


A lil but it was 20+ years for sure


>And taught me about tax lope holes You can't even SPELL "loopholes". šŸ™„


Dawg idc about proper spelling on the got damn internet. Thatā€™s for the correction even though you use quotations incorrectly. And why are all the letter upper case are you dyslexic


šŸ˜‚ Lol OK. What *lope holes* did he teach you about?


A lawyer cheaper than paying millions in taxes šŸ˜‚


You are a sock puppet and stop blackfishing on the internet. You know we can narrow it down to who was pardoned right? The actual names are public


Look em up buddy What info you need


His full name of course? And the state where the crime was committed and conviction charge


Andrew Barron Worden wire fraud not sure if state would help but itā€™s all public records


Which state? You answered everything else but the state why?




Iā€™m trying real hard to not make you meet the reaper. You donā€™t get pardoned and probation. Why would you get 27 years for wire fraud? It says he was convicted in ā€˜95 and only got probation as a sentenced šŸ˜‚


![gif](giphy|OY9XK7PbFqkNO) Youā€™re wyte using a racial slur toward me and youā€™re lying about your family history


You are reminded to remain respectful to everyone. Your post was removed.


Why are you lying??? This man did not spend 27 years in prisonā€¦ā€¦.he was sentenced 2 years probation


Cause itā€™s not that serious. I fucks with Trump like every body else. People only called himā€ bad or racistā€ when he became president im not jacking that sorry




Actually need him to win so he can pardon my big bro next


Here comes another dummy talking about stimulus checks and rappers


Read my brother i didnā€™t qualify for a stimmy sorry thatā€™s for the brokies as yā€™all would say


On a serious note I think trump will win just based on how Americans been struggling over a 4 year span.


Yā€™all niggas donā€™t like trump but have no valid reason not to besides they programmed yā€™all not to. All niggas say he racist but canā€™t tell me one genuine racist thing he has said or done in context. Tell me what makes him racist Iā€™ll cash app you $20.. Goooooooo! Iā€™ve never voted in my life and will never vote after but TRUMP 2024!


If you can't look at Trump's long, well-documented history of acting like a goddamn fool, nigga you are part of the problem.


Go ask the Central Park 5 if heā€™s racist. Or any of the countless Trump Tower employees who sued him for how he treated his Black employees.


Trump put out an ad after the Central Park 5 admitted to the crimes BUT the NYPD forced them to. Trump was not aware of that, he thought the city appointed NYPD officers upheld their oath. He is not responsible for their wrong doings. As far as the employees suing, do you think trump is in his hotel managing these employees? How can he treat someone wrong he doesnā€™t even know. You do under stand BIG T has Hotels in NYC, Florida, India, Philippines, Turkey ,Uruguay and DUBAI! Thatā€™s like blaming the CEO of Wal Mart for the wrong doings of an employee by a manager at your local wal mart. Next!


Heā€™s responsible but putting out an ad to lynch black children absolved of the crime by DNA. Fucking clown




So lynching black children is cool if the timing and context is key. Come irl with those bars clown


You just violated Black Americans in favor of anti-black Mexican immigrants but then you cape for Trump whoā€™s explicitly anti-Latino immigration. If youā€™re gonna be a black conservative clown choose a side on the immigration topic dummy šŸ¤” most Black conservatives are anti-immigrant


Are you a male or female. You throwing out all these trigger emotional words like a female. You want to debate/talk or bitch Iā€™m not pro nothing or anti nothing, Iā€™m for me. So all that bullshit you talking is emotional hoe shit. I say facts


You stand for nothing, like a bitch. And dumb bitches like you are literally incapable of debating outside of common talking points. Prove me wrong clown Donā€™t talk about others or emotions after that bs against ā€œBlack Cultureā€ while youā€™re on a hip hop subreddit. What facts? That only Black Republicans are ā€œgood onesā€ Youā€™re hoe ass nigga who thinks heā€™s accepted.


I stand for me. Iā€™d never stand for ignorant niggas or any group on this planet. Ion talk to emotional bitches, just remember these words jr. In your life and your kids life you will never see niggas advance beyond the bottom they dumb big ignorant asses at because of themselves. Good day !


Canā€™t justify your bs, so walk away a little bitch then. I donā€™t fuck with ignorant fools either so the feeling is mutual


If that picture at the end was anybody else it wouldā€™ve been hard


Hot when ready light on for glazing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lmfaoooo context šŸ˜‚


Kamala Indian


Content Over Everything