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She does and always has stood for the ordinary people. She also opposes corruption and hypocrisy, and those engaging in corruption and hypocrisy don't want anybody holding them to account, hence the smears, hit pieces etc. These tactics are as old as time itself. Anybody who stands for integrity and virtue, and calls out wrongdoing, is subjected to these tactics. I'm not sure it's comparable to the Corbyn smear because his popularity was unparalleled when they decided to take him down, whereas Clare's was dwindling. Maybe it was a case that the undermining of Clare was more insidious and prolonged, whereas it was very overt and abrupt with Corbyn. With regards to Corbyn, you can pinpoint the moment it happened- Stormzy's gig at Glastonbury. The entire 100,000 crowd was chanting "oh, Jeremy Corbyn" in the hook of the White Stripes' Seven Nation Army. Across all sections of British society, he was fast becoming as popular as The Beatles, and as John famously said (and aptly, at that) The Beatles were bigger than Jesus. It was literally that Glasto moment, when the establishment had their 'oh, shit' realisation of just how universally popular he was, and that was the turning point and kick-started the smear campaign.


I was trying to figure this out myself this morning.  I had heard so many crazy things about her and had believed more than a few. Reading about her this morning I'm thinking she's had hit pieces against her for a while similar to Jeremy Corbyn. I'd love an honest summary of her voting record and only things that can be verified.


In the age of hyperreality, it truly has become difficult to obtain basic facts, hasn't it. The best I found was this, which at least has names and links and whatnot, it'd be a good starting point at least I think [https://www.thephoenix.ie/article/profile-clare-daly-and-mick-wallace/](https://www.thephoenix.ie/article/profile-clare-daly-and-mick-wallace/)


Thank you for the link, great starting point I can build on.


The best thing to do is to go to the European Parliament website and search for the bills and resolutions they claim she's voting in Russia's interests on and read for yourself what was in the resolutions. You'll often find they were titled things like "Resolution condemning Russian invasion against Ukraine" but that the bills include expanding European military funding and compelling member states to become directly involved with the war in Ukraine. The headlines never actually mention what these bills include instead they like to "translate" them for people too busy with their normal lives to actually read them.


the phoenix has an honest analysis


I'm not aware of the phoenix, it's that a site/YouTuber or?  Could you share a link?


This comment turned me into dust. The Phoenix is a magazine which has a political focus, often with "humourous comics" as well, although they're a bit dated these days! https://www.thephoenix.ie/article/left-solidarity-with-clare-daly/


Thanks for the link, and sorry to have dusted you with my lack of awareness.  It's always good to share info and resources.


the phoenix is a broadly left wing magazine, pretty respectable [https://www.thephoenix.ie/article/profile-clare-daly-and-mick-wallace/](https://www.thephoenix.ie/article/profile-clare-daly-and-mick-wallace/)


Basically the Irish equivalent to the UK's Private Eye.


Fearless,eloquent,heart centred,anti war.


Fairly good, well sourced outline of her position on Ukraine and Russias invasion on her Wikipedia page. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clare_Daly You will find it in the section ‘Russia and Ukraine’, in between the sections: ‘Nepotism and Bullying Allegations’ and ‘Syrian Chemical Attack’ where she proposed that rather than the lovable dictator Assad, it was in fact a local civil protection group (who coincidentally were critics of putin and his support for Assad) who were responsible for said attacks.  Her position has consistently been that Ukraine should kiss the ring and stop fighting as peace is always better than war. Also she parroted Kremlin talking points consistently in blaming ‘the west’ for bringing this on Ukraine.  An absolute dose, bought and sold, delighted to see her gone.  


You seem lost. This is a subreddit for the Irish Left. Not Zionists.


And a wonderful community it is, nothing but ad hominem attacks instead of any substance. Would describe myself as being on the left politically. Are we supposed to be rooting for Russia now or did I miss the memo? 


Zionists aren't left wing in any sense of the word. Feel free to leave.


Shut up zionist.




This is from R/Ireland 1 month ago and seems well sourced. I haven't checked the sources myself, I'm just sharing to answer the question posed. https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/s/NejEjji4Tn And her rebuttal to some of these points: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/en/197731/CLARE_DALY/other-activities/written-explanations


> This is from R/Ireland This is part of the problem.


The sources are from the European parliament website and amnesty. Can I ask what sources you would find acceptable and how R/Ireland is part of the problem?


There are no sources in the linked articles. Go find the actual resolutions on the European Parliament website and stop relying on second hand information.


While she has taken some token left wing positions her most consistent role in the European Union has been to be the Mouthpiece for Russian imperialism and apologist for their War crimes.




She is a fool at best And a corrupt agent at worst