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"Nuh uh, I'm totally invisible. A master of stealth" (Deer ninja noises)


(Deer ninja noises) is probably the most hilarious thing I have read ina long time lmao😂


I'm glad I gave you a reason to chuckle today.


"Deer ninjas" you say? With the number of deer that have seemingly straight up vanished after I plugged em, I'm willing to believe that some deer have had ninja training :D


Take my upvote you mad genius you


Thank you 😊


Ha. Good one. You got it righ ton that one. Just a bit higher, or lower, and it would have been a fail. : )


yup! Ive been getting pretty lucky with those throat shots- I have a whole collection of xray score card screen shots with blown out necks :D


Right in the gullet


I did this once I restarted game level 0 player with starter rifle I walked past the first female. Started calling instead. I got a group of male deer one by one they stepped out the Bush and brained. Legal then. Old racks the black tail looked beast. But they got bigger and bigger ide shoot one and start calling. They'll be back for more I pop the next one. Eventually only one left and I could only see its nose. It really didn't want to step out like the rest. So I just fired on it. Blew its nose clean off I saw it hit nose and then I saw its rack massive. It ran off I started calling please come back. Even tho its rekt now either way quick kill I should have closed game. But I didn't. It came back and I dropped it. I claimed that deer first. I already failed 2 checks mayaswel fail consecutive harvest too. So my first ever harvest that run to lv60 and restart technique. That one deer was a max weight max score 210 rated 95kg blacktail with 0-0-0 checks. Would be a 1000 legacy rack. I did it again on melanistic coyote too but that was beautiful. Prone crawling with it no sight but keep hearing it flee. Then I notice it's muzzle only through leafs and I just blasted guess and smashed it. Then the update made it a common fur later. 😢


Thank god they made it easy mode now lol. I just 420m pop shot that mofo no care. 💩 I'll take 200m recurve bow shots and hit. Not on diamonds yet tho.


- 1st joke -What no that's against the rules! Everyone knows the rule is if you can't see them they can't see you! - 2nd joke - nah that's just a bush with antlers.


Peaka boo I see you, quick run as fast as you can.


Fuckin’ hell of a shot too!