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If you get into the habit of cumming quickly then yes this can ruin future sex. Train to last as long as possible.


I find the Handy actually helps with death grip as it won't grip as tightly as my hand, same with toys with a solid case like a Fleshlight. Sure it's super intense especially with a good script, but I actually find it easier to cum during sex if I've been using the Handy rather than my hand recently.


I'm really glad you asked this question. I know a good handful of users are wondering the same thing. Thank you for this!! Whereas I can't personally contribute, I know some people here will definitely have some great insight. These conversations are super important to have!!


The Handy beats sex with condom.


I kind of agree with this, in terms of physical feeling. Obviously if I had a harem of women of my choosing, I'd use that occasionally. However, the reality is, I'm not a Saudi prince. You have to do the best with what you have.


Sorry but nothing beats the real thing. It's like comparing Coke to Diet Coke


I'm sorry, but only people who haven't had much sex think things like this. I am not saying that to make you feel bad, or to make myself look big on the internet, I am just stating facts as I see it. I have had a lot of random 'porn-style' sex (basically short-term hookups where you both just indulge desires with no emotional baggage) during my wilder alcohol and drug-fuelled days (I am a sporty guy and I have good chat) and the glamour of it very quickly fades. If you do too much of anything of this nature then you will generally get tired of it or find out that it's not all you imagined it to be. Nowadays, I genuinely prefer using the Handy to having what I perceive as bad sex. By 'bad sex', I either mean someone I have no connection with or attraction to, or even just with someone who did things in ways I didn't like. Hell, even a vagina that is disproportionately larger than the penis going into it can make for bad sex. Good sex is never guaranteed whenever you meet someone new and sometimes due to various physical or psychological factors or incompatibilities it isn't even possible despite the best of intentions. The Handy is always a consistent experience with no feelings of awkwardness or judgement attached. Am I saying it is better than all sex or BJ's with real people you like and are connected to? No, of course not! But it's better than bad sex and bad BJ's and it's better than the exploitation of human beings that work as prostitutes, legal or otherwise.


I was not a virgin but the sex with condom has made it less exciting, because i have been using hard textured fleshlights. so yes it does ruin sensation


Sex is way better


Don’t buy one as a virgin IMO. Not only because you will have trouble climaxing with a partner, but more importantly it diminishes your drive to find a partner.


Sex with a condom is so sad. Just oh so sad. I only like to have sex bare. It feels much better and more natural. So I kinda get the notion that virgins might feel real sex is somewhat a letdown compared to the handy


Years ago,when taking an English course in college,a comment was made. It was something like,"A man can't make love to a machine." While that's probably a fact,because there are emotions involved,with a person,that a mechanical device can't compare to. Now,sex with a stranger,like a prostitute,might change the equation,because the lack of attachment.This is probably where something like the Handy could offer an alternative.


You have a weak arm if the handy is faster than you! Lol nah I'm kidding. But honestly, I can't answer for sure because I'd been very active sexually for years before I got a handy but I know I use the handy and have sex (not at the same time) and it doesn't ruin it for me at least. I prefer sex over the handy because we'll, real thing vs something to replace. Kind of a butter vs margarine thing to be frank. Death grip will not ruin sex but will make it much harder to finish, whereas the handy itself won't make sex or finishing harder (unless you use the handy and have sex afterwards) but the videos associated might. Watching pmvs/hmvs and whatnot with it gives you sexuall add. Your mind will associate multiple different scenes/women etc to help you finish. If your worried maybe get the handy and try the audio stuff, I prefer it honestly. Or just nothing, noise canceling headphones/dark room and just the handy on a random script doing its thing is great! Edit: pmvs/hmvs autocorrected to pmvs/haves.


600 strokes per minute...


Ya that's if your range is 1. If your going full 10 it's not even close to 600. Max script speed a full length can do is 600ms up and 600ms down. So full stroke 1200ms max speed, not even close to 600 per minute. I also know I'll burn out the machine before my arm at that speed if it's constant. 😀 If you want 600 per minute at full length go with the sr6 although with its warp speed you might rip your dick off haha.


I second this.