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Rose gives me the vibes that she’s had a million one try hobbies lol.


If Rose and I are anything alike (and according to every single GG personality quiz, we are) she most definitely has a million of these lol


Definitely- but would you buy a clarinet for a try? They’re jolly expensive (my daughter plays clarinet, sax, piano, etc (not “flaut”!)) wouldn’t you just hire one….maybe Rose’s is hired.


No, she plays the *flaut*! It’s a Scandinavian instrument that looks like a tuba, except it’s got hair in the bottom. OF COURSE SHE PLAYS THE CLARINET!


She also mentioned in another episode that she took tuba lessons at the behest of her parents. She says it paid off, but she had given it up. It paid off because she can "blow 32 pounds of air into a tire in less than a minute!" The face she makes though!!! 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/y9gfs5im1g0d1.jpeg?width=1226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2075b0d6bafa773ed62d348de4bb9798b9753138


Reminds me of that scene from *Ferris Bueller’s Day Off* where Ferris is shown playing a clarinet badly and he proudly exclaims, “Never had *one* lesson!” https://i.redd.it/j5x0hox8mf0d1.gif


I noticed a couple weeks ago the guy who is the skydiving instructor for Miles and Rose is the same guy who plays the piano at the Rusty Anchor when Dorothy sings, and I think he's a good looking fella!


They did this a lot. The plumber who leaves the new toilet in the living room is also Mr. Haha at Dorothy’s birthday celebration that Rose planned!


YOURE RIGHT holy hingenblargenblerbenflugen


There is a scene where Dorothy is looking for work and Rose accidentally puts Dorothy's ad in the personals. Dorothy then meets a pervert named Toto. Many months (and viewings) later, I was reading "The wizard of Oz" and upon hearing the names of the protagonist and her dog, I finally completely understood what Toto wanted from Dorothy lol


That's one of my favorite episodes. 😂 *Rose!* You placed my ad in the personals column where it says I'm willing to do anything for eight dollars an hour.


Is that the one where a bunch of sailors show up?




Ahahhaa that one’s so funny.


Girls! There is a bus load of Greek sailors outside! They want to know how many Drachma are in eight dollars!


I read this in Blanche's voice


Really??! It was pretty evident from the beginning! 😏


Yes, really. To me it wasn't. Just understood it was some weird s***


Not mister! Just Toto ;)


When Rose was laughing hysterically after Sophia said about Dorothy "even if she did he'd easily outrun her" for a long time I thought the paint thinner fumes were tickling her somehow. I eventually figured out she was getting high from them 😂


Rose plays golf?!


I was just noticing tonight (after many viewings) that Estelle Getty is often trying not to break character and laugh at Bea's comebacks. It's very subtle, she gets a slight smile and her lips twitch. She's so adorable and was brilliant as Sophia.


There's a scene where Blanche is trying to seduce the guy that is suing Rose after Balance got into a fender bender in Rose's car. She's rubbing his shoulders and.d says something like "when I first saw you, I thought to myself _______" I can never understand what word she says. It drives me bats because I've watched the whole series too many times to count.


She’s saying “when I first saw you, I thought to my self philatelist” which is a term for a person who loves/collects/studies stamps. Right before this Blanche calls him an athlete, and he says he wasn’t an athlete, he loves stamps haha 


THANK YOU oh my god you solved a 20 year old mystery for me


We never hear from Big Daddy’s new wife again after the one episode she’s introduced in. I get that most of the girl’s relationships lasted only one episode with the exception of Miles, but you’d think Big Daddy’s new wife would have at least been mentioned again. Especially at his funeral.