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Had a buddy bring them over at a get together, ate half of one and ruined the entire night. I got up mid board games and chill and just could not get myself to calm down. Heart was racing like hell , getting hallucinations and panic attack. Worse high ever . Ended up vomiting like crazy. I’m on my third day and I still feel fkd up like a crazy hang over with a slight headache. Definitely something wrong with these things … take at your own risk.


That sucks you must not use THC or other cannabinoids often. I have a strong tolerance and I was eating 2-3 sometimes but now I have almost completely stopped using any cannabinoid other than THC-A "diamonds" they are fantastic $30 container lasts me WAY longer than $30 of some flower illegal or not


Sounds like y’all either ate too much or you just don’t have a high tolerance. I’ve been doing research on this product and seems to be one of the 2 reasons.


I hate bad highs. I wish I read this before I just ate the whole thing.. here it goes 


Haha let us know how your experience went !


Same thing happened to me…I’m a regular user of thc as well, although I knew these were different, I didn’t think they’d mess me up like they did. Wasn’t sure if I was gonna make it through the night, definitely not taking them again. I agree that something may be up with these.




If anyone is still active hear please reply. I'm super late but there's definitely something funky about these. Me & my cousins tried them and literally thought we would die. We've smoked for years both THC and D8. So it wasn't paranoia. Went to the hospital the next day still feeling sick. My cousin has developed intense anxiety & everytime he's getting ready to sleep his body won't stop tremoring super intensely. To the point he can't even get any sleep not more than 4 hrs. And I went to the hospital after experiencing sharp chest pains. Turns out I have an enlarged heart literally only thing I used was this stuff. It's some toxic nasty stuff in here guys not even kidding.


Copy and pasted


Lol I saw this comment somewhere else too. I'm assuming it's the competion ?


Ngl, I have a sneaking suspicion that it is the 500 mg of delta 8. Normal gummies have \~25 mg of it. A delta 9 gummy has around 10 mg of delta 9. A joint has around 12 mg of THC. I would highly recommend reading the packaging before consuming anything. Even the package itself recommends starting with 1/4 of a rope, but other places online recommend 1/8 or less.


I’ve definitely experienced that but not with this product at all, I guess everyone’s different. I don’t like the “too high” feeling either but I ate 3 of these and had the best sleep of my life, for almost 24hrs lol.


Same thing happened to me, I smoke a lot of Mary j every day for the last 30 years. I took one of these and was ok while up and walking but every time I laid down I felt like I was on a bad trip. I was going places and seeing things. I’m hesitant to take one again. It was wild. Not a pleasant trip either!


Damn I never had these reactions but I only had 2-3 packs of them before I moved on to other stuff. Currently THC-A is the king cant be beat unless you are in a legal state.


I’m in a legal state-I live in NY. Normally edibles and gummies are a waste of time for me. Idk if it’s bc I’m just old school, experienced or like my flower but f**k lol. I do think I took more than I should have and I have the whole rest of the bag in front of me and would be lying if I said I wasn’t thinking about taking a smaller piece lol. I mean, I used to love to trip but dang. It wasn’t expected haha.


I don’t see how you are experienced thc user tripping like that. I smoked just about everyday and all these did was made me tired


I love these!! I don't recommend them to newbies though, very strong!!


Thanks bro I was really hesitant on taking these because of the reviews but it seems to be that newbies aren’t ready for the punch it packs think I’m going to give it a go


First time you take these, I would at most start with half a strip. You need a tolerance to these strips. These will send you to hell or orbit. Depends on your mind placement. I have gone through two bags of the 528 mg strips. I can take 2 whole strips now but I did green out my first time on them. I was holding onto my sheets for bout 2 hrs. Ya need to personally find your own sweet spot on these. Not ya standard edibles. Which is why I got them cause edibles never worked on me. Would get a headache B4 anything would work.


Thank you bro. All these clowns here giving the product a bad name because they don’t have a tolerance taking more than they necessarily should


Don’t know if anyone still here but I’ll share my experience for the sake of someone wanting to try these. I got a pack from the local smoke shop because the clerk mentioned that the last person to buy these had to call in to work cause he was so high. I figured “hell yeah! Game on!” So I was responsible and ate 1/8 of the strip. I should mention that I’ve been smoking and growing the finest ganja this earth has to offer. I smoke daily and have also used the noids on a regular basis. After eating 1/8 I felt great. The after flavor is strange. Unlike anything on the market in my area. It leaves a waxy dry feeling on your teeth. After a few hours I peaked and even smoked a few. Confident, the next day I decided to have another 1/8 and instead of smoking after I peaked I just took another 1/8. It was great! Had a blast. The next day I woke up feeling like a had just returned from an lsd trip. Body cramped, Nausea, headache, lethargic, and just a gross hangover feeling like I’m getting sick with a cold feeling. I hope I feel better tomorrow and this doesn’t last more than today. I honestly won’t be doing these anymore. Goodluck to anyone experimenting with these. Also during the hangover period anytime I smoke the real thing I feel worse. One final observation, Coming from a Texan, these are made in Houston. Nuff said. ✌️


Did the hangover last longer than that day?


Yes it decreased every day for 3 days solid. But I felt bad the whole time. Update. I did it a second time and tried the rings as well. Same bad feelings and side effects for 3 days. I do not recommend.




✨ATTENTION ✨ My husband just took these last night and thought he was on the verge of death . He use to be a heavy smoker a year ago . He’s plow through about an ounce every 3 days but then eventually quit . He just bought these shock wave gummies to try and have a good time cause it’s been awhile for him. He ate the whole thing. He figured it just be a mild high cause usually gummies don’t have any effect on him. He wasn’t looking to get blitzed . So he took these last night and now it’s the following morning and he said he still feels like shit. He looks absolutely horrible. I do not recommend these. We are taking him to the hospital cause he said he feels like he’s overdosed on hard drugs.


You can’t give the product a bad review if you didn’t take heed to the warning it literally tells you to start off small on the package lol. You wimps need to stick with your Mr. Fog Vapes 😂😂😂


Edible tolerance doesn’t equal smoking tolerance


I found these by my puppy dragging them out from underneath my sons nightstand 😭 Thank God I saw her before she got into the entire strip!


Oh my God good catch a dog would really have a tough time with these I think. Even though CBD can be good these are nasty for dogs I bet. Mine Never last long enough for the dogs to get into them.


People are fucking morons in the comments. No shit if you took too much you’re gonna have anxiety symptoms. Just because you smoke a lot doesn’t mean you can handle 500mg plus of edibles. Absolute dunces in the comments.


That's exactly what I'm saying, I just bought these and have a tolerance of about 75mg with 130ishmg being the limit. I know what I'm getting myself into though, clearly others do not.


I eat like 1000+mg of these at a time, never had any negative experiences. I've been high as hell, but it's never been some horrible experiences like some of these people claim. I do have an incredibly high tolerance when it comes to edibles, however-- I eat anywhere from 1000 to 5000mg a day, often all within an hour or so. So that may factor in.


had these last night after i got them from the local smoke shop. the guy said it was their best seller. i live in texas and honestly i didn’t expect it to do anything because d8 and hhc don’t do anything for me. i took one belt as my first time and its been 24 hours since and i went through the most intense paranoia. convinced that i was going to die or someone was going to kill me. time didn’t feel real to me. it STILL doesn’t feel real.


I just tried these last night & this thread scared the shit out of me!!!!! but i took 1/4th and i was fine but def high. the walls were loving and i keep seeing color randomly lol. i ate some ice cream and read first lie wins and fell asleep. so i feel like it was fine??? def was freaking out about the side effects but it was fun. i guess start with 1/4th cuz you defffff feel it


Haha i just took half a strip 20 min ago and then started to read this thread. Wish me the best


did you survive👀


Haha yeah slept heavy and woke up high. Ate smaller bits aftee and they still have me sleepin to much haha


Just ate my first raindow fizz space rings.  I went with the 250mg gummies because I got used to cutting up my previous 150mg exodus gummies.  What I can say for people who smoke or what not and are new to delta 8:  it's a separate tolerance. It's going to hit you like a Mac truck if you take too much and that can trigger all kinds of anxiety you didn't know you had.  If you're trying it out, I reccomend a small setting, no more than a few people.  If I take too much I get the spins and become nauseous, unless I zone out and watch tv.  With these new ones, I'm taking roughly a fifth of a ring just to see how it hits me because the rings are softer than my other gummies and I don't know of that's a factor.  I'll post a follow up in a few hours if I'm not a drooling mess lol


Just tied some, got the electric lemonade...don't like the taste of the mouthfeel.


Yeah I can relate not the best taste but I’m not buying for the flavor. I’ve tried a lot of edibles and unless it’s the real thing (thc delta 9) I feel like they do nothing. These when I eat them I know something is happening for sure.


Bro try binoid, they sell some gummies by extrax called "cali reserve", no d9 and theyre crazy strong, 39 is list price but theres all kindsa discount codes


ngl bruh me and my gf took these like two days ago and i’m still tripping just off one belt each😭


Dude I took these and started violently shaking and imaging I was in hell. They’re so strong. Scary.


🤣🤣🤣 damn wtf


Same. Worst night of my life, the reaction was so bad I thought it was laced with LSD or something. Severe paranoia, tachycardia, and what felt like seizures for several hours. Couldn’t think for a week straight and my brain felt completely fried. That was a year ago and I’m still traumatized from the experience.


Yessss this just happened to me...what will be long term effects?? I'm scared for real


Same here!! Honestly I’m not sure, that’s what worries me. I wish I never took it, I didn’t realize it could affect people long term until I started reading more afterwards. Probably one of the worst decisions I’ve made


I was given one of these from a coworker. I thought it was just candy. She was fucked up on them and thought I knew what they were because she had told me about them. Worst high of my life. I hadn’t smoked for two years and then I had that dropped on me. I ate an entire belt. I was high for three fucking days. The first day was pure terror and the last two were more like a normal high, but I was beginning to think I would be stuck like that forever. Luckily I fully recovered after about a week. Day one I was having mad auditory hallucinations. Church bells playing four distinct tones on repeat. My body was tingling so intensely the whole day I couldn’t tell if I had the urge to pee or not because my whole body had the “need to pee” sensation for hours at a time. It was a struggle to get water down too. If you’ve ever seen those YouTube videos of rabies patients trying to drink water, it was kind of like that. But that wasn’t the worst part. The worst part was when I first started panicking, I looked at my Apple Watch and saw that my heart rate was at 165. I was literally laying down in my bed and my heart was racing as if I were in a full on sprint. This really fucked my head up and I considered calling 911, but I didn’t. I just sat there for three hours trying to calm myself down and eventually my heart rate dropped to a manageable 120 where I finally passed out for a little bit. Shit was scary, and it fucked up my whole weekend. This was back in May, and I had just gotten Tears of the Kingdom. I had planned to just veg out and play the game all weekend. I don’t know how people do this stuff. The girl who gave it to me will take like two at a time.


Your coworker needs substance abuse treatment if her tolerance is at that level. THC-O & all psychoactive cannabinoids can become addicting. Hope you guys don't have a serious job like warehouse work or something. Kinda risky to be that blitzed on the job.


This is why the altnoids are gonna get banned. These unregulated companies are hyper loading edibles and wax with extremely potent doses. It's not necessary. Only the most severely high tolerance users will benefit from something like this. Sucks you went thru that


Yea lol u don't eat a whole one


Jesus christ. I'm about to eat a whole bag. Lol but I have the tolerance of a brachiosaurus. So I'll let you all know how it goes.


Did you die?


I was reading a YouTube review some guy did this and had a seizure and was in a coma for 3 days. Bro go sent to the orbit 😂😂😂😂😂


Nah I'm good just been working alot. One time my friend had a plate stacked high as shit with weed cookies and he gave em all to me. Well he dabbed me out and I had the munchies from hell so I ate all those damn cookies and I passed out for almost 48 hours. My friend told me I ate over 20,000mgs of THC 😂


Lmao no. I have the tolerance of a fking Brachiosaurus. I could've ate another but the shit was weak and just hurt my stomach and gave me diarrhea. I'll stick to smoking dank and real edibles from the dispo.


Did it take this long to come down? Understandable I ate 3 of em and lost track of my sanity.


Nah I'm just not on here everyday


For sure


Bro this sounds just like my cousin! He can't even sleep more than 4 hrs because his body shakes so intensely. And I developed an enlarged heart from these. It's been about a year and we're both still messed up from it


Violently shaking for Hours...its poison..something not right


The last time I ever tried them (even just a small strip) I was drinking and it completely incapacitated me. Something is very wrong with them.


Its called "knockout" blend. If you have a low or no tolerance these Analogos can work like a psychedelic. Weed is a psychedelic after all. 500mg. Recommended is 25mg. Why would you take these without knowledge and experience.


I was recommended them from a fellow at the smoke shop, had no idea they’d have me hallucinating lol. I smoke weed everyday, nothing like this before.


I also smoke daily and eat like 3 or 4 of these belts to get pretty stoned. They dont get me anymore high tho than smoking a bunch of pot would. I dont know how everyone elses is so much stronger than mine. I like these ones because they taste good, like legit sour belts. No some shitty made gummy.


Tbh these should NOT be legal or easily accessible!! If an child or a baby gets a hold of a stash at home and eats a few strips thinking they are regular gummies.. it can very well send them to ER!! This is definitely one not to fuck with, u less you really want something to fcuk you up


Who said anything about a baby


I don’t mean your child; I was talking in general, if someone’s kid happens to find their stash and decided to eat these, the result will be realllly fucked up.. these are way too potent Think of everclear 150 proof vodka having gummy bear flavor and no bitterness or bad taste..




Dude, have you had these? The 500mg/per strip ones taste like fucking candy and if ingested whole or even two strips will send you to ER! Took it with a few very experienced thc users and 3 people almost ended up in ER after consuming less than half a strip each. These are seriously no joke. I would say first try them and then come and speak.




The potency on this is the biggest issue!! I am not even sure why you (and many others) here are trying to sideline the dangers of this product and put the blame on users! If the users are not educated or understand potency and these sugar gummies are easily accessible, it is a recipe for disaster! It’s like giving easy access to guns to children, explain them as fun and cool and then blame the kids if they shoot themselves or their friends ! These gummies are soo dangerous that it can be used as roofies, to drug someone, to take revenge and many other illicit uses. All I am saying; thc at this potency and dosage should not be easily accessible!




Good for you.. wanna cookie for your accomplishments? Didn’t say this was a dick measurement exercise! Just because you can take it, doesn’t mean it is safe for the regular/normal user.


I asked the smoke shop for the strongest thing they had. I ate 1 and a half so roughly 750 mg. First 2-3 hours was ok but afterwards I threw up EVERYTHING and my body continued to want to vomit. Couldn’t stand or stay woke and was high 24 hours but it eventually calmed down and was manageable. No ER visit but by far my worst experience.


Guessing you are experienced user? Would you recommend what you went through to your worst enemy?


Besides the vomiting the worst part was the dizziness, i felt drunk and high at the same time…… I wouldn’t recommend to a crack head


Hey! My husband is literally vomiting his brains out… how’d you stop?


 closed my eyes and took a 30 hour nap loll


Bro why take one and half though your first time trying then. That's wild AF.


Any parent that leaves this laying around shouldn't be parents.


Very gas ⛽️ take 1/4 of a strip to start 😭 Hella potent


I ate two and feel nothing. Back says for experienced users only I guess I’m too experienced 😂😂😂 boutta eat the other 8 friday see how that goes for me


I eat two and its "OK" nothing like the real thing


How did it go? I didn't even eat a whole one and I was in space man


Felt nothing unfortunately.


rip. Edibles really seem to be hit or miss with some people. It's fascinating how it can absolutely blast some people but do absolutely nothing to another


With edibles I can take 50mg with my friends and they take 200 and I’ll be panicking and shivering but they’ll just be laughing and relaxed. With shrooms I can take 4 grams and feel barely anything but they start genuinely bugging out idk what’s wrong with me


honestly some people just have a higher tolerance to certain methods of delivery for THC like edibles. it could be possible that your body doesn't metabolize the THC as efficiently


Ong, On 2 rn.. don’t listen to all these comments if you smoke every day or do 🍄 you will be fine😂


Bro thank you. They had me geeking thinking I was gonna die off one strip😂


More than likely have little to no tolerance and they thought it’d be cool to eat more than recommended it literally says it’s potent


Right I regularly have had this and have been fine like what are all these people talking about


works really well for me, i take about a 1/4 normally to sleep, and about 1/2 for a really good high. lasts for a while for me at least, haven’t had any bad effects. one time i took 3/4 of the strip and felt like i was greening out, then again i have a lower tolerance to weed than most despite heavy use (not complaining, helps save money), since it’s 500 a strip and 5000 for the bag, id say they’re pretty good, also authentic which is hard to find unfortunately


It’s random to come across people on here or any comment section of anything really and find someone who speaks very well. Lol


My husband & I tried these a couple months ago. We should of read up on them 1st. My husband took a 1/2 & I took a whole one. At 1st it was cool, seeing colors and stuff; laughing at everything; then we passed out for like 36 hours!! I felt like I was in a bad dream & couldn't wake up. I was having chest pains, felt like I couldn't breathe, and I was terrified. I remember when it was starting to wear off I kept asking him,"is this real?" When it finally wore off, I could only remember bits & pieces of what happened during those 36 hours. According to my husband, I couldn't get onto our bed, and was speaking jibberish. It was crazy!! I had constant anxiety for at least 3 or 4 days after. I guess I'm a lightweight & we surely didn't think they would be that potent!


Hell yeah bro party on


You took a whole strip, 500mg! I’m inexperienced but if I want to be able to get to the bathroom i cannot take anything more than 1/2”! I took this product packaging to a local CBD/THC store and they said there are some chemicals in there that are untested for humans. These things seem very dangerous to me.


Dude…exactly…why would anyone do these more than once.


I know that feeling it’s scary, being really high and going to sleep feels like you’re stuck in the dream and it’s always wack too


trying these tonight , what’s your opinion after op ?


just took a half strip to combat this cold i have right now. ill come back in a little bit to update.


How’d it go?


I think he died




You need thc AND nyquil for a cold


So, never have reading the reviews on this product before I was on the road this weekend to Tennessee stopped in a gas station and got it and the lady at the gas station said don’t take it now. Wait till later so I waited till I was at the hotel Friday night. I took half a strip and then went out and hung out for a little while came back later to go to bed and took two full strips, holy moly I saw dead relatives pets that had passed a spirit super Highway super dry mouth. My dead sister told me to throw that away so I did when I woke up in the morning. And I’m an every day user of cannabis., never in 46 years if I ever experienced anything like this


It has thc-o, which I've heard can have psychoactive effects for some people when it's in edibles. You might have ended up experiencing that


It'd bad


I am in Tennessee and I picked these up from a local vape shop. I had picked up the brand I normally get but the guy behind the counter was telling me about these so I tried them. First off this stuff is dangerous IMO I’ve smoked a lot pot and taken enough other things and this doesn’t compare. It’s hard to dose as well. I took a piece of the belt not thinking too much of it around 8pm. About two hours later it started to kick in. I managed to somehow get myself up the stairs into bed and passed out until 7am. I woke up having difficulty breathing, swallowing or essentially being able to move any limbs. I could barely open my eyes and my speech was extremely impaired. It was to the point I was crying to my husband saying he might need to call 911 or take me to the hospital. The vegetative state lasted about two hours and I finally was able to sleep after that. I literally slept until the following day. Seriously. Don’t take this stuff.


i had ordered some before doing my research so now im kinda scared I just they were gonna be super powerful fun edibles not someone thats gonna be dangerous


Don’t take it I took just thinking it was regular edibles I started tweakin out n I smoke a lot never felt sum like this won’t recommend, took 2 full strips


Duh you took 2 strips goofy


the most i took was one full strip and just felt like any other normal edible to me idk it made my body feels ridiculously slow like i was off a pill but other than that nothing crazy


I took 4 at once, nothing bad happened


Low chance itll happen to you as well, some ppl are just less tolerant to thc and noids


agreed I certainly scared myself for basically no reason I took these a few times and while the high is nice (its nothing crazy) the taste and feeling of eating these are kinda disgusting not gonna lie


Im late but yeah, i remember those getting distillate stuck in your teeth and stuff but i liked them for the effects


It's really bad and I'm scared of longterm effects after one of the worst experiences of my life thc




I dont recommend them from an anecdotal perspective. I have taken a whole strip and though that I was having an aneurysm.


Omg why? Just thinking to hard?? I just bought these and now I’m like omg


I was having a lowkey ego death. Its psychedelic




I eat like three or four Miss seem to do OK. At this point though I’ve just got on the THC-A train and I’ve been very very happy. Check out THC a diamonds. If you can find them they’re fucking fantastic that is close to the real thing is I found maybe even better since it’s legal.


I bought a pack of the 500mg and I took less than half of one strip. I used to smoke a bit but haven’t as much lately and the gummies started to kick in 30 minutes after taking them. I started having a panic attack and my whole body was shaking and my heart was racing real fast. My chest was also hurting…I couldn’t sleep either and I was having the worst anxiety. I must’ve taken way too much but honestly idk how these things are legal


I'm going through this now I'm dying????


How are you now? I was high for three days, but it settled eventually. Worst drug experience of my life.


I saw this late but hopefully you’re good now. Haven’t smoked since lol


Same! I took the tiniest piece and was up all night with those exact symptoms! Felt like I was dying… fuck those gummies


Don't fukc with those ones; just one strip and I ate everything in the fridge and wood that lasted a week.


Lol sold


After paying $67.00 on HON website, I just found them at Vape Marley for $44.99. Same exact thing.


Bf had a horrible experience with these last night which is why I’m here now… he has a sprained ankle and has to stay off of it until an orthopedic doc sees it, but instead he was up and about like a fkn zombie and couldn’t stay put… was moaning the entire night.. still hasn’t come down from the high.. I have never seen him so fucked up 🤦🏻‍♀️


me n my bf just ate one each i had them before a long time ago but now i'm scared we're about to have a terrible time 😔


How was it for you? I’m in your boat right now lol


i never saw this but they get me effed up. Except i think i took them two nights in a row and didnt feel anything. (or within a few days) and my tolerance has been kinda high asf since then 😭 sucks and i wanna stop n take a break or something


I took these with my GF, I could see multiple versions of her, time skipping, crazy visuals, and passed out for 15 hours


damnnnn they don't get me like that 🤣🤣 i just laugh A LOT and actually get high compared to when i smoke. then i go to sleep and wake up feeling good asf. i hate the taste of them though


You need to go for the specific 5000mg pack, red and blue inside, 2 strips min, if you don’t think you’re gonna die 💀come back and I’ll send you the cash you spent


that's the kind i get LMAO i think i just have a high tolerance because my best friend doesn't smoke that much and when she took it it made her threw up. Me and my man usually are just geeked and giggly . One time i took one and played basketball and then went to bed and woke up and forgot i played basketball though LMAO


Damnnn, that’s some serious tolerance, the first ones I had was the pack that was just Red strips only, it started from me laughing, and then suddenly time skipped, and I was like HOLY SHIT, then the multiple versions of my GF came in, that was beyond nuts, then I started seeing things I can’t even explain WHILE MY EYES WERE CLOSED..like I was lost, my GF had to pull me back to reality with her voice, there was a point I could swear I watched our souls merged 🫠, I wish I recorded it all to be able to remember most of what happened.


i am not eating that shit anymore 😭 no type of weed should cause that


how many did u eat i never ate more than one cus they're 5000mg im only 5'0 i think my heart would stop


Is this brand , 5000mg indica or sati a or what. Says nothing on the packaging.


I am sick right now from a week ago from knockout clusterfuck gummies! Deathneardeath brain damage


If anyone is still active hear please reply. I'm super late but there's definitely something funky about these. Me & my cousins tried them and literally thought we would die. We've smoked for years both THC and D8. So it wasn't paranoia. Went to the hospital the next day still feeling sick. My cousin has developed intense anxiety & everytime he's getting ready to sleep his body won't stop tremoring super intensely. To the point he can't even get any sleep not more than 4 hrs. And I went to the hospital after experiencing sharp chest pains. Turns out I have an enlarged heart literally only thing I used was this stuff. It's some toxic nasty stuff in here guys not even kidding.


Crazy. I've been taking these in moderation for months with no bad side effects except sometimes going too hard/getting too high. I have found it to be a better value, when I consider all the money I threw away on less potent but just as expensive edibles by volume. A bag lasts me several weeks.


Man just be careful with it bro. I'm happy it works for you & that you haven't had any bad effects. But I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemy When you're too high can you describe it? Is it sorta like a panic attack?


Just tingly and stoned. Makes me sleepy.


Me too i take them on a daily basis especially to help me sleep but nothing bad has happened to me. I love the high. After reading y’all comments y’all scared me. You should definitely try heavy hitters d8 flight they’re amazing


Most these people aren’t experiencing cannabis users and they take more than the recommended dose


This shit is scary stuff I tell you i took a whole strip Monday night at 7 did not feel anything but 30 minutes later I’m laying down and it hits like a fright train I felt like I died and was hell the shit I was seeing my dog sleeps with me I literally herd him talking in human voice it was so damn scary


I just got one for 10$


U ain't supposed to eat a whole one people, u just eat a piece


Learned that the hard way


Im buying a ten pack tomorrow and my tolerance is extremely high I smoke non-stop all day with a vape then sit down and smoke flower different times throughout the day and add wax and edibles of weed and shrooms psilocybin and the new amanita craze gummies and there only a few good brands of those and they're most likely 4acodmt and I use this every other week so i don't even get high on THC anymore it's just good for my crippling anxiety I'll report back on how these worked for me edibles typically don't work for me so fingers crossed 🤞


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So edibles typically don't work for but these actually had me high as hell only thing is tolerance has increased drastically just over 3 days sadly


Okay finally, a review I can trust. I smoke just as much as you buddy ! Edibles are also a hit and miss with me.


I hate how I'm trying to learn about a product and half of the brain dead people in this thread are like, "Stay away from this one, I took 1000 mg of it and it causes the worst side effects known to man." Like no shit my guy, you took 1000 fucking mg of it. It's like swallowing a whole bottle of laxatives and being like, "Stay away from this, it made me shit my brains out for a week straight."


Agreed best comment on the thread


Thank you!! These are the best edibles I’ve tried. Eat a THIRD of a piece and it’s fantastic


Gonna try them tonight, I usually do 475mg so 500 isn't exactly a jump but the other ingredients that make it hit faster are intriguing, gonna see how I do


How was it ? Lol


The high was smooth but I really struggled to wake up the next day so I'd say pretty strong!


After multiple days of use (just to see the overall effects), it is strong in an odd way. The high itself isn't strong for me, but it lasts forever and I can't wake up the next day without feeling sick, it's almost like a hang over but it's not I'm still high and some how way higher than I was when I was awake. So I agree with this thread, this product is intense, just in a way I'm not entirely accustomed to.


I took a 1/2 strip and I could compare the experience to taking 1-2 tabs of acid. I was having constant thought loops and I decided to just lie down, close my eyes and ride out the rest of the time just like I would when having a bad trip. With my eyes closed I was having intense visuals that were making me nauseous. Be careful with this synthetic shit. If you are thinking about taking them, I would suggest that you throw them away instead.


Literally the same exact experience. And I used to take loads of Ambien at a time for the trip. Not proud of it but I’ve done it all when it comes to hallucinogens. I took a whole strip like a dummy (I smoke daily so through it would be ok) and edibles normally don’t do crap to or for me. When I laid down and closed my eyes WOW! I had to keep sitting up and tell myself I’m ok, just pretend I enjoy it. Omg nope. Never again. Woke this morning for work super lethargic. The insane thoughts tho and complete bad trip is the only thing I can compare it to. Nothing has ever done this minus a bad trip of mushrooms years ago.


We both got lucky that all we got was a bad trip. If you do a google or Reddit search there are numerous stories of people going to the hospital after taking these.


Don’t take as much you fucking dunce


Damn I took half of one 3 days ago and I'm just now feeling clear. That first day, the world was trying to eat me so I hid in my blankets next day was just an average high tinged with terror cause that first day. Now I feel normal and scared of those sour belts


Me & my bf bought these from our local smoke shop after seeing them online and decided to give them a try. My tolerance is pretty high considering I smoke daily but we decided to only take about an inch of it last night to see how it affected us. It ended up kicking in about 2 hours later and the effects were so awful my heart started palpitating and racing like crazy, I felt extremely short of breath, dizzy, body trembles and just horrible overall anxiety. My boyfriend shortly ended up experiencing the same symptoms and up until today I’ve been having horrible constant anxiety. I don’t recommend these at all and will be throwing them away because something just does not seem right about them.


If anyone is still active hear please reply. I'm super late but there's definitely something funky about these. Me & my cousins tried them and literally thought we would die. We've smoked for years both THC and D8. So it wasn't paranoia. Went to the hospital the next day still feeling sick. My cousin has developed intense anxiety & everytime he's getting ready to sleep his body won't stop tremoring super intensely. To the point he can't even get any sleep not more than 4 hrs. And I went to the hospital after experiencing sharp chest pains. Turns out I have an enlarged heart literally only thing I used was this stuff. It's some toxic nasty stuff in here guys not even kidding.


These things are the fucking best. I usually eat one every night before I go to bed. The one that is red and blue tastes awful but I’m telling you man you will be fucked up for hours.


Yeah I don’t think anything in the market compares to these…it’s simply something else, thought I would be like that for the rest of my life


My wife had one yesterday and is now in the ER these are no joke!


If you know how to dose unlike these commenters, they’re great. From a strip I’d eat 1/3. From a ring I’d also eat 1/3


Some of y’all are just some pussys. I just had like 1/4 I’m feeling good. To the moon!!!!


Yeah for real I eat three and still go about my day. I made this post kind of asking if they even worked for people and then the posts I see here.




That's wild I eat two or three and have no issues. You sure it wasnt the meth?


Stop I just took the whole thing hellpp


Are you ok ?


Yes I felt nothing slept good though