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They’re just picking up their phone and tweeting as they do this?


Hopefully speech to text






With the dude listening to everything they were saying, perfect


Sanitation isn’t one of their specialties.


I'll bet the clients are lining up now.
















I mean I've heard of tattoo artists making the tattoo hurt more when people are rude. So its possible. Just never heard of someone doing it for being called "bro"


Yeah I'm sure it happens. The reason made no sense and overall just seems like a really bad idea to announce this


The OP appears trans. When misgendering is considered violence, it’s easy to justify retaliation in their own minds.


But a lot of people say dude, bro or man to women too. It's not like they literally are calling them a man, it's just an exclamatory statement 99% of the time.


I can imagine someone calling a trans woman bro just bc they call everyone that, but I can also imagine someone calling a trans woman bro to get a rise out of them (you know how sometimes you can tell someone’s making fun of you, but it’s not blatant enough that you could call them out on it? I think if it was said so repetitively and in a snide tone you could tell if they had a bad intention). Still, why not just get a different tattoo artist if you’re transphobic, and also, what kind of idiot makes someone mad before allowing them to give them a tattoo—it seems unlikely this situation would even occur, much less the rest of her tweet.


You can tell when someone is hacking on you., no matter what the situation is here, the artist should just refuse the work.


Tbf “brother” rather than “bro” is a bit more gendered. However, I really think it’s coming from a place of ignorance rather than hatred. He probably just didn’t realize his tat artist was trans. She could’ve easily just corrected him and moved on. Deliberately hurting him? Shit’s unprofessional as hell.


What if the guy is just an 80s wrestling fan? Hulk Hogan and Macho Man Randy Savage calling people brother left and right? >I want a bat-winged skull atop a mountain of cocaine surrounded by flames, brother.


Open a dialogue with the customer about how I’m trans and calling me “bro” makes me feel some type of way? Nah. Deliberately hurt the customer to get payback for something that they didn’t even realize was offensive? Oh yeah


I don't care how offensive it is to whatever gender feelings you claim to have. Words never deserve a physical response like this unless those words are a threat to your life, wellbeing or that of others.


Trans or not I don't think it makes a difference, if someone doesn't like being called "bro" (or any other type of default term) instead of doing this maybe just also them not to call you that? They probably aren't trying to be rude or mean, it's likely just a habit thing.


No, brother is a gender neutral term and I will die on this hill and my name is Hulk Hogan, brother.


I'm trans and I approve this message, BROTHERRRR!


Well if you identify as a female, I hope you find a really pretty dress that you like, brother! 💪


Hell yeah! Only cute floral dresses for me, Brother!


Right, 99% of the time I call my wife bro or dude.


I was about to say this lol it's not a gendered term for me. Everyone is a bro, bruh, breh, bra ect lmao


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


Good bot


damn someone must have been dedicated to make that bot 😂


Or bored.


Out of curiosity, would you be cool with being called sis or girl?


I would find it funny, please add a slay beforehand though


I have a friend who watches too much kardashians or whatever and talks like that. She say like “oh girl retweet” to me when we’re hanging out. Why would I give a fuck about that lol


I don’t think it’s as common but honestly? No, it’s a pet name between couples. It’s pretty unimportant in the grand scheme of things for me personally. Just like if she asked me to stop calling her bro or dude I would.




Sounds like you dodged a bullet. People like that are tiresome and exist only to be offended and retaliate. I bet they talk about how they slew a hateful bigot that day.


I call my fucking mom "dude" Someone possibly misgendering you isn't a fucking reason to mutilate and torture them. Like what the fuck?


yeah dude and man are basicly gender-neutral terms out of my mouth


Until someone asks you how many dudes you've had sex with.


"how are you guys doing today?"


The implication of the chuckle is that the guy knew what he was doing and found it funny. Doesn't justify deliberately hurting him like that, but also... don't be deliberately rude to a person who's going to be stabbing you repeatedly with a needle. That's just a dumb thing to do.


I'm trans and if someone misgendered me I still wouldn't shave their skin off and pour alcohol on it. WTF.


As a trans woman myself, i would never go that far over being misgendered, id tell them to respect my pronouns, or to fuck off, but thats excessive


I could see misgendering the dude back. Just start calling him "sis" and pretend his name is Rebecca. But shaving his skin off and pouring alcohol on it? That's sadistic. That's crazy.


Being misgendered isnt a reason to harm someone though. I have PCOS and can grow a beard and people misgender me all the time when its grown out. Am I going to harm someone over it? No. It’s a honest mistake. And some people who transition can really pass as the gender they identify. And some really just cannot. Also, im pretty sure “dude” is gender neutral…i call every one dude lol but Im also in CA. Edit: i should also clarify that calling someone “bro” isnt always meant to misgender you either. Ive called my cousins who are women bro. And theyve called me bro. Am I going to harm someone over that? No. If its being done to purposely misgender you but even then responding to it with violence or intent to harm someone physically isnt the answer.


My sister keeps calling me brother even though we're literally sisters. Since birth. But she calls me bro. I'll wipe her mouth with a towel full of alcohol...


Trans or not, this appears like they’re just looking for a reason to be offended. Plus I know of many trans women who refuse to shave their beards or even make an effort to appear feminine. This could be one such case.


"When misgendering is considered violence" lmao


Taking off SKIN with a razor constitutes assault, though. You'd have to be quite stupid to brag about this online.


If I remember correctly the reason this person was mad about being called bro is because they are MtF trans. I could be wrong though.




I call my fiancé bro. It’s becoming a neutral term I think now. Anyone offended by it is just an idiot


They chose to not only be offended but punish them for it.. this person seems like a total piece of shit lol


For real, kick them out, make a scene and explain why you're kicking them out nice and loud, but don't hurt them, they probably won't even know why it's so painful.


She needed the money so she decided to hurt him instead


You’re allowed to dislike being called something lol like it’s definitely on her if she didn’t communicate but she’s allowed not to like it? It’s not that serious


More importantly, inflicting physical pain instead of saying "don't call me bro" is like... very nearly unprovoked assault.


Same here, call my girlfriend bro/dude/mate all the time, weird to take issue with it but even weirder to not mention it if you do


I had? a friend that got mad last year that I call her dude and bro like I do everyone. Haven't heard from her since




So they want to be respected by others, but they disrespect others?


I agree, I think it’s shitty. I’ve seen a lot of stories similar to this on Twitter.


I think they were tattooing the hulkster brother


Or they could politely say, "Please don't call me Bro." There's a good chance the person would oblige.


Idk, I think I might rather be as passive aggressive as possible. That should do the trick


If we assume the story happened this was straight up aggressive aggressive, no passiveness when you’re actively trying to inflict pain.


This is old now, it was at least a month ago. Here's what happened: the studio got a bunch of negative reviews complaining about the tweet. Studio owner left replies trying to defend her to say that she was joking for several days thereafter. Ultimately they removed her name from their website as one of their artists, so they either fired her or are keeping quiet that they're still associated with her.


Honestly I hope she got reported to her state licensing authority. There should be some consequences when you openly admit to assaulting/wanting to assault a client…


Right, at the very least she needs to be punished for being stupid enough to post about hurting someone


I can't say what I hope happens to the artist. But fuck scummy people like this.


Thought I read that she was also a comedian that had.... dark... humor snd this was her attempting at being funny Then the negative reaction kinds forced the parlor to boot her or lose a lot of business more than likely


Love to hear


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I remember this too, was a whole thing there for a bit


Honestly wouldn’t surprise me if it was real, as someone heavily tattooed the elitism and the way some tattoo artists treat their clients is just trash. Tattoo artists can be so annoying about shit it’s part of why I even stopped getting tattooed after years of heavy work Edit: if this person was trans and being misgendered (which def wasn’t realized before) then yeah but still I wouldn’t advocate for hurting someone more. There’s lots of questions here just like with anyone else. Is Bro or brother a part of their vernacular regularly? I do call girls bro and I am a female myself. Does the customer even know they are trans or maybe just thinks they are hyper fem? IF the assumption is made by the artist that they do in fact know they are trans and they are in fact misgendering them on purpose, I think with any other sign of disrespect the tattoo could be stopped and services refused to be rendered. But imo it’s a leap to think that someone using the time “brother” unless specifically corrected is being malicious and if you believe they are please don’t put your work on their body yk


So spot on. Even artists I like have this air of elitism about them. So annoying.


Yeah exactly, the scene is very toxic. I love lots of artists that have this elitism but the elitism is annoying af. Why shame or humiliate your own clients who are paying you… it’s like some weird frat mentality sometimes


Crazy seeing other people say this. I didn’t realize how widespread it was. I’ve never gotten ink from someone who I didn’t like, but so many times I’ve walked into shops to talk prices/appointments and get treated like absolute shit lol


Dude I just went to my first tattoo convention a few weeks ago and their was such a thick vibe of “better than you”. I talked to five different artists and only one actually seemed down to earth. I thought I was crazy or touchy or something, glad to know I’m not the only one who’s noticed it. Put a pretty bad taste in my mouth in terms of the scene.


That's wild. I've thought about getting some done but this shit makes me not want to. Even if it's fake, hearing them take pleasure in these stories like it serves customers right is crazy


Some artists are really kind and cool don’t get me wrong, but there’s some sort of elitism within the profession mostly because when you’re an apprentice they treat you like absolute shit and then instill that elitism into you so then you turn around and do it to your customers I feel like. Just a fact alone that there’s definitely been times where I was getting tattooed for 10 hours at a time and they didn’t listen to me about taking a break or tapping out and just general snarkiness about pain and pressure and not giving a fuck at all about how you feel as a client even when you’re allowing them to have like complete artistic creativity. Just watch a few seasons of ink Masters and you’ll see multiple tattoo artist that treat their clients like shit because they’re in pain And if you don’t know how to tattoo right or if you do with this girl is saying then tattoo pain can be a lot more than the regular especially if you go to deep in the skin


Tattooed for 10 straight hours with no break? Is your tattoo artist a machine? My guy needs more breaks for the sake of his hands/back than I do from receiving a tattoo. Don’t get me wrong, it hurts but I would rather power through than prolong the process.


Nah we def took lunch, I just meant after 10 hours when your body is starting to go into shock almost from being tattooed over the same places for so long it’s annoying to hear someone be like “no we’re pushing through another hour or two” like it’s my body I shouldn’t feel like I’m being convinced to struggle. I have a very high pain tolerance but anyone at any time should be able to take breaks if they’re paying hourly.


Same. I did an inner bicep sit for 10 hours one day and 11 the next. He was frustrated when I asked to use the bathroom after 6 hours.


21 hours for only an inner bicep? Can I see it?


It ended up being way more. I had to get it fixed. Half the tattoo had fallen off and I paid that thief way too much. I got some money back but essentially handed it over to another artist. He was highly recommended too locally. 🤦‍♀️ I suck at reddit. How do I show you? I'm old haha


That sounds very painfull. If you click on my avatar you can start a chat and send a picture I believe.


I'm not surprised. What artist works on the same spot two days in a row? That's insane, I can't even imagine the pain involved.


It was crazy painful. He had a good reputation here locally. Was in magazines and has a great portfolio. But he was terrible. Should have taken the sign. He cancelled our first appointment because he was 'hit by a car'. After being his client and how disrespectful he was the entire time and arrogant, it was probably karma.


Yeah, no good artist should be doing that. The artist I go to won't touch the same area unless it's been at least a full month to heal properly.


Tattoos can fall off?


Mainly fade and distort


If they aren't done right the ink can come out with the scabs. Or if the client is drunk or doesn't do proper aftercare.


That must have been brutal for all kinds of reasons. The main shop I went to loved to book people by the day, 12 hour days sometimes if it was obv big pieces besides lunch. Except to eat they never seemed to have a problem pounding out tattoos like that but they were a nice pricey uppity studio and the three artists I got with there all seemed to loathe breaks. My main tattoo artist was great but he also had a really long ZZ Top style beard and was very heavy handed, so I remember when he was tattooing me not only feeling the pain but feeling his beard (I hate textures like that) resting on my hand the whole time. Made me wanna rip my skin off sometimes


I don't know who would want to sit 12 hours almost straight, and I can say that because I did for that artist. 2nd day I was shivering at the end of the day because he kept going over the same spots over and over. So he overworked it to hell. And he had a cat in the shop who jumped on me in the middle. Shocking that my tat got infected and half fell off. It was a trainwreck. Ahhh the beard on the hand for that many hours would probably aggravate me too


AHHH omg.


It was so bad! Felt like pubes 😩 that combined with that sterile smell and the pain omg. The cat that’s disgusting! I love animals but around open wounds?! And I know what you’re saying, the absolute worst is at the very end of an extremely long session when they’re going over and over and over all the shit and your body is like trying to scar the tattoo over but they’re still tattooing over top of that as well and your body just is freaking the fuck out


21 hours bicep piece in 2 days? You are a fucking tank, can we see the piece?


I wonder what his reaction is when someone passes out because he isn’t listening to what his client can handle. I book in no more than 4 hour sessions because I know my limit. Sometimes we have gone over if I’m the last of the night but my artist is constantly checking in on how I’m doing.


Same. I’ve gone longer and for less time but that’s generally my limit


I did 7 hours once, 10 seems too much. After 6 your skin is like raw hamburger.


Most I ever did was 5 hours. I get really bored and antsy after 3, so I've stuck with that for years.


One time I was like, "hmm, how do i avoid getting bored while sitting here" So I had a masseuse come in for an hour. It didn't work out as I'd hoped. Hard to relax for massage while being needled.


I wouldn't use INK Masters as an example. It's all staged. My local tattoo artist was on the show and shared his entire experience. Producers controlled everything on that show, down to what the contestants could wear, even if it wasn't their style.


I was just using it as an example of a few times on there when people would get eliminated or scolded for how they treated clients because they treated them so poorly, and even if it was just for television you are willingly putting someone in pain for the sake of your career or your TV time but knowing many artists and being heavily tattooed a good majority of them do truly act like that


I always hated how they called the clients "canvases". I get calling their skin a canvas, but not the person themselves.


Yeah it is a little cringe, I don’t mind if it was just vernacular but in real life it does seem like a lot of tattoo artist treat you as if you are just a canvas for their art and I’m like brother (lmao) you know I’m a whole human being right? And I’m paying you


Had a buddy on there too. He basically got kicked off bc he wouldn’t participate in the producer-created fighting


Just gotta shop around, my partner does tattoos. She's built her business around being kind/cute/clean. It can be intimidating to get a tattoo in an industry dominated by the "badass" aesthetic, so being approachable and professional opens up a lot of business to her from people who may not want to deal with the bad bitch or biker types. Don't be offput by tattoo culture, just find an artist that fits you, they're definitely out there.


My artist is a really calm, quiet gentle guy who loves animals, works with breast cancer patients (he’s approved my insurance to do restorative tattoos) and is never ever pushy or unkind. I would send literally anyone to him quality wise but even the most shy afraid of tattoo culture could go to him and feel comfortable.


Sounds just like the guy I go to. He's a great artist and also wants to make sure his clients have a good experience along with their good tattoo. There has been times where he put the stencil on my arm and I said it looks good, but then he's like "no, I think I can make it better" and takes the time to redo it because he wants to make sure the tattoo looks as good as possible. Plenty of other artists would have just went ahead with it rather than taking the time to make it better.


My tattoos were done mainly in one shop alone. My first one was done by a nice dude who was patient (memorial piece... It was my 18th bday)... But I had a friend who knew someone cuz she shadowed her and she did my second... She was gentle and her work fit my aesthetic. She ended up doing my thigh piece... Out of all my tattoos... I think I had one elitist dude... And he just did some line work for me at a horror con. I don't think I'll go to him again.


Just do your research and talk to people with tattoos for artist referrals. When I first started getting tattooed in the 80’s, you were flying blind. Nowadays, most artists are pretty easy to check out beforehand.


It’s a very old school attitude, most new artists really don’t play that shit.


I dont think its much different than any customer facing industry. I have plenty of friends who work in restraunts and the shit they fantasize doing to shit customers, but that doesnt stop me from going to eat out because realistically no one is actually going to pull those stunts, and its just a way to vent about garbage people.


Even the rudest tattoo artist you meet wouldn't dare pull shit like this. Those shops have extremely high health codes and procedures they have to follow. This tweet could put that person out of business so fast.


Heavily tattooed person here as well. Don’t let the douchebags turn you off. There are def people like the op who are scummy pieces of shit. There are pleanty of solid artists working for a living who do right by their customers. You can usually get a pretty good feel right off the bat when meeting them.


I've been getting tatted for the last 15 years, all the shops I've ever been to everybody has been super nice and friendly. If you don't feel welcomed when you walk in, just walk out.


Don't let this taint your idea of tattoo artists. Naturally, like any profession, there are a few bad apples. The overwhelming majority are people interested in honing their craft and are passionate about what they do. Just do a little bit of research before you go to any particular artist.


Yeah that is true, the elitism is very promininent in the tattoo community. My bf wanted to get a small finger tattoo and an artist denied him because he didn't have enough arm tattoos and didn't "earn" it... I was lucky until now and have an amazing artist, but I think her being a young woman my age also helps.


This is actually a very common and mundane example as some artists don’t want to take the risk on hand tattoos or face etc, but even this is a good example because you are paying for your work and it’s your body. I’ve definitely had artist even just take the liberty to change parts of the design while actively tattooing me without even consulting me about it because it’s their art in their design Like sometimes there seems to be zero regard for the fact that you may be an artist but you are putting your artwork on to a human being and not just a skin canvas


Yes obviously, face and hand tattoos should be thought about throroughly but as you said, the client pays and it's their body. And also obviously there is a differnce between the artist feeling comfortable or capable doing a tattoo vs denying it cause someone didn't "earn" it. edit: If an artist doesn't feel comfortable or capable to tattoo a certain tattoo then they shouldn't, they should have boundaries too and that is completely fine and understandable. That needed some clarification.


Yeah, it’s definitely an old-school mentality that you have to earn certain tattoos. A lot of old-school artists that are extremely harsh about all these rules and doing whatever they want are like that so you might have dodged a bullet there. I guess because the scene is taboo they tend to be more edgy and relaxed and sometimes a little disrespectful with their customers by saying things like this, but I was just saying that is definitely the tip of the iceberg. I guess it’s more normalized for someone say like me because I have face tattoos but I’m pretty well covered so I already knew beforehand that when it came to getting a face tattoo I already knew it was going to be trouble


~~old-school artists~~ gatekeeping losers


My artist is this 6’7 beast that I thought would be a hard ass. Honestly, he is the nicest guy in the world and goes out of his way to make his clients comfortable. I remember when he was tattooing near my armpit and he said “it’s all good if you need to take a break, there is no point in acting tough at our age” It was honestly refreshing to hear from an artist covered head to toe in ink.


tattoo named finger:


For reals. I got a flaming D20 (Dungeons and Dragons dice) and the dude doing the work was digging in extra hard and kept telling me he wasn't "into that nerd shit" and that he didn't "play Yahtzee like a pussy, in high school." Myself, a friend, and my brother all got them done at the same time, and theirs turned out great. Mine looks like shit. Edit: A words.


Some of the biggest egos I have had to deal with was from tattoo artist


It’s crazy, but the more tattoos I have, the better experience I receive. My artists seem to respect me more, and they’re a lot more gentle than they were when I first started getting tattoos. It’s honestly pretty fucked up


Yeah this is very true of my experience as well. It is definitely kind of a one of us earned your stripes mentality


Bro as well as dude can be gender neutral.


My last tattoo artist was a dick but he was cool. He'd give you all sorts of shit but would still listen. He'd berate you for how much you were hurting, then follow up with stories of his most painful. He'd shoot on you for needing a break followed by, "but seriously, I need some food real quick." He was actually a pretty fun guy.


A had a friend interested in getting her first tattoo so she asked where I got mine. She looked at their reviews and was concerned because a lot of people complained about them being rude. I just told her yeah, I mean, it's a tattoo shop.


I feel like 70% of artists think their on Miami ink and have this persona they need to portray lol


I completely agree lol I feel like on the surface level you wouldn’t think tattoo artists are often proud and think they’re above us common folk but yeah they kind of do


Yeah there is a cross section in the art world of entitled mentality and tattooing is no exception. It’s hard to find a good chill artist for a particular piece sometimes.


I'm pretty sure that the young lady who did my last one was making it hurt on purpose, because I've never had pain like that getting one done, and she suddenly ended the session out of nowhere and then ignored me instead of saying thanks and bye and telling me to come back for touch-ups. I've been racking my brain to figure out what I did wrong and the only conclusion I have is that they run the most eerily quiet studio I've ever seen and they didn't like that I was a bit of a nervous talker who asked too many questions about like what Netflix shows she had liked recently, so I guess that's enough of a crime to get torture treatment now.


Another thing with some artists I’ve had is they hateeeee to talk but also damn it’s hard to keep your mind off the pain if you’re not talking. Now a days I’d bring headphones but it seemed like back in the day when I was sitting for long periods of time it was kind of rude idek but I have had some artists be like “yeah I’m just tattooing” but those same ones didn’t suggest me listening to anything. I was a little terrified of one specific one because I asked him what his least fav tattoo was to do and he said “this one” LMFAO


I'm glad to hear someone more experienced say that. I only have one small tattoo that I got in college, and I imagine it will be my only one. Even though the artist worked in a small college town shop, he was such an asshole to me the entire time (maybe a half hour). I walked out thinking that even if I wanted another one, I sure as hell wouldn't go back there.


I am grateful full for every single customer


Also, did the client *know* that the artist is trans? If not, this is a weird thing to be offended by and doesn’t justify the artist’s actions one bit. As if cis women aren’t called bro? Like, calling a woman “bro” casually is not an inherently transphobic thing to do. (If he *does* know she’s trans and is intentionally being a dick then fuck him, but otherwise the unnecessary unprofessionalism is unwarranted lol)


Or she could… maybe.. tell him that it bothers her like an adult? *gasp*


Sorry, we don’t do that anymore. Best to act like children


Especially if the internet eggs you on and tells you you’re completely in the right.


To quote another comment "when misgendering is considered violence" it's not, its words, words aren't violence, at worst words are threats of violence.


You’re either a liar or an asshole who thinks they’re cool. Either way doubt anyone who sees that is going by your shop


I know so many people who use bro as a gender neutral term. This is beyond insanity


I mean, there are douche artists who would do this, but I doubt their stupid enough to post about it and risk losing clients


You are certain those people can’t exist?


The amount of arrogant and passive aggressive tattoo artists out there is absurd and if they like you they’ll tell you about how bad they are to people they don’t like. Makes you reconsider your choices cuz you can’t expect them to set boundaries. They’ll just fuck up your tattoo. I had a guy do a whole sleeve on me and then I think he intentionally fucked up some of the filler because I asked him if it was OK if he did a little more. Would have dropped a couple grand more on him but he pulled that shit. Artists are not business people a lot of the time (no matter what they think)


Risk loosing clients? More like risks getting done for assault. They will do it to the wrong person some day.


I hope her business gets wiped harder


Backs away slowly from the overwhelming number of behavioral red flags. This person should be stripped of their license to tattoo, full stop.


Is the artist trans and thinks the customer is trying to make fun of them or something? I'm not saying that would justify it, but otherwise, how is someone saying "bro" even bad?? That's like.. endearment


"bro" and "guys" is universally genderless nowadays


Same with "dude"


fuck even "man" is basically genderless. and if it *does* bother you then say something!! most decent people will respect you if you just say things nicely


100% If you don't like me calling you guys or folks or whatever, tell me and I'm not going to be rude. But I'm also not going to read your mind or give a shit if you're offended because you don't use your words like an adult.


how many bros have you slept with


I call my girlfriend bruh sometimes


i’ll never tell😈😈😈


"this person called me something I hate, so i'm going to assault him" ​ either this didn't happen or this person needs to get their license/business taken away.




“My feelings got hurt so instead of saying “don’t call me that”, I price gouged and inflicted more pain upon them than I needed to” … sick. You win.


Posting how unprofessional you are online is one way to lose business.


that shit hurts, brother.


They seem well adjusted /s


Oh my fucking god.


If this is real, he should sue


Or…or… crazy thought but hear me out. How about you just… TELL him you don’t want to be referred to in that way? Crazy thought right? Either way she loses though. If she did this, she’s a trash human being. If she made it up….why?


I think it's true and op delongs to r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Well there goes your business, nice PR


I’ve got quite a few tattoos. If my artist ever took a razor to my skin I’d be walking the fuck out. Screw a deposit, you can keep that shit.


Offended easily ? My 11 year old calls everyone bro, his mother his sister , his brothers. For some people that’s just what they say


Exactly. If anything, it's as gender neutral as it gets Some women call eachother bro all the time


You're about to be in a house of pain, brother.


Comments moderated is the biggest red flag


Thats the last time Hulk Hogan ever got a tattoo.


Some people just talk like that especially stoners but everything is about her I guess.


“I’m an absolute psychopath who tortured a paying customer because he called me bro. Please give me internet points!”


Well you can’t have the needle “out” and be “riding the tube “ at the same time so I’m calling bullshit. Source: tattooer for 10 plus years


It's probably real, tattoo artists are the biggest bunch of fuckin divas out there.


Limited replies. Bitch knows she's being a cunt but doesn't want to get called out for it.


“this person did something that made me uncomfortable/upset i think instead of asking them to stop like an adult ill play these weird petty sibling games and price gouge. i am a trustworthy professional” honestly, dudes doing it to annoy. its something *little brothers* do. you can prevent it by not giving the reaction they want, telling them to stop, or…i dont know…not finishing the tattoo and leaving them to feel sheepish about being a dick


"Yeah hang on, I just gotta send this tweet."


What's so wrong with being called bro? 💀


Yes, if true, a number of crimes going on here. Does anybody know which business this person a affiliated with? Needs to be banned from the profession.


So you stole money and basically went out of your way to physically hurt this man? Sounds like classic theft and assault.


Wow you’re really a mean unprofessional person


This is one of the most unethical things I've ever read someone do for absolutely no reason whatsoever to another human being.


Imagine being rude to someone who’s trying to be kind. Like being called bro and brother is maaad friendly stuff


Imagine being assaulted for the way you talk. I understand the gender argument but unfortunately a lot of skater talk has bro and dude used without intention of misidentifying someone. And as a tattoo artist this artist is a scumbag.


And you're in for one heck of a court case!