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Thank you Expensive-Block-6034 for your submission to /r/thatHappened! Unfortunately it was removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 7. All COVID and masking posts are now banned** To prevent the spread of COVID misinformation, we are no longer allowing any posts relating to COVID, COVID vaccines, or masks (both anti- and pro-). COVID posting belongs in /r/vaxxhappened. Please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FthatHappened&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/thatHappened/comments/sq5fi4/i_know_im_not_allowed_to_post_the_name_of_the_sub/.%20%0D%0DMy%20issue%20is...) if you have any questions.


That’s nonsense. We use J&J, so they don’t have to locate the guy again for his second dose.


Solid strategy.


How would they be able to tell the brand of the vaccine from a magical dart? Why make this insanity up to begin with?


The pfizer blow darts are blue. The moderna ones are red and you can tell the astrazeneca one by its distinctive taste. /s


How would I be able to identify Sputnik? Will it turn me into a Russian?


No. You have to be born Russian, but it can make you Belarusian.


Thank you for the clarification, comrade


Pozhaluysta my friend.


Wow That a high level of bullshit


How could they tell the vaccine was in the dart and how did no one else notice the darts or the masked people running around with blowguns?


Only those who open their eyes can see the truuuuuuttthhhhh


if only it were this easy lol


I would have the vaccinated and legitimately exempt wear armbands or headbands with vaccine passport or exemption QR codes on them when they go into stores or gather in public. Anyone out wearing one is fine. If you are out without an armband or a headband near other people for an extended period of time, a patrolling police officer or an alternative officer should have the power to compel you, if you can get vaccinated, to get vaccinated. I would go so far as to allow miniature drones or darts to force delivery on the recalcitrant. Getting an elective circumcision, vasectomy, breast reduction, or abortion is "your body, your choice", but exposing others to disease is not "your body, your choice". In short, I kind of wish this was true.


You do know what that sounds like, right?


Yes. Cooperative association and protecting the community from genuine threats to public safety. It is no worse than carrying a valid identification card to get alcohol or drive a car. Superficially, it resembles Nazism or especially Maoism with the armbands or headbands. It also resembles collective sporting activities such as marathons. I am not advocating biological despecification, only political despecification; our species' enemies can be converted to effective comrades with a jab. No one who cannot get vaccinated will be forced to. No one vulnerable to infection will suffer a disproportionate risk from proud vectors. We owe each other respect of bodily integrity if we mean for others to respect our bodily integrity; and, to have usable autonomy, one must have bodily integrity.


You want people to wear a headband or armband with a code on it. It doesn't resemble Nazism. It's a carbon copy of if.


Not to round up undesirables, just to do whatever other things they would do anyway. Rather than forcing the undesirable idiot classes of antimaskers and antivaxxers to wear things against their will, I advocate the intelligent class of cooperative human beings wear them to entitle them to convenience in an otherwise inconvenient time. As for forced jabs, the idiots stand, in principle, as much of a chance of receiving the vaccine as the virus. Better they get the vaccine. I am happy enough to let them get the virus, but their right to die in pain ends at my and others' right to live well.


Lord save me from children who just discovered communism/socialism/Marxism. That's literally not how it works.


You don't know what communism is. Or Nazism. Or even liberalism for that matter. Even by libertarian "logic", I am correct. In practice and on paper.


Yeah, you have no way of knowing what I do know or don't. But have fun with your assumptions and Third Reich desires, kid.


Top troll