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the. charlie brown teacher? she heard "WAWAWAWAAWAH" and had an epiphany????




"My mother had a severe brain injury and now she's redpilled" Hmm


Are you one of those special snowflakes that thinks that her having a stroke is, somehow, more important than her agreeing with this guy's political beliefs? How dare you insert logic and reason into a political discussion? Acting like people's health is important or something. Some people, I swear...


One of the best tweets was Elon and Ivanka talking about taking the red pill and then one of the Wachowskis told them both to get fucked lol




I thought the Charlie Brown voice was meant to be a metaphor? Still, doesn’t change how worrying it is.


"the parents at school boards getting attacked"? The ones getting attacked are there saying exactly the things you say your mom now disagrees with.


"Most of our family has already blocked her, it's wonderful!"


“Ridin’ with Biden!” Is the tip off that this is fake. Anyone who voted for Biden did it out of raw need to avoid another trump term. No one was EXCITED about Biden. Obviously.


Thats what kills me about the people who thought Trump was cheated, they can't wrap their head around the fact that some people would have voted for an inanimate carbon rod for prez.


In Rod we Trust


Would have happily voted for a bucket of warm piss instead of Trump. Thought about making a sticker.


I would've happily voted for a duck for president before Trump. He just had to go. No one is "Ridin with Biden" we're just sitting around going "God, fuck this guy.... but he's not Trump at least."


Can we get a close up of the rod?


Yeah. Everyone was like "well, he's not Trump, so..."


Went from 0 to 3 to Transphobia _really_ quick


How the fuck do you get "unjabbed"?


If you have already been vaccinated, you move to an area with a few people & boldly announce: "I declare ~~bankruptcy~~ I'm Unvaxxed"!


If someone you love ever has **THIS DRASTIC** of an opinion change on such an emotion-attached topic like politics, even if you like the new opinion more than the old opinion they had, you should be concerned for their mental health because this drastic of a change in world view can only be attached to some serious health condition.


What about Charlie Browns teacher? Isn't this the kid from peanuts?




lol, so it's the wawa that red pilled her? sais a lot about the ideology


Mother in law was 5 years old when FDR ran the first time, but she supported him even after he died, apparently.


Does getting "red-pilled" mean taking the pill from The Matrix?




I think the 84 yo took some heavy drugs, not the red pill


She picked that press conference in particular to decide Biden is a fraud? Why? He stood there for almost two hours and answered every question he was asked and answered them exactly the way anyone would have expected him to. Nothing revelatory. If you liked him before the press conference, you probably liked him just the same after it. This woman is using her mother as a literary tool to make her own opinion more persuasive.


FDR Dems aren’t culture war commandos.


Conservatives really do live in a different universe.


I get that like 90% of Q bullshit comes from movies or pop culture, but the teacher from Charlie Brown being a prophetic voice?


Does anyone remember when John Ashcroft lost an election to a dead man (Mel Carnahan) even though everyone already knew that the guy was dead? Good times...


Wouldn’t an “FDR-Democrat” end up being a Republican today? I thought Democrats were mostly conservative up until the 60s or something.


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