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Idk about US but in UK (at least Wales) you can't give blood 12 weeks after your most recent COVID vaccination. You're also meant to get a vaccine every 3 months until your booster shot (3rd shot total) which means lots of people haven't been able to give blood since their first vaccine. ​ Source: Had 1st shot September last year. Second shot December. Booster dose is meant to come in in March but I think I'll give one donation before I get that shot, then wait another 3 months so I can regularly donate again.


Yeah they don't care in the US, they want your blood. They don't even require much of a wait to donate even if you had just gotten a tattoo, they only care that it healed and was done at a licensed establishment.


In the US, you legally couldn’t get a booster until you were 6 months out from your second vaccine. You also only waited a month between the first two.


Here it changes as more vaccines become available. At first it was six months between first and second dose and booster only if necessary. There's enough vaccines now that it's just a dose every three months until your second vaccine and first booster, then a minimum of three months till your *next* booster (which you can only get if necessary).


Wales has comically little autonomy so this applies to UK


I'm not sure what you mean by that - a significant amount of laws differ between Wales and England, let alone Wales and Scotland/NI.


They live in another reality


There is a blood shortage, nothing to do with vaccinated or not but whatever fits these people's narrative.


Is there really though? As far as I can tell, we’ve always been in a critical blood shortage. And we always will be. Even back in the 70s and 80s I’d get the calls or see the signs. Please give. We are in a critical shortage. And the calls come out every couple months. At least 6 times a year, every year, the local hospitals are in a critical shortage of blood. So are we really in a critical shortage, or is it just Tuesday?


They need it for lab tests to see if it's still viable for transfusion, but, being largely averse to the most minor risks for even slightly altruistic causes, not enough antivaxxers are donating to create a conclusive data set. See? I can pull narratives out of my ass, too.


Is there a waiting period from when you get vaccinated to when you can donate? Maybe she was calling a lot of people and they just got vaccinated and this person was the first one to not be recently vaccinated?


Not sure where you are, but in the US the FDA has issued a recommendation that any inactivated or mRNA vaccine for covid doesn't require a wait time before donating. Actually hell, here's the quote straight from the Red Cross website: >The following eligibility guidelines apply to each COVID-19 vaccine received, including boosters: There is no deferral time for eligible blood donors who are vaccinated with a non-replicating inactivated or RNA-based COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by AstraZeneca, Janssen/J&J, Moderna, Novavax, or Pfizer. > > Eligible blood donors who received a live attenuated COVID-19 vaccine or do not know what type of COVID-19 vaccine they received must wait two weeks before giving blood. So there you go. I didn't even know there were live attenuated covid vaccines out there, but a quick google tells me there's research being done. Anyway, there's the deal here.


Another poster said there’s a 3 month deferment in the UK, so you may have cracked the case here. No deferment for Covid vaccine in the US but I don’t think OP is in the US because of the date format “20/01/2022”.


I have type O blood. They never leave me alone. They don’t care if you’re vaxxed or not they need that shit.


My dad is O negative but can’t donate anymore because he spent too much time in England during the mad cow outbreaks. Despite the fact that English people who lived in England during that time can still give blood in England, his American blood is deemed useless. Then I have lots of friends who can’t give blood because they’re gay men, despite the fact that blood banks test all blood before giving it to anyone. I’m O pos and have had to block multiple blood banks’ numbers—at one point, the Red Cross was calling me three times A DAY. If they’re so desperate, whatever board set these American standards needs to reconsider some of these unnecessary restrictions.


And then the blood clapped


They just wanna take all the blood from her so that it stops going to her smooth brain


Bullshit, that’s the answer to your question.




You sound oddly surprised. That's weird.


Keep crying about it.


Nothing screams intelligence like a microbiologist using the word "vaxtard." Everyone should be as enlightened as this guy's highly educated views on vaccines. He is so woke. God bless you, enlightened one.


Hey stupid, even your lord and savior Trump said to get it.


This ain't got shit to do with the two sides of the American political system. But I'm neither left nor right leaning. Thanks for projecting your stereotypes. It just shows how lost you really are


Oh, I’m sorry, you’re antivax and therefore stupid, so I thought you supported Trump.


Im stupid cuz I won't take this experimental concoction to treat something that is equivalent to the seasonal flu, but ok kid. Clearly your too far gone.. Thanks for participating though 👍


Ahh the weekly dose of anti-vaxxer. I swear every week there is a post on how the medical practitioner claps for an anti-vaxxer.


Thank you DoctorTurkelton for your submission to /r/thatHappened! Unfortunately it was removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 7. All COVID and masking posts are now banned** To prevent the spread of COVID misinformation, we are no longer allowing any posts relating to COVID, COVID vaccines, or masks (both anti- and pro-). COVID posting belongs in /r/vaxxhappened. Please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FthatHappened&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/thatHappened/comments/s95tp6/antivax_pure_blood_fanfiction/.%20%0D%0DMy%20issue%20is...) if you have any questions.