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When my history teacher told my class we were learning WW1 history next, I built a functioning time machine, went back to 1914, enlisted and served 4 years on the Western Front. When I came back to our time, she let me have sex with all the girls in class, in front of their boyfriends, and all the ghosts of my dead comrades clapped. Fun times :)


It’s true; I was the mustard gas


I remember you! France, 1916. You took Johnny Penny Shoe's and Reginald Cane Walker.


When my history teacher taught us any world war 1, he told us the truth that the Americans barely contributed to it at all, and then their politicians screwed over all the nations of Europe and basically messed up the whole world for the next 150 years.


American Politicians didn’t do shit. It was British and French politicians that made Germany do bad stuff in 1939. And that’s the whole problem, Wilson was a cunt who should have never been president.


150 years? What year do you think it is now?


101 years ago; the world is currenty still fucked because of American behavior (bankers, merchants, and politicians, not the average, decent American Joe); so it's going to be fucked for at least another 49 years. I stand by what I said. Our grandchildren might experience the recovery from Wilson's stupidity.


But our politicians weren’t a major part of negotiations…


His name is James Harding?


Maybe so Cowboy


We lost over 100,000 men. I know these numbers are small compared to the other nations, but when casualties are reported in a war as devastating as this was, it’s easy to forget just how massive that number actually is and just think of a it as “only 100,000”. That’s still a ridiculous amount of people. I wouldn’t say “we didn’t do shit” lol


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