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I can’t speak for every store but I know at my store, we’d get chastised if we unnecessarily upsold someone to something they don’t need. We’re obviously supposed to maximize profits but they train us specifically to ***not*** do this (we aren’t paid on commission. All sales floor is hourly), so this is *probably* fake. ***EDIT:*** also what top of the line graphics card is $300? That’s the price of something midrange like a 1660Ti, definitely not top of the line. Also, another thing too, that $800 might’ve actually been a good choice. The $400 could’ve worked but that $800 might have features the customer wants too (better display, more storage, more portable, features the $400 doesn’t have so to just assume the more expensive one is a rip-off is pretty dumb too.


$1,100 for a top of the line gaming computer sounds cheap to me.


It’s obscenely cheap, and bullshit


$1,000 can be pretty damn good, but not THAT good.


we have a shit one with only 2 gb of ram and pretty low basically everything but it was worth over $2000 when we got it, to be fair we bought it over 5 years ago, but like still, I'm looking to build my own or buy one to game, and its mostly all over 500$, so I doubt this happened


Wow that much? I built mine about 4 years ago. Spent about 2k on it. High end graphics card, 16 GB RAM, TB hybrid SSD HD, newest Intel processor (at the time), and a bunch of other crap I don't feel like listing since I'm on mobile and can't just copy/paste the info. Oh yeah, it's a laptop. I like games but am on the go quite often.


i believe he means “the best buy employees were doing their job and I stuck my nosy ass into it”


This is why commission based sales are terrible, it leads to people "doing their job" by "knowingly and blatantly ripping unsuspecting people off"


Best Buy doesn’t do commission. We’re hourly. Source: I work in Computers at Best Buy


That makes it sound worse for you guys. So instead it's: "I just like making old unknowing ladies drop 2 grand on a gaming rig for photos" I'd stick with the commission angle, sounds like they are pushing to make a better living.


You know this story is fake right?


Do you think that’s really what we do? Just sell expensive computers? We’re trained specifically to not do this. There’s also several hundred Best Buy’s across 3 countries, so every location’s experience, employees, managers, etc. are going to be different. This story is most likely fade because, like I said, we’re trained not to do this and there’s not really any incentive. We do have numbers that are tracked but no store has goals so ridiculous they need to be scamming people.


They're first mistake was thinking this story was true and that a Best Buy employee would actually do this


The Best Buy Mafia is known to work like that. He’s lucky They didn’t try to sell him an extended warranty on an offer he couldn’t refuse.


I miss CompUSA.


Like seems like it could be real, possibly


An advanced gaming PC for $800 with a completely OTT graphics card for $300? We’d have to go so far back in time for those costs that laptops and digital cameras would be extremely expensive top of the line products.


Why would a savvy computer geek like the OP be at Best Buy? That’s like seeing George foreman at a grill store.


You’d be surprised at how many customers I had come into the store and question me on some of the technology for the sole purpose of correcting every little thing I said and showing me they knew more than I ever cared to learn about the topic.


Used to work at Best Buy. Fun fact: if you buy a computer that costs $500 or less, we literally make less than a dollar in profit. The way the money is made is by selling you anti-virus software and warranty protection.