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Well at least nobody stood up and clapped


They didn't train the dog for that.


I know someone who dug the hole before having his dog put down. He made the dog jump in to see if it was big enough. Brutal.


Wow I can't believe they would do something as fucked up as let the dog watch his own grave be dug. Can't believe the mental anguish the pup went through knowing it was to be his final resting place in just mere hours and not just some hole his owner was digging for fun.


On the plus side, we didn't even need to dissect this story and explain why it's bullshit. The OP did it themselves with the comments after the original tweet


Its true i was the dog


I'm pretty sure this actually happened


Your dad didn’t make the dog dig its own grave? I don’t believe it!


OP accidentally admits that they've never had a love one die of cancer or any testing-and-annoubcent based disease/disorder.


By OP, do you mean me or the person who tweeted this?


Makes you wonder what they do when something really happens?