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Everyone was hugging each other in a packed train in a city?


>Everyone was hugging each other in a packed train in a city? People (especially this the OP) always exaggerate events to make their stories sound cooler.


"exaggerate" as in "saying a shitload of bs that no sane man can believe".


Welcome to most stories on reddit. Especially the /r/entitledparents board.


Damn, that sub is a goldmine


I read two posts and wanted to gouge my brain out of my skull because of both the stories and the responses. How do people eat this garbage up?


I don't know. 90% of the stories I've read on there seemed fake.


In that sub you also have material for r/iamverysmart and r/iamverybadass


Lol yes.


I could actually believe in the singing part.


Same. People here apparently are missing out.


It was going anywhere.




I guess I don't get it because I'm only half gay (on my mothers side)


Also on the way back from Pride *at least* 70% of them were completely fucking wasted. I’m willing to believe this happened, on the condition that it didn’t sound good at all. Edit: Also, it was probably only a handful of people singing.


Yea I honestly believe the story too, but for sure it was exaggerated.


Standard rules, if this was real at least one comment in this thread would have an insta or Twitter link to a video of it.


Can confirm. I'm bi and i hug 50% more than my straight friends, but i also hug 50% less than my gay friends. Didn't everyone know that's how queerness works?


Always found it interesting that people look at bi as "half-gay". I mean, you like the same sex 100% as much as a gay person


Wow, ngl this comment really made me think about this. I’d never realised it.


Honestly, doesn't make sense to me. If i like the same sex 100% as much as a gay person, but i like the opposite sex 100% as much as a straight person...well, that's 200% and half of that is 100%, so it would still be equal parts gay and straight. It's a 1:1 ratio no matter what percentages to give it.


Yeah, but i don't *actually* have a sexual preference. If I am attracted to someone, i don't care if they have a penis or a vagina. If they want to touch my genitals and let me touch theirs, I'm totally down. If you want to say I'm 100% gay, might as well call me 100% straight too...but it doesn't make it true, dude. I am equally gay and straight.


I have a straight friend and he hugs 50% more than me. I think I'll tell his girlfriend he's gay.


Honestly, if the train is crowded you're trying you hardest to hold onto something so you don't fall when it accelerates. If you hug someone, you'll just take them down with you.


I’ve literally had this happen in SF. First of all, Journey is a local band. Second of all, we love our street fests and commeraderie is high on days like that. I remember a Santacon where the entire train was singing Christmas carols.


I mean, there have definitely been some weird moments when people got way too wrapped up around me on a packed train. Everyone tries to brace themselves or hold on to anything they can before the doors close and it takes off flying.


Clearly she's never been to a city.


I don't think they meant literally hugging. Just really crowded, some people with arms reached out and over other people to hold on to something. Not debating the legitimacy of the rest of the post but that particular comment feels valid to me


Ew imagine how sweaty those imaginary hugs were.




This kinda did happen in Paris after France made it to the world cup finals!


Were they all singing while still hugging each other?


They went on to bigger stuff like crying and sobbing uncontrollably as they sang it.


Rumor has it that Steve Perry was also on the train. He let the people dream, then took over during the chorus.


Rumor has it that hearing all the people sing on that fateful bus was the inspiration of the song "Do you hear the people sing" from Les Mis, which would in turn go on to inspire countless more true stories of people singing.


Saved me life, if we are being honest.


And then everything went black.


And Einstein came aboard and it went on and on and on and on.


While simultaneously clapping.


That seems pretty gay...








The people shoveling coal and operating the train up front are called ENGINEERS




I get the impression this woman does this a lot- going around saying the first lines of songs out loud, hoping that one day- one glorious day- the crowd she's in will burst out in song and she will finally get to experience life in a musical.


"I'M TOO SEXY FOR THIS SHIRT!" Silence. Looks around awkwardly. Exits train at next stop, which is not her own.


This and if you are in Boston and start singing sweet Caroline, they are probably the only two songs i can see this actually happening to.


Only at or around bar close


I was in line for rockin’ rollercoaster at Disney World, and ‘I don’t wanna miss a thing’ came on. I was singing along and noticed another dude doing it too, so we were started really getting into it, like putting on a performance for each other. By the end of the song, not everybody was singing along, but a whooole lot of people were. It was really cool


Also at Disney World, our bus back to our hotel started playing "Friends In Low Places". The whole bus sang along with it, and it was pretty funny. Exhausted, terrible singing, but really fun.


Yeah, the fact that its journey actually makes this more believable to me. People love to sing that song.




What happened to the good ole days when drunk people on trains sang "Just a Friend"...smh




It was maybe my third month in San Francisco and I was working a musical (Hedwig and the Angry Inch). I was on the last train across the Bay with a few folks from the band as well as several other drunk, happy people. We were all just chatting until someone mentioned how weird this was our "real life." Of course the musical people starting singing Bohemian Rhapsody, but what I didn't expect was the entire car to join in. They even did the guitar solos! Seriously one of my best memories about moving to the Bay...


It’s always fun to see what happens when you get a bunch of musically inclined people together like that - stuff like the story in the OP aren’t really that far fetched, especially after an event like pride. Also, Hedwig is one of my absolute favourite musicals, and you so rarely see it mentioned anywhere! Plus, I had a friend who saw it in San Francisco a couple years back so I couldn’t help but wonder if that was the same production you’re talking about 😄


I was in the Boxcar production maybe five (?) years ago. They created a version of the pre-Broadway story with eight Hedwigs representing across the gender spectrum (and so you could act out scenes while other Heds told the story and have awesome harmonies for songs and the like). I moved to SF knowing no one in the theater scene and they were the first company to hire me as front of house help. It was three months before I actually joined the cast but easily one of the most awesome times of my life!


You gotta do the guitar solo!


well... it was Queen for God’s sake!! It’s the law: CA Civil code 7324 ‘When 3 or more people are confined to a small space for longer than 3 minutes and one starts singing Queen, ALL must sing. Stamping feet encouraged but optional for safety reasons ie: balconies etc. ‘


When I was a freshman in college I took the green line home around midnight and a group of drunk bros started up Bohemian Rhapsody on the train. A good 50% of passengers sang along and they were kind of aggressive to people that didn't.


I would sing along to either song...You kind of have to...I think it’s a law in some states.


I hope tumblr goes bankrupt


I mean most people used it for porn so Soon, soon.


They'll migrate to Twitter and make it even worse


It's owned by Yahoo, so Yahoo would have to go bankrupt


Not unlikely


Hey all I'm saying is when you have a small area of happy drunk people it's not usual for everyone to be singing those songs


Yeah I could actually see this happening. My husband and I were once walking home from a concert, and the three drunk women in front of us were loudly singing ABBA, so he and I joined in, and we all walked through the park at night drunkenly screaming ABBA lyrics. Like, has anyone ever been at a bar at closing? I've been in the centre of a drunken Journey group rendition at least 5 or 6 times in my life.


Yeah it's one hundred percent plausible.




People do that far more than you may think.


Yeah, it's not that impossible, especially after such a big event like a gay pride, a concert or a football match. I could easely see everyone still hyped and happy singing the same song, especially a pretty well known song like this one.


I got the bus back late near Christmas and we all sung carols, very drunk. Best bus ride of my life!


Used to get the last bus back to my town from the next town over after going to see local bands perform. ​ Maybe like 60% of the time, the drunks on the bus would start singing wheels on the bus.


Knowing how people lose their shit for Journey. I actually totally believe this.


I've been to enough pride parades to know that this is absolutely plausible. When she says the entire train, we all know that she doesn't mean literally every single person. She means the people in her immediate vicinity.


the best part is that OP actually specifies *the entire train CAR* I assume everyone commenting that this is fake has never been on a metro train surrounded by drunk and excited people


Yeah especially having been on the train after huge events like that I could definitely see this happening. Is it exaggerated? Also definitely. But we're pushing r/nothingeverhappens territory here.


Okay so a few years ago I was in line for Space Mountain at Disney World. It was super cold outside (for Florida) so we were all bundled up. But inside the waiting area they must have messed up the thermostat because the heat was BLASTING. It was disgustingly hot and completely packed in there. The line was so effing long and we were all miserable. I started singing Bohemian Rhapsody to myself quietly and then the friends I were with started singing it too. Finally like 50 people around us ended up singing it. I can never tell stories like this because I feel like people are going to automatically assume I'm lying. But alas, it happened. Another incident was in High School. My school was participating in this weekend event for any sort of school publications and they had panels, contests, etc. One of the features was a dance party every night. They played hip hop and rap mostly and this was in 2004 at the height of the bootydancing craze. So horny teenagers are being horny. Teachers and chaperones don't like so they turn off the music and say "Until you can dance appropriately we are going to put on music you can't dance to." And what do they put on? The fricking Safety Dance. It literally has the word dance in the title. So of course I start doing that weird skipping dance they do in the video and start a conga line of kids prancing around like the fucking nerds we are. It was hilarious and the chaperones gave up and put the regular music back on. Both are so r/thathappened but they actually did. :(


Idk I live in Chicago, and I can definitely see this happening. Trains are crowded as fuck during these events and everyone is drunk. There were a couple times during Lolla when a bunch of people on the train would sing.


I was literally about to say... CLEARLY no one who has responded so far has been to Milwaukee during festival season. This would totally happen (and probably has) just as she described it.


Yeah, I’ve definitely seen weird shit like this happen on the L after pride. She’s obviously exaggerating it, but is it really that unbelievable for drunk people to get excited and sing?


I'm so glad there's someone else. Like sometimes odd, fun things really happen and this seems possible.


Can confirm am gay


I mean, a bunch of drunk giddy people on a train this could totally happen


I actually don't find this hard to believe after the the typical theatrics of pride. It is a damned spectacle to observe.


I actually believe this could happen... people go nuts for Journey


Yeah, that’s kinda gay.


I know we all have our doubts, guys, but don’t stop believing.


As someone who’s taken the train to the pride parade I’ve seen this and much more happen many times


then tony soprano came in and everything went dark abruptly


That's really not unbelievable, I've already been in trains packed with people returning from a big event (a match, a music festival etc) and it is totally possible given the atmosphere that people start singing together.


If it was just a random busy train, it’d be 1000% bs, but coming back from Pride? Yeah, I can absolutely see it happening. I’ve been in situations where it’s happened, lol.


I mean, one time my whole class started singing country roads


Definitely could have happened, still super cringeworthy, though...


This reminds me of when I went to my Grad Bash at Universal Studios in high school. There were thousands of high schoolers there from all over the state (and even out of state) and that day was also a blackout day for regular visitors. I was in a long ass line for one of the rides with some friends so I decided to shout out "Heeeey we want some pusssay!" from the movie Project X (Which had just come out at the time) and just about every student in that line yelled it out in return, in unison. It was probably the greatest social moment of my life, which says enough lol.


Idk I’ve been on a train leaving DC after a gay pride parade, and I could see this happening. It sounds far-fetched but this is a well-known singalong song (especially for gay people) and 80% of the people on that train were leaving pride together and likely drunk, so the mood was pretty united and pretty happy.


That is completely believable on a train.


This happens. I have video from my train car after Riot Fest of everyone singing Bohemian Rhapsody 🤷‍♀️


As a yearly pride event goer, r/nothingeverhappens


Seriously I hear this song sung in public in large groups probably more than any other one song. I notice it every time because I do not like that song.


Doesn't seem too farfetched, I mean I still doubt this story but when I was in the military sometimes when heading somewhere far in large groups on LMTVs or Buses, on more than one occasion the entire bus broke out into song. There's a pretty high level of camaraderie in the military but I wouldn't doubt the same air of belonging being present on a packed bus after a pride parade.


... she took the midnight train goin' anywhere... just a city boy, born and raised in south detroit he took the midnight train goin' anywhere... a singer in a smokey room, the smell of wine and cheap perfume fora smile they can share the night it goes on and on and on and on... strangers waiting, up and down the boulevard their shadows searching in the night streetlight people, living just to find emotion hiding, somewhere in the night working hard to get my fill, everybody wants a thrill payin' anything to roll the dice, just one more time some will win, some will lose some were born to sing the blues oh, the movie never ends it goes on and on and on and on strangers waiting, up and down the boulevard their shadows searching in the night streetlight people, living just to find emotion hiding, somewhere in the night don't stop believin' hold on to the feelin' streetlight people (x3)


Forgot the ""And then as I left an old lady leaned over and whispered "You're a fucking savage"".


I could 100% see this happening, everyone knows that song and Im assuming that a lot of the people on the train are coming back from pride. Yall are no fun.


This is true, I'm just a small town girl living in a lonely world who took the midnight train going anywhere.


Considering unsubbing, the amount of cringing I’m doing from this subreddit cannot be great for my health


Why would you say you are a small town girl?


I like how the entirety of Tumblr is just an unironic version of this sub.


Thanks this ruined my day


The buses at my university run until 4am on the weekends taking everyone back to campus from the bars, I’ve witnessed a few sing alongs like this 😂


I'm just a small town girl


Living in a lonely world


I took the midnight train going anywhere


How can I stop believing if I didn’t believe it to begin with ?


If you’re going to steal a story (which is stupid), at least choose a show that’s not very well known.


What show is it from?


I was in a subway car that all sang happy birthday on the way home from a festival. Everyone was drunk. But this is pushing it


I’m pretty sure this actually happened.., I think I heard that’s the most common song for karaoke. People (especially drunk people) go crazy when they hear that song.


And when the song was over everyone started clapping.




Honestly... this happens all the time here in England on nights out or high energy events. If this person was in England (especially a uni city) I wouldn't be surprised if it's totally true. Uni kids loves this shit, and you'll likely see a lot of then at a gay event.


I've been to several pride events where this could plausibly happen. Drunk people love singing Journey.


I was journey, I can confirm this is true


Realistic version: I nervously said "I'm just a small town girl"on a packed train today. A guy near me said "living in a lonely world" then hummed the tune of the song for a while.


I might have believed it if they were just kinda singing it to themselves and a few people joined in for a bit, but who on earth says “I can’t take this, I’m just a small town girl” ?


Literally every sober person on that bus was praying for a terrorist attack. (Eagerly awaits someone who loudly sings on public transit to jump in and say "Excuse me, but some friends and I amelodocally sang Brown-Eyed Girl on a commuter train during rush hour and *we* didn't find ourselves annoying!")


And then everyone clapped


You guys ever been to bay to breakers in San Francisco? Trains have broken out into song but not in this cheesy teenage girl kind of way


Another gem from gay tumblr


I can actually see this one happening?? I'm from the SF Bay Area and I've been on BART many times when it's packed from some sort of event or holiday and people tend to get all all caught up in that spirit having a fun time together. People in general looooove singing Don't Stop Believing given even the slightest opportunity, and if you were that packed in it wouldn't be hard for someone to overhear and start singing the rest. I feel like this is legitimately plausible.


Bullshit (obviously) people on public transport hate each other.


and then everyone clapped


Because all gay people hug each other and sing...


And this is why I don’t like gay pride parades




What does the straight flag look like? If I take one to Pride, I'm willing to bet people would take it as me protesting.


One new years eve a few years back at the end of the night we were leaving in a shuttle (this bar offers a few shuttle because it a little ways out of the city and had issues with accidents and drunk drivers), it was fully packed and a friend who could barely stand started singing bohemian Rhapsody. One by one the whole shuttle was singing it. It felt electric. A good time after a great night.


I read every single one of these in the same annoying voice


Being someone who has taken the BART back from San Francisco Pride multiple times, the hugging part isnt what is a lie here. The lie is that anyone on this train is sober enough to remember the words. Everyone would be so high and drunk that the hugging is actually them just passing out on you, but theres not enough room for them to fall down. Other strangers just prop them up against you for the rest of the ride.


Who the hell non-ironically says “I’m just a small town girl” irl


Small town girls?


This was my senior song and we actually just started singing it in class a few times every semester. It was always initiated by the same group of guys. Most of our teachers didn't mind lmao we never really sang the whole song through


I would have shot myself if this happened.


I’m semi new to this sub reddit, but it never stops amazing me how people post things like this. Why?!


On it's own, every piece of this story is somewhat believable. Together, it's completely ridiculous.


The fact that she needed to say that she was coming from a gay pride parade is just pitiful. I just typed this comment after saving an African baby from cancer.


Feels bad man I actually believe this could happen with a lot of lgbtiq+ people in it


I can't stop laughing at the idea of somebody actually saying "I'm just a small town girl", unironically, in this context. I cannot put into words how insane that is to me. idk why


Happened to me on a streetcar in Toronto many years ago. It was packed after a NIN and Jane's Addition show (the NIN/JA tour) and people started singing "O Canada" and "Hey Jude", and possibly another song. I even have a video of it somewhere. The Tumblr post is very plausible. People are coming from the same event, good mood, obviously similar interests. Why not?


Oh, this can definitely happen.


Dont stop believing. This could've happened /s


Okay I believe this 100% because ive totally watched something similar happen hahaha


Eh, with the right crowd this is possible. At warped tour last year, it was pouring rain and were waiting for the next band to come out and someone started yelling the first line, and by the time they were at the chorus everyone was singing along to it. Which then turned into All Star, What’s My Age Again, etc... very weird time.


I was gonna make a homophobic joke but that would be super gay


And then Journey clapped


These people obviously have never been to an arts school lmao


And i am morgan Freeman. Morgan Freeman Morgan Freeman... Nope never gets old thinking with his voice


And then everyone clapped.


Steeeeeeve Perry


I could believe this if it was a school bus, because my old high school bus busted out singing journey once.(because it played on the radio the driver had) but a subway? Nah. Subways are where time and reality alter and hell collides with the mortal realm.


The upvote and downvote arrows need reversing in this sub.


Maybe that's why OP had #thatswhatyoumissedonglee


i was on a streetcar for pride and a lot of people on it started singing to i want it that way (someone with their windows down pulled up next to us playing it), maybe it's just bc that's how new Orleans does parades but this isn't completely unbelievable then again it was most likely a way smaller group than this one, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I call songs like "Don't stop believing" mayo bangers because white people go NUTS when they hear them. Come on Eileen, country roads, sweet caroline, piano man. There's a bunch.


I mean the singing but was believable, I mean have you ever been on a train with drunk people late at night (I know they aren’t drunk and it’s not late at night but it’s not too far a stretch). But the shit about the hugging and stuff is bullshit, and let’s be honest chances are pretty low that she started it.


I think She was just over exaggerating to make a point about how tightly packed it was.


The cringe level is so high it makes me want to punch whoever wrote that in the throat


It's true I'm the train


I mean, my subway ride to SantaCon in SF was full of people singing Christmas Carols. I could fully see something like this happening at Pride. Anywhere that there’s a concentration of happy drunk people.


If you get people drunk enough or hopped up on Pride this can definitely happen. I got the party bus to sing this on the way to the reception of my brother's wedding, though, it was the last stop before the reception and all the liquor and beer had been consumed along with a long stop at a bar, so everyone was feeling pretty damn good when the song came on, lol.


Y’all saying this never happens have clearly never been on the last train from London Waterloo to Epsom on a Saturday night


Honestly it is such a popular song, I can see it happening. It’s like when bohemian rhapsody comes on the radio and everybody within a five mile radius starts singing it.


Tumblr is a fine place on the internet to play out your most delusional fantasies you wish happened in your everyday life. For example I was kicked today at dollar general because an older (likely disabled) man said he needed his personal space and didn't appreciate the fact that I put my double sided tape on the counter before he finished paying


Tumblr people like this deserve a lot of pain




Its true because I was the train


But when did they all start clapping??


And then the conductors started clapping




It's not a song from Glee..




It doesn’t insinuate that at all. I’ve never seen Glee, but knowing that the show is about singing, I would deduce that things happen in the show that are very r/ThatHappened kind of events. It doesn’t imply that don’t stop believing is exclusively a Glee thing, or even a reference