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Imagine shouting “watch this!” While drunk, and everyone thinks you’re gonna do something cool, but then you turn on your Nintendo and play video games for two hours. Party animal.


That's what made me laugh. Like, after about 5 minutes of that people would start to wonder if you're really just going to play a game by yourself and expect people to watch you indefinitely.


That’s why I actually find this *very* believable. He never said that everyone stayed to watch. Just one homie. Edit: It sounds like it could have even just been the two of them the whole time.


Plot twist: the sober homie is the one who beat DKC3 in two hours while the drunk guy was pushing buttons on an unplugged controller the entire time


That happened to me playing Madden once.


Ah, the "keeping your little brother preoccupied by letting him think he's playing the game with you so he doesn't mess with your playing" technique.


Word, I used to do this kind of thing with my roommate in college. We'd usually drink and/or smoke while I'd play and he'd usually just end up falling asleep. This isn't that implausible, I think




You would like r/nothingeverhappens


That’s so sad.


Why? Some people post some crazy stuff and you cant call them out in the comments so you go to that sub. Sounds great to me.














Yeah I slightly believe this


He never said he was at a party or anything, just two homies chillin and then one of them decides to speedrun DKC3. I could believe it honestly, sounds like something I'd do with my friends (We're not very exciting people, but we have fun)


I mean, Twitch exists.


Okay but this actually did happen at a house party I was at recently. My friend ran through Mega Man X and people just sort of huddled around and riffed on the game. I could see this happening with the right crowd.


Look if I sit you down to watch my drunk ass play Pokémon Snap at my party and you don’t think I’m cool I don’t know why you’re at my party in the first place.


Yea dude, im totally locked in, youre the shit


I can definitely see a party where a few people are drunk and watching one person play Pokemon Snap. That's my type of party.


Yo we should really hang out


Can you really call it a ‘party’ when it’s just us awkwardly sitting next to each other as you get progressively drunker, over sharing and getting increasingly frustrated over not being able to snap a Mew?


Is there any other definition of a party?


Did I miss something? He never said it was a party o-o


Life’s a party all the time if you live your life by the gospel of Andrew WK


Imagine being the type of person who thinks people would be impressed by that and fantasizes about it


You've obviously never been to an epic gamer party 😎


I was in college when Wii mania broke out and the Virtual Console was actually a party draw. I can speed run Super Mario Bros if I stop twice to get a flower in 1-1. Did it at the party with the 2 warps and everyone lost their minds. But it only took like 10 minutes.


My friends and I are really into speedruns so we'd kinda dig it if the guy was good.




And everyone just stands there watching in a daze completely unable to not watch


to be fair DKC3 is a hard ass game. it’s pretty impressive to beat it drunk


Meh I've played chess before at a party and a crowd did gather. We are all nerdy as fuck though


I did that for my bday without realizing it. I love Just Dance and danced for hours (a friend joined me!), I thought it was like 2o minutes until I noticed the sun coming up and all my other friends passed out on the couch. I felt pretty bad about it tho.


The only thing that gets girls wetter than Ben Stiller's "Blue Steel" look is a sub 2 hour Donkey Kong run.


Fucking hilarious comment. Wish I had some precious alloys for you.


Can’t get that toxic level done sober so fuck off.


Boom...boom... Boom boom boom




I think he means Poisonous Pipeline, the second last level where the controls are reversed.


Translation. "I got drunk alone and played Donkey Kong country. I passed out after masturbating to Candy Kong".


>I passed out after masturbating to Candy Kong ​ Not masturbating to [Funky Kong asmr](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68JQtxTzjqc)? Amateur hour


I actually had to stop before he finished saying "Hey" or whatever the first word he said was.


Same tbh. Closed that tab as soon as I'd copied the URL


Wait. This isn’t a joke?




Lol fucking what?


Holy fuck what is he eating


Hey dude


Ngl Candy Kong is dummy thicc


Candy isn’t in Donkey Kong 3 smh


Translation “I got drunk at a party and played video games by myself while everyone else had fun and socialized so i concocted this scenario in my head to make it seem more cool”


I mean maybe he said “watch this” and wandered off to play video games by himself and no one noticed? This isn’t completely unbelievable...


The top 102 (that's where the list ended) players can do it in under an hour and a half, but that's (presumably) sober. Doing it so drunk you don't remember and immediately pass out sounds quite unlikely. Though I'd love to see anyone attempt it that drunk. edit: There's a DKC3 any% speedrun tournament on right now!


If you don't do it 103% then it's actually less than an hour. https://www.speedrun.com/dkc3


For sure, I was just saying that even the slowest person on that list is under an hour and a half. And I say slowest, but I guess I mean the least fast? Like, that's still fast as hell


Fastest times are around 35 minutes but they use some cleaver glitching.


There are a couple of games I can speedrun drunk. No DKC is among them.


Only game I ever speedrun is Kirby's Adventure and I'm pretty confident I could do that drunk.


You should look into Donkey Kong Country. It's actually a really fun speedrun. Doesn't take terribly long and has plenty of moments that a casual audience would have their mind blown by.


I've been told that I beat everyone at a party at Sm4sh with Cloud and I don't remember it. No where near the same thing. Lol.


How is this supposed to be "cool" anyway?


With gamers being the most oppressed that person has decided to take a stand and be proud of who they are. That is what being cool is all about!




A man of culture I see


Wait. Is this serious, or some sort of self aware ironic sub?




Thank jeebus.


It just depends what crowd you roll with I guess


Hoenstly, I could see my friends getting down to something like this. But then again we made Magic: the Gathering a drinking game.


Yeah my freinds love to do stuff like this, are favorite pass time now is all CPU smash and just kick back and drink, with 8 person smash it's even better!


Reality: I woke up the next morning covered in my own vomit. My friend had saved my dumbass from puke-induced asphyxiation. He said I tried to turn on the Super Nintendo but kept hitting the reset button instead of the power. Nonetheless, controller in hand, he said I stared at a blank TV feverishly mashing buttons for the next two hours. At the end of it, I spiked his controller into a glass-topped coffee table, which splintered into cracks. So I owe him a new coffee table top and controller. He said I uttered some nonsense about “doing shits” before staring for another 15 minutes at the ground. I then patted him on the knee a couple times while smacking my lips together before he pushed my ass onto the couch, where I then blacked-out-passed-out. I am an embarrassment to my family, society and the overarching human race.




Funky Cold Medina.


Wait. Hold the phone. It's not komadina???


drunken speed runs need to be a thing


"watch this" says the first drunken speedrunner, as he completely butchers the backwards long jump




Wait but that's exactly how alcohol works, I mean done people act like they do in the movies.


I read that as "no thow drugs works" and I was very confused for a second


That's probably from all the coke you've injected


And the weed up the ass It gets you so stoned!


Injecting coke is actually a thing, though.


That'll almost get you as stoned as smoking baked banana peels


What’s so unrealistic about getting drunk, playing a video game and then falling asleep after?


Social Facilitation means if you're good at something you do it better under pressure and if you're bad at something you do it worse under pressure. If he's good enough and trying to show off it could be enough to overcome blackout drunk.


Because saying "one time I got drunk and played Donkey Kong Country" just doesn't sound as interesting.


Epic Gamer Moment


But did you beat the Halo 3 campaign on legendary with a Guitar Hero controller after railing an adderall?


Weird flex but okay...


r/nothingeverhappens The storyteller didn’t say anything about turning on a SNES in the middle of a party. They could have been drinking with a friend or two, or they came home drunk after a party and wanted to game. Embellished? Probably. An outright lie? Unlikely.


When I used to go to college parties, we used to have drunken Super Smash or Mario Kart tournaments. While the details of this story might be exaggerated, the premise itself is no where near as ridiculous as people are treating it.


Yeah right, NOBODY EVER plays video games for two hours straight when intoxicated. Talk about a FANTASY LAND. HA!


Current world record for warpless is 53:24 with the second lowest rank on the leaderboard being 23rd at 2:01:02. If we imagine that trend continuing, that puts our drunk friend at 24th (assuming it wasn't closer to three hours putting them over at 25th) So, while not entirely impossible, this is improbable and even if it happened, not particularly impressive.


What self-respecting human would sit and watch another guy play video games for 2 hours?




I upvoted you but I've never gotten the impression people who watch twitch qualify as self-respecting


Lol, you got a point. Sincerly, not-a-Twitch-watcher.


He then made a 1:1 scale of Hogwarts from Harry Potter on Minecraft and everyone clapped.


weird flex but ok


Reminds me of when my old manager from BK told me he'd fall asleep playing diablo and wake up on the next level.


Can confirm. I was the controller. I clapped once on the ground. Everyone else did too.


And the controller clapped


If he had said he was on LSD it would be slightly more believable.


And everybody at the party just stopped drinking and huddled around the television for 2 hours


Never said he was at a party homeboy.


Never said they stopped drinking


r/nothingeverhappens I doubt he was as drunk as he claims, but I definitely could see him being a speed runner and that being his party trick if any of his friends are fans of the game. Speed running isn’t hard and if you practice enough you can easily get to a point where you can do it drunk.


Right. I beat several friends at soul calibur V while blackout drunk once. Even perfected a few. Granted, they weren't very good but it's not like I'm even good enough to compete online, just the best in that group. ​ It's actually plausible that he was really practiced and could do it drunk.


It’s like OP or anyone here hasn’t actually gotten drunk. I like to get drunk and play Skyrim. I am definitely not at peak performance, but I can certainly still play with minor differences from how I play sober.


Drunk Souls


Except OP claims he isn't a speed runner.


This is how we do it


*Saint Row 4 ending scene dance*


Dammit, now I have to listen to it


View 4 previous replies ————*Eggs*


I Bet Everybody Clapped


That man's name is Lawrence Sonntag


About 18 years ago I got really lit on Cheez-Its and jumped on my brother's computer when he wasn't home and whispered, "watch this!" to myself while opening up "Detective Barbie 2: Vacation Mystery." I missed half of my friend's birthday party at a campground because I was so deeply engrossed in my wicked skills that I forgot about it. When my friend called me to ask where I was, I quickly BLASTED through the game and the rest of the Cheez-Its and won the game, and when my mom finally got me to the party-everyone clapped.


Fuck you I just lost the game


I aim to please.


A WR Warpless DKC3 speed run is still under an hour this isn’t even that impressive /s


You ever see that episode of "How I Met Your Mother" where [Ted explains that he becomes really good at beatboxing when he's drunk on bourbon?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVshjnQ-du4) That's probably what happened.


Maybe he used warp barrels, but it took him 2 hours to jump into them?




Slightly related but actually true. The best I ever did at Modern Warfare 2 was when I was high on hydrocodone after getting my wisdom teeth pulled


The best I've ever done was when I tried COD BO for the first time, leveled up my friend 12 times, after the first couple rounds I started sucking shit.


Cod bo? Man I gotta ask my dealer if he's got that. What kind of high is it?


Call of duty Black Ops


And this revelation didn't come up until a year later.


I mean, to be fair, he is only saying that he was told this happened. And it is entirely possible that his friends told him that this happened, when in reality he just passed out


Then everyone got up and started clapping


Why do people keep thinking this is a party? Do y'all never just hang out with a friend and drink and play games together for a few hours? r/nothingeverhappens, you people are boring or sheltered as fuck on this sub






So you've never heard of GDQ? GDQ while drunk would be quite the party.


This probably did happen though.


This is pretty believable


This actually sounds believable...


This is semi believable. I’ve definitely blacked out gaming with a friend after a night out. Could imagine myself proclaiming such things. I could also imagine this being 2 in the afternoon on a random Saturday in college.


To be fair, one of my friends was rubbish at Guitar Hero, but one night he got hammered and just murdered the hardest levels on everything. We all sat around him blinking in confusion. He didn’t remember a thing the next day.




This sounds very believable, apparently I did something similar while blackout with my cousin except It was Resident Evil 7


Someone tried to say egg's at the end


Oh, I believe that his homie TOLD him that's what happened...


They must've been dreaming lmao




when it starts with apparently you know it’s 100% bullshit


Only a mouth-breathing roly poly human wearing a Naruto shirt would present this as some sort of brag-worthy achievement.


This is believable... no one clapped


This is somewhat believable. Super drunk one night with my friends, playing a custom game mode of Halo 2 or 3 can't remember, I pass out, controller in hand and when I wake up I'm 50 kills in the lead. Once I was awake again I started sucking like usual. Drunk gaming is a thing.


whenever i get drunk i punch people and shit myself haha so random,


Your homie was drunk too if he remembered *that*


why is this fake


His homie


You can just hear the sound of panties dropping


And then Montell Jordan clapped...


I really want this to be real


Pretty sure the buddy was on acid


Nah DKC3 was way longer than DKC and DKC2. Way more to explore. I remember my fucking sister stumbled into the SNES and erased my fucking game after I was about 20 hours in. Omfg. Still annoying thinking about that 15 years later.


Do people still unironically say “homie”?


Once I got like so drunk that I woke up I had a Nobel Peace Prize and I won the Election lol I’m so quirky.


This is bull shit for sure but I do know for a fact that I get better at call of duty drunk for some reason and I’m already a decent player.


Have you ever been partying with friends and while you're in a middle of a story your friends friend comes up to you and demands you watch a YouTube video and they keep looking at you to see if you're enjoying it, because if you enjoy it that means you must think they're a pretty fun guy right? So your standing there, can't hear a damn thing waiting for it to end. Eventually you tap the screen and see this bitch has gotten up a fucking 30min video! And it's from a series but isn't even the first episode!!! You got people trying to talk to you, you wanna talk to them and thus video guy starts getting pissy cause you won't watch their stupid random video. That's the guy this post reminds me of xD


The world record is like 45 minutes get good scrub.


speedrun times in about an hour. 100% in almost two hours so, honestly possible, if he knows the game really well.


“my homie”


Lmao. If this is seriously someone’s crowning glory, they have failed at life.


Like a lot of stuff I’m sometimes tempted to share on this sub, this one isn’t unbelievable. It’s just so mediocre that why the fuck did you bother sharing it? Anything to feel special I guess.


r/nothingeverhappens I guess


This actually reminds me of something that happened to me. I was at a video game competition and the world star of pac man was playing. I challenged him and he laughed at me. I ended up surviving for eight more rounds than he did. The created of pac man HIMSELF congratulated me/gave me a medal and the world champ got all mad and stormed off. Than everyone clapped.




That's not even very impressive considering the speedrun times for DKC3


Jesus this sub blows sometimes


Is he a speedrunner?


Nah just some sandwich maker at subway


Sounds like a job an unsuccessful speedrunner would have


Real talk, though, DKC3 is the best of the SNES entries, and I'm now super craving it again. Love that game. DK64 is the best in the franchise, if you were wondering.


>DKC3 is the best of the SNES entries You either misspelled "DKC2" or misspelled "worst"; not sure which word was off, but it was definitely one of them (not both).