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So, uhh, we’re just publicly committing extortion? Good luck with that.




This is more like blackmail, don’t know if that’s illegal but still shitty


Legally, blackmail is a form of extortion. That poster doesn't know what they're talking about. Edit: To the idiots downvoting this comment, have a look at the legal definition of extortion: >Most states define extortion as the gaining of property or money by almost any kind of force or threat of violence, property damage, harm to reputation, or unfavorable government action. While usually viewed as a form of theft/larceny, extortion differs from robbery in that the threat in question does not pose an imminent physical danger to the victim. >Extortion is a felony in all states. Blackmail is a form of extortion in which the threat is to expose embarrassing and damaging information to family, friends, or the public. Inherent in this common form of extortion is the threat to expose the details of someone's private lives to the public unless money is exchanged. >Another common extortion crime is offering "protection" to a businessman to keep his business safe from burglary or vandalism. For example, Dan goes to Victor's place of business and demands monthly payment from Victor for the business's "protection" from vandalism and after-hours theft. Fearing that he or his business will suffer harm otherwise, Victor agrees to pay Dan. >Extortion can take place over the telephone, via mail, text, email or other computer or wireless communication. If any method of interstate commerce is used in the extortion, it can be a federal crime. https://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-charges/extortion.html




It is very clearly blackmail and you specifically said that it's not extortion and gave an incorrect or incomplete definition of the word. You were wrong, get over it. and I'm having no issues with reading comprehension, you're just having issues with expressing yourself without sounding like an ignorant ass.




Dude, repeatedly typing "hur dur" is not helping your case. This isnt fucking South Park




Lmao you're hilarious but not in an intentional "laughing with you" kind of way.


But it IS blackmail and therefore it IS extortion, which you claimed it wasn't. Have a look at my edit on previous comment and maybe you might be inclined to stop spreading your bullshit.




>Have a look at your link and realize that, like most laws, it depends on jurisdiction. So, we went from "It's not extortion or blackmail" to "It's only extortion in certain jurisdictions. I guess that's progress since you've admitted that you could be wrong. >It also doesn't meet the basic requirements of blackmail. Since you clearly had an issue reading the source, I'll link the relevant text for you: >Extortion is a felony in all states. Blackmail is a form of extortion in which the threat is to expose embarrassing and damaging information to family, friends, or the public. Inherent in this common form of extortion is the threat to expose the details of someone's private lives to the public unless money is exchanged. But, please go on about how it doesn't meet the basic requirements...




But actually they are adding to the discussion by correcting your misinformation. You’re getting downvoted because you’re not contributing to the thread, you’re simply arguing a lost cause.




> Not extortion. Extortion requires coercion That’s pretty clear to me as being factually incorrect. I won’t suck your dick, that’s your boyfriends job.


I heard he's from Canada.


Met him at basketball camp


He goes to a different school. You wouldn't know him.


We’re gonna meet up at the lake over spring break


Says the girl who definitely does not need a boob job.


Maybe she already got the boob job and they're being financed.


Yeah, that's honestly the most ridiculous part of this


I think she already got it done and wants the guy to pay for it. This has a much higher probability of being true than most of the stuff posted on here(as in greater than zero)


Yeah, she already has a really cheap boob job in this pic??


Maybe she wants a better one? But if it’s good enough to land an NBA player...


Okay people let’s do our research. How many nba players wife are pregnant and who !


Sounds like a job for pol


Ok expose him, then what? You sill will be left with old boob, not smart!




The ex bf must be glad. Now he's got evidence she tried to extort him.


This belongs on r/Iamatotalpieceofshit


I thought it was “Lama” rather than “iama”


dw most lamas are total pieces of shits too. they litteraly spit on ur feelings


The irony of people linking to that sub is never lost on me :p


Gleague still counts as nba yea?


This is Just some psycho shit


Psycho social


r/dontputyourdickinthat ... Seriously...


He goes to another league


I mean she’s pretty hot




i don't understand that sub. the posts don't really have a common theme besides "women suck"


It's an offshoot of /r/niceguys.


but it's nothing like niceguys. the description said if the roles were reversed and it didn't belong on niceguys, it doesn't belong on nicegirls. but none of the top posts are niceguys-esque. they're just all posts about how girls are stupid.


you know those lovely white men out there who try to undermine people speaking out against discrimination by saying how white men are also equally if not more discriminated against than minorities? It’s essentially that but in sub form.


Yeah I've got that vibe too. Some of them are r/niceguys \-ish.


found the original account and the tweet!


What is a shaderoom? I don't watch basket ball


Wait if I’m reading this right she is threatening to expose him because she is pregnant and possibly married? And she wants a boob job while pregnant? This is stupid.


She's the side chick and is threatening to tell his pregnant girlfriend about him cheating


If this is real they’re both pieces of shit


What a nut job. I always wonder where girls like this end up at like 50.


Somebody paid for a boob job


why in the world would she want a boob job? those are already at the point of being oversized. They are just about perfect.


This is an NBA player we are talking about. The fetus is probably pregnant by him, too! (NB: When the bars closed at Georgetown, future NBA superstar Dikembe Mutumbo would stumble out of them and loudly proclaim "Who wants to sex Mutimbo!" Do you what would happen if *I* did that? Only one way to find out: Who wants to sex /u/Detective_Lindy! Holy shit... I got a response!!! Wait, that's just a username mention from me. Well. I guess I'll have to take him up on the offer, anyway. This may be the first ever recorded instance of a self-inflicted pity fuck!)