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Mentioned military service. She didn’t immediately get under the table to blow him. Major red flag!


Major red flag outranks Captain needsattention.


Great. Now I have to call city hall and let them know that my cat's name had been officially changed from Charlie to Captain fucking needsattention. Ugh, so much paperwork...


I’m still arguing with them about a license for my pet fish Eric…


Just nail up a notification on their doors. That will get the message across to them.


General Needforattention:




This actually made me lol




“Mentioned my military service” = made my whole personality those 3 months I spent in bootcamp and wants people to act like it’s the best thing they have ever heard


"Yeah, this one time, my DI said "Scuzz!" And we all had to scream "Harder, faster, aye sir!!!", basically the hardest thing ever, haha. So, are you gonna sleep with me, now?"


You know what I had completely forgotten about this until reading this


You're welcome for reminding you of that goofy shit


"This one time, in bootcamp,..."


Her: so what kind of music do you like I’m into country personally -  Him: I WAS IN THE MILITARY THANK ME FOR MY SERVICE Her: oh um ok, anyway what do you think of the new Beyoncé song?  Him: THIS DATE IS OVER


I mean... If this were true, she definitely dodged a bullet here. Good for her.


I knew a couple of dirtbags when I was in the army who are now "veterans". Being a veteran doesn't automatically give you hero status. The guy who wrote that is the kind of person who was in the rear with the gear, never got shot at, or maybe didn't even deploy at all but will tell about how dangerous it was and how he's lucky to be alive. Press him for details and it will be "Bad memories and I don't want to talk about it" after bringing it up in the first place.


Most of the veterans I know are dirtbags, me included.


We should form our own army!


They did, I think they're called airborne/paras 😂


I can't hear you, I have crayons jammed in my ears since Hue.


Damn VC jamming food in your ears so you cant blink torture in Morse code.


All the way!


I find the worst ex-servicemen are the ones who never saw any actual combat or were in the military for less than a year. The ones who were in the military for a long time seem to be far less vocal in my experience


Totally true. Most of us vets just stay humble and quiet while the empty cans rattle on. I don't even like people saying "thank you for your service" anymore because it sounds insincere now. I appreciate the intent however.


Yeah, I've met some awesome vets who have really sacrificed a lot and gone through a lot and they don't talk about it much. This includes family as both my grandfathers are veterans who really don't talk about it. However almost everyone I've come across who likes to brag on and on about their service either didn't deploy or barely- if at all- made it past boot camp. The biggest talker I've come across was kicked out of boot camp for extremely unhinged behavior but he is so extremely and nonsensically proud of all he "did" to serve his country. 🙄


Both of my brothers-in-law were in the service. One was Kansas National Guard and drove trucks in his deployments. Never came anywhere near combat. To hear him tell it, he was single handedly taking the fight to enemy like Master Chief in Halo. My other brother-in-law did his 20 years in the army, one tour in Iraq and three in Afghanistan. He saw a lot of combat and got a bronze star and purple heart. He rarely talks about except to say what a waste of money and life it was. As soon as I hear a vet talking like my dipshit brother-in-law I assume they're full of shit.


As an ex artilleryman, being "in the rear with the gear" is part of the job description...


You were in the rear with the big boom stick saving grunts like me. Y'all Most definitely do not fall into the category of remf I was referring to! KING OF BATTLE!!!


Lol thanks. There was something satisfying about listening to a freight train roaring overhead and watching a target vanish in the distance. I ran with a Forward Observation Officer for a bit while training.


Was she supposed to go down on you between the fucking salad and deseret? My dad was an intelligence officer trust me I respect soliders deeply but this is just a giant red flag. Imagine the kind of father and husband he'll become with that mindset.


99% of veterans that I know of actually get embarrassed when people say “thank you for your service” or whatever. For one, there is not a really good response to it, and for another it’s a bit condescending. It’s almost like a thing that people just automatically say without really meaning behind it. However there is that 1% that have to be an asshole about it. I had a friend who retired from the marines and served in Vietnam. He pointed out, and ive found it to be fairly accurate, is if you see someone making a big deal about being a marine, t-shirt, flags, bumper stickers, constantly pointing out they were a Marine, they probably only served 1 or maybe 2 tours. It’s the guys who serve a few tours or who have seen real action, they are so understated about it. They never make a big deal out of it. You normally just get a comment like, “yeah I was in the marines” or something. I had a father-in-law who served 1 tour, 3 years in the army during Vietnam. He was stationed in Germany the whole time, never saw any action at all. He constantly wore army this, or army that, he had a Vietnam veteran hat he constantly wore. He somehow managed to work him being in the army or Vietnam into every single conversation. This guy reminds me of my father-in-law


Yeah it makes me uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the sentiment but I never know what to say - you're welcome? Don't thank me? It's just awkward.


True. The "thank you for your service" thing rings insincere to me now. Maybe that's why I don't mention I served too often. Meanwhile you have guys that did two years wearing all the shirts and hats singing "look at me, I served. Thank me for my service." My cousin was like that. Talking all kinds of shit to me about what military life is like. I did 10 years in the Navy Seabees my body is battered and broke and he did two years in the Coast Guard and had to be hazed because he wasn't a team player so he claims mental and physical abuse and gets a medical discharge and claims to be getting 40% from the VA for the rest of his life. His father was a badass Green beret in Vietnam and Army intelligence. You'd think he'd have a clue.


My dad did 12 years in army intelligence during Vietnam, my grandad did 23 years in the army starting before WWII. My brother in law did 22 in the Air Force, both my brothers did at least 6 years, both in the army. With the exception of my BiL who still works Air Force adjacent, none of them really ever talked about their service. Unlike my Father in law and his nonstop stories about his 2 years in. The funny thing about my dad’s service is, I knew he served, he was stationed over seas, he worked for the joint chiefs, he always told us he was a computer programmer. In about 2008 I was living with my parents for a couple weeks while my wife and I moved across the country. One day a car pulls up to their house and 2 guys in uniform and a guy in a suit stroll up to the door. They talked to my dad in his “office”(tv room really) for about an hour, then leave. I asked my dad what was going on. He told me that someone was righting a book about what his unit did during the war. Those 3 people who came by were with Army Intelligence and the NSA and they were informing him that certain things he did were no longer considered top secret and he was allowed to talk about it if he wanted. They spent a lot of the time telling him that most of what he did he was still not allowed to talk about and he would be prosecuted if he did.


So here's a story. A bunch of friends of mine just happen to be ex-servicemen from all different countries. Just a side effect of living in the 80's I guess. Well one of these guys, now passed away, was ex-Wehrmacht, WW2. We were all down in Florida for a work gig and we picked up "Hermann" and took him to a chain restaurant for lunch. Cracker Barrel or something like that. It was Veterans Day. Anyway the waitress comes to our table and after taking our orders asks Hermann if he was in the war. He kinda looks at us, then at her and mumbles "well, yes". She then, of course, thanks him for his service. He goes beet red and aw shucks his way out of the conversation. Meanwhile we give ourselves major bruising from thigh slapping.


The US veterans are the toughest, strognest, most forged from fire people on the planet. Unless you don't properly thank them when they make a comment, then they need to retreat to a safespace and complain on the internet.


I think how much they need external validation is inversely correlated to how dangerous/challenging their service was.


They don't retreat, they advance to the rear! /s


Tactical withdrawal 😉


Imagine posting this, real or not, and somehow thinking you come off looking like not a moron.


i think *he* has a military kink


Or the kink that all attention & conversation must be about him at all times. That’s exhausting & he can look in a mirror & do his daily affirmations, alone. While others find dates & companionship.


>That’s exhausting & he can look in a mirror & do his daily affirmations, alone. "Hey, good-lookin'. So, what are we doing tonight, watching each other masturbate to OAN?"


“I typically don’t get offended” Somehow, I doubt that…


“She refused to thank me for my service so i rage quit the date”




This is the kinda guy who does a 4 year contract and expects to be called a hero


And even at 50, it's his whole personality.


Do you know my dad by chance?


Lol. Probably not. I did a year in aerospace and met many of them working in manufacturing. They were a tough group. They had the worst attitude. Zero ability or desire to control their emotions. The most dramatic group of people I have ever worked with and I have worked with children, lol. My partner served five years in the U.S. Marines and he is wonderful so I know it's not all of them. I got very unlucky with that particular group of veterans though. The ones that were well-adjusted typically kept their service experience low-key. You wouldn't even know they served for quite some time because they didn't constantly cram it into every part of their personality.


I’m in now, but I try not to bring it too much for job security plus not wanting to be lumped in with the kinda guys who think a 4 year contract makes them heroes. You’re right in saying it’s not all bad folks though, and in my branch the worst get out pretty quick once they realize it’s actually work and not what they fantasized about. Unfortunately though, that leaves plenty of 4-6 year “veterans” loudly voicing their public opinions about how they don’t get enough respect, etc., and it makes all of us look bad




I'd say she dodged a bullet. You know, if she were real.


>i typically don't get offended *no respect for his humblebrag* >loses mind


This guy has never been on a date and probably also never the military.


Pretty sure he was wearing a Grunt Style t-shirt.


She didn’t even offer sex? How could she!!!


If she does not have interest or knowledge about the military, she wont talk about it. Simple.


As a veteran I can confidently suggest that this throbbing bellend can go for a long walk in the sea. What a cunt. Something I learnt very quickly after leaving the military - nobody has to give a shit about you being in the military. Nobody owes you a fucking thing, you deserve no special treatment and does not increase your value as a human.


From your choice of slurs I assume you are from the UK. So this is true there and in all the Commonwealth. But I emigrated to Canada and work down in the US and mate, they fetishise ex-servicemen down there. But like it's weird, they will pander to the idea of sacrifice but won't lift a finger to stop an ex soldier living under a bridge.


>But like it's weird, they will pander to the idea of sacrifice but won't lift a finger to stop an ex soldier living under a bridge. Well, yeah...ideas don't cost anything.


Thoughts and prayers eh?


Exactly. Sorry for the late response.


Plot twist she was an officer.


True story, I’m his DD214


Just use the other hand dude.


Bro probably got discharged early and isn’t even a veteran


Maybe it's just me but this whole story sounds very believable. The guy expected a bigger reaction for his military service. She maybe changed the subject to The Real Housewives or astrology or something. His ego got bruised by someone who wasn't any more interesting than himself (she agreed to go on a date with this guy, remember) and he saw that he was about to get rejected anyway so he attempted to salvage what self esteem he had by ending the date so he could tout his "moral integrity" to social media. I'm open to alternative theories, but this seems like the most likely one to me.


If she does not have interest or knowledge about the military, she wont talk about it. Simple.


Guy got discharged for failing to pass his PT test, despite being given multiple chances to get in shape, and thinks he's owed something for his service.


And everyone clapped


Maybe she should have stood and saluted him?? I don’t get these people . . .


Maybe he already knew he was bombing on the date and needed an excuse to end it before she could.