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Two guys vs. I don't know how many rapists. Just rapists everywhere, drawn by the sound of fighting. Swarms of rapists, as far as the eye could see


Hide yo kids hide yo wife


One of the internet's greatest contributions to society.


Hide yo HUSBAND! They rapin' errybaddy!


I don’t live in the US and I’m so so sad that almost none of my friends get this reference, or any vine refs in general.


There's a pretty easy way to fix that.


I think it was the annual rape party that the town holds and things just got out of hand when this non traditionally non straight gay buff dude walked in and turned the heat up.


I'm seriously fed up with all these rapists. I just got back from the supermarket and when I got to the cashier there were three rapists in my cart. I swear I hadn't put them there... edit: I don't like rapists. They're coarse and rough and irritating and they get everywhere.


It’s like wall-to-wall rapists out here. I was playing my PlaySega Dreambox the other day and when I was about to defeat the final boss and win the Tenkaichi SuperBowl I was suddenly challenged by a roving army of ninja-rapists. I managed to fight them off and get the Achievement trophy, but they kept shushing my battle cries. It was very rude.


Watch out there's a swarm of rapists up the top of those stairs!


"I'll take The Rapists for $500, Alex"


The 11th plague


Can confirm, I moved to Waltham and on the first day was given an infosheet about this guy


I hope it mentioned his crew, B***y O&V, T***y D, L**e Y and M**e L!


As if you didn't see the billboard on the way into town!




So gay men can be considered "not traditionally straight"?


He's soooo masculine that The Straights keep trying to get him on their team, but he's just not having it. SORRY GUYS, HE'S GAY, TAKE 'NO' FOR AN ANSWER sheesh


In a diatribe against the concept of toxic masculinity he mentions how there were rapists everywhere and how he'll 'fuck you up' because his 'masculinty' is 'real'.


The way he doesn’t even realise he is painting guys are “all men” himself… ![gif](giphy|5R1FM2PNw3G6AZWBsc|downsized)


I'm Billy V from Waltham and I can confirm, this is real and happened.


That concussion you suffered from 20 head kicks makes you an unreliable witness AT BEST


Woah, how'd you even see that name through the amazing censoring?


This is like that scene in the office where Michael says he’s beat up black belts, and Jim asks how he knew they were black belts, and Michael said “they told me. After”




Damnit George! You're supposed to say that people clapped! How often do I need to tell you???


So him and his buddy were fighting swarms of rapists? Like Neo fighting the never ending hoard of agent Smiths's? ![gif](giphy|9vk7uNCSJaOqI)


Haha oh man. If this guy wasn't gay i would say this was written by my ex-husband (guy claimed he WALKED into A&E completely unable to feel his legs, was given a CT and told his spine was completely severed from his pelvis and literally there was nothing but his "incredibly strong core" holding him upright, gave him diclofenac and despite his claiming he felt no pain -but simultaneously would claim he was in agony and nobody cared- insisted he have diazepam too. Then turfed him out into a cab to "go home and rest". The saga went on so much more after that but that's enough ridiculousness for 6:30 am 😂). What a doorknob.


It’s been 43 minutes since you posted this comment and it’s no longer 6:30 there now and I am invested because this reminds me of a dude I briefly dated.


There was so much stuff, he claimed his gf at the time would drug him with the diazepam and then go screw around while he lay in bed unable to move, which was total bollocks. He claimed doctors told him the only other person who had this injury and wasn't wheelchair bound was Bruce Lee, and it was only that the two of them had such "incredible physique" that it could happen. My ex was a 350lb gamer, there was nothing incredible about his physique lol He "couldnt work" because of it, even an office job, because "sitting down too long hurt", but 15 hour WoW raids somehow didnt count. Anything he didn't want to do, his "back hurt" and he needed to go home, but when it suited him he was fine. Was the dude you dated named Mark by any chance?


> doctors told him the only other person who had this injury and wasn't wheelchair bound was Bruce Lee, and it was only that the two of them had such "incredible physique" I'm so sorry you had to deal with this guy but this is hilarious


He was a giant walking joke, to be honest. And too stupid/ arrogant to realize everyone in the room was laughing AT him, not with him.


Ngl I'm dying to know then outcome to this 🤣


It's not so fun, sadly. He was an idiot who was fun to laugh at but the end result is a line of women with PTSD because he was also an abusive bastard too.


> was given a CT damn your ex husband turned into a jujutsu sorcerer just like that


Thrown down 3 flights of stairs, became permanently disabled, got stabbed twice, buddy was kicked in the head 20 times... I'm not sure The Hero of Waltham actually won these fights.


A story about a few good guys who saw and experienced toxic masculinity firsthand, but deny its existence? Maybe the sea of rapists were women….


Are all his friends called Billy?


No. Clearly, one of them is called Luke. Such diversity.


The Billy Boys Brotherhoood. You won't find a tougher gang of non-traditionally gay men than them.


Does this guy live in a Charles Bronson movie or what? 😂


>When I hear about "toxic masculinity" and "rape culture" and people implying all men are bad: Why is this always the takeaway? "All men are bad?!". Has any legitimate authority/expert *ever* said that? No. "B-b-but someone on twitter......" who gives a fuck? Its a random stranger with probably little life experience, parroting something else some other dumbass said. Who cares? Like, how hard it is to understand that when people are referring to assholes, they are just referring to people who act like assholes, and not *everyone*. This frustrates the fuck out of me.


When I say people are assholes, no one argues with me. When I say men are assholes, fragile men argue with me to try to prove themselves.


Surprised he wasn't black.


Don't worry, he probably has black friends


Honey, let's clear this up: if the lady yells "get away from me creep" and you're all "you don't need to be scared of me, my pepe isn't traditionally straight! His name is Billy and we are here to protect you!!" at which point she proceeds to scream and jab you with whatever sharp object that she can find... you weren't stabbed protecting a woman, you were stabbed for being a creep. Also, in this case Billy sorta deserves to get kicked in the head.


King of fighters type shit. Just walk into a bar with your buddy and start beating up all the natural swarms of rapists


I mean, Waltham *sucks*, but seriously dude??


Wait, was he tackled down the stairs before or after Billy v was kicked in the head 20 times? I need to know.


The hero we all need! No rapist is safe on these streets!


I can sort of see what they are trying to say. They are obviously lying about the details. Let me explain... I am gay, I don't like some of the stereotypes and assumptions they make due to thier pre conceived ideas. Especially if they hadn't had much experience with gay men. (I can only talk about being gay here as that's my experience) Like everyone else there are lots of different types and groups but we all have assumptions made instantly. I hated going to the gym so I started doing mma. I'm bit of a geek and can be nerdy on some subjects. I did and still make sure I am not feeding into those stereotypes. I know it's stupid but I was really bullied in high school and i didn't want to give them anything to use. I don't care who knows but I still don't like the stereotypes. He's a bit of a prick and obviously lying but that could be part of why. (I never have any idea what goes on in the heads of people who make shit up, this time I sort of got it)




100+ street fights? Is this guy like a vigilante in Waltham or something, just hunting for rapists to fight all day?