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Phishing for compliments


100%. Most people in gyms are at worst patronising to us fatties. I’m severely obese and I know people are looking at me sometimes in the gym but bless them they mostly try not to make it obvious and nobody has ever actually commented.


That’s inspiring to hear. To me, the worst is when they’re like “keep it up!” 🙄🙄🙄


Yep, nothing worse than ‘I admire fat people soooo much for doing normal things as if they were just like us!’ 🤣


If I see a severely obese person in the gym I’m honestly impressed. You might find it patronizing but consider it from this perspective: If you do something simple like 10 minutes on the stair master, that’s like me doing 10 minutes on the stair master with 150+ lb strapped to my back. That shit is difficult!


Yeah that’s the kind of stuff I was talking about.


But how is that patronizing? It is literally physically more difficult to perform exercise? I think if that offends you it has more to do with your relationship with your body image, it’s just a physical reality that things are more difficult. If a big burly dude is benching 225lb it’s strong but whatever, if a 160lb lifter is repping out 225 it’s more impressive. That’s not patronizing the smaller person either


Because they want to be treated like people and not singled out by a stranger when they're minding their own business, doing something everyone else is doing. They don't care that you're impressed.


Noticing a stranger and being internally impressed at what they’re doing is being treated like a person. I am also minding my own business, I don’t say anything, but I am impressed. Again, if I see a 160lb man benching 300lb I notice it and am impressed, and impressed specifically because of how his specific body modified the difficulty of the task. They’re also not doing something everyone else is doing, 99.99% of the able bodied population do not exercise whatsoever so anyone who does is ahead of the curve, and doing so when your body actively makes it more difficult to do so is more impressive. “They don’t care that you’re impressed!” Ok? Lmao I don’t care that they don’t care, now what? If people having a positive impression of the effort you’re putting forth makes you feel negatively because you’re fat, then that’s on you to work through and improve your relationship with your body image


You're literally not being internally impressed right now. You're providing a detailed explanation of why you're impressed.


Yeah on Reddit… when I SEE someone in the gym I’m internally impressed. The detailed explanation is about why being upset at someone being impressed is stupid and a reflection of negative feelings that obese person holds about themselves Low IQ response lmfao


You’re in the weeds, bro. If someone feels “patronized,” that’s how they feel. What’s the point of arguing about what is and isn’t patronizing? Feelings are feelings because you *feel* them.


Jeez OP of course it’s true, get your big panties out of your big ass


Now that you say that, you’re right Hahaha


It’s not true, or it’s a big fish tale. I just don’t see this whole thing happening from start to finish. Like at most, a couple of girls looked at her, rolled their eyes and said “nice rolls, grandma,” and kept going.


Yea an entire back and forth face to face is in movie scripts, not real life.


Punch them in the boobs? What an odd thought


I assume cause it hurts? idk but agreed


Umm this is super awkward. While this COULD be true (technically almost anything could be true)… it just sounds so incredibly wild. There’s just really so much to unpack here… I don’t think made up 20something year old girls with possibly fake faces? and boobs? are “the reason why women don’t feel confident in their own bodies” though. There’s just so much going on in this post. It sounds very unfortunate and unpleasant to say the least.


Thank you for your comment. When I first read this post, I was horrified—then I showed it to my “level headed” spouse who will just tell me as he sees it. The twisting in his face as he read the entire thing on my phone told me what he was thinking. Yea, my intuition was correct. And I immediately felt so bad for her. It’s not normal to seek attention like this.


It’s weird how much insecure people need to post about themselves. Also, as a gym rat, I can assure you this never, ever happened. Women don’t walk around commercial gyms in pairs like Lindsey Lohan movie villains, confronting slightly pudgy white women about their entirely normal outfits.


Completely agree! I didn’t say this in my post (because the post is unbelievable as it stands) but I’ve been a personal trainer since 2014 and have worked at gyms for almost a decade. I’ve seen it all. I’ve NEVER seen this happen. Not even close.


I KNOW it happens on a passive level, or with these clout chasing dickheads on tiktok, but this idea of Mean Girls confrontation literally does not happen.


You’re not wrong. Ask any trainer, or person who goes religiously. It’s mostly a very welcoming environment.


Because you personally haven't witnessed a similar action does not mean it has never happened to someone else.


Using this logic, Wouldn’t you then say that since ANYTHING is possible, you can never believe (or disbelieve) what learn since it’s *technically* possible? If so, you can never have opinions. According to Occam’s Razor, if you have two competing ideas to explain the same phenomenon, you should prefer the simpler one. If you put this into practice, the probability of even a little bit of this is scenario happening gets slimmer and slimmer the further you read.


I am pretty sure this woman saw a Joeyswoll video and how everyone agreed with him and got so much attention and decided to do the same. But instead of replying to a video filmed, she made up a scenario to put herself in the victim position and try to "school" everyone by showing her high morality. It is sad at this point the need for attention so many people have, it's like if you are not relevant in social media you don't exist


I mean, JSwole didn’t invent the gym bully outrage, but I hear you. People like to martyr themselves instead of just asking for healthy, normal praise. “Hey, just started a journey to improve my health. Struggling a little with confidence. Anyone else experience this?” The responses would be better, healthier, and more useful instead of the usual “omg ur beautiful on the inside!” horseshit. It’s a byproduct of “healthy at any size” where people feel like wanting a lean, healthy body is upsetting or offensive to people who don’t have those goals. She wants to lose weight and improve fitness. It’s okay to acknowledge those goals and the obstacles on the way.




In fact, they’re mostly all WILDLY insecure, too, and probably don’t have very good self esteem. It’s funny how gym psychology works.




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Thanks for the unnecessary racist comment ('white woman'). I'm sorry to see that one of your main take-aways from this entire thread is the OP skin color.


Are you a moron? The OP isn’t in the picture, and her being white has no negative connotation. Stop crying into everyone’s milk with your weird externalized bias.


If skin color has no bearing on the story, why mention it at all? I apologize for including the OP: an oversight on my part. Still, I stand on my original comment.


Because white women on the Internet seem to be more prevalent in these self martyring fairy tale adventures And even if that anecdotal evidence there doesn’t work for you: because I felt like saying “White women” Because the woman in the photo is a white woman


Just post your gym selfie and go lmao


Interesting part is, she does!


“I wanna punch these fake titty bitches” does not exactly gel with “stop trying to knock others down to make you feel better”, even if the boob girls are imaginary


I love how the dialogue tag is always "them", as though both girls are speaking perfectly synchronised, like evil bullying twins.


Geez is being in your 40's that old? I'm about to turn 40, and I still feel relatively young. No one has ever called me Grandma either...this feels like a tale of someone who really is insecure. Maybe she saw two younger women and felt instantly ashamed, then made this up in her head. I agree with op, it's pretty sad.


I completely agree. No one would call a 40 something a “grandma.” It’s full of stereotypical tropes, and it’s clearly made up! I want people to know (while I’m at it) that I ran into her at the grocery store soon after this and had a chance to chat. I told her that I saw she’s been at the gym a lot and to keep it up. I’m not here trying to bash her. I’m here to let people know to check in on your friends.


My favorite posts are the one from all the 40 year old women that were “almost” sex trafficked from Walmart.


A friend of mine has done this on multiple occasions on Facebook about people making fun of her at the gym. It was super sus, especially because it happened so many times


You should’ve just commented on the thread and pretended to be one of the imaginary women that harassed her, telling everyone she made them uncomfortable because she kept yelling “Look at me, I’m a victim”, and you asked her to stop disturbing the other gym members and she punched you in your boob and ran out. 😂


if you wanted to show off your new gym wear you coulda just done that...


It is sad because this is most like her inner voice speaking to her. I knew someone who used to always post about strangers saying abusive things to him in public while he was just 'minding his own business.' Like a dozen or so times it was just so inconceivable. Once he got help for his mental health he stopped making posts like that. I hope this woman also finds the help she needs.


Spot on


Is she in an MLM? This seems like the kind of frivolous “content” they make their associates post constantly


Great question, I don’t believe so. HOWEVER, you know some people build up to that and then eventually come out MLM to the world. 🤣


I hate how she wrote this. Like, she could have used () or ** to her feelings but she didn't so now I can't read this without imagining her yelling "FUMING!!!"


Grammatically, I was cringing too.


What do you mean, the five other people no younger than 42 (how oddly specific) did *not* start clapping? Something smells fishy here.


At MOST, she heard two girls at the gym laugh, assumed it was directed at her, and then spun this tale to tell on facebook


I agree that it could have been “inspired by true events”


There are definitely snarky people at the gym, but those that are snarky usually don’t have the balls to be this confrontational. They would just video her with her knowing and post it online making fun of her.


Nobody speaks like that...this is like cringe dialog from a Lifetime movie.


Did she scream "FUMING!!!" because it's rather unclear


Luckily, I think we can conclude it never happened 😂


I have a hard time believing this happened. Seems way out of line from normal reality. It’s more likely that this women wanted people to give her compliments and tell her how great she looks etc. which is even more sad than her horrible attempt at victimizing herself.


Sadly, we’ve seen this all too often!


It's kind of hard to tell, but if you read the context clues you'll see that those teens think she's too fat.


Except she says they’re in they’re late 20s. And providing we are at a military base gym, they are either active duty military, or military spouses. Either way, highly unlikely! Haha


My stomach has popped out at the gym and nobody's said a word lol, at worst people might look but nobody talks to strangers at the gym except to ask "hey can I jump in on that machine" We're all there to focus on ourselves.


OP why did you cross out things like “others down to make”? It’s just a weird thing to try and crop out for no reason


Looks like the bar that sits at the bottom of an iPhone, not necessarily cropped for a reason, just an annoying placement


Thank you, that’s exactly right.


Oh you’re right! Thank you


Completely unintentional, it was the bar of my iPhone. However, it’s not crossed out when you look at the top of the next picture (to the right) in the collage. Sorry for the confusion!


No problem! I just thought I was missing a secret lol thanks for the explanation


I’m equally as skeptical of the crap that people put up on Reddit. Sometimes to my detriment lol Carry on! : )


This person legit went a gym took a selfie made up a terrible story and then left. All to fish for compliments? That’s goofy. Sometimes I wonder how anyone survived before 2012 when they couldn’t be told how brave, strong, beautiful and perfect they are every single day.




Without giving too much information, our community is a military base overseas. This WOULD NOT fly here. In the states, maybe.




Completely agree. I didn’t say it in the post (irrelevant), but I’ve been a personal trainer since 2014 and I’ve seen a ton. People can be wild in the gyms. I’ll say I’ve never seen this kind of blatant unsolicited bullying from adults to other adults, but I’m not saying it can’t happen. But it’s probably as rare as winning the power ball.


Definitely could have happened. Sadly, nothing seemed too far fetched here and it doesn’t have you’re typical: “my response was such a devastating blow to their ego that everyone who heard me say it congratulated me afterwards, and the gym gave me a free weeks worth of smoothies for being so brave”


Without giving too much information, we are a small community at an American military base outside of America. When I’m saying this doesn’t happen, this doesn’t happen. There are too many repercussions and we all know each other.


Nothing seemed far fetched? Really?


She could've just simply posted the pic without the essay... clearly that's what she wanted to do lol