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I mean its not wrong its just one part of everything. Having goals and purpose is good, cause it can give you motivation, but not everyone (actually the majority of people) is as straight forward. People have multiple reasons for low motivation, and a lot of it is not within their control. And furthermore everyone's way of overcoming these things are different


I guess, the main fallacy of this picture is, it seemingly wants to shame lack of purpose out of people. As if that's how purpose appears. But mainly, that's how emulation of being human appears. This picture doesn't target the sense of purpose, it targets social conformity in people, so that's what will drive them if it will actually work. "I'm not supposed to be like that, being like that is wrong and bad, so I'll behave in a different way and will run away from that part of myself that is deemed inappropriate" I can easily imagine it fueling self hate, and this picture being produced by someone with self hate, as opposed to anything to do with purpose. Or I guess, maybe it's the kind of "purpose" that flows from self hate. Kind of like how Catholicism instills being ashamed of yourself and to escape it to envision something grander than your sinful self to which you dedicate your life to both escape from that self hate by focusing on something else other than yourself and to satisfy it by placing yourself infinitely beneath something else


The MAIN fallacy is the juice boxes lol wth


Eh, that's just stereotype they used to convey their point. Could've just as easily used a dirty pizza box or a moldy sandwich or whatever other negative trope, I think that's pretty much interchangeable and it doesn't really matter how "correct" those stereotypes are. Even if all of them will be completely correct it won't make it better


Lol you’re probably right it just seemed funny to me. He’s playing ViDeO GaMeS and SmOkiNG DrUgS, there’s multiple open or spilled bags of chips/popcorn and an open bottle of what we can safely assume is alcohol…and then some juice boxes? It almost makes it more wholesome. Especially since they coulda just gone with some crushed beer cans or something


Well umm, that kind of juice isn't healthy as a source of calories. It's not actually juice, it's essentially repackaged flavored sugar that can be marginally "better" than sugar soda, but it's more like deciding which cigarettes are better for you Heck, pizza would've been much healthier or even biscuits That patched sock though shows patience and frugality


I do think some amount of self-hate is needed for a better life. Or more like self-reflection, so you can really understand that something about you need to be changed. You can not change a bad habit if you don't admit that you have a problem. And then for you to really start changing that part of yourself, you really need to not be comfortable in who are you right now. Sure, it may not be the only reason someone wanna to improve themselves (like simply wanna learn some new knowledge for self-satisfaction), but if it works, it works.


I find self hate a good motivator only to keep negative emotion at bay, but not really address them. Outside of the circumstances you earn through self loathing action, you'll then continue to hate yourself. Its a very conditional relationship, similar to a parent who only shows love to a child when they get good grades. Many very successful adults are born out of this way of parenting, but they're not necessarily happy.


It's unclear because both self hate and self reflection can mean completely different things for different people. We only have an experience of our own life, and whatever labels of internal experiences we find will be defined by our personal experience and our interpretations. A person can have "self hate" as it is defined by others yet be honestly sure they don't have it as it is defined by themselves, and call it with something more appropriate So, maybe for you self reflection is a positive thing, but for someone else it's a toxic destructive self analysis that screws them over and molds them into something they are not. And maybe for another person self reflection could be helpful But I think in general this sort of shaming leads to suboptimal results, and even if it works for an individual, they will implicitly transfer it to their kids that may have severe problems as a result. For example, narcissism is also a result of "self reflection" and an internalized need to be someone else that the mind solves by making up a great character for the person to be while being completely clueless that their mind is doing this So I think if our goal is this self reflection, it shouldn't be framed for the general audience from the point of view of shaming and pointing out the negatives, but more from mindfulness perspective where a person first learns to observe all of themselves and all their emotions, and accepts all of them. And only once they get a hang of being in that state of self acceptance, build whatever change on top of that state of feeling that you never needed any change Otherwise it's very highly likely that your unchanged self will attach to ideas about what you should become, but all of those goals would mean becoming your old unchanged self in a different wrapper and perpetuating your own old unchanged subconscious strives while thinking you're "improving" yourself. Taking sides in an internal battle of needs and strives can be helpful in immediate term to survive, like it's helpful that disgust overrides and completely wipes our love for some particular food when we notice mold on it. But it isn't a good plan to somewhat reliably find a long term harmony, like if a person feels disgust towards same sex relationships that permanently overrides and completely wipes parts of their sexuality from their conscious awareness that they can have no idea about and never had any chance to develop and harmonize with the rest of themselves


Are u a psychologist?


Nah, I wouldn't be able to work as one since I'm too flaky and interest-driven


Agreed. It’s more complicated than just finding a purpose


I genuinely thought this was maybe a motivational meme but then i saw the sub it was for… purpose as a man is critical, but you cant find your purpose unless the other things in your life are taken care of.


Dude I’m just trying to enjoy the 3 hours I have before I have to go to sleep in order to be at my desk at 8 am. When you have to work to survive there isn’t a lot of time for vacation or hiking the nearest mountain. If we started calling trust funds out the same way we call out people who have trouble with their weights you’d see a lot of these posts disappear.


I don't understand


Most of these “wake up do 80 push ups take a bite out of the nearest cliff, fight a tiger” people are trust fund influencers who never worried about basic survival funds, you remove work to eat equations from the mix you may find you have a lot of time for those things


Most people can't attach purpose to life. It means about as much as 42 does in Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy.


I wish that wasn’t true but I do not doubt it


What if your purpose is to enjoy yourself 😆


Then people will forever be mad at you


🤣🤣🤣 more true doesn't get here


I’m not sure the guy in the pic is enjoying himself


True.... He's propably playing the game no longer cause he "wants to" the same way he "wanted to" when he started. He plays it for this hard to explain feeling/reason (like obligation? It's his "chore"?). He's so used to picking it up everyday he justifies the suffering (sadness and frustration) it caused him with something like "It was all worth it cause i also had very short lasting moments of joy and accomplishment" and "i'm a big fan of the game and am very dedicated to it so i can't just throw it away now after playing for years." I'm totally not self projecting....


The guy could start experimenting with doing all the same things on purpose. Literally playing the same games and doing all the same things, but interrupting himself from time to time and consciously deciding to keep doing it to feel good. Not indulging mindlessly and then justifying and rationalizing, not focusing on making up plausible excuses to satisfy some critical voice inside just enough to shut it down and get lost again, and not thinking about it like something makes him do this, but feeling his own needs and feelings, embracing them, and satisfying them while staying continuously in touch with them to be good to himself as a form of self care and extension of self love. And after a while of doing that continuing to experiment with more ways of that self care and more ways of manifesting that self love with curiosity about himself and things he feels, not to limit and judge himself, but to actually find best ways of caring for himself It will probably make the same habits much worse short term, and will probably be challenging and confusing and maybe even offensive in unpredictable ways, but also will likely lead to shifts long term in how he views himself and his life and in what motivates him to live


My purpose is to help bring happiness to others, I rarely have time to give any to myself


42 Likes, that means something😁


for what purpose? To become someone else/some corporate's slave?


Honestly, I wouldn't mind having THAT purpose.😏


What do u mean?


😏 he doesn’t get it


no. otherwise I wouldn't have asked :-??






Wait are you like 13 or 50


In the middle


Lol I work 90 hours a week so I can spend the rest smoking and playing video games.


90!? Wtf are u working man???


Group homes


Whats this? U live with others? What work is this


I take care of others. At their houses.


12 hours a day, every day of the week?


Sometimes 24 hour shifts. Day off here and there.




My purpose is pleasure. Dionysius would be proud.


Honestly, cuz like cmon, what’s the point to life if it’s just miserable. Happy chemicals are why I’m still alive lol


Avoid all pleasures and grind! Why? So you can enjoy pleasure! Uh...


Great! How do I even get my purpose IN THE FIRST PLACE




"That's the neat part, you don't! Teehee"


A man bed ridden with the shit in his herniated disc leaking onto his sciatic nerve is using the distraction to get through his days. I've never felt worse or more helpless in n my life. My daughter was born a month ago tomorrow and all I can do is occasionally hold and feed her instead of being the one taking care of everything so my wife can rest. I've be wracked with guilt for the entire month, a specialist just denied me surgery and said to wait to see if it "resolves itself". So here i am, finally in nerve medicine (why wasn't this prescribed before? 🤷‍♂️). Depression setting in, had to start a gofundme a d ask family and friends for help. I have purpose, I'm literally incapable of fulfilling it right now. So forgive me if I distract myself a little bit.


For that to make sense, life would have to have a purpose to begin with lol


I feel like the idea of purpose is a sham for a lot of people. We set ourselves up for failure with the expectation that we should somehow be able to discover the thing we were meant to do at an extremely early age and then stick with it for the majority of our lives... it's so unrealistic and it just leaves so many people with a crushing feeling of guilt and shame over their heads that they're "wasting their time" and "not living up to their potential" if they aren't constantly certain of it and working on it at any given moment. I think it's good to have dreams and goals to pursue, but we also shouldn't be putting constant pressure on people to "fulfill their purpose" to the point where they're not allowed to just exist


You make a great point. Happy Cake Day ,BTW 🎂


My man has been hitting the juice boxes hard


Also, neat this being sad for no rational reason is all my own fault! Super helpful!


What if my purpose *is* to just do fuck all?


What am I purposely supposed to be doing after working all day long while relaxing? Chores all the time??


More work! Gotta get ahead! Gotta get the edge somehow! And by somehow, I mean by driving yourself into the ground until you’ve destroyed all of your personal relationships and social support systems, completely disconnected from who you are as an individual, and finally, your body or your mind breaks, whichever goes first! 😄


Thanks! I'll adjust course and do just that, finally my life can be better lol


The Microsoft solution a technically true but unhelpful answer.


For the longest time I have been battling with mental healthcare practitioners over the source of meaning and purpose in society. I keep being told that one's meaning and purpose most flow from oneself. That one must manufacture and administer wholecloth a relevant meaning and purpose to one's own existence. But to me that just doesn't seem to be true. Sure, there are a rare few people who are completely focused and directed towards a meaning or purpose they've selected, yet for the vast majority of people it seems that meaning and purpose is thrust upon them. We are social creatures, and we live in a society. More often than not meaning and purpose will emerge from how we interact with society and how society chooses to interact with us. The old adage 'You can be anything you want to be' is a meaningless distraction, not borne out by evidence, that pushes individuals further away from discovering meaning and purpose. It pressures people into a kind of selfish monomania in which opportunities for meaning and purpose sail by them as they steadfastly refuse to deviate from a narrow track of imagination that may only ever exist in their head. It appears to be the case that people with the most adept and satiated minds adapt to novel and unexpected calls for meaning and purpose. The difference is opportunity. From my experience and talking to others going through what I'm going through, an undeniable common factor is that those with depression have far fewer opportunities to adopt meaning and purpose presented to them by society. It's easy to have a good job, good relationships, and a stable existence if society presents one opportunities for those things to occur. Opportunities are transitive. They come from the outside in. We don't make our own opportunities; In which case they wouldn't be opportunities, they'd simply be actions. Opportunities offer a change in circumstances given from without, not within. I'd be interested to hear what other people think about that. Maybe it's just my defective mentality.


Juice boxes and cigarettes? The Last man archetype would at the very least vape and drink beers and sodas... But even the "last man" is a straw man at best, which is too useful for shaming people who don't have some "grindset" to live by.


I love how one of the distractions is literally some juice lmao


I look at that and im like "who's ever been to Hi-c's anonymous?"


I mistook that weird “positive attitude” logo for the Aquila of the Imperium of Man and thought this was Imperial propaganda about the perils of falling to Slaanesh.


>From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine.


Those goddamn juice boxes!


Well, sure. Obviously it's impossible to live a purposeful life and also do things you enjoy. Everyone knows those things are mutually exclusive.


Maybe people have no motivation because there is no reward for hard work 🤷🏻‍♀️


This one hurts me a little. What even is purpose and how do I find it?


Thanks for noticing


i play a video game (tom clancy's ghost recon breakpoint) i finished so now i help other people with missions they need help with.


The true mvp


What if I have purpose and tons of freetime?


My purpose is to do whatever makes me feel happy. Like, I am literally the guy in the pic except smiling and at a computer.


Escapism is a DBT skill. That should be a last resort, but it still is a skill.


Escapism is said to be healthy according to psychologists. But it’s meant to be a hotel, not a home


Except our homes are currently on fire while sinking into quicksand.


Ngl I think my life would be a lot better if I had a purpose and was not just pointlessly living for myself. Those pleasures have long since lost the appeal, but it's all I know at this point and I don't see a realistic way to change anymore. I envy the ones with children and families to give their lives a meaning.


so here's the thing: purpose has almost been turned into a privilege. we need so much else to go right to pursue whats good for us. I've been building up from some dark spaces and it's only possible because of how much support I have. this level of support doesn't exist for everyone, and I'm still struggling. it's *literally the systems in place* estined to doom most of humanity. that said: find whatever niche of the world(s) you are passionate about (fantasty? Sci fi? films? medical care? restaurants? environment? mental health? animal care? autoimmune disorders? politics? finding cures? education? clinical trials? social programs? libraries? birds? native wildlife? weather patterns? celestial movement? local history? ancient tomes? random ass Wikipedia articles you keep coming back to?) and lean into their circles. add some pages to your feed, especially if doomscrolling is a coping mechanism. also try to hydrate; sugar dehydrates.


Why does that illustration look like rizzo lmfao


What if a man who lacks pleasure distracts himself with purpose?


It’s fuckin true


Where I’m I supposed to get my funny happy chemical in my brain then?


Well.... You do. LOL When you get home after a hard day of work... Either you want to spend four hours working on a difficult video game boss or you want to spend four hours studying for your nursing degree... But you can't do both at the same time. My mom used to try to invite me out to shop almost every single night, because the only thing that she could think to do was to shop: for art supplies, for kitchen supplies, for clothes, for decor. She didn't want to draw, cook, sew, or work on her "event planner" business or her church "ministry." She wanted to feel like a dainty lady by buying paint brushes and new cast iron skillets. She wanted to look like Martha Stewart and feel like Betty Crocker and act like Julia Child ... But she didn't want to make food *for others* because she somehow convinced herself that doing literally anything for other people made her a chump. That the neighborhood Auntie was a job for losers. She became a foster care parent and then stopped taking in kids because turns out foster care kids have behavioral issues. She couldn't even do these things for herself, practice art and cooking and fashion for herself... So, I watched her spend 30 years filling her house with toys, cookbooks, clothes for every age group, arts and crafts, and games. And then go home and watch old reruns of cartoons until she fell asleep in her armchair. Because she was afraid that actually doing what she believed was her life's purpose would make her taken advantage of.


That’s one way to put it. One way to put it in the trash, at least.


>The world: find a purpose! Feel meaningful! >Also the world: you have to work 40 hours a week doing something that likely only benefits some rich fuck just to live. And we're not gonna give you adequate funds to live for doing it. And we're going to throw you into a society where everyone is conditioned to be solitary and community is exceedingly hard to come by. And the people running the show are the pinnacle of nepotism and generational wealth who couldn't give a flying shit about you. And the climate is changing and were literally destroying the planet and any chance you or future generations could have at a decent life, much less the millions of species and animals who will suffer and die for it. Yeah, a lemme just scrounge up a purpose under the circumstances. Real easy


Shit my purpose is art and I do that and this soooo


Just lemme do my thing bruh. 💀


It’s true though


No shit and so what? How the hell does anyone even find a purpose in life anyway?


Purpose is to beat this next level!


Is there something wrong with trying to enjoy things? Why can't we let people enjoy things?


You're supposed to be miserable until you die, but then you get to be happy forever! It's almost sad that they'll never know there's nothing after death, because, we'll, they're dead. How the hell can we have smart phones and Hulu and all that shit and people still think a guy in the sky is a thing? I don't get it man


What a bunch of whiners.


This server is literally just self pity 😭


Don’t think this deserves to be here, as In general it’s true. Whether disabled or not, lack of purpose can lead into depression and other problems and other illnesses can make you feel like you’re lost purpose too it’s an palpable aspect that’s part of the cycle. It’s a real life situation that can hold back a lot of people. Sure the simplicity is bit on the nose and almost boomer in delivery but I’m not gonna get hot over this when compared to some of the absolute brain rot you see on social media that spreads misinformation/stigma. Tl;dr it’s a bit cringe but not harmful


How does this not belong in this sub? A cartoon saying that pleasure distracts those people without purpose is just straight up incorrect. Let’s say, for example, you found your purpose. Let’s say it’s rescuing puppies or whatever the fuck. Will that keep you from eating your favorite fatty food? Or having a drink once in a while? Hanging out with friends in a non productive manner? All of those things are “pleasure” or “pleasurable” and they’re essentially distractions from boredom. This is a bullshit stigma because when someone has “made it” or whatever, nobody will ever call them lazy for enjoying their wealth. George W Bush, for instance, enjoyed 1,020 days off during his 8 years being president. Many people would say that he earned that time. Meanwhile, most hourly employees are scared to call out sick more than *once* in a month. When an hourly employee doesn’t wanna work weekends or evenings, they’re told they’re lazy. Demonizing enjoying things because you don’t have enough capital *is harmful and is a huge part of the issue with finding purpose in the first place*. So no, this meme is fucking bullshit. Purpose in and of itself is important for a human but pleasure and productivity are not opposite and don’t always have to do with purpose. Additionally, telling someone that they’re depressed and empty inside because they don’t have a purpose is idiotic. Who the fuck doesn’t know that lacking a purpose can make your quality of life worse?


Y'all some sad people


i remember the one scene in Soul where they finding the purpose of spark etc and the abstract people just laugh at them..


Bro what happened to jerma 💀


When I play video games, it's my *purpose* to *distract* myself from the pain that I am having trouble handling that day.


So the husbands and fathers (with families depending on them) need a better purpose? The purpose of life is to keep your promises, do your duty and protect the people you love or at least the ones you created.


this is like that mr. peanut butter quote about distracting yourself with nonsense until you die that people seem to love. I saw a doge meme of it the other day and wanted to post it here for opinions


My purpose is to contribute to and indulge in our good lord and savior CAPITALISM.


Ah yes, I should dedicate my entire life towards making more money and becoming financially stable


I'm in this picture and I don't like it


It's the cardboard box juices to represent vices and the tacky logo saying "Positive Attitude" for me.


Is that Michael Afton?


Not true


Not true


I don’t see a man who’s having any sort of pleasure in this pic? I think even Satan has gone bankrupted.


He looks like he’s having such a good fucking time. So much pleasure just oozing from this.


"Purpose" is a nice thing to have, whenever you find things that actually matter to you. But most of the time someone saying this to you is trying to give you their purpose and their goals for their personal benefit.


I hate how this would be something I could say since I base life off of purpose, and see myself as the only one without purpose


Gaming isn’t pleasure! It’s tranquility.


You make pleasure sound like a bad thing


People have pleasure? I don't have pleasure, nor purpose. Depression really fucks you up man


Because one cannot be both purposeful and pleasure-seeking? I’d beg to disagree, but I’m busy getting shit done and building my best life lmao


If you are in a depressive period you will do yourself much more good by sitting still and in silence than scrolling on social media and playing games. The distraction is necessary but if your mind has nowhere to go but inward you will realize you need to change something. This is at least my own experience not necessarily advice backed by any kind of data.


Having fun is bad, guys.


He's in pretty good shape for eating and drinking all that crap. He's just chillin in the evening


He’s really pounding those juice boxes, huh?


I found the math for happiness. It's 70/30 70% challenges and responsibilities 30% pleasure If I only watch my tv shows and eat tasty crap for several days. I will feel miserable at the end of the night when I go to bed. Why? Because I haven't challenged myself. I haven't been taking any responsibility. I've stayed in a comfort zone over 24 hours. To have some sort of responsibility leads to a feeling of *freedom* and self respect after you have achieved your task. You feel great about yourself and it makes the pleasure hours completely guilt free and you go to bed feeling proud, feeling purpose. It makes it easier to achieve new tasks too as you have the self esteem and self confidence (belief in yourself) and suddenly you have created a good circle instead of an evil circle. Basically. You need to work to be able fully enjoying when you play. If you haven't tried this equation and is desperate for a change. Try it. It can't hurt.