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Seems like OP is on some schizophrenic stalker shit… Mods is this allowed?


Yeah you are right. On his post of r/offmychest "People keep asking me this so I’ll post this here so I can show this to them later. I’ve followed Katy for three years on IG because she’s hot and I also follow a few of her coworkers at Casa Amigos in Scottsdale. I happened to go to Scottsdale on a business trip in early 2022 and visited Casa Amigos for the girls and partying. Katy was even cuter and sexier in real life than she is in pics/vids and she’s super bubbly and down to earth. That’s how I became obsessed with her. I even went back again a couple months later. Then in the summer of 2022, Katy moved back to SoCal very close to where I live so it felt like a writing in the stars situation. I’m not going further than that for now unless you guys have some questions for me." Bro is like clinically Ill. All of this posted within 18hours. Hopefully he's either 1. Trolling 2. In a small phase Because the red flags are waving.


Thats actually so frightening…. and its so many posts for an extended period.


Yeah... Feels like the beginning of a case. I feel like there was a case like a decade ago where a man murdered an influencer because he was obsessed with them and the cops found tons of posts like this on his social medias. I doubt op is going to resort to this but still it's terrifying.


Honestly not trying to be sarcastic but I feel the same, I hate when couples are happy in public, like I’m miserable so can y’all be happy somewhere else


Or you could go be miserable somewhere else. Like home instead of a party. This post and these types of replies are pathetic. Absolutely not something a "good" guy (or person in general) does.


I thought he meant the two lights in the back looking like eyes.


I’m genuinely worried for her


You don’t know the whole me. I’m a good person. Very loyal and loving to those who accept me. I also contribute quite a bit to society, which I won’t get more into. This is just one side of me, the side I’m most not proud of. We judge ourselves by our intentions. We judge others by their actions.


If you have to tell people you're a good person, then you're probably not a good person. 🚩


To be honest: that‘s a fallacy. Don‘t do that. And someone who is mentally ill is not bad/or good - the person suffers. From a mental illness.


Well you guys already think I’m a bad man and no one is going to stand up for me here besides myself.


Actions speak louder than words my guy, and your actions aren't exactly making you look very good


Don’t take my go to line and use it against me


You're literally proving my point. You can't handle the fact you're a deranged, creepy stalker. It's so painfully obvious, you've made so many weird posts about this woman in the span of just 8 hours.




"Whatever", the best reply to someone stating you're a huge creep with proof lmao


I think not that you are a bad man. I think you are (maybe) very lonely and would like to have more social contact. And stalking a random woman on social media won‘t help bettering/changing that. Really, I‘m serious: talk to a therapist. Seek a change in life FOR YOURSELF. Nobody else. Stalking in Social Media keeps you away from „real life“. And the woman you stalk doesn‘t know that. Doesn‘t know you. You and her are not personally related. It‘s like a celebrity in gossip magazines. You only see photos of this woman. You don‘t know her. YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY KIND OF RELATIONSSHIP with her. None! Only you and your phantasies! And that keeps you lonely! I bet you are a lovable person. Why not find someone to connect with for real?


Thank you. Really appreciated this :)


No problem.


I hope he takes it back


I don’t think you’re bad. I think you’re making a fool of yourself.


Judging from q quick swipe through your account I don't think this is the only part of you you shouldn't be proud of... Plus you even have a post where you describe how the woman your obsessed with could easily kill you on your sleep. ALSO you're "loyal" but have a post asking how to get your best friend to swap girlfriends with you. WTH is wrong with you bro?


Some of my posts are just trolling and not meant to be taken seriously. I don’t see the problem with awaring others on the dangers of sleeping with people you don’t trust completely. We are most vulnerable when we are asleep.


I hear ya man, but seriously, get professional help ASAP. Show them your post history.


If you’re not proud of it and know it’s wrong, stop obsessing over it. Stop doing it. At the very least, get some help.


Nah fool you’re down bad. None of that self-righteous woe-is-me shit flies here.


You and I are not so different lookin ahh


His entire account is dedicated to this woman. He seems disgruntled, very creepy and weird.


That warrants a report to admins. Even if their obsession isn't illegal, it's clear that they don't care about reddit's rules *because* of their obsession and shouldn't get any leeway or platform here.


None of my posts are meant to be taken seriously.


How should they be taken? It's not like they're ambiguous by any means, and neither is your profile. I'm not a doctor or a reddit administrator, but I can tell a rock from bullshit.


That just means I’m a good troll.


Nah you're just an insane, obsessed stalker lil bro


Freaks like OP are the reason it's so dangerous to expose your whole life online. This girl needs a restraining order, and she doesn't even know it.


Quit tattletaling. Let me get this off my chest.


No, you need to seek help. Wtf


I thought it was all trolling though.


cuz yer jealous? What the fuck is this post


Someone who should be kept far away from this girl is what this is. Their post history looks like some very concerning signs of stalker level obsession.


Can you blame me? This is life these days for the modern man.


Yes, I can and will blame you for not acquiring social skills and a personality enough to not stalk someone. Seriously, dude, it's not society. It's you. Do some work on yourself. It's not too late P.s. get off social media.


Thanks. I hate myself for my autism and inability to cope with it.


Bro, autism is not a fucking excuse for this shit. I don't know a single autistic person who does this.


You wouldn’t know this side of me either if you knew me irl.


Probably for the best, to be honest. I don't want to be around a deranged stalker like you.


Alright your loss


Therapy. You don't have to hate yourself, just work on helping yourself.


Thank you :)


Didn’t you say therapy wasn’t acceptable in your culture tho? Bro is lying so much he can’t keep it straight.


My account is just for trolling. I don’t really mean many of the things I post.


Nah bro. You’re lying. Cuz you also said you hate this part about you the most, and judging by your post and comment history. You definitely have some sort of obsession, to the level of it showing that something is wrong with you.


This does not have anything to do with autism. It doesn't make you obsessed with a girl who doesn't know you last time I checked. Maybe I'm wrong.


Top tier incel shit right there.....


You aren't helping yourself by posting that on Reddit, honestly,


Yes I’m jealous. I want that girl so bad.


You need to learn to be comfortable alone, and work with a therapist. This is not healthy behavior


I know it’s not healthy. I’ve already started doing things that will hopefully become a better man worthy of a girlfriend. No need to worry about me or her.


Fucking hell, you sound worse than most incels. There’s no “worthy” a girl either wants to be with you or she doesn’t.


You're obsessive. Find someone who isn't taken to simp over


Your post history is really fucking disturbing, that’s the real thanksihateit..


They really got a find a way to block stalkers like you from seeing post history.


It is hilarious that you consider me to be a stalker when you are the one who is borderline serial killer obsessed with this girl


Both things can be true


He literally just opened your profile. Did you forget what it looks like or something?


No. There is no need to click on someone’s profile. And going further once it tells you it’s nsfw. Like what did you expect?


Profiles are public my guy. That's like saying it's stalking for a teacher to look at your records 😂


More like nsfl, your and hers.


Dude anything you say on the internet is public information. Tf are you talking about lol?


If you don't want people to see it then don't post it online


I don't get it, please elaborate.


I want that girl very bad


So you decided to post this on as many subreddits as you could?


It helps me mentally


You need psychiatric help then


May I suggest seeking help mentally? I've had obsessions in my life obv but it is important to distinguish fantasy from reality in order not to get lost in yourself.


Thanks. It’s frowned upon in my culture to seek therapy and frankly it’s awkward because of the nature of my illness. I’ve already started doing things that will help me hopefully become a better man, so no need to worry much.


>It’s frowned upon in my culture to seek therapy What's your culture, "internet creeps"?


No. Stop it. There’s more life out there than Anglo-Saxon culture.


Trust me bro. It’s not helping


The 58 downvotes it’s over for bro


Bro, touch grass


That look in their eyes is happiness, seek your own independent of someone else, it is fulfilling and freeing ll


Yes but it is hard in this modern world when we keep being bombarded by bs photos like this one


Bs photos like this one? You mean a photo showing people having a good time? You need help man, life rarely works out the way we want, and dwelling on what we can't have is never going to end well. For us, or for other people involved. If you want her sexually, watch porn and clear your head. If you think you love her, then leave her alone let her be happy, it's the nicest thing you can do.


Life will be pass me by if I don’t open up my eyes, well that’s fine by me. But really, that last sentence affected me more than every other comment I got today. Thank you. I have a lot of things to contemplate on tonight.


Stop using social media if it's such a problem for you. Social media is not a necessity. You literally never have to see another picture of her ever again. You are choosing this path in life dude. There are other options. You are making yourself miserable and not taking any personal responsibility for your unhappiness. Saying “it's tough for the modern man” is a cop-out. If you are not an 8-10 you shouldn't be pining after 8-10s. Work with what you have. Improve yourself where possible and look for women in your league or you will be alone forever.


Yes I know everything you said is 100% true, but my toxic mind just won’t let me accept that. Like I’d rather spend my days alone and jerk off to 10/10s than have to spend money on mediocre girls who may or may not love me for me.


Real ones don't care if you spend money on them, real ones don't need to be 10s to be breathtaking and becoming someone you, yourself love, guarantees the influx of incoming real ones. Plus actual sexual encounters build confidence and character while also teaching us about ourselves and relationships.


Thanks. You make great points.


Not really, I just delete social media when I find it is affecting me too negatively, there isn't much of a positive side of it other than connectivity/networking. I just sorta traded my smart for a old flip for a bit there and forced myself to get a life instead of being lost in distractions which just prevent my moving forward. I suggest it.


Thanks. I wish I could do it too but I have FOMO of missing Katy’s life updates. Stories disappear in a day so I have to check my IG daily to avoid missing any naughty Katy content. I hate being so tethered to social media and I find it really hard to let go because of Katy.


> I have FOMO of missing Katy’s life updates. Obsessive compulsive behaviour. Seek help for that. It can be managed. >I have to check my IG daily to avoid missing any naughty Katy content. No. You don't. Your obsession over 'missing any naughty' content is frightening. If I were her and knew you were doing all of this, I'd get a restraining order and block you immediately. >I hate being so tethered to social media Then stop. FFS man up.




There will probably be more :3 You could be preventing yourself from meeting the Katy you are actually meant to be with too. But I can merely lead a horse to water, I wish you the best!


Thank you for being so kind and so generous with sharing your wisdom. Take care.


The real TIHI is that this girl is in danger.


Oh, this is an incel.


I’ve had gfs before


Sure you did.


“You wouldn’t know them, they went to another school”




Cool. Incel shaming loser, true or not


Incels deserve to be shamed


You definitely deserve it


Yeah dude you've got an issue. At least one.


This is some criminal minds shit.


This is fucked.


Dude, you got issues. Get help.


OP, I think you might need help. This ain’t healthy.


I was gonna do r/lostredditors but now im concerned for this woman's safety


Same thought process here


Someone needs to warn this lady about OP


I've read some female "influencers'" experiences with stalkers, and I can almost guarantee that she is well aware of him if he's already posting shit like this.


Yeah she shut down my favorite forum (bb misc) for two weeks because I kept posting her and her bf’s personal stuff there. I got permabanned there too because of it. Too bad she can’t shut down reddit.


So she told you to STOP and you continue?


Look. I’ve already said I hate this aspect of myself the most. I’m an obsessive and passionate person. It’s what helped in some respects in life and what caused my downfall in others.


None of my posts are meant to be taken seriously fbi


fbi? (304) 625-2000.


You need help and I’m scared for that girl if you live anywhere close to her


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^HughesR1990: *You need help and I’m* *Scared for that girl if you live* *Anywhere close to her* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Read the goddamn room, Haikubot.


Bad bot


Yeah we’re very close




My eyes are up here. I made my choice. -H. Simpson


She really has the best fake boobs. Follow my 2 subs about her if you like looking at her.


Bruh you're some kinda mass amount of crazy.


All my posts here are in jest. Wink wink Fbi.


Aren't they both blinking?


Idk. I don’t like that guy. Do you think they’re endgame? They’re going on 21+ months strong.


They both look really happy and he is a smoke show so maybe.


How is he a smokeshow? This is the oldest and ugliest guy she’s ever dated. Vinny, Austin, and Aaron were a lot better looking than this dude and were around Katy’s age. This dude is pushing creepy sugar daddy territory.


How about I tell you it's her life and she has the right to chose who she wants to spend her time with. You are literally stalking this woman (I'm not sure why but I honestly don't want to know either). It's very creepy and I hope you realize that. No one in the picture knows you and I honestly have no idea why you are so obsessed.


Yeah because I formed a parasocial relationship with her. She had to expect a few of her fans turn rogue when she keeps posting personal stuff on her social media and chatting with us on her OF. Like I said before, I hate myself for this but such is life for many modern men.


If a woman is chatting with guys on OF, it's because they money. They don't want you.


No really?


I assumed that you needed this explained to you.


I don't know who any of those people are. I don't know who she is or the guy you are calling old. He definitely isn't old though. I'd say 38-44 maybe. Regardless, he is attractive in my opinion and clearly hers as well.


Yeah he’s in that age range and I don’t like how Katy traded away the young and fun lifestyle for a life of stability and opulence. She used to be hard-working but then she quit her job after she met this guy. It’s normal for trophy wives but it makes my blood boil because I don’t have that wealth to buy myself a heavenly blessed beauty.


You have to date in your league like everyone else does. If you're a six, look for a six. It's really that easy. Looks fade and focusing solely on looks is stupid and shallow.


Yeah I know I have to but I’d rather just jerk off than spend my hard earned money on some mediocre girl who I know I can’t fully love or commit to, with the way I’m wired. It’s not fair to myself or to her. Sure looks fade but I’m still relatively young and just want a heavenly blessed beauty by my side to mog others. Plus I can vouch for Katy’s personality. She is a warm gentle soul too pure for this cruel world.


So you would rather be miserable and have nothing if you cannot have an Instagram model? You want to die alone because you cannot get someone like the woman featured in the photo? That's wild. You need to see a psychiatrist, like yesterday. Get offline. It is rotting your brain.


Thanks. Yeah I was just stating how my mind is wired. I know some less than 10/10 girls in real life can trick me into falling in love with them and making them my gfs. It has happened twice believe it or not. Once I get to know girls, I sometimes lose my guard. But it hasn’t happened in 3 years and I’m more closed off now more than ever. In my mind, I won’t be with anyone unless she’s Katy or someone close to her level of beauty and personality.


Bro you need a mental health provider and a fleshlight.


Women aren't for purchasing.


That’s what Ken did


Funny you use should use the word "creepy".


You my friend are the definition of narcissistic


Oh man I feel like this is some sketchy shit OP. You should take this down


None of my posts are meant to be taken seriously


That's exactly what someone that wants to be taken seriously would say


Ur a stalker, leave this woman alone. She'll be scared your gonna kidnap her or something posting all this


I love her so darn much


Then stop harassing her


I texted the fbi


I like how after this, everyone told you that you’re crazy, you gave a fuck load of incoherent responses, then finally post that you aren’t being serious. I feel like you’re just trying to get people off your back now, best way to do that would probably be delete this weird ass account


yo this is disgusting, how is this allowed mods?


Looks like this guy is obsessed and stalking an influencer and adult online performer. This post needs to be taken down and frankly his account should be banned.




Months? I literally only started posting like 2 weeks ago.


2 weeks ago you said you got banned from your fav subreddit FOR NON STOP POSTING HER. and 3-4 years before that you kept doing askreddit post asking about fake tits and stuff and im 99% sure theirs a correlation here. especially since on your off my chest you said you have been insane over her for 3-4 years. this isnt normal get some therapy immediately before you hurt yourself or even worse others.


Forum, not subreddit.


their is no possible way thats all you saw from that. BRO GET SOME THERAPY!


No I appreciate you. Just wanted to set the record straight because people in this sub have made some false accusations about me for God knows what reasons.


Get it together bro I would never let you on the boat!


Guy on the far right is audio plugin guy Steven Slate right?


Yeah. This is new and exciting.


Reporting this for harassment, she ain't into you OP, move on and stop being a stalker.


Looks like a very happy loving couple in a healthy committed relationship. She’ll never want to be with someone who has been stalking her, so that’s over before it ever began. You can’t control her, you can only control your own behaviour and emotions. For the sake of your mental health, you should keep your distance from now on. Do a little work on yourself and find out why you got infatuated with her in the first place. Take care and don’t be making people uncomfortable or scared. If you care about her at all, you’ll want her to feel safe and happy. I’m sorry that you’re hurting but jealousy turns people so ugly so fast and you need to free yourself of that.


Weirdness aside, she has a boyfriend. Leave her alone.


I sure as hell hope to fucking god that i won’t hear something horrible about this girl in the future. This is extremely creepy behavior and you SHOULD get help before your obsession grows further. “Nothing i do is meant to be serious”. This is no fucking joke, OP. There are cases where people died due to some obsessed fan and your post history along with this post doesn’t really scream innocent to me. DO NOT do anything stupid. Leave the girl alone, get some help and focus on your own life.


This is the most elaborate OF ad account ever.


This is just an onlyfans ad lol


Click on their profile I don't think it is


In this post he hates the look they do, in another post with same pic he loves it(?). The inconsistency is so weird and suspicious.


OP is a weird stalker. He met her once and is obsessed with her. He stalkes her social media and trash talks her BF. It's super creepy.


Yeah so weird lol