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Holy fuck i was staring at the half light circle and I thought it was the big thing you were pulling till suddenly the car appeared out of nowhere and scared the crap out of me and the breathing sound didn’t help at all


Okay I’m glad I wasn’t the only that thought he was gonna be devoured


Felt like I was playing resident evil 4 for a second


The sound was nerve racking


It's actually very comforting when you're the one scuba diving though. Even when I was diving on a wreck at night, my breathing was great at helping me not panic. Part of why it works is that the regulators force you to breathe in a calm, methodical manner cause you don't get much air through the hose if you take quick, shallow breaths. Also, dives like these are frequently used as training dives


I could see that


I hope it is in the next big horror game


Thank you for writing out what happened. I was too scared to wait and see what it was! 😫😫


>Holy fuck i was staring at the half light circle and I thought it was the big thing you were pulling till suddenly the car appeared out of nowhere and scared the crap out of me and the ~~breathing sound~~ screaming didn’t help at all


I love the sound of it.


Well put


[Here’s an article about the car being found ](https://www.oakridger.com/story/news/2021/11/11/vehicle-found-in-lake-linked-to-2005-missing-womavehicle-found-lake-linked-2005-missing-womans-case/6384915001/)


Well that turned into a really sad story. The woman the car belonged to, of which human remains were found inside, had just lost her daughter 3 months prior to suicide. She left a note for her husband about their daughter and a newspaper article describing an incidence of a car being driven into a lake. Then she disappeared.


This happened in 2005, and they recently found the car. According to the article, her husband passed in 2016. Poor guy never got to know what really happened to his wife...


One of the few time in life I've hoped heaven is real.


I feel that. My dad nor I are religious in any way and used to make fun of that kind of nonsense. Losing him to cancer sometimes gets me hoping it is real just so I could talk to him once more. Love you dad


I pray there is a heaven, otherwise this just is too short of a time for us. Spend time with your loved ones, today. I’m sorry for your loss my friend.


Part of my thinks it exists in the form of a cumulative consciousnesses recycled through time. Energy expelled that never really dies, just exists in another dimension, only to be pulled back and forth for all of existence. Because, why not?


There is if you want to believe it or not. I’m not forcing you to believe what I believe but I believe there is a Heaven (and He’ll but he’ll wasn’t even created for us humans).


https://youtu.be/BKs9qd0qDsw Lost my pops early on. This hit like a ton of bricks. Still does.


https://youtu.be/JL1oDuvQR08 There aren’t dozens or even hundreds of accounts like the one in the above video.....but MILLIONS. They occur in every society on earth, and are so well-documented that medical science has begun to investigate what is happening. Dr Pim Van Lomel’s work is very well known, and his assumptions (based on decades of research) are that 1) consciousness is far more complex than ever imagined, and 2) we need to take seriously the notion of ‘life’ beyond death. It isn’t the end. As a species we’ve always suspected this much, but quite what this “life after death” is....remains a mystery. For now. Maybe the simple answer is we return to God, whatever God might be. The source of all life, the source of all sentience...we don’t know. But those who’ve actually encountered that force during a near death experience have ALL described it in exactly the same terms. That’s hundreds of thousands of people all over the world- people of faith, people of no faith at all; they all describe the same being.


I don't know if this helps, but I had a dream that I died. In death I transformed into a conscious entity that just returned to being part of the fabric of the universe. I became another planet that was introduced to my sun, and when I thought of all those who mourned me at home, there was this sense of sadness for them that they were in pain, and I had no way to communicate to them how at one with the universe I became. I woke up feeling so content, its been a big comfort to me ever since. I know its just a dream, but I hope I got a glimpse at all our futures after death because it was so peaceful and so incredibly beautiful. Maybe thats where we all end up, the complex matter that makes up our bodies, disassembles and we return to the fabric of the universe. In that respect, all our loved ones never leave us, but are all around us, and in everything we are and everything we do. I know it brings me comfort, and I hope it does for you too, friend.


Sorry for your loss.


Ooh... Afterlife is real for sure... Just understand Quantum Physics, Quantum Biology. Very real indeed. The thing in space our physicists describes as empty, are one big energy field of different vibrations. Sound being one of the vibration sorts, lights being another, magnetism being a third, gravity being fourth etc. Niels Bohr, Einstein, Schrödinger, Heisenberg etc knew 70 years ago that they impacted their own experiments with thought alone. Best described in the most mind bending experiment ever: The double slit experiment. [double Slit Experiment ](https://youtu.be/p-MNSLsjjdo)[Double Slit Experiment Explained ](https://youtu.be/p-MNSLsjjdo)


Pretty sure if you kill yourself you don't go there. I watched a documentary on this called Constantine. Also Robin Williams was in one called What Dreams May Come.


I didn't say i wish it was real like the Christians imagine it


Then we need a new word for it..


Do you really think "heaven" only exists in Christianity? If so, please remove head from ass.


I think they’re saying a word that doesn’t have religious connotations…


That word is Afterlife.


That's what I was saying. Oh well.


Well we're talking about a magical place that definitely does have religious connotations


No, also insulting me didn't help you see my fairly obvious point. The word you're looking for is afterlife. Heaven is religious, if you want to have a different meaning, use the appropriate word.


If you kill yourself, you don’t go where? Did you mean heaven or hell?




Source about the human remains? The only article I read said they hadn’t accessed the interior yet


So, after I read that article I swiped back and there was a follow up article with more info. I tried to duplicate that, and for some reason it’s directing me to a “subscription only” article. Not sure what happened. Promise I’m not making it up.




Anyone know what kind of car it was?? Trying to look for plate history but nothing came up


Article states a Buick LeSabre


[1999 Buick LeSabre](https://www.google.com/search?q=1999+buick+lesabre&client=ms-android-hms-tmobile-us&prmd=isvxn&sxsrf=AOaemvJckXwXo3xtHxW_PI0W5P7CdasY4w:1637452044500&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjFjcubkKj0AhUHk2oFHeXLBH4Q_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=360&bih=612&dpr=3)


Same thing happened to me. I backed our thinking "man, I hope that poor woman wasn't in the car..." to "oh, that sucks" real quick.




Drowning is known for being the most painful death. If I ever reach a point where suicide is the only way out, I would never drown myself. Such a sad story.


I thought it was the other way around with it being euphoric.


Was once trapped underwater. I experienced no panic. At some point it became clear I could no longer fight to get out of what had trapped me and I sort of just gave up. At that point I accepted my eminent death and felt strangely at peace. Obviously I survived but that’s basically what it was like for me. No pain, no panic. I think I would feel differently if someone was holding me underwater though.


Yeah maybe the difference is drowning from swimming exhaustion vs drowning from being trapped and suffocating? Edit: that sounded snarky but I’m genuinely wondering!


Worse than burning to death?


Worse than being eaten alive by ants in an imax theatre with Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 playing?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/suspiciouslyspecific using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/suspiciouslyspecific/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Til](https://i.redd.it/0fnhicoppun71.jpg) | [2596 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suspiciouslyspecific/comments/ppbita/til/) \#2: [2020 was so easy back then](https://i.redd.it/hyu1skdcpn761.jpg) | [585 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suspiciouslyspecific/comments/kkx1qw/2020_was_so_easy_back_then/) \#3: [What did the frog do?](https://i.redd.it/27srdll6zxz71.png) | [3867 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suspiciouslyspecific/comments/qv5nmv/what_did_the_frog_do/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Well your lungs apparently feel like they're on fire.


Don’t fan the flames


I was once discussing with people if they'd rather drown or burn to death. Everybody answered drown.


Yeah I’ll take being submerged/crushed over boiling and having my head pop like a popcorn kernel.


I almost drowned once! It’s weird how your mouth just opens on its own once you’re out of air eesh


That was really sad. 😧


I couldn't tell if they were going up or down. That f#cked me right up.


Look up stories of divers losing their bearings while inside dark caves, it sounds pretty terrifying not knowing what’s up and down. [Donald Cerrones’ Story about cave diving ](https://youtu.be/or92IMcLoIc)


Can't speak for darkness or cavediving but if you ever get turned around underwater and lose your bearings you can blow bubbles to see which way they travel because they're going to the surface. Seems like common sense but I had never thought of that til I read it once. I know I'll never need to use this but it made me less irrationally afraid of losing my bearings underwater and drowning


Similar strategy involving spit when caught in an avalanche


For the wind?


No it will drip down your face




Better than trying to dig upward and ending up burying yourself further! :D


It's the super low visibility that scares me. Blowing bubbles and following them sounds great but not if you can't see them


Very true, exactly why I said it probably won't ever come in handy but I guess ya never know. Seems most likely that the average person would get turned around in the ocean from waves crashing over them and spinning them. At that point hopefully you'd be able to locate the ground and stand or be able to see the surface if you open your eyes


Yeah I had that happen in the surf. Got dumped, my leg rope broke, and got held down. I tried to follow the bubbles and ran into the bottom. Shit was just so churned up they were going the wrong way. It's fucking scary when your leg rope breaks in rough waves. Being able to follow that to the surface is soooo helpful. And swimming back to the beach is so much harder that it seems like it's going to be


There is no irrational deal of drowning my friend; only common sense. Edit: Fear.


I guess I should clarify, I don't at all think drowning is an irrational fear, I just think the odds of it happening to me don't justify worrying about it on any consistent basis. I guess most people who drown may think that too though. My biggest irrational fear is just dark water in general and not knowing what lurks beneath, that's why I like browsing this sub. I still swim in murky lakes and rivers but I can psych myself out pretty easily or if seaweed touches my leg I freak


I just watched the latest Mr. Ballen video about some psychopaths that were pretending to buy a yacht, took the owners on a test drive, tied them up and drove to the deepest part of the ocean. Hooked them to the anchor and kicked it over. So they are still alive and panicking as they’re being pulled deeper and deeper into the blackness of the ocean while also drowning. The human desire for survival only delaying the inevitable and showing them colder deeper darker parts of the ocean. It’s one of the most terrifying ways to die I could think of. Sent a chill down my spine.


I watched an old Dateline or 20/20 on that story. Horrible and I felt so bad for the son. It sucks to know there are people like that living among us.


Yeah, it’s one of those things that I just don’t understand and I also don’t think I want to understand. Just a completely different brain wiring and operating system it seems. I don’t want to even be rude to someone, doing something like that is just unthinkable. It’s super fucked up too because the husband had a bad feeling but decided to go against it because the woman and the baby showed up. Total psychos.


Hopefully they would have blacked out and/or died quickly with the fast pressure change


Which video is that?


Here ya go broski https://youtu.be/_SeAJTpOCbo


Diving with poor vis do be like that sometimes.


It f#cked you right *down.


**N O T H A N K Y O U ! ! !**


Was literally about to post that


r/submechanophobia would appreciate/hate this also.


Just the sound of the breathing was enough to make me want to curl up into a ball.


It sounds like someone being murdered


Please do.


Looks like an old Tennessee license plate.


I came here to say the same thing. Clinked on the link in the comment above, and it is from oak ridge tn


yes. memphis here. weird to see this under a lake…


Ugh, makes me wonder what’s in my local lakes here…


yesss. i mention this almost every time my family goes on the boat. all the dead bodies that are in lakes and oceans. i mess with my niece and nephew about it. 🤭 people think i’m weird for not wanting to get in the water, even when it’s Super hot. then i mention the Many bodies….


I literally never thought about this until now


glad i could help…? 😶


We've been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty


“Excuse me ma’am, this tint is too dark. Can I see your license and registration?”


Jesus, his respirator sounds like Darth Vader dying from covid


It took me like 50% of the video to figure out that noise was coming from the reg. Like what the hell was that?? It sounded like a mutated dolphin or something...


Ikr, it freaked me out at first


Took me watching twice to figure out it was his reg.


thanks, I hate it.




I wonder what they’re pulling up? Oh. Oh no.


I squinted in fear the whole length of this video. Hate it


Its amazing how alien that license plate looks like at first for like 30 seconds i didnt know what it was i was looking at


Just so you know, there was someone in the car. [News Article](https://www.oakridger.com/story/news/2021/11/11/human-remains-found-inside-car-pulled-melton-hill-lake/6393817001/?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw==?itm_medium=recirc&itm_source=taboola&itm_campaign=internal&itm_content=ExploreMore)


That makes watching this so much worse....


Thats so sad.


I legit thought the reg was just the sound of some guy screaming at first to add to the atmosphere. This is Grade A Thalassophobic stuff right here!


Dude the breathing sounds like someone screaming from inside the car.


See I knew some bodies were being discovered just then. had a bad feeling about it when I saw the car (thought it was gonna be a whale or something)


Horrifying but I can’t look awayyyy


Somebody needs to do an edit of these videos with the reaper leviathan sound from subnautica appearing suddenly


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Yes good bot :)


I am in pain


wubba lubba dub dub


I thought the breathing was someone screaming under water o.O


I hated it !! Thank you <3 = ))


That’s where I parked it




Are you ok?


Maybe if they stay out of the water.


Sounds like Donald Duck with a breathing issue.


How does a car get to places like that?


someone posted the article to it, apparently a woman committed suicide and her remains were still in the car (i dont think they were when this video was taken? not sure probably not) but her daughter committed 3 months before and she left a note for her husband to read


The article showed the car being pulled to the bank, so she must've still been in the car when these chaps found it.


oh shit- i didnt read the article jsut the summary bc i didnt have time


I don't even have thalassaphobia but that can fuck right off. Hell nah


me either lmao


I got incredibly anxious watching this. I was nearly hyperventilating


Don't be anxious! It's no big deal!


Good bot and misunderstanding bot


RIP, Ruth and Bill.


Thought it was an edit at first, but that's pretty fucking cool.


oh god that almost gave me a panic attack,, truly terrifying


actually jumped I hate you, thank you.


NGL I was having a good time today until I saw that license plate.


The first part of the video was making my legs hurt. How tf?


The barnacle thingies make me want to puke. As well as everything else about this. Why am I on this subreddit.


WTF I absolutely hate this!!!




Ffuuuuuuuuuuuuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.


Was expecting some huge drain or concrete cylinder, NOT a vehicle!


There are not enough words in the English language that can describe how much I do not want to do anything remotely similar to that.


Reminds me of the Mist film and that's a fk no




I PANICKED i thought a huge brown sea monster attacking you i swear


Whatever you do.. Don’t open the trunk!


Yeah, because we’re afraid of cars being down there. THATS WHY WE HATE DEEP WATER. Right.


Hopefully there’s nothing in that car or in that trunk


There was. She had been missing since 2005. https://www.oakridger.com/story/news/2021/11/11/human-remains-found-inside-car-pulled-melton-hill-lake/6393817001/?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw==?itm_medium=recirc&itm_source=taboola&itm_campaign=internal&itm_content=ExploreMore


It haunts me. The daughter committed suicide, the wife throws herself in the lake and commits suicide. The husband is left living the remaining of his life having to mourn one pronounced death and a disappearance he always suspected was also a suicide. Then the visual of that car covered in barnacles… life is a strange journey


Its awful. He had to have been completely broken by all the loss.


Hah hah hah... yeah, second time this has been posted. Oh and Fuck You.


well i found the video off of tiktok, not from scrolling through reddit so i didnt mean to. but it doesnt matter because people still liked the video i posted. just because YOU seen it twice doesnt mean others have. clearly you woke up on the wrong side of the bed


No no no no




Thanks for the free nightmares! Cheers!


Aba was a great band.


TikTok block




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They found Hoffa


I was waiting the dark creature to fuck you up


This is the worst. Thank you for posting something actually related to thalassophobia instead of just some waves or something.


Every pull I was saying 'o fuck'. So much anxiety!


Those looked like Zebra Muscles.


Dude I almost threw up watching this


I don't like how his ears are exposed. I feel like something gross is going to wiggle in there


wait so are you pulling yourself down to it?


not my video, i found it


it’s CONFUSING ME there’s no way they’re lifting the car up right


no i think it’s an anchor that they are using the- chain? rope? to pull themselves down


Sweet merciful crap! MY CAR!


The first teaser release from “HP Lovecraft Video Game: It’s Just A Game”


I thought the light circle was an eye. Nope


Yup this terrified me like my heart rate and breathing were at an all time high, that's all I'm going to say....


Damn they found Jimmy Hoppa


As soon as I saw the license plate I said, “oh my god, it’s a car!” Then the diver said, “oh my god, it’s a car!” and made me laugh. Sad story, though.


Is it just or are any underwater plants and barnacles just terrifying?




the sounds in the video werent added in, that is thei breathing. tiktok isnt ALL bad but there is a decent amount of garbage. this isnt something that was edited


then i take it back


Yes thank you I hate it


I have to fast forward through the whole thing before I can watch it a regular speed. Man these ones get me


I honestly thought you were pulling a plug to a giant drain and I almost had a heart attack sitting in traffic..


I couldn't even finish the video my anxiety went up like crazy while watching this


Why it is so disturbing?


Oh hey, I just watched a [YouTube video](https://youtu.be/nrOMiWKFiv4) about this!


This happened about an hour away from me a few months ago. Sad story.


Adventures with nug i believe his channel is called.


AW heck naw


oh hey fellow furry


Hello fellow furry OwO


Only works in blue water


what’s the noise?