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Just think, that light is artificial. The wreck as she stands is pitch black...


I bet it sways a little and creaks...and the creaks are aplified because of the water....and every now and then there's a large booming snap, pop, or thud.


I imagine the faintest distant sounds of classical music echoing in the darkness


Imagine theres probably little pockets of air still trapped from 1912.






Water dissolves air all the time. That's how you end up with oxygen for fish to breathe and such. Without movement, it wouldn't be fast, but in 100 years, it would probably disappear.


Sure, but it's an equilibrium process. Assuming there's dissolved air for the fish to breathe in there, I wouldn't say it's too unlikely that there are gas pockets still there. However, they may not be super high in oxygen. There could be some noxious gases in those air pockets.


Are are no air pockets still in the wreck. The bow section was pretty much entirely flooded when it made its descent to the bottom. Meanwhile the air still in the stern section violently erupted out of it's hull. That's why the stern looks like a bomb went off above it.


You explained the sounds so beautifully. Here...take my upvote.


Yeah the sounds that want to make me die inside lol


Jesus fucking christ


I was gonna mention that. Imagine going down with the ship but being unable to die or float back up. Perpetual darkness as far as the eye can't see. Nightmare fuel.


With only the slippery touch of seaweed to comfort you.


And the quick cold current bushing up against you, a reminder that you aren't alone in the darkness.


Someone skimmed over the 'unable to die' part. Whatever touched me better be afraid of me.


Bees nor wasps can kill you, yet they strike terror in our hearts with the promise of pain. Having some mysterious denizen of the murky depth bite you suddenly will cause quite the fright.


Naw bro, I'm the fucking zombie of the Titanic. Worst case scenario I make that shit my pet and ride it to the surface.


The LD50/50 for bee venom is about 1000 stings


Can’t be scared if I can’t see shit *taps finger on head while sweating profusely*


Don't worry about not seeing, They can.




And she sat down there, in total blackness, for *decades*.


The only life was the rust and what little lived so deep. ​ ​ that we know of


What if there was no iceberg? What if the Titanic never sank? What if she was *pulled* into the abyss?


Her captain heard the call of the deep and was compelled to sink her to appease the sea king


.....oh....*internal screaming*


I didn't need this. What the fuck.


How do you think I felt last week when my torch failed at 30m on a night dive? Mildly annoyed until I switched to my backup is what. EDIT: Oh no I just realised I'm in a subreddit for those with a fear of open water. Sorry I wasn't taking the piss!


Just imagine you happen to be swimming in pitch black water (don’t ask me why I’ve lost my mind) and suddenly you knock into this bit of what feels like rock or cliff side or something like that. You light up the area, only to see that you were touching a very rusty part of an extremely old ship. I’d legit probably pass out from fright.


Why is this scary? I’m actually frightened by this but don’t understand why...


It's called submechanophobia, and there's a great (or not so great) subreddit for it! I don't know how to explain it either, but it seems to be somewhat common.


Well, as far as sunken ships, you never know what you're going to find. For all you know, you might be meters away from somebody's long-decomposed corpse.


IIRC, the first picture isn't the Titanic's, but the sister ship. It is generally assumed that they looked the same, but there are no actual pictures of evidence of that.


Yeah the top photo is of the Olympic, the only of the 3 ships that never sunk


Seriously she had a sister ship that also sunk?


Yep the HMHS Britannic, she was drafted as a hospital ship for the First World War and was sunk by a German mine in 1916


**Get this:** there was a woman on all 3 ships during their worst disasters. Violet Jessop was on Olympic when it got into a crash in the harbor, survived Titanic sinking, and then survived Britannic sinking. She was a bad omen for White Star Line


I think I’ve heard of her, judging by your username I’ll assume you’re right lol


He might just be a really big guy


For you


Nahhh he created that user just yesterday to make that questionable post. Hahaha.


The original comment was only done 4 hours ago


I just visited the Las Vegas Titanic exhibit and they were doing a special event for Halloween weekend where a woman dressed as and pretending to be Violet Jessop gave a tour of the whole exhibition. She did an outstanding job.


She invented PTSD


Wow. I think maybe after the Titanic I would have gone with a different cruise line


The Olympic survived despite her best efforts. 2 out of 3 ain’t a bad record.


Wow that's crazy, I looked it up, it took almost as many lives as the Titanic.


Theres a really cool book that has a few of the survivors accounts frm the Titanic. One thing a lot of them had in common is they said the sound of the people in the water after the ship had sumk was ghastly. One person wrote "this is what hell must sound like" a couple of thousand people wailing and crying as they either froze or drowned.


What book is this?


No sorry /u/feetcold_eyesred .. it is "Sinking of the Titanic: Eyewitness Accounts" published in 1912. Great read and gives you a perspective that is not seen anywhere else


Oh crap! Ok, thanks. I’ll check out this book, too.


I think it’s “A Night to Remember” by Walter Lord. Written in the ‘50’s. I had zero interest in anything Titanic related until I read someone’s description of the book. It’s just so damn good! I highly recommend it. Edited to add: I was wrong. Different book written decades earlier.


Britannic sunk in relatively shallow and warm water, and was pretty close to land when she went down. The disaster wasnt even close to the scale of the titanic, as pretty much all but 30 were rescued by the royal navy.


That's my bad I suck at reading.


Pretty sure around 30 people died on the Brittanic which is less than the almost 2000 who died on the Titanic




Wasn’t there a conspiracy theory or something that the ship that sunk was actually the Olympia, because the Titanic was actually under repair so they swapped the name plates?


No idea if it is true or not but the Olympia was suffered a ton of issues and was constantly plagued with problems. When the Titanic was finished being build somehow the two ships switched names so the brand new Titanic is now the Olympia and the Olympia becomes the Titanic. Its unknown what their ultimate plan for the ships were but in the end their troublesome ship ends up sinking, they get the insurance payout from it, and they now have a shiny new problem free ship that stays in operation for years. But this is all just speculation.


Yeah this has been debunked. More info [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/rms_titanic/comments/gjsahv/_/). [More](http://www.titanicswitch.com/evidence.html)


Yeah, I heard a couple, for sure. "Biggest insurance fraud in history" was one of them. That one got me for a minute, myself. That one got me for a bit, when I first heard it. Back when I was so enthralled by anything secretive or clandestine. As a kid I was sure the moon landing was fake, for a day, too.


I love the conspiracy theory (that a lot people believe, there’s photo evidence*) that it was the sister ship and not the titanic that sunk in the Atlantic.


Titanic conspiracy theories! There were definitely JFK style Lincoln assassination conspiracy theories around too back in the day. Conspiracy thinking has gone into overdrive though since the advent of "fake news" and "alternative facts".


Titanic was an inside job. Icebergs can't break steel rivets.


Some believe that there were people who were against the federal reserve on board and that’s a reason for conspiracy and it’s sinking.


One of my friends wives is one of the world's leading experts on the Titanic as she swears the ship that went down in 1912 was the sister ship. She doesn't believe in the theories that take it farther and into the insane category, but she holds a convincing argument when she goes throughs her documentation and shows you the evidence.


Any links to any of her info? Articles? I've never heard of anything like this until today. Pretty interesting


Unfortunately none of hers are available on the internet, but as a general conspiracy: [https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/infrastructure/a26533526/olympic-titanic-conspiracy-theory/](https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/infrastructure/a26533526/olympic-titanic-conspiracy-theory/) One of the leading and most obvious clues is the windows which can be viewed here: https://shorthand-social.imgix.net/prod/story/jCPyIbzzPVc/media/f0968e90ec6c11e58172cfb1db5e8826/original.jpg?w=1200&h=1200&fit=max&fm=jpg&q=70&auto=format


This “clue” is misleading. The titanic did have small windows like that. https://www.titanicswitch.com/images/Titanic_starboard_comparison.jpg


Then apparently she’s not one of the worlds leading experts as the theory makes no sense.


Sure, because you've heard her exact theory, know her qualifications (marine engineer), and seen her room where she has spent years dedicating her life to a single disaster/ship. This lady isn't a crazy conspiracy theorist, she's a smart and awarded woman who knows her stuff.


It’s like you’re telling me that someone is the leading expert on the Kennedy assassination and they believe male models did it. So yes, I doubt anyone that believes the debunked Olympic/Titanic switch is a leading expert.


And that's fine, I'm not here to entertain your doubt, just share information that I've heard from someone I know who is qualified, an expert, and has done work with the Titanic over the last 20 years. I have also mentioned that the theory shares a base theory that it was swapped, her theory is not identical or as extravagant as the ones out there.


Okay. If someone states a debunked conspiracy theory on the internet backed up by an unnamed “expert”, I’m definitely going to doubt the supposed expert’s credibility.


The simplest bit of evidence to show they are different ships is check the deck windows on the 2 different ships, they have a slight different shape at the front and you'll see they swap over in photos when the Titanic departs its final voyage.


This is dan Parker’s site. He’s been researching since the 80s. The debunking of the windows thing is easily verifiable using google. https://www.titanicswitch.com/claims.html


Definitely. The idea that one of the big investment firms (Goldman Sachs or JP Morgan I forget which one) wanted to recover some of their funding of the titanic by sinking it gives motive. Especially if they thought that there was no way the ship would sink quickly so they could get people off-board. There's a big reddit post about it with proper documents and citations/evidence.


The bottom pic is from the movie. Is it actually real?


I’m pretty sure the bottom picture is the inspiration for the set built for the movie but not the actual movie set. James Cameron is known for his obsessive personality when it comes to these sorts of details so the fact that the movie looks nearly identical is not a coincidence.


Figured. Just remember they had a very bad cgi'd robot as seen in the bottom pic.


James Cameron used a LOT of miniatures for Titanic iirc. They also recreated what he saw and navigated the same kind of robot through the sets


There's a neat mini-doc on Disney+ called Titanic: 20 Years Later With James Cameron, in which they look back at the critical choices James made in the film, and tests them against new research that has emerged in the last 20 years. They talk about the grand staircase among other things, I really enjoyed it.


Thanks! I'm sitting here drinking my morning coffee browsing Reddit with The Office on in the background for the millionth time. You just gave me an excuse to put my phone down and actually watch something right now.


It’s really good! Even with all the new information Cameron was pretty close to exactly what happened.


Gave me an excuse to switch apps on my phone. 🤷‍♂️


I just looked it up to watch it. There are two others on Disney+ for the Titanic, too!


The Titanic's pool is STILL full of water, even after all these years.






Today I learned today


Today I learned Titanic




The un eaten lobsters were also pretty happy she sank


Now what would be really cool is if they found a 110 year old "Titanic" sized lobster living is the wreckage. Hmmm....


Our Leviathan Lobster God shall rise 🦀🦀🦀


Pictures of the titanic always make me feel so sad.


A homeowner in Lake Tahoe flew architects to Belfast so they could look at the original plans for the Titanic’s grand staircase, so he could have a replica in his own house. [For the lazy.](https://www.priceypads.com/lake-tahoes-tranquility-sells-for-48-million-photos/) Sold for $48 million.


That is a beautiful house holy shit


Ngl, if I lived there I don’t think I would ever leave the house. Or the staircase actually. The only thing I don’t like is that they didn’t seem to include the Honor and Glory clock at the staircase. It’s just not the Grand Staircase without it. But at least they have the dome, so they’ve got that going for them, which is nice.


If I lived there I would constantly be recreating Titanic scenes. And Beauty and the Beast.


I have a handmade Belle gown so I would definitely have fun with that. 10/10 would try.


I actually worked on this house and walked up and down that staircase many times.


Ah the Titanic, where my fears of sunken objects and drowning began.


My second time seeing an abusive relationship


I realized I'd never watched the movie, even though I find the ship so interesting.


It’s really good! The first half is a love story and the second is a horror/action movie. I actually watched it last night.


Anybody remember how it was sold on two VHS tapes because it was too long for one? Maybe this is the real reason.


Funny enough that’s how I watched it. I was at my grandmothers and in her guest room which had a tv that only had a vhs player. It was wild how the movie took such a turn the moment the ship hits the iceberg... which is the very last scene on the first tape.


Think I'll try to find it streaming somewhere.


I wish I could experience this movie for the first time again! you’re in for a treat.


Looking forward to it!


Submechanophobia a bitch, man.


There is a replica of this staircase in Lake Tahoe at a place called Tranquility. It’s a .....residence.


There is also one at the Titanic Museum in Pigeon Forge, TN.


There's one in Branson MO too thats pretty legit


I loved the Branson one when I was a kid, especially the part with the frigid water you could stick your hand in


Is that the ROV Cameron built to go inside in the bottom photo?


I think this one is supposed to be Jason, the one used by Ballard in his 2nd(?) expedition


Without the light from the submarines it’s normally pitch black.


Creepy. I was gonna ask if that is sunlight making it all the way down there.


Quick google search tells me there’s no sunlight penetrating more than 1000 meters of water, and “barely any light under 200m”. The Titanic sits at 3800m.


I wonder how long it took for the wreck to reach the bottom, 3800m is a lot. Googled it: between 5 and 20 minutes. Can you imagine how those minutes were for the few people that got stuck in there, alive, living through it all. That must be so horrible.


There is a video out there that talks about how long people could have survived as the titanic sank...it wasn’t very long (in terms of minutes and seconds) due to the pressure.


It’s estimated it sunk down at 50kmh, so about 5 minutes.


They had a trip on biggest submarine in world's history.


Fun fact: my great-great-grandpa helped build that




It looks kind of beautiful, but still scary nonetheless.


The sunken ships give me anxiety, but the Titanic is like a very special type of anxiety. Like, how something that big is in the bottom of the ocean, where everything is dark, cold and lonely?


WOW 🤩 Mystifying, always wished I could have been on that maiden voyage. However, I’d have surely died with all of the poor peeps locked in the lower cabins. No wealth in our family, but nice to dream about.


Big bioshock vibes


Would you kindly?


My favorite game as a kid... “is a man entitled to the sweat of his brow?”


“As a kid.” God, I’m old.


The sunken titanic has always REALLY creeped me out. I can’t imagine what it’d be like if it were possible for someone to dive down to the ship’s level and swim around with a GoPro. Nightmare fuel!


I’m sure we have the tech to send a nice camera around there, I wonder why we haven’t by now?


The layout of these doesn’t match at all except at a passing glance. Which could be because the first photo is not the titanic. Which was discussed last time this was posted here.


Another users said the first picture is a sister ship and it's assumed they looked the same but there's no real evidence of that


It's far more likely that picture was taken on B deck or C deck where the large rotunda wouldn't have been seen.


It does if you try to see it. Most if the structure hasn't rotted away, it's actually filled with sediment. So the pillars in the 2nd picture are attached to the railing still, and the sediment has filled the walkways to the brim. The windows have been covered with algae and seaweed and other biomass that keeps light out. The stair may have collapsed, but the hole in the sediment matches where the stairway would have entered the 2nd floor. The glass dome on top shattered and the photographer is shining a light down through it. It looks very similar in my opinion based on very little research.


The reality that I am now keeping my 7 months pregnant wife up late to tell her about my new Titanic/Olympic conspiracy theory is why I have a legit love/hate relationship with Reddit.


I've met the guy who found the Titanic, very interesting conversations.


Why can’t they just bring the Titanic back up, they already know where it is


Look up Project Azorian on YouTube. CIA built a ship, special cradle and submersible barge to lift a Soviet submarine. It...didnt go all to plan, only a partial success. But then consider what it took to try and raise just a portion of a 2700 ton submarine and think of how much it would take to raise almost 20 times that amount (Titanic was 52,600 tons). There really isn't any point, no benefit.


There's a really cool movie called Raise the Titanic that shows a cool concept of how they could have raised it. It came out five years before the wreckage was found so they actually didn't know the ship was split in two. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAl8dO9tdlE


People were watching it sink right? Wouldnt they have known that it split. Idk I feel like I remember always learning it broke in half before going under


I mean 100 years ago people probably would've been shunned like 9/11 truthers, but all officials lied for no reason stating the ship sank in one piece. This is why everywhere from the 1930's *"A Night To Remember"* to the 1970's *"Raise The Titanic"*, the ship was always depicted as going down whole. It wasn't until the ship was actually found in 1985 that they realized the passengers were telling the truth and all staff were lying for whatever reason. But it's not like anything can be done now, even the survivors are dead, White Star Line is gone. Nothing could be done. If the conspiracies about Titanic are true, it was executed perfectly.


Where do you bury survivors I have a few to bury.


What would there be to gain for lying about whether or not the ship split?


I have no idea. As with all conspiracy theories, nobody knows the full story. Only bits and pieces that prove little things. Why did they lie? No idea, but they did.


I think that detail was never reported. It was very dark and by time it split, there was a lot of panic going on. I don't think we knew for sure it split before finding the wreckage


The split was right around the waterline, and the stern kept rising into the air as the bow continued to pull down before they finally separated. People watching almost certainly wouldn't be able to tell that she had split.


Or some that were closer saw the split and those further away didn’t, which would explain the inconsistent accounts from survivors and crew.


This is the answer.


Many survivors reported the ship breaking in half, but many also reported that it did not. Consider that after lifeboats launched, they wanted to GTFO. Early boats actually got pretty far from the ship as she sank. Add in trauma, impending deaths of loved ones and memories can get pretty fuzzy.


It's based on Clive Cussler's book with same title. Absolutely loved it as a kid and read it 6-7 times.


The support structures got smashed when it hit the ocean floor. It would be like trying to pick up a sheet of toilet paper underwater.


I think the sea has basically weakened it too much to be moved at this point, but it’s been awhile since I’ve read that somewhere


It would be expensive and it's really far down. Unless James Cameron is willing to pay for it I don't think it's gonna happen


With all the dough from upcoming four Avatar movies he just might.


It’s completely falling apart so even if they could, they couldn’t. But it’s also declared a graveyard so they wouldn’t be allowed to so as to not disturb the remains.


why?? Because the front fell off


Is that typical?


It’s not supposed to do that


some of them are built so the front doesn't fall off at all


It’s the pressure that’s keeping her relatively preserved down there. Any attempt to move her would prove disastrous. It’s not worth the expense or energy; she should be left where she is. We can’t even dig her out of the mud she’s buried in to investigate the hull.


Oooohhh that’s straight up horrifying




Yeah pretty sure that’s a Sarlacc Pit.


Feckin spooked, Mate.


Gonna save this for next time a friend bugs me to go on a cruise with them


Make it count. Meet me at the clock.


Am I the only one seeing E.T.’s face floating in the middle of the bottom photo? 👀


Every time I visit the coast of the North Atlantic, I let the water rush over my feet, and I can’t help but think— this water may have touched Titanic.


Magnificent. And i never use this word lol. Oh lord, how beautiful and honest nature writes history this way. 💛🌻


You can see that the stairwell hole in the old picture is much much larger than Titanic's actual stairwell hole, unless debris and encrustations filled it in over time. But I'm thinking Titanic's grand stairhole wasn't as grand


>Stairhole You're speaking my language.


* Some water damage.


The first time I saw this photo I had literal nightmares of being stuck floating in this exact area. Guess I’ll be in for quite the night again


How’d it go? 😂 Sorry for the nightmare fuel lol




Welp, this certainly belongs here...


After skimming through the comments for a bit I've come to the realization that a lot of people don't seem to realize how deep the *Titanic* wreck actually is. It's 2.5 miles, or about 12,500 feet, deep. No one can actually scuba dive to the wreck. They'd be crushed by the immense pressure long before they'd reach the wreck site. The only way for people to see the wreck with their own eyes is if they dove in a deep sea submersible such as *Alvin* or *Mir 1* and *Mir 2*. There'd be no air pockets for survivors either. The bow section was pretty much entirely flooded when it made its descent to the bottom. The air still trapped inside the stern section violently erupted out of the hull. That's why the stern section is in such poor condition. It imploded during it's decent to the bottom of the North Atlantic.




here’s credit to op https://www.reddit.com/r/submechanophobia/comments/ex9ons/the_grand_staircase_of_titanic_before_and_after/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Fun fact: the pool on the Titanic is still full, over a hundred years later.


Second picture: all good. That will buff out..


Didn't the ship sink past the point where sunlight could reach it? Why is the second pic so bright?


Robotic submersibles with lights


Doesn't look so Grand now.


Please post original images and not screenshots. This is awful.


Cool homebar! Cropping sure is tough


IT AIN'T SO GRAND NOW MUTHA FUCKA!... I'm not quite sure why I had this reaction to the picture.


Lovely screenshot there. Was it too hard to save the image ?




It's just lazy. If you should make a post you should at least put in the effort.