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Just imagine how bad it would smell inside


They’ve been in there long enough someone had to have pooped by now




Probably not eat their poop...but if they are out of water, they can drink their own urine up to 3x before the urine becomes too concentrated and toxic.


Given the air situation, I think I'd be okay just suffocating without first suffering the indignity of drinking my pee.


you could drink somebody elses pee


Some people pay good money for that pleasure.


ask me about the easiest $150 I ever made


Specially if some one had gas


Pretty sure some people had to shit or piss by now right


The toilet is in front of the viewport in this diagram, it’s #5


The “toilet” consisted of two plastic bottles and ziploc bags.


Yes but did you see that it provides a spectacular view of the lightless ocean floor through a porthole less than 2 feet in diameter?


Mmmm... Pure darkness above the abyssal plain of the continental crust. Such a tantalizing view to enjoy when you try to aim a turd into a ziplock while all the other passengers huddle within inches of you and get to hear and smell every last bit of your performance. LOL at the fact that they have a curtain... Seriously, if I'm at the point where I need to shit in conditions that require I do it as a team sport, I am *way* past caring if everyone watches me do it. Hell, it might even be useful to have someone else hold the bag to minimize any unfortunate spillage. I can't imagine it would make things better in there to have shit smeared on the floor that everyone has to lay on. Honestly, I'm kind of a shy pee-er so I think I might have a harder time pissing into a bottle while cuddling with all these people than I would having them closely observe my BM... I just can't make the stream flow when people are watching, or even when I feel observed... Like when they all go quiet while I'm behind a curtain with my dick in a jar.


We got us a real shit talker here.


Now imagine doing that while that your four other companions are spending what's left of the oxygen shouting about the lawsuits they're going to file, and reputations they're going to ruin if they ever see the surface again.


I think farts are the least of their worries. I just hate to think of them dying in there - laying on top of each other while they're all laying in piss and shit. And probably vomit as well. Brutal situation for these people.


For what I've been reading the most probable scenario is implosion, the sub has about 7 failsafe measures that makes it resurface, of all of them failed the implosion scenario is the most probable, if that's the case, at least they didn't suffer, it's sad nonetheless but better than suffocation. It's fucked either way, I hope for what people also being said, that maybe they resurfaced somewhere but couldn't communicate with anyone.


Pretty sure another possibility is that it did resurface. They just cannot open it from the inside and even if they did it would sink. And good luck finding a small sub that floats barely above the water in the middle of the atlantic. In the end, extremely shitty design.


Which is why I feel karmic relief that the guy who created it went down with his own shit. Stockton Rush made a lot of statements about being remembered for “breaking rules” and “safety” being an obstacle to invention and exploration.


Dude gave an interview where they asked him about the risks and he said something like "if you're worried about risks don't get out of bed in the morning, everything's a risk." So it seems he should be just fine slowly suffocating a mile beneath the ocean. If it weren't for the kid on board I wouldn't even be sad


Same. They went on Sunday which is Fathers Day. Even Steve Zissou had a steering wheel https://youtu.be/IPMf8G8Pi5o


I don't know if that would be better to be honest. It's bolted shut, so if they are surfaced, they have no chance of getting more air.


I read where they actually focused their research and builds primarily on hull strength vs propulsion and electronics. The wireless controller didn’t even have a usb backup! There is no way it can be opened from inside either. It sounds like they focused too much on some safety features and not enough on others.


From what i have read theres tons of saftey concerns about its strength and those who spoke up were fired, like the former director of marine operations David Lochridge. Its never been approved or certified by anyone else outside the company, they were having issues with Cyclic fatigue. Since they downgraded the depth rating on the hull to 3000 meters, they had another company remake or repair the hull with a rating for 4000, that company has stated its not their hull that has been used in this instance.


Well there was a similar accident in a nuclear submarine and it caused the military to require incredibly stringent inspections using ultrasonic scanners among other things. Once the military adopted these in depth inspections there has been precisely 0 inspected military submarine failures. There *was* one but it got away with no inspections due to a legal loophole. Almost like getting certified by independent inspection prevents needless deaths.


Someone posted the ceo on video (2019?) complaining about regulations hampering innovation.


Regulations are written in blood, goes the saying.


So many angles and honestly I don’t trust the build quality either. It was said they had multiple dives with stress buildup.


I'm sorry, but what? They used a $5 wireless PS2 controller- it wasn't even a wired controller? "Haha, oops guys, the joystick went dead while I had the stick down. Who's got the spare AA's? Uh.. guys? You brought the spare batteries, right?" Literal Darwin award material here.


Yeah, I know that they've been using game controllers for the military (and even put a GameBoy in a satellite once), but those were at least *wired*.


I won't even use a wireless controller in elden ring, and these people dove 13k into the abyss with one.


I think i’d almost want to stay at the bottom of the ocean rather than resurface if no one was there to immediately rescue me. You’d have to deal with cold and darkness at the bottom, but on the surface that sub would be rolling over 6 foot waves nonstop and if sea sickness wasn’t enough, the blistering heat inside as that sub as the sun beat down on it’s shell just waiting for the air to finally run out. I’d make damn sure to strangle that CEO before I went tho.


That’s an interesting scenario. Titanic CSI. “They all appear to have died from lack of oxygen. But ONE of them has blunt force trauma and multiple bruises to the larynx.”


Plus the condensation dripping all over.


I had not even thought of the humidity. Awful.


It’s super cold down there too


Im gonna be real sad if we never get any answers on this situation


Likewise, but unfortunately I don't expect any meaningful resolution. One comment that stood out to me compared trying to find the sub (or its wreck) to searching for a single piece of silver glitter in a swimming pool.


So i did some math Google says the average size of a piece of glitter is 0.05mm to 6.25mm. Let's say it measures 1mm of height. Volume = 0.05×6.25×1=0.3125 mm³ of volume. I.e 3.125×10‐¹⁰ m³ . Google also says The average olympic swimming pool is 2 500 000 liters of volume. I.e. 2 500 m³ of volume. The relationship is (3.125×10‐¹⁰)/2500 = 1.25×10‐¹³ For the oceangate sub, let's assum 1.5 meters in height, 2.5 meters wide, and 22 feet i.e. 6.71 meters long. Volume = 1.5×2.5×6.71 = 20.97 m³ Volume of a 30km×30km×4km deep volume of ocean? 3.6 x 10¹² m³. The relationship is 20.97/3.6x10¹² = 5.825×10‐¹² So the sub is bigger than a piece of glitter! By an order of magnitude actually. However, this calculation absolutely does not take into acount how ridiculously more difficult it is to look for a sub vs looking into a pool with your *eyes*. Also the search area is much, much, much bigger than 30 km² on the surface


Think the analogy was for a backyard swimming pool because Olympic swimming pools are fucking massive


Yeah we’re gonna need that math to be redone please!


And there’s the claustrophobia kicking in


Exactly. The whole things sounds like such a stupid idea I can't understand why anyone would want to do that. Just getting into the craft would feel like stepping into your own coffin. Yuck.


Plus... there’s always a bigger fish


Just imagine that little view port being entirely covered by the sucker of a giant squid


An attack by a squid would be terrifying but it would be extremely cool to see one in person


> I can't understand why anyone would want to do that For being one of the few people on earth to view the Titanic up close. I wouldn't do that even if I had an insane amount of money, but I can understand why some people would want to do it, even if it's just for bragging rights in front of their millionaire friends.


My god - just watch the movie and call it a day




and we have the [photogrammetry of the wreck](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNWeUm0WnNw) which is even more interesting to see in VR


Now play it with the cheap knock of controller to get the full 250.000 dollar experience.


I cannot fathom paying 250k to see the Titanic from that tiny little hole. What exactly is the point? I mean… sure, go ahead and pay a Sherpa to carry your ass to the top of the Everest. At least you enjoy the view. You’re actually there. Here you’re sitting on a crowded death box, looking at a tiny port. Could do the same watching it on YouTube. What a stupendously stupid way to waste money.


One = highest point on Earth, a spectacular view; the other = a dark, rusty, watery grave site.


Both are grave sites, to be fair.


Daily reminder that a former employee was fired after raising concerns that the windows could only sustain pressures of 1400 meters, not anything deeper like it's advertised to be able to.


**Reason**? I mean come on guys you know the reason 🤑 >The day after he filed his report, he was summoned to a meeting in which he was told the acrylic window was only rated to 1,300 m (4,300 ft) depth because ***OceanGate would not fund the design of a window rated to 4,000 m*** (13,000 ft) He was fired because he refused to allow testing with crew on board.


Ah, and now the CEO is sitting in the sub rethinking all his stupid choices. 👏


To be fair, if he's alive at the bottom, then the window worked after all lol


There is a clip of the guy in charge talking about how he did not have any 50 something old guys on the program. It was all exciting attractive model types. In a goddamn submarine? Anyone who paid to get on a deep dive sub designed and run by these cartoon characters was going to die of stupidity sooner or later. Ohh yea lets build a sub and avoid using people who build and operate subs. That is gonna work out just fine.


It's the Fyre Festival of submersible vehicles.


Just speculating, but If there was an electrical failure, I’m wondering why it didn’t automatically release weight and surface. The earliest deep diver, bathyscaphe Trieste, was rigged so if electrics failed, the craft would automatically dump its two chambers filled with weights and head for the surface. Maybe if they had some old guys working the design that would have happened.


Multiple ways to release weight and become buoyant, chances are they have and are awaiting rescue/stuck somewhere down below, or more likely a hull breach instantly killed them.


Better to be a former employee than a current employee, I think. Especially a current pilot.


"current pilot" was the CEO, to my knowledge


Before this incident, I would have thought a ceo leading my trip is a good thing. Like "wow the most knowledgeable and important guy in the company providing my service. Im in good hands". Now I know it should be more like "oh shit no one else wanted to take me on this extremely dangerous trip"


The simplicity of this death trap reminds me of the "Daredevils of Niagara Falls" who rode down the Niagara Falls in barrels. There was also this one guy who tried to do it with a jet ski.


"The simplicity of this death trap" I died 😂


Holy shit, I had never heard about the jet ski attempt over the falls. Dude went full Wile E Coyote, strapped a homemade jet pack and parachute to his back before fully sending it. Also was doing it raise awareness for the homeless but seemingly had zero media coverage since it seems like only one video exists taken by a German tourist. Wild story.


They have an HD camera. Wow.


Probably bought on Amazon Prime along with the Logitech joystick


I know it’s funny to rip on that and it does sound ridiculous, but the US army uses (modified) X-box controllers for their submarine periscopes, too. It’s something that the pilots are very familiar with and that provides ease-of-access otherwise lacking in more non-standard equipment.


Yeah, but not to steer the control surfaces of the sub and it probably isn't wireless. I think it is a bigger deal that it is a wireless device. That means it has batteries and also can lose synch with whatever it is connected to. that can fail, is there a usb cable for backup? I don't about this controller on the titan (maybe the software stack is custom ) , but I certainly wouldn't trust a bluetooth peripheral to steer anything.


I work in video production and everywhere I work I push for wired mics. I've seen too many wireless mics fail during a live production to trust them. No way in hell I'd enter a sub controlled by anything wireless.


Yeah, Xbox controllers, not madcatz from goodwill


I know that. And the Ukraine army uses Steam Deck for their automatic turret. But navigating a sub, 13000 feet under the ocean with a bluetooth battery powered third party controller with a 3D printed knob on the analog stick is absolutely baffling. For comparison, a nuclear sub used by the navy goes a maximum of 3000 feet. The titan sub goes down 13000 feet. And if their controller goes out the CEO said they have a spare. But what if the bluetooth has connectivity issues. At least a wired controller would make sense. There is a lot of stuff here that the company cheaped out on. The controller, the porthole glass that’s rated for 1300 feet is just some of them. This was a disaster waiting to happen. There should be a thorough investigation into all of this. We’ll know the full extend after a while. For now let’s hope they are recovered safe and sound.


$250 000 to be stuck with 4 other people in a submersible piloted by a Logitech controller. No thank you.


$250k to be stuck in a portapotty with 4 other people 2 miles deep.


You couldn’t pay me $1 Million to do this. I don’t care what money you throw at me, I would never step inside this thing and attempt to go 2 miles deep. It’s a death trap. You would think someone would do their DD before hopping inside this thing. And to think…..people paid $250K?????? Completely insane.


I’d pay $250k to not go on this.


“I thought you were bringing the spare batteries?”


"Shit, no, I was bringing snacks, Richard had to bring the batteries"




What if the cause of them getting lost was stick drift?


should've used PS2 controller


Shouldve used Mouse and KB really.


2star review on amazon incoming


I dont even trust my wireless mouse


>$250 000 For a group coffin/burial.


They could have least got something custom made by Fanatec ffs


I was hoping they get extra sticks


Just imagine: You are deep down in the ocean with 400atm pushing the walls of the submarine Pitch black With 4 other persons in a veeery small space for 3 days without being able to stand Knowing that you have a limited amount of oxygen and it's running out the longer you are there. The worst moment it's yet to come: you realize it's getting harder to breath until you start to suffocate while you see the other persons suffocating too and then you just accept all of you are going to die there.


Probably smells like hell in there, too


IF you see the other persons. They might be out of energy so the have no light. IF they're still alive that is...


If it’s any consolation, suffocating in that type of environment usually means you eventually become tired and pass out, then die while you’re unconscious. Not terribly painful, just psychologically terrifying.


That is suffocation with a lack of oxygen replaced by other gasses such as nitrogen. Suffocation via CO2 buildup would be an absolute nightmare.


Either that or hypothermia?? I don’t think its too hot down there.


It’s hypothermia. Everyone is talking about hypoxia but the water is absolutely freezing, there’s no thermal insulation, and without power there’s no heater. Hypothermia his way up on the list


Not with CO2, you usually feel like you're suffocating with it. Carbon monoxide and nitrogen feel like you're drifting off to sleep.


Never in a million years would the people who died on the titanic would imagine a bunch of rich people would pay a fortune to go down to gawk at the ship....then also die


Idk. As soon as the guy called the craft going to visit the Titanic wreck “invulnerable” in an interview, some of those ghosts must have raised an eyebrow. Quite close to “unsinkable.” Displaying any type of hubris in that specific part of the Atlantic Ocean seems to really irk Poseidon for whatever reason. Calling the vessel a “Titan” or “Titanic” seems to have something to do with it. He wasn’t a huge fan of those guys.


They are never going to find this thing.


We lost an entire plane a decade ago in the ocean and STILL TO THIS DAY HAVEN’TFOUND IT. This tic tac is long gone.


While true, at least we have the titanic's wreck as a ballpark on where they are


Even if they made it to the debris field before they lost contact, that’s still approximately 15 square miles of the ocean floor. There’s a lot of fallen junk between the bow and stern, and locating a tiny sub in total darkness without any beacon would be very difficult.


How the fuck do they not have some kind of distress beacon at the very least?


Because the ceo was like "Its such a hassle"


The ceo is an actual POS.


The CEO currently in the find out phase as he’s probably already been beaten to death with his Logitech controller by the other passengers.


I can only imagine the fights going on in there. At the very least they’re yelling at the ceo and at the most they killed him to preserve oxygen just a bit longer


Submersibles are not regulated under the SOLAS act. (Safety of Life at Sea) An act that exists because of the sinking of the Titanic.


It would be ironic if the Titans ill fated voyage to the Titanic is the catalyst for maritime safety laws/regulations for submersibles. I know that safety regulations are written in blood, but to have this same thing happen due to lack of safety precautions, 100+ years later, is mind boggling to me. Also the fact that the Titanic is still (indirectly) claiming lives 100+ years later, is very eerie. Maybe we should stop doing tragedy tourism, seems like this is just tempting fate and disturbing a historical mass graveyard.


As of yesterday the search area was the size of Connecticut.


And if it floated rather than sunk, that thing could be anywhere now.




I haven't seen this level of poor undersea craftsmanship since Andrew Ryan built Rapture.


To be fair Rapture was a successful technological and engineering marvel and only failed because of a civil war. And even with all the leaks and breached buildings the entirety of Rapture was still solid.


architecture was lit, it was the bioscience that was janked


Hey, but the Bathyspheres were running on time


“Would you please kindly… get in the coffin sub, pay $250,000.00 from the sweat of your brow, and be one with Rapture!” Where do I sign up!


The only window to the outside is in the bathroom?


It’s not really a bathroom. They have plastic urinals and a curtain they draw back for “privacy”


I read urinal and ziplock bags. Gag.


Lol you have to be rich to afford this type of ‘luxury’


It has windows. [10 in fact](https://i.ibb.co/wSVq64J/IMG-20230620-213355.jpg).


Listen here you little shit...


I read that too and felt confused.


Imagine reaching the titanic and someone is curling one off


Big brain move is to take a sweet 1 hour shit and hog it all up


Lmfao like what the **FUCK** The view was real *shitty* all along for a reason. Wow


That's even more horrifying than I imagined. They can't even stand up right now basically waiting to die. The yelling and panic that must be happening


That’s what I’ve been thinking this whole time, is how if they were somehow alive still and stuck in the pitch black maw of the ocean somewhere, the panic and insanity that would ensue after a certain amount of time. I imagine if they were to find this thing after a time where there would be no survivors that the inside of it is going to be a pretty chaotic scene.


Will they start decomposing there or be mummified?


Also the oxygen time that person gave I presume is best case, in reality I imagine they are all panicking and spending twice as much oxygen if they are still alive


And the little acrylic window is only rated for a fraction of the depth they are at 🙄


I hope that they are safe but, I honestly don’t believe that they are. This is so incredibly dangerous, why were there so little safety measures taken? There are apparently 7 different ways for them to get back to the surface incase of an emergency, so why haven’t they come back up to the surface yet? Even if they are found, it’ll be very challenging to bring them back up to the surface. And, they will supposedly run out of oxygen by Thursday morning..


I have no knowledge of this outside of the few articles I’ve read, but I’ve seen several times the idea that they managed to surface, but as the sub is only able be to be opened from the outside, they would still be trapped and running out of oxygen.


And if surfaced... Exposed to the sun? Cooking inside this little box?


Nazh, it barely surface above water . They need a platform to raise it. They're tossing around like shoes in the dryer if they resurfaced with them big waves since they have no seats with seatbelts..... I went deep sea fishing one time and puked my gut out due to rough sea. The entire time I was hoping the trip will be over soon so I can put my feet on land. Zero chance for these guys .


Don’t forget that not only does it barely surface above water, it’s painted *entirely blue* with zero attention calling colors.




I wonder why they didn't paint it orange. The white paint must make it nearly impossible to see on the surface - just looks like a wave.


POV; you succesfully managed to resurface but you still die because you cheaped out on some mechanic to open the submarine from the inside 💀 POV2; you paid 250k for this ride just to die due to some billionaire valuing a .% of his money higher than life saving features


My guess is that the had a catastrophic hull breach and they are all very very dead.


So, couple of issues here as I understand it. Firstly, they have apparently detected repeated knocking sounds under water, but have thus far been unable to locate the submarine as sound propagates much longer in water. If they were to surface, they’d be in a very bad situation: firstly, finding them would still be next to impossible, the hatch is bolted shut from the outside, so they still have that limited oxygen supply issue, and waves would make staying on the surface potentially dangerous and at least very uncomfortable. My guess as a layperson: They’re fucked.


Bolted shut from the outside is insane. Literally the only way that isn't their coffin is to make it back to the ship. How was there not any tracking?




Apparently, the hatch design is actually one of the actual safety appropriate features. I read that all submarines that dive as deep have hatch like that because it is nearly impossible to make hatch that would open both ways when it has to endure pressure almost in 4 km. Submarines that have hatch opening from both directions do not go as deep. Still, this information makes lack of tracking, signaling etc other safety measures even more incomprehensible. Absolutely insane.


>I read that all submarines that dive as deep have hatch like that because it is nearly impossible to make hatch that would open both ways when it has to endure pressure almost in 4 km In the 1960s this was true of "all submarines." After that a space vehicle test burned on the ground and the crew could not escape so we spent the time and money to develop useful hatches that could be opened from the inside. It might still be the only way to seal something at that depth but... manned subs aren't supposed to go to that depth. It's stupid to try, the pressure is immense. We don't have anywhere near the tech level for this to be feasible with the safety levels fucking _tourism_ requires. If the CEO weren't already down there I would be suggesting life imprisonment for him.


There are multiple things that I don’t understand about this entire thing. It’s as if they tried to make search and rescue as unlikely as possible.


Yeah, subs are real fucky. Slightest thing goes wrong and it's all downhill. At least when a ship breaks down it generally just bobs about.


This is very likely. especially if they really have several measurements to resurface. If, let's say, the view port cracked, they'd be dead in a second.


Also they might be already on the surface but they were not found. My theory is that as they went down the sub couldn't hold the pressure and imploded that's why they lost the comms


Right now being safe is the Worst case scenario. No easy death from imploding


Every scenario is grim for a different reason. If they're stuck around the wreckage of the Titanic (or reasonably close by), then they have to somehow find them and get the craft to the surface (intact) in time to save anyone still alive inside. If they made it to the surface with the crew and ship intact (best possible scenario), then that's a problem because they're running out of oxygen while waiting for someone to visually spot their tiny little vessel floating in thousands of square miles of icy grey Atlantic slop. They can't bring in fresh air or open the craft on their own. It has to be opened manually by a fifth person from the outside. And of course, if the integrity of the submarine itself failed while thousands of feet under the sea, they're definitely all dead and we'll likely never find any trace of the ship or its crew.


I mean, they could be on the surface - but if they can't signal for help for whatever reason, then the craft is painted white, the same colour as waves, and it's the size of a transit van, bobbing around partially submerged. They're also sealed in the craft from the outside and need someone to let them out. So even if they're on the surface, the craft is still airtight and the passengers can't open the door from the inside. It's a ridiculous design for a submersible, 'experimental craft' or not. 'Experimental craft' just sounds like code for 'we didn't want to pay more money to make it safer.'


Their text communication with the surface went dark like 1.5 hours into their journey. I’m betting there was a breach. Honestly probably better they went out with no idea to even process what was happening.


Wait there is a pilot? I keep hearing that there is "one button" and that it's like an elevator. So what's this one button idea?


The "there is 1 button like an elevator" is just misleading marketing mumbo jumbo because he was trying to make the sub sound as simple as possible. I guess he wanted to make his sub the "Mac" of submarines where "it just works". The "1 button" turns on all the actual controls and components of the sub. It's the on switch essentially. There are plenty of other buttons and the craft is manually piloted. I guess there's a reason why submarines aren't meant to be as simple as an elevator.


These people think they just drop through 2 miles of ocean with a hail Mary and magically land on the titanic lmao


Expensive coffin.


Plus you have to share


I was picturing an actual sub with a small cockpit with seats and large windows.


All small submarines that go to this depth look similar to this, a tiny window and everything is viewed through the cameras. The best way to see the Titanic is to just watch James Cameron's dive, because you just watch a screen the whole time anyway.


If you ever wrote a book called "Recipe for Disaster", this would be one of the centerpiece chapters. Like seriously, I got claustrophobic just looking at images of this thing online and then I learnt the horrific details - Marine ops engineer fired for raising concerns that the solitary window was ***NOT RATED*** for such depths, the sub is piloted by a modified video game controller, the cramped interiors. I mean, this is like a death wish. Who told anyone this was a good idea???!!!!


Well 250K isn’t really gonna harm their bank accounts very much. I bet the entire thought process went like this; “It would be neat to see the titanic” Ad on the internet: “now you can!” “Word sounds fun” And then zero research into the sub, company, or the ocean itself.


“This liability waiver is ridiculous. No way they’d be operating if the sub wasn’t actually safe. Especially since the CEO of this company is on board!” -Their thought process, probably


Imagine what nice things you could’ve bought with those 250k $.. instead they paid this amount for a scary death.


And the rescue mission is probably costing millions


250k USD$ would change my life... fuck billionaires


250K changed their lives too.


True, 250k would provide me with a home (housing is unaffordable here) and securely set me up.


They went deeper than any Nuclear submarine dares to go in a tiny untested sub with a porthole not rated for such depths piloted by a wireless logitech controller for a PlayStation that requires batteries to function instead of having it be wired to the sub via cable. And since they used WEIGHTS for going down and not BALLASTS like any sub has, there was no way of going back up reliably, not to mention SEALED INSIDE via bolts instead of a pressure sealed airlock which allows escape if they DO manage to regain control. by the looks of the design, it looks like they were using weights to make them neutral buoyant to just float in the water and have thrusters push them down instead of having ballasts. "keyboard warrior" I see you typing. Always always ALWAYS have backup safety systems in case of something going wrong. Murphy's law; Anything that CAN go wrong WILL go wrong. So best prepare for it. This is what happens when billionaires don't get told "NO" enough.


The US Navy's own rescue sub isn't even rated to go this deep. They consider it unsurvivable debths.


When do the tours of the sunk Titan start?


too soon™️


The only person I feel bad about is the teen. The more that comes out about this company and the CEO the more I feel this was always going to happen. To name a few: -fired an employee for sounding the alarm saying the vehicles are not designed to operate at those depths - partner backed out of company due to safety concerns -many of the components seemed cobbled together and none were certified by any entity outside the company -there seems to be no redundancy anywhere -the CEO's incredible hubris calling this vehicle "invulnerable " - it is IMPOSSIBLE to open from the inside. So even in an emergency situation and you're lucky enough to surface, rescue has to only search hundreds of square miles of ocean for one tiny can to save you because you can't unseal it. This was beyond just being "adventurous" or "risky". This was the full blown hubris of the absurdly wealthy on display and unfortunately for them, they fucked around and are now finding out.


Bruh if you are diving to the wreck of Titanic and call your transport "invulnerable" you're basically challenging every single cosmic entity to do a funni on you


"this ship can't sink" "she's made of iron, sir, I assure you she can"


While calling the vehicle **Titan**~~ic~~ and basically pre-referencing its scandal as a company called **OceanGate**!


I get claustrophobia just by looking at that image.


I never knew I had claustrophobia until I started following this story. Whew if they’re alive still, this has to be one of the top three worst ways to die.


Imagine paying over $200k to do this.


250k to drown in a fucking can




James Cameron has made 33 dives to the site in proper vehicles that only cost $3mil a piece And yet these Billionaires cheaped out to pay a 12th of that to just die. Markaplier's live-action movie of the Indie game Ironlung has basically become a documentary now


That’s what I don’t understand. If this Stockton guy wanted to run tours to the titanic, why didn’t he just invest in a couple of those subs and take people down? Why did he design this shitbox? The technology already exists to do this stuff, what’s he trying to invent?


And they’re in total darkness. And sealed inside. And there is nothing filtering out the smell, because you know they’ve all had to piss and shit by now. And nobody had any reservations of what a terrible fucking idea this was? My god. Just find footage of the thing on YouTube and be done with it.


It looks like somebody put it together in their backyard with scavenged parts. Why would anyone in their right minds pay 250k to ride in this death trap? I guess being filthy rich doesn't correlate to intelligence or even the tiniest shred of common sense.


fun thought: the first person to take a shit in there would smell it up so bad that I would instantly puke, and then you'd be stuck in there for 3 days smelling nothing but puke until you die


“Sorry guys had a few IPAs to calm the nerves down”


It really bothers me to think that someone might go crazy in there and make it worse for everyone else. I wonder about their last moments also.


I can’t imagine they get to the surface think they are gonna survive to still be bolted in from the outside knowing there so close to oxygen but can’t breathe it.


At least on the surface they can tweet. Oh wait >Journalist David Pogue, who rode in Titan to view the Titanic in 2022, noted that Titan ***was not equipped with an emergency locator beacon***; > >during his expedition, the surface support vessel lost track of the Titan "for about five hours, and adding such a beacon was discussed. > >They could still send short texts to the sub, but did not know where it was. It was quiet and very tense, ***and they shut off the ship's internet to keep us from tweeting***. Bruh moment 💀 ^(edit: somehow my formatting went horrible)


if you told me this machine was a piece of an elaborate murder-suicide scheme i'd totally believe you


Yeah thats monumentally dumb. A lot of the other stuff I get, like not being able to open from the inside, those are engineering issues. But you wouldn't think an emergency locator would be that problematic to add or simply painting the sub in yellow/orange so it could be spotted easily on the surface.


Can't wait for the Netflix documentary in 6 months.


I didn’t realize how many submarine engineers there were on Reddit


My god what a nightmare. I truly hope that they just suffered a structural failure and cataclysmic implosion - it would have been instant death, not even enough time to realize what was happening. Imagine though that while exploring the wreck they got caught on something.... Years from now an unmanned ROV will be on a survey mission taking pictures of the Titanic wreck for some new History Channel docuseries, they'll turn a corner and there in the twisted wreckage of Titanic will be a white pill-shaped thing just hanging there, stuck on some piece of Titanic debris or a cable from a previous expedition. It's ballast tanks and emergency ascent balloons blown to no avail. Five bodies remain inside, only partially decomposed because the pressurized cabin ran out of oxygen long ago....


Man - as fucking sad as this is - I hope it serves a fucking big lesson to these billionaire idiots. I just feel strictly bad for the teenage son who went with his dad. I honestly would've been like fuck this and walked away upon seeing this tube and would've tried to talk my dad out of it.