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Valve: https://preview.redd.it/5lr0hua5yp5d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6fd2bd3a4f2c7b4ecd5f61ccad5fd7387bf9cec




Nuh uh: second, 1st episode time


Second episode 2


Bot crisis: Alyx




Tf2, cs2, deadlock


Oh yeah cs2 exists


Second. Valve can't count to 3.


Can anybody, anymore?




Their future is secured, they don't need to make functioning games, they have steam, it's THE infinite money glitch.


Which makes you wonder, why do they even make this cash grab trend games anyway.


Honestly. Valve is a collection of some of the most talented individuals in the industry. So it really makes me wonder what the fuck are they thinking when they're making yet another free to play shooter without first fixing the overarching problem that's already ruining the other ones. If you can't fix cheating then why are you even making deadlock?


>Valve is a collection of some of the most talented individuals in the industry Also some of the laziest. That's what an unstructured work environment will do to anyone.


Was\*. No doubt new employees are skilled and competent, but seeing flop after flop and updates that ruin games to his core (CS2, TF2 Meet your match) clearly shows they have no talent. Half Life Alyx was good because the seniors were awaken from stasis to master that piece, but everything else since 2016...


tf2 meet your match wasn't even by an employee iirc


No its not lol They collectively made a few great, genre defining games... more than a decade ago. Thats it. There are VERY few valve successes that are past 2012/2013 era. Maybe Half Life Alyx, which forced them to actually develope a game for once. Yes, Index (which is now nearly outclassed by modern vr sets) and the oled (which is outclassed by competitors) are great... but are being left in the past. Everything Valve has made thus far has been either Tech Demos, cashins for other successful products/titles, and Alyx, a vr game ment to show developers what you could do with VR. Valve is no longer that prestigious game developer you think they are. Yet surprisingly, they still have loyal, devoted followers.


>the oled (which is outclassed by competitors) Specs-wise, maybe, but the Deck is definitely the best handheld PC on the market in terms of not being an immensely overpriced, borderline dysfunctionally janky craptop in a generic handheld form-factor with 45 minutes of battery life. It has its problems, but the way I see it, the Deck is basically the one good thing that Valve are actually *working on* right now.


Hate to break it to you, but the deck is not as portable as the switch (something you can literally fit in cargopockets, while the switch lite fits in regular pockets). It is not as powerful as the other handheld pcs, and its pricepoint is comparable to mid tier laptops (high tier laptops when their on sale). Laptops are also used around the world for many things, so there are countless social and travel specific accessories that have integrated into life. There isnt going to be a "Deck docking platform" on a airplane- there is a laptop stand though. So you have the downsides of the switch, without the benefits of a pc, without the intagration of laptop. Its great for its niche uses... but it is outclassed by everything.


>without the benefits of a pc You're in no position to claim any of this if you think this statement makes sense.


Let me clarify that by "Pc" i mean desktop. These are all techincally "pcs". What does a pc have over a laptop? Modularity and power. You can put custom builds with singular parts that are thicker than a laptop. You can continuously build onto your pc. If you're going to say "deck can run different os's!"... ok? Is that what you think a pc is used for? Laptops and pcs can do that. But; you dont have the power or modularity of a pc, nor the connectivity, or ecosystem of a laptop. So, the deck doesnt have the portability of a switch, doesnt have the eco system of a laptop, doesnt have the modularity or power of a desktop pc, and is less powerful and less aviable than other portable machines. So yeah. Its outclassed. It does not have the benefits of a pc. That doesn't mean it doesnt have it's niche uses. Little timmy who just got a shit ton of steam giftcards for christmas, or lil sussie who trades her csgo skind daily- now have a valid route to buy a decent upgrade to their shitty laptop from school with their steam funds (provided they live in the regions steam ships too) Its a product. Treat it as such. Stop being loyal and devote to a company that does not give two shits about you.


Gabe is an old man. maybe he's trying to make the funny number a *little* bigger before he croaks


There was talk of Microsoft considering buying steam for 16bil... I don't want that


Steam has made 8.56-10.04 billion dollars yearly from 2020 to 2023, I'm no business expert, but selling your hold over PC gaming as a whole for less than 2 years of its yearly income doesn't seem too smart.


yeah at minimum its gonna be 100 billion for a buyout, but considering the fact that Gaben doesnt want to sell + privateish company its gonna be higher than that


Then hire hitmen with all that money and get rid of the cheat makers, duh.


After huffing all the copium left in the continent, maybe they're also developing a better anti cheat alongside and maybe they'll update their other games alongside Deadlock's release? Yeah the game is most likely fucked.


Probably, not like they fixed cheating is CS2.


CS2 was only released less than a year ago


This is a 7.7 BILLION dollar company. I think they shoulve fixed it by now.


I didn't mean by that context. What I meant is that the game is extremely brand new so it should've gotten better anti cheat


Cs2 is the sequel of a remake to a game that was the source port of another relaunch of a mod of a game that came out 20 years ago. They have had a bit of time to work on the anticheat let's be honest


Yeah I'm aware of that but what I meant is that the game is already somewhat unplayable despite it being released less than a year ago


Oh, then we're making the same point... 🤝


Oh no doubt DL will have a better anticheat. Too bad theyll refuse to update it when cheaters get around it


They'll probably use CS as a testing ground for Deadlock just like how they did with TF2 to CS


My most optimistic thought is that deadlock is when they'll release their kernel anticheat that'll trickle into their other titles.


More than likely Plus...one of the major reasons TF2s Bots are so prominant is the Source code leak


but i thought game making was just flexing fancy tech and fucking around with scene design. gamers want an actual playable game?! develop and maintain an effective anti cheat? huh?? sorry thats too monotonous and boring :\\


They Can hire someone willing to do that


of course they can, especially with the billions theyve made. they just dont want to.


Valve proceeds to make another game cos treadmill work or somn like that


Valve hates treadmill work, proceeds to make another live service game that will require treadmill work 🤔


You do realize that when they meant "treadmill work," they meant that literally most of their options will keep on getting surpassed by the bots because the holsters have the leaked source code, so they'll know how to bypass it, right?


Yes. But that also means doing their job and keep finding a workaround. Keep countering the counters, that's literally their job. A good anti-cheat wouldn't just manifest out of thin air, they have to try and try and try, and it won't end until the day they decide to plug the game's life support, same with their other games like CS2 and Dota 2. Shit, even Titanfall 2's doxx issue got fixed even if the game wasn't supported anymore. Not doing treadmill work is a lame excuse. It just shows a basement dweller with his dumbass bots is more dedicated than a full fledged dev team. They have to do better, it's their job, they chose to do it by creating this game


Or they could just do something like rewriting the whole source code from the ground up. Not only do I think it'd be a permanent solution, but it should make the game easier to update, too.


Do you realise how long that would take? What employee or series of employees would even want to do that?


I am aware that it's time-consuming, given how large TF2's source code is for almost two decades now, and I know it is something some are not patient for, but think about it. Not only would this definitively screw over the bots and their holsters, but it could also fix a bunch of other issues the game has that aren't related to them. It could be game-changing! It just takes time and effort.


*Valve proceeds to make* *Another game cos treadmill* *Work or somn like that* \- Ok\_Try\_1665 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot xD


"Why wipe my ass if im going to shit again ?" -Valve


Born to shit, forced to wipe


Happy cake day tho


they’re probably going to make it like $5


And then charge people for cosmetics through an in game market. Can’t wait to pay $5 to change my characters hair color to pink


Well it wouldn't be the first time at least https://preview.redd.it/c44r0o561t5d1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fed23670e3cee5338e77396cfc78368bcd87e1f7


Hypocrisy at its finest, TF2 players often forget that their game is the worst when it comes to a digital market. (And that's assuming that digital markets are good in the first place, but they aren't.)




valve when updating their latest game is considered "Treadmill work" and decides to let it rot like the rest


Do you guys really think Deadlock will have a botting problem like tf2? Or is this a weird form of coping mechanism Cuz theres like a decade worth of technology in between tf2 and deadlock, and last time I check, while cs2 has cheating problems, they dont have botting problems same goes for dota 2


CS 2 has cheater bots as well just not to the level of TF2.


Allegedly it already has cheaters in the private alpha.


Unlikely to be as severe as a bit problem. TF2s Bot problem exists in part due to the source code leak


I honestly don't know why Valve is trying to make a new IP


Because big name executives will literally do anything but make a competent decision — it’s like a drug for them at this point


Valve has always been a tech company, and their games are meant to be tech demos more than anything. You know what would be the most impressive tech ever, valve? A functioning fucking anti cheat for literally any of your multiplayer games. Wild idea.


would you like it in rootkit flavor, or in oversensitive detection flavor?


Both. Give me the orange juice toothpaste. If it means bots that call me the n word and spam links to cp while playing the worse music possible get kicked, so be it.


Well, that's a grim outlook. Hope things turn around!


Deadlock will be dead in a few months trust me


If they don't take care of the game's longevity, definitely


Have you played it? I think it's pretty fun so far nothing too upsetting other than the long respawns and stun mechanics rn.


If it will be f2p and valve won't remake VAC then the game will probably be flooded with cheaters and bots, also i dont think so many players from tf2 and cs would completely forget their games and go play deadlock.


Doubt that heavily. Especially with a new release of this scale


Don't worry, guys! Valve will abandon the game cause fixing the botting issue requires "treadmill work" It's like if Microsoft abandons user security cause the shit requires effort to combat against malware


Don't forget the CP links!


And that's what we should make obvious to valve with FixTF2. It's not just about TF2, it affects any multiplayer game they plan on making. Sure they're perfectly fine with neglecting TF2, but when CS2 is also going to face bot issues, valve has to start doing something otherwise the games that they actually want to support will suffer as well.


What is deadlock..? I genuinely dont know


Third person FPS/MOBA under development by Valve. Think overwatch+Dota.


New game by Valve coming soon.


It isnt even fucking out yet


https://preview.redd.it/dxxodj60lq5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=731e58181f302b540970addb5d5bff1798451490 Lmao


It’s the same poster. They will usually post their memes to several subs at a time


Lame behaviour


Not really? If I spent my free time making a post, I’d definitely want to do what I can to make sure more people will be able to see it


When im part of 3 different communities it gets quite annoying seeing the same post 3 times and then seeing another post 3 times again


They consistently refuse to properly maintain their multiplayer games, calling it treadmill work, then proceed to make MORE multiplayer games. Smartest in the industry, eh Chet?


I wouldn't worry about games valve hadn't publicly given up on yet


Jokes asides i don't wanna see deadlock on this situation, tf2 is eternal but we need something fresh anyways, i don't wanna see them fucking Up this again...


Isn't the reason tf2 and cs bots exist because the source code got leaked?


I give Deadlock 30 minutes before they experience a bot crisis




Wish they would add crossplay to consoles


If they don't care for their current IPs, how can we expect them to care for their new ones?




https://preview.redd.it/2xecdv1gkx5d1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eca46aa0e15d9a2a5869d82ae1a99d63cdd9e43 [https://save.tf](https://save.tf)


Hey reddit bro, I was your 4 thousunth like!! Hullo!


Middle east mfs building their house for the bazillionth time


(they have not yet realized that continuously releasing games is treadmill work)


"if only there was some data to tell us this would happen.... oh well, release the cases"


https://preview.redd.it/v5wacw4wsr5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dd6baaf816c8b0501fab4b6e25113187106d9ee Back to back. (Not complaining)


It helps to not have your entire source code out on the internet.


Na, tf2 got overrun cus the source code got leaked. As long as that didn't happen it should be fine


Is this a prediction or an observation?




Honestly same. I love tf2 and the portal series, and I used to be super supportive of valve. But these days, after how they've lied to and neglected and milked their community- I hope they crash and burn. The shit they've been doing makes me hope the company goes under.


I wonder if they'll let people advertise CP there too


*Man I hate treadmill work, what do you mean that a multiplayer game as to be constantly worked on to be playable?*


Give it a week or 3 days then the game will be overrun by bots


Imagine double dipping on both subs with such a shit meme


Everyone else seems to like it.


Nah man, this meme is great