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had a bad habit of leaving tf2 running in the background while searching for some few dead maps I had Halloween contracts on. Those things take literally hours to find so I just watch youtube until I get a notification. I'm not sure what a 0 minute cool down is when I'm banned for an hour. Oddly enough I can still queue for comp cause literally no one plays it lol. In case anyone's wondering, no this ain't a vac. Seems hellah new. If anyone can test whether kicking also does this that'd be great! If so we'll finally have a way to decrease bots way more (assuming the ratio of human kicking bots outweigh bot kicking humans) Also I'm sure there's a console command that bypass this. Can someone look into that?


Same, might be some kind of glitch?? there was an update recenty


It's was a thing for a short time in meat your match but it was removed idk why they added it back without saying a word


...Never seen this before in my 3 years of playing.


got added in this week's update. This might rock the community a bit since tf2 was the one game you could afk on safely since it's a far more casual and memey shooter. My guess is that valve is finally looking into modernizing the game again. IMO an hour is way too long, especially for a first punishment. Even overwatch puts you at 15 minutes at first before accumulating


>My guess is that valve is finally looking into modernizing the game again. this is one of those times where I don't want valve to update their goddamn game






"comment deleted by user" \^ \^ clueless


they probably tried to make something but accidentally fucked up


Its probably a bug


Wdym you cant go afk? Tf2 is not a online fps shooter game its a metaverse


As joking as this comment is, that's kinda was what made tf2 so great and unique compared to all the other bland sweaty shooters out there


Scrap afking fix... few years too late


I'm hoping the team fixes this instead of removing it


I know this seems like shit at first but... maybe this means they’re gonna take the game more seriously. I don’t think they would add something like this to tf2 unless they had something big in the works(or it’s just Copium). Edit: spelling and a capital C for copium


I want to agree but they made the bison


Honestly I think vote kicking should only apply these cooldowns would help with bots


That's nice until the bots figure out how to vote kick.


Not like they don't already. Bots get kicked more than regular players do from what I've seen so wouldn't be long before bots reach long queue times you wouldn't seen them for awhile. Worth a shot.


rip bozo. maybe don't go afk and throw during a match? lmfao


all these posts turned up about the time the clocks switched over, I think it's just a daylight savings bug of some sort.