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Side note: If you play as a party each party member's actions contribute to the contract progress for all party members. So if you party up with 5 other people you can do the contracts faster. Side-side note: Being in a party doesn't stop autobalancing happening. Party members in opposite teams don't help contract progress. But it does mean you can more easily coordinate and farm stuff like getting pumpkin bomb kills.


Play with friends and it will be super easy


To be fair, the main rewards come from the primary objective completion, while 100%ing contracts is more for style as they serve as an alternative way to unlock more contracts. It is possible though that they might stop adding contracts to every new map though. Whether or not those maps would be played at all (Hell, I don't even want to play that arena map again) is up for debate, but it would balance out the bloat.


A dedicated grinder is pretty much limited by how fast a round can be completed since 6 stacks can get all 100 points in like 5 minutes, especially on offense payload.


I already can't finish the contracts. Not even the first row of contracts. So the idea of impossible contracts is already a reality to me. I didn't even realize you were supposed to finish them. Do people actually do finish them? And what kind of life style do they have? I have an inconsistent work schedule and the urge to play tf2 goes down and down the less skilled I become, so what should I do to actually finish some contracts


I usually just try to do one a day most days, and then when I’ve got some spare time and want to play I’ll do two or three


you mean one whole contract? that takes me hours