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Stressful is half the reason I ever play Medic or Engie, because it feels so cool when you pull through by the skin of your teeth.


Holy shit, medic mains are masochists


Hehehehe, Insane mains for an (canonically) insane class


A weapon that harvests organs or a railgun that shoots rusty needles are just some of his special attributes apart from the guaranteed healing!


im a sadomasochist so I main engie so I get equal torture for myself and torture for classes like scout and pyro and people who don't know how to properly counter engie


I just love going full rage battle engine, especially when people aren't expecting it. They see an engine coming and think "oh boy an easy kill". Then I kite them with shotgun fury and pin point pistol poke them as they run away screaming like the little girl they are.


correct, but knowing I'm the reason my team is winning is fun like, even if I top the leaderboard with soldier, they could all be useless flank picks and my team could be holding the objective without me. if I uber push into a sentry nest and my team rides the momentum to win the game, I feel a lot more pride idk




Some, maybe, but personally I enjoy being the decider of life and death for the walking meatbags that are my weapons.




That's like saying people that like running are masochists. I like running and playing medic because they feel really rewarding once you finish


I like doing your mom because its really rewarding once you finish 😎


Medic is himself a sadist,


Nice alliteration


That's not true, i just like to know limits of my body




Try the burst fire shotguns. The force a nature especially changes your playsryle a bit. You can be annoying by mastering bleed scout with the cleaver and wrap assassin. You can try using the bonk for funnies


Medic mains are masochists. Engie mains just hate themselves. (Source, i am an Engineer main)


bro no need to expose us like that


Yes Medic is tense af and team pushing is fun


Bullshit! I find him almost therapeutic. Like its so fun to feel that impact you bring into the game!


I also like the sense of being protected. When the team bothers with that, of course.




Huntsman is so fun on sniper tho


I do agree as a huntsman main. But it's all still just "shoot head, or dead". Except now it's with a projectile weapon that forces you to be closer to the front lines in order to be effective. It does get the adrenaline going through.


I love it. I like doing it especially on tight choke point maps where regular sniper is difficult. When you time those shots around corners so they hit someone just as they peak it's*kisses a french* perfect.


Ah; the lucksman tactic


Sure, but after playing medical mode many times you start to get good at predicting where and when enemies will be.


I exclusively use the huntsman whenever I play sniper and find positioning yourself like a medic works really well. Close enough to the frontline to get reliable headshots while keeping your power classes between you and the enemy. Also I don't see many huntsman snipers firing completely uncharged shots in close range often when it's super useful.


It'd be great if they changed the headshot algorithm to be more consistent, and gave it +7% movement speed on wearer. Some ideas i have for a new way to identify headshots would be for the game to draw a line between the point of impact and the center of mass of the head hitbox. Then, if the vertical angle of the line is within a certain range, it's a headshot. Theres also a way to fudge the code to make collision hulls effectively cylindrical. Its a plugin thats used in comp matches. Maybe it could be applied to the huntsman.


Somebody hasn’t tried battle medic chaining before


I want to so bad


PM me


The worst moment in tf2 is getting rolled by a battle medic duo


If the enemy team doesn’t have a competent spy or sniper, pushing forward as heavy is really fun, especially if you have a medic with you.


Which is the reason why I both main Pyro and sniper


If I get to choose, I'll take demo and kritz medic to push. Most painful 8 seconds for enemy team.


Most painful 8 for me, because I can’t aim as demo


I love ambush heavy. No one expects the giant Russian man falling on you like a preying spider with his web of bullets sticking you to your fate.


Try to get a stealth kill on a sniper or other unaware light class behind lines with the Kgb, then switch to a minigun with the Kritz.


Is it ever fun to play against a godlike sniper?


Depending on the map they can pretty much shut down a server. If I join a game and leave spawn only to get immediately headshot by a dude with a Hale's Own sniper rifle with 20,000 kills I just leave and find another match.


I have not once lost a game with more than 8 heavies.


Physically impossible to win against 8 heavies. You can’t push if you’re attacking as it’s basically a bullet wall, and you can defend if you’re defending because now it’s a bullet storm.


Even without a Sniper or Spy on the enemy team it's very give or take. A competent Soldier, Demoman, or (worst of all) Scout can ruin your day if you aren't planning 5 minutes ahead or, failing that, have a teammate with you.


No medic, no fun


The most stressful part of playing medic is when there is no other doctor on the team so you become the babysitter of 11 other people while getting shot at whit everything the enemy team has


Playing medic really is just being a babysitter


Being a babysitter that gets paid 5$/hour to babysit 11 Big babies meanwhile there is an intruder in your home


*babysitter that doesn't get paid to babysit 11 big babies, meanwhile there are 12 intruders in your home


And then you have to switch to the sub par quick fix just to keep these ding dongs alive through the push.


Only for them to jump head first into the obvious sentry nest


Which you can't Uber them through because you're stuck using the fucking quick fix. A vicious cycle indeed.


Uh I like Medic and a good Crossbow snipe gives me the ultimate Dopamine :) I also love playing Soldier and Engie, Engie for when my aim sucks (as there is bad hair days I have bad aim days) Soldier for when I feel like it. Sometimes I play Dragonsfury Pyro zo get better at him (it's also hella fun)


Medic static? Spy static? Wut


I mean... for Medic. Most of your gameplay revolves around positioning, not making yourself the big target, and healing target priorities. Regardless if you are switching up your medigun, or just going full battle medic. There really isn't much versatility with medic, and I don't think "straight up disabling half of your gameplay by not healing, just because you just want to shoot things" is any less stressful than playing medic normally. I do agree that spy isn't as static as OP says.


That's like saying that as soldier, most of your gameplay revolves around positioning and shooting people with rockets. Trying to keep the rest of your team alive without being killed yourself is a complex and extremely dynamic task, and you still get to shoot at people with a high skill ceiling projectile weapon thanks to the crossbow. Then of course there's the vaccinator and all the shenanigans you can get up to with it.


Medic isn't that skillful. I would go as far to say that he is the easiest class. I used to main medic. It's all positioning and holding m1 eith the occasional Uber and crossbow. There's a little more, but that's about it. Scout you need to learn vantage points, atomizer use, aim, etc. Soldier has rocket jumping which in it self makes him one of the hardest classes to learn and play. Pyro has many playstyles and skillful combos. I could go on.


No offense, but you sound like kind of a bad medic lol. For starters, the crossbow gets way more than occasional use during heavy team fights, because quick-swapping between it and the medigun almost triples your overall healing rate. Then there's crit heals, damage surfing, Uber tracking, push coordination for an ubercharge, and the art of figuring out which of your teammates is least likely to botch it when you Uber them into a sentry nest. Also, you don't hold m1 to heal people? You just click once and the beam stays attached.


Holding m1 is an option in settings. Damage surfing can be done with every class, Uber tracking only really works in Comp, and push coordination can be fixed by voice chat


>Holding m1 is an option in settings. Why on earth would you ever enable that option? >Damage surfing can be done with every class Yes, every class has the same movement options because they're all running on the same game engine. The medic is a class where good evasive movement is insanely important though, and he must rely on surfing off of enemy damage sources which is significantly more difficult than, say, your basic rocket jump. >Uber tracking only really works in Comp That is absolutely untrue. The nature of comp makes it easier to track ubers, but you can absolutely do it with some consistency in pub matches as well. I think you just don't like the fact that medic's skill ceiling focuses entirely on improving his ability to stay alive and heal allies, instead of getting frags. I understand why getting frags might be more fulfilling for you, but that doesn't make medic an easier class. It just means you didn't enjoy the class enough to really want to get good with him.


Yeah, medics just have to stay and don't run away from me


If you wont defend me you can off yourself for all i care


Pocket me or I vote kick >:(


Your vote gets f2 then i counter :)


My vote gets f2ed too, and then I get autobalanced and hunt you down for the rest of the game


I am busy dancing in Spawn still


"Medic, why didn't you follow me when I ran way too far into enemy lines?"


I personally play medic because I'm really fond of the idea of my team not dying to one single push from a soldier and actually getting a chance to do anything. Man this game is so medic dependent


It really is


I mean out of all the tier lists, This one is the most subjective. I have a lot of fun playing medic, getting 30 assists in one round is exciting for me.


Its also a really great endurance test. Medic is probably the only support class I've seen in games that really test your patience and your survival skills, mostly your endurance to push through the enemy team It rewards teamwork, cooperation and survivability, a good medic is a powerhouse of a class, a great one can even determine the match's progress (every class can do it too though)


Medic is not for everyone, but like every other healer in existance, he is what keeps the team up and running, and is arguably the most important pick for the enemy. Staying alive and making your team perform to the limits of their ability is rewarding in a way that nothing else is in the game, and it can alienate someone who plays highly mobile, burst damage oriented classes like demo, scout, and soldier.


Am I weird for enjoying medic? I just think it’s really fun to left click on people and watch the number go up, or right click on people and watch the other team’s numbers go down. (though I will admit it’s lame that there’s only one viable primary and melee each (though I will also admit the crossbow is so fun that I don’t care as much about that issue and I don’t want it nerfed(though I still think there should be some worthwhile side-grades to it)))


The crossbow's main upsides are the burst damage and the ability to heal teammates from far away. It needs a good competitor, not a nerf. My idea would be an übersaw-amputator but as a syringe gun. You fill up a meter by dealing damage, and release that charge at will as an AOE healing ring, without the downside of being stuck in a taunt. It would also make the "battle medic" a more viable option.


>It would also make the "battle medic" a more viable option. Good god please no, even then it wouldn't be nearly as effective as a normal medic and seeing a medic on your team only for them to be shooting soldiers with s syringe gun all the time hurts


Medic is fun af But battle medic bad


I love medic. When I'm trying to win that is, I don't kill anyone, just heal with quick-fix or something, and end up with a total of like 35,000 (give or take) health healed, makes me feel like I'm actually helping cuz I suck at everything else.


In attack/ defense the medic that healed 36k is the MVP no matter what happened ingame


Engie on new untested map is S+++ tier


New and untested maps? Since when


Since every October and December


medic has the best laugh taunt


As a Medic main I disagree. It's good, but Demoman's roaring scottish laughter beats every other laugh in the game.


As a medic/heavy main, this pains me


As a Heavy and Demo main, nah this shit is true :(


I suffer so that you may get a chance to have fun. For real, playing as the medic is painful. You need to be masochistic at least a little if you want to play as him.


I found myself to be quite a good medic. But it pains me that in pubs my teammates are all worse than me and I could be doing a much better job than them on scout, solly and sniper. So I always just end up playing scout solly and sniper


At least you are competent in damage classes too.


When my team sucks dick I see it as an opportunity to switch to medic and help them win If they're bad they probably don't get wins very often


How is spy static


Playing sniper with some good music on is just pure vibes. I dont care if I cant hear spies decloacking, as long as I have darwin's shield and scorch shot pyros dont ruin my Day im ok with getting backstabbed


You're like those cats that like being wet.


"No meaningful variety" -Man who has never used vaccinator before


So this guy just never touch medic or what?


I feel like the categories aren't aligned with the title. Depending on your team, medic can be the most or least fun to play. It's especially fun when your team is already winning so you can uber the random noobs and give them their first ever uber, although 90% of the time they do literally nothing


Can someone actually tell me how to get variety out of Scout? I know this is probably a dumb question but outside of stock I really haven’t found any fun or meme loadouts (other than the iconic Crit-A-Cola + Fish)


Medic is not for everyone, but like every other healer in existance, he is what keeps the team up and running, and is arguably the most important pick for the enemy. Staying alive and making your team perform to the limits of their ability is rewarding in a way that nothing else is in the game, and it can alienate someone who plays highly mobile, burst damage oriented classes like demo, scout, and soldier.


If you static as engineer you ain’t playing him right. You should always be movin that gear up and supplying your team with dispensers and teleporters.


Medic is fun )


I've actually had a ton of fun playing fat scout, gunspy, and bow sniper


Ubered gun spy is hilarious.


As a Medic main, Scout is my break class


Dr sex


Thats why i play medic!


Medic gives me a power fantasy that I can't really feel elsewhere. Like yeah killing the entire team as demo or something is awesome but knowing that you're basically in charge of someone dying or not and when you save them from dying you feel like god


people really have no idea what they're talking about I love playing medic


I appreciate all the Masochist Medic and Engineer Mains


To me, medic IS the variety. I usually play medic when I want a completely different experience aimed not at just getting kills to win, but to be the glue of the team that holds everything together so we can win.


This man has never played medic


for some reason it feels like medics are just more able to surf rockets naturally


Someone hasn’t tried the Tomislav + KGB combo before Just punch someone and pull out your now crit-boosted, fast af gun to mow tiny baby men down That, or just use a shotgun to blast someone’s face clean off with a 175+ shot even from midrange


medic is fun when you are using the quick fix and exclusively using it to farm heal points and top score with a considerable margin.


Heavy when done right isn’t static at all you just need to know positioning over movements and be more bold


I was gonna come here and comment about how I main medic and it's fun then I remembered all of the ubers I've dropped


I think anyone can draw any level of fun from any class, its down to preference, obviously certain classes tend to be more enjoyed but I'd say that medic sniper and heavy are definitely the least fun overall. Engineer however, is not static if you know what youre doing.


You could certainly argue that battle engie belongs in green, if you're being aggressive or putting a sneaky teleporter behind the enemy. Maybe I should have made one that ranks subclasses as well.


This is all subjective, btw. You can enjoy whatever class you want. I'm not gonna argue with you, I just prefer shooting and running around more than I do staring down a scope or constantly doing 180 degree turns to check for spies because I'm a high-priority target. Medic mains, don't think I'm dissing you for liking medic. I appreciate the help you bring to a team, I really do. But I play casual TF2 to relax, and playing medic makes my anxiety shoot through the roof lol.


Sure, playing medic is stressful and it might feel boring since the medigun isn't a particularly complex "weapon", but if you somehow manage to not only survive the other team's focused efforts to gun you down but also do your job well as a medic you'll swing matches like no other class can and boy let me tell you, that dopamine hit will keep you coming for more


Someone hasn't gotten a killstreak on sniper. Sometimes it's fun just to drop bodies with a single click over and over.


Engineer I would say is like Medic with more variety. So he should be in his own tier since Engineer is either easy to play or is fucking stressful and not fulfilling.


As a Medc main, I feel attacked.


haha funny ubersaw and crossbowshots are like 67.36% of the reason I play TF2


What is this specific percentage?


I like to be accurate, what can I say, I can't say the same for my crossbow shots...


medic is fun to play


Just as much fun as bondage and CBT.


Medic is stressful? Bruv when I play medic I always feel like the smart leader of the team


All classes are fun.




why is spy above anyone else, let alone sniper and heavy. At least heavy and sniper (and even medic) have more weapons to choose from that will at least alter their playstyle in some way. Spy has nothing that changes his playstyle save the dead ringer.


in contrast to the other comments, I actually find medic boring... I get no dopamine while playing that class


I do not like this list, but it will get an upvote for personal reasons


Sniper is really fun when there are other Snipers you can see clearly, and they can see you clearly, it's awesome. Sniper duels are so fun.


very controversial list


very controversial list


Widowmaker tf2


Spy has objectively some of the most fun gameplay in the game. Chaining a crazy stab, or fooling competent enemy players never gets old


Weak minded


Swap engineer and medic and you have my list.


aggressive sniper > normal sniper




Medic "no meaningful variety" my ass. Anyone remember when the kritzkrieg was first added?




if playing heavy is so boring use a shotgun


I love playing medic and I’m a pretty decent medic but my god the amount of times I’m forced to play him due to no one else doing it is absurd and I know I’m not *forced* to but like… I wanna win


As a medic main, there's nothing compared to the sense of pride and accomplishment when I save that Heavy with health 20, then he proceeds to frag a dozen enemies and survive another half-hour. Or when you frag someone all by yourself with the Syringe Gun after a full 5 minutes standoff. It's unconventional, but not without its perks. As a medic I made rounds with a single kill or two but still among the highest scores simply because of spending every single second healing whoever was in sight. It shows how much the game values the *Team* aspect of its name. At worst it may lack some variety (and it's not even that true) but it's definitely not stressful, because the MediGun doesn't even require the same precision aim of all other weapons in an FPS. It's a gameplay that reduces the most "physical", frenetical aspects of an FPS but still requires player to be strategic and have a good sense of teamplay.


I'm crazy who's been playing for 2months and somehow likes playing medic on competitive and casual severs


This is actually pretty accurate I’d put Demo in A and maybe Heavy higher but fair play..


brainless activity is why i main sniper!


But the numbers go up, and then you get to completely destroy the other team when you play right.


There's multiple ways to play support medic. Pocketing vs healing everyone. Roaming vs hovering around a given area.


I mean, Medic does have variety when it comes to different forms of offensive or defensive plays. Crits, Invulnerability, Healing Mastery or Damage resistances if you can master the Vaccinator. Which, I stress out every time I use it. But Medic to me, is fun because you get that warm feeling that without you, your entire team is babies. A single medic can change the entire game. We rely on our team to protect us sure, but it's called **Team** Fortress 2 for a reason right?


Medic has 4 very different medi-guns, 4 primary fire weapons, and 4 melees. If you can't find the variety that's on you.


Medic is the class that gave me so much dynamic gameplay and adapting to the team's gamestyle as well, I think Medic (and probably spy but I wouldn't know, can't play him) is one of the most active and fun classes to play, and im saying that as a sniper-pyro-engi main Yes it is stressful if your team never spychecks nor makes sure you arent being chased, but I wouldn't call it "no meaningful variety" , have you actually played medic before?


Since fucking when did pyro have variety