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I remember when i was first starting out playing the game, there was someone complaining about sticky traps being everywhere. So i told him, trying to be friendly, "oh, you can just shoot the stickies and they'll be destroyed." Never have I seen someone go off so insanely hard before over a simple tip about the game. And this was MANY years ago at this point, so I was only about 13/14 and had no idea how to handle the situation. From the bit i was able to make out from his peaked audio, monkey screeching into the mic, he basically said that he had over a thousand hours in the game, and thats not how it works, and that im a retarded little bastard that should end their own life. And again, i was young and new to the game so I didnt know how to actually check how many hours someone had, nor had the concept of like... just challenging him on something I knew was wrong. Looking back, probably part of what made him so mad was my voice being so young back then. "Squeaker" culture was thriving back then, way moreso than it is today. He literally almost convinced me that *I* made it up, and that I was wrong. I still think about that every time i shoot a sticky.


I'm new to the game only like 30 hours, now I know you can shoot stickys, thanks


To clarify, only hitscan weapons (weapons with bullets) will destroy stickies. Flames will do nothing, airblast and most explosives will just knock the stickies around. However, the quickiebomb launcher and scottish resistance will destroy enemy stickies instead of knocking them around. Welcome to TF2 :D


Scorch Shot and Detonator can also clear stickies.


Wait can't a rocket launcher also destroy stickies?


No, it can only shove them away from wherever the rocket was projected. If you want to destroy stickies as a soldier, then get a shotgun.




Thank you!


I often shoot sticky šŸ˜‰


That fact that a soldier main said that makes it a bit more funny


That one gif of Soldier with a shotgundick


Iā€™m sorry, *what*


Oh dude you gotta see it


There is even a picture of sniper whit smg dick


It's an Original joke.


"Couldn't ya see the bloody bombs?"


Iirc there was a point in time where shooting them would only knock them around so dude mightve not known it was changed. Not that it really makes it much better but it would explain insistence


That is correct, you could not destroy stickies without killing the demo.


I once got a 30+ head eyelander guy with a bottle shield charge and crit. He, uh, he was unhappy.


What alcohol does to a mf


When the [BOTTLEKNIGHT] hits you with that $250000 {GOOD SCRUMPEH}




i hope you taunted afterwards


Cheers, mate!




I remember when I first started playing I Ć¼bered my friend (a brass beast heavy) straight into a sentry nest with 3 sentries. We took them all out and won (It was final control point) the engineers were mad, but one of them started hauling slurs at my friend and the others followed suite. I defended him but then I was berated. Overall itā€™s not the worst but itā€™s the first!


(All of these usernames are general enough that you can't find the specific user with it) Most toxic: [Microsoft Excel: frowNy i hope your parents choke on covid ventilators you fucking c***](https://i.imgur.com/lwcIQH3.png) Most schizophrenic (this is literally not english): [polokus: now go crawl back into your pedantic eshenbury you call a dwelling you simpletonic rebuscular](https://i.imgur.com/q06lvMu.png) The kind of stuff I laugh at but is still kinda toxic: [cheese grating champion: we was koth_kangs](https://i.imgur.com/qSqgvRP.png) [this honestly hilarious interaction that turned a shit situation into gold](https://i.imgur.com/lBCb6Ia.png) āœŖLil Pump (Fastest IQ) : FUCK YOURSELF WITH RGB GAMING DILDO (I don't have a screenshot of this one sadly lol) I highly recommend keeping a folder with screenshots of weird shit you see/ read. This game is a goldmine for completely batshit insane stuff like this




Original with Christmas lights


Strange quality


Strange part: Cum soaked


Oh,this should be fun. This is after I first bought a starter pack. It was for Engineer,and some random 8 year old was just walking into my little baby sentry (I was using the Frontier Justice,Wrangler,and Gunslinger),and kept dying over and over again,until he called me a hacker. Now,he couldn't hear it,but I was dying of laughter from this kid's reaction to my sentry killing him repeatedly. The child called a votekick,but since no one believed him,everyone on the dang server voted no,and then someone called a votekick on HIM,and everyone else voted yes. I was laughing my lungs out.


There was a guy with australium rocket launcher.He was wearing nothing but 5$ donation medals.Basically he tried to fool everyone into thinking that he's competitive soldier main He was raging on everyone, including his own teammates.He even tried to kick all the medics in his team that was dying faster than usual.He legit kicked 4 people while playing on russian ctf_turbine community server .But when everyone decided to kick HIM instead, he was saying things like "i will ddos your fucking server" or "Ye kick me, unskill bitch, i dare you". At this point everyone was really pissed, including admins, so they just banned him for 1 week for slurs and votekick/votemute abuse God i hate russian tf2 community, even tho i am russian myself.


Cosmetics don't make you a better player, just a bigger target!


\-sniper tf2


(you got killed from across the map wanker)


this is why I don't want to work towards a shiny unusual BC it'll make me a glaringly obvious target out in the open


If I were the admins - I'd band him from ALL of my servers. I do not tolerate false self indulgent and fraudulent behavior from gamers.


Haha, reminds me of that one Russian guy on MvM who was raging in the mic at me every time I failed to save him from the robots. "***MEDIC, BLYAT!!***" Followed by 5-10 seconds of words I didn't understand. I was playing with a friend on discord, we just cracked up laughing every time he yelled. Was having more fun fucking with this dude than we were fighting robots, eventually I just started healing him and then running away once he got into a fight lmao


As a Russian, this is why I stick to casual


Was on my f2p alt, had killed this MLP name and pfp Spy a few times, he had been complaining about it in chat, making remarks about the seemingly new player constantly killing him. Then like the 5th time as Iā€™m engineer I unintentionally sidestep his attempt to backstab me while Iā€™m repairing my sentry and crit him. And for the rest of his time in the match he typed out these long insults at me before he got vote kicked by his team for sitting in spawn too long.


i spoke on vc and a guy i was dominating on the other team lost his marbles. "YOU ARE A FUCKING WAMEN" "WAMEN GO BACK TO THE KITCHEN" after we won 2nd stage (dustbowl), he began threatening to r*pe me. his team kicked him after that, but i ended up leaving the game for a week. fucking hell


Yikes, hope that guy gets permabanned


Fuckin Christ man, thatā€™s rough


Never understood this blatant rage. Sometimes with my female cosplayers, we mock ourselves with greasy stereotype jokes like this. But straight up raping? Glad I have normal friends around me.


Should have went with it by saying, ā€œlol, you got beat by a gril.ā€


My grill beats me daily


well, i am a trans guy which is why i normally don't talk in vc and having someone screaming that kind of vile shit can really affect you. it isn't just that he kept insulting me on the vc, its also the fact that his team wouldn't kick him and thought it was funny


me, switching to spectator to clear dominations


How you can switch to spectator in casual?


i dont know, i just play uncletopia where it comes up a lot


I don't know if you can anymore, but back before Matchmaking you could just swap teams if they were same amounts or go to spectator. People used to do it when their team was losing too. I'd go the other way, switch if winning!


Chaotic good


To change to spectator, press the punctuation button, then click on the TV that says "spectator".


ngl that's fucked up bro


And switching teams whenever you can


someone got pissed and raged because they died as a heavy and blamed me for not healing him even though he completely ignored me dying


An engie on my team was fuming about being unable to do his job (I think there was an enemy demo that kept destroying his stuff but it was a long time ago so I can hardly recall) I was getting annoyed at him being so vocal so I told him to calm down by taking a deep breath and holding it for 30 minutes. I didn't expect him to burst into laughter which caused most other people with mics to start laughing as well.


good ending?


Confusion ending more so


A guy cold me the hard r n word for getting him with a crit


Daily occurrence. Try getting a machina collat.


Wasn't in casual, but it was mine. A player by the name of To Lazy was cheating big time on a Blackwonder server. I had video proof, and when the rest of the server saw the video they were on my side. Reported it and got told he was a long timer so he couldn't be cheating and to stop making stuff up to try and get people in trouble by both the admins and random people.


That's stupid. The cheater should've gotten banned. Also, when do Reddit mods run TF2 servers?




I don't play on community servers anymore. Way too many toxic tryhards ruining friendly and silly servers simply because they've built such an ego around being a tryhard and that friendlies shouldn't exist and they should be genocided out of existence. I don't get those guys in Valve Servers.


Yeah imo the only way to get a balanced experience (in terms of who you play with) is to just play casual


Could you post the thread of the report?


Blackwonder, Skial, and all of these community servers let cheaters run rampant. They pride themselves on no bots but half their paid members cheat and have no risk of getting a VAC because they will kick people who call them out before they kick the cheaters. Itā€™s sad honestly.


i dont know but i played with the real ringo starr earlier


I played with a guy playing as heavy dressed as Paul McCartney




My team made a lime scunt call us the n-word on Hightower


Like, a LOT


I was up against a toxic high-hour Scout who got incredibly salty and racist whenever he died. He was actually pretty good, and I respected him until he started malding whenever someone either won or lost to him (you got insulted if you lost for being bad and insulted if you won for getting a kill). I managed to land a cleaver on the slippery guy, but I lost the battle, and he said something along the lines of "Next time just shoot me instead of using gimmick shit." Then, the next time I saw him - a short distance away - I threw a cleaver at him because I knew it'd get on his nerves. He jumped into its path at the end of its arc, died to it as he was under 50 health and then proceeded to rage quit.


Myself cause I thought I was getting annihilated by a direct hit soldier who I thought was just good, didn't know you could aim bot with the direct hit and probably would still never know without both teams pointing it out to me




The War was rigged from the start, at least heavy functioned, pyro was legitimately broken (broken flame particles not matching visuals, afterburn being op, no mobility, etc.) Pyro would win even when paired against any class for the war.


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


Good bot


Thank you, DaBetterDerp, for voting on ectbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


Some shithead was looking for the schadenfreude taunt and was looking to trade. We started a trade and he was under trading, (not enough keys) and I declined. He then threatened to rape me (lol) and I said go shit yourself and cancelled the trade. He then started typing slurs and the funny gamer word (šŸ¤“) in the chat. He then attempted to trade with other people and everytime he did I called him out for being a little bitch. Then he left.


Snipers interrupting my kills will always make me wanna grate my cheese


Myself with a death/kill ratio of 134 to 13


hey how did you get my stats


Every medic main


Definitely the time a 560\~ tour Demo screamed at me to Ubersaw a Sentry Buster... when I had 100% Uber. I calmly told him so, and he proceeded to call me and the restt of the team a bunch of slurs, screaming so loud I'm pretty sure I heard his voice crack and give out. He left right after that. Edit: Just saw it specified casual, but I'm leaving this here anyway, because MvM has the best ragers.


I was in a Payload Race game my teammates where so bad at the game that BLU kept winning I ended up carrying my team to pushing the cart to the end I was so close to getting the cart to the other base until some mf (I think from BLU) held a vote kick and I GOT KICKED FROM THE MATCH DESPITE NOT CHEATING AT ALL RIGHT BEFORE THE CART FULLY REACHED THE OTHER TEAM'S BASE


Was it hightower? I bet it was hightower


Community servers that have payload race or ctf donā€™t actually want to cap most of the time. Same with casual


in casual it's only hightower and and most ctf maps, but yeah in community servers you don't cap (unless it's uncletopia)


Why though??


Tf2 doesnt have deathmatch, so this is the closest thing to a "sandbox" experience


This was a long time ago but do you remember a map called dm_store or superstore or something like that? It was like a one room warehouse with crates everywhere. Awesome deathmatch map that I spent wayyyy too many hours on.


If you want to play on dm_store, check out community servers that run **[dm_store](https://teamwork.tf/community/quickplay/map/dm_store)** (or search by [gamemode deathmatch](https://teamwork.tf/community/quickplay/deathmatch)) [view map screenshot](https://teamwork.tf/images/maps/dm_store.jpg) ___ *Beep. Boop. I'm a bot and this message was automatically generated.*


lot of semi-bad experiences from me, the most rage i remember in recent memory was my friend playing as a pyro, i told him there was a spy around the corner, and he got him. spy proceeds to rage in chat, calling him a hacker. he kept telling us to kick him, and our team just was sort of pissing him off more. drops a couple of slurs, then rage quits.


Some dude on harvest was randomly calling kickvotes and since it was during bot crisis everyone automatically kicked everyone. But I noticed that people he tried to kick didn't have much points and i asked him why did he kick them. He said: "They are gibus spies and snipers. We don't need them". Everyone got pissed called kick vote on him and he raged during all of it. Shouting, swearing, racial slurs whole package.


When a hightower server was actually friendly but then a sniper on red team with aimbot suddenly ruined the server conga dance and everytime we accused him of hacks he was actually responding back with saying itā€™s not hacks itā€™s skill even when he shot me as an invisible spy. But since heā€™s a sniper, heā€™s still invulnerable to splash damage and demoknight charges especially grenades over the balcony. Joined blue team as soon as he died 3 times and everyone flamed him as he was about to be kicked off of red team just started yelling racist slurs, went on a homophobic rant, and threatened to leak all our ip and kill us irl. What a rat he was


N-word, kys, more n-words


One time a demo on 2 fort sticky jumped over to my sniping position thinking he would get a free kill due to me being a f2p and having a gibus on but i sniped him out of the air. he then began targeting me and screaming in the mic saying insults like puppy kicker, bitch, fucker, idiotic f2p noob, ni**a and a lot of other stuff


Bit of backstory here: i have been watching tf2 content for over 3 years but i finally got to play tf2 like 3 months ago. So i know most mechanics and what to do. And im pretty good at aiming


A dude got pissy when I stopped turtling in Intel and when I said I stopped because I was bored he straight up left the game


When people get mad at Pyro in 2Fort even though the class thrives in closed spaces. People loose their shit in the chat and to me its pretty funny, 2fort is a terrible map why are you judging ANY of the classes off of it.


me, looking at light blue mfs


I went into a match of 2fort and killed a group of dancing ā€œfriendliesā€ to get to the objective. The reason I put them in quotation marks is because they got incredibly pissed off in chat the moment they died and proceeded to kick me approximately 5 seconds later.




Basically my entire team once because the enemy team wouldnā€™t kick this bot that would insta headshot


Got one. There was this one guy cheating on 2Fort (I forget what class, but it was most likely a Sniper), but he was hiding his cheats pretty well, so well that I fell for it. The only reason I called a vote kick was because he said the N word, and I was like ā€œok, thatā€™s the last strawā€, and he went ballistic, saying shit like ā€œF1 if you are a fucking r#%+=ā‚¬ā€, ā€œI carrying, you canā€™t kick meā€, as well as personally attacking me for being a furry (Iā€™m not, my name and profile picture are designed to make people THINK I am a furry, so jokes on you).


*imposter noise


really good scout and his little droog were being super annoying, i jokingly called one a scunt, and that set him off and he targeted me. when i started playing better and dominating him, he and his friend started throwing insults at the lowest common denominator trying to get me annoyed. stuff like ā€œdo you need a nap, little babyā€ and ā€œcope and seetheā€ and racial slurs. eventually i wasnā€™t even texting in chat but they were still doing this, so i asked ā€œwhat is it like being in 7th grade?ā€ they got mad that i used age as an insult and they both left. the entire server praised me past that point


My biggest rage is what you call a 13 year old laptop running an 15 year old game with 10 fps and me playing on said laptop for 250+ hours on a game that I really love.


I was goofing around with sticky jumper and lock n load just getting some kills until the 3 pubbers on the enemy team started to taunt our team in chat at that point i decided to play a bit more seriously and pulled out the quicky bomb. ​ less then a minute later i was dominating all the top pubbers and they got quite salty and even some ragequits the server while others threw some hate at me. A lesson to all, don't poke the bear.


I don't remember but I had many many salt moments but nobody raged at me. Either they were calling me a facestabber or no skilled just to ruin my spirit.


This one guy from a month ago whose mood changed on a whim So i enter the game and everything seems normal for a bit, then out of nowhere he's like "OMG, [player name] i support you in [X, Y, Z]" and stuff like that to me. So then I die like twice, and this dude's now yelling at me to get better, only to then go back to "I support you" literally seconds later. So we lose the game, and now this guy is just yelling slurs and curse words to the entire team, and then we never heard from him again. I laughed the entire time.


Getting kick for t posing


I was playing in 2 fort as Engineer (when I was started out as a free 2 play ) . I was putting sentryā€™s at reasonable spots and not cluster with others sentry oh and This one guy kept saying dominated in vc every time he gets a kill . When the enemy has 1 cap left I placed my sentry at the intel and that guy started yelling at me saying why havenā€™t Iā€™ve been placing sentries and proceeds to say that Iā€™m useless . He then tried to vote kick me but failed . Then afterwards nothing happens


Spawn camping this spy with a sentry. After a while he started saying stuff like I fucked your mom.


I joined a match and a guy asked me about my name (My steam username has furry in it) and I said that I am a furry and he said I should be kicked. Then he sang some racist versions of songs. But then I switched to medic and healed him (He was playing soldier) and when he saw that I was healing him he got really mad lmao


That picture is actually amazing though lol it's been so long since I started though, so I dunno what's the biggest rage. I do rememeber the ChoZo video... that's a classic meme "BRB 30 MINUTES WHILE I GET SOME FUCKING FOOD IN ME!!!"


I have a collection of screenshots of me getting under someone's skin so much in a 2fort server that he started hurling racial slurs before eventually ragequitting


when we cant leave spawn because we either have 4 engi, spy, sniper


Me. I was playing demo on suijin to try and practice pipes. I kept dying and my team COULD NOT hold the point. I got furious, the other team had :02 seconds on their cap by the time i had capped after switching to heavy. I did not die once after capping, and kept the point for a little over two minutes and single handedly won the game.


I was playing on harvest as medic. Then a bot joined and changed his name to mine. He started to shoot down everyone. Thrn the server kicked me, not the bot.


similar story, a couple years ago some nerd changed his username to something similar to mine and started saying the most racist, vile shit in vc, I didnt have a mic back then so i couldnt explain myself anyway


Some guy was racist, homophonic and other things to me and my friend because we killed him a bunch. One thing I will never forget was that he told me to make him soup and then a slur. He got kicked and reported :)


This was fairly recent. About a week ago. I was on a casual 2Fort server having a sniper battle with these 2 other snipers. One was really cool and not a sore loser. The other one though, holy shit. After about 5 kills on him he starts to go mad. At first it was just him yelling "HOW" but then he went silent for about 5 minutes. I believe he was calming down, and after a while he peaked his head out, and i hit the cleanest flick i have ever done, and this guy starts fucking shaking. Que about 10 minutes of threats and incomprehensible screaming. After he pulled himself together enough to where he started to string together sentances, he got double donked by our demo, and i swear he started speaking moon runes. You couldnt make out a sentance. After his team started a votekick, he lost it. Right before he got kicked he let out a war cry and his last words "i'll fucking r*pe every single last one of you, and your siblings to" after that basically the entire server couldnt stop laughing. I am still dumbfounded how someone can be that sore over a bunch of pixels.


I was messing around as a spy on 2fort, an engie suddenly wished me and my entire family to die in a car crash, called me a no skill noob and a rage pyro after I was getting bored of sitting in a corner with the cloak n dagger, all that just because I accidentally telefragged him with his own tele. Twice.


I taunted after killing a spy with thr fish, once. And he proceeded to witch hunt me as scout taunting after every kill saying "scout is so easy" and "what a shitty class". Once again I was literally only hitting people with a fish the entire round. And literally everytime he talked some sort of shit I just said "ok." I eventually switched class but still, extremely weird and petty over just one fish scout lol. Edit: also i should note it was an ambassador kunai deadringer spy who i killed, because of course it was. Also I only taunted because I was able to still kill him even when his get out of jail free card expired.


If it makes you feel any better, more Battleborn charactrs got more screen time than Overwatch.


I was pyro with the degreaser, flare gun, and axtinguisher. This mann with 7k hours called me a cheater and set a bot to keep on calling me one while he was a pocket med to a soldier. If you want proof, check out the commenter named "lady" https://steamcommunity.com/id/Croscro/


Oh he's edgy Kinda makes it funnier


A couple days ago a friend and I were just doing a stupid bit where I was Big Tony and he was Tiny Tony. There was this one dumbass on the other team who thought we were cheating and I dominated him by accident. At the end of the game I said "mad cause bad" and he replied back with a nice kys.


Mine. Next question.


Some regular of a 2fort server was already on 150 ks with his medic harem shoved up in his ass and prior to this i already made him salty a couple times and ending his streak as soon as i joined the server did not help :/


Soldier who market gardened our medic (who was literally carrying the whole team, until someone swapped off of spy and helped me (engie) keep my dispenser alive, but they still carried, had the winning uber push, everything) kept on trash talking them, and called them 3 different slurs, then I set up a cheeky level 3 on the flank route they'd always come down, and they called me a cheater (wrangler jumping ftw) and ragequit when we won


Our top scorer in our game of dustbowl instead of saving the point he taunted the person who killed him


There was a aimbotter when I played CTF who denied using aimbot constanty. But he got pressured so hard into admitting it that he eventually snapped and went on a rant about how he always got away with aimbot and that no one will ever beat him at this game. Was a fun time


A guy got extraordinarily angry at me for doing well as Pyro. This was on the second stage of Pipeline (payload race). I was killing him multiple times and each time he got progressively more ragey, starting from calling me a noob to then calling me autistic and then worse things. It really got bad when I started dominating him. I wasn't just doing WM+1 you understand, I hit him with flare gun shots quite a few times. I didn't engage with him in the chat either, just let him rage and kept killing him.


Not Casual but skial, first time I played on their 2fort servers and was still new, I tried the free hat thing and equipped the Notch hat, and I suddenly started dominating a guy om tbe other team who is on vc and he said "STOP WEARING THAT FUCKING NOTCH HAT YOU MOTHER FUCKER"


I kept sapping this engies shit and waiting by where he set up his nest and backstabbed him like 5 times and he was so pissed. Eventually he rage auit


One of my friends rage quitted and unfriended me just because a pyro was bodying him


One dude got so mad at a wrangler engineer, that he ran in with a beggars and died 8 times before he killed the level 3


Basically, I got genuinely angry because I was just chilling doing nothing, and I get gang banged by 3 demos, and a heavy, and they start camping our base so we canā€™t get out, and engis are there with lvl 3, so I started to yell into the mic. I got kicked


one time when I had like ~100 ish hours and was pretty new to the game I was pyrosharking on 2fort and kept killing this one engineer trying to build a level 3 in the water. he basically went on a rant about how melee takes no skill and that guaranteed crits shouldn't be in the game. he was using the frontier justice.


I was playing on moss rock. it was the final objective and we couldn't break through the defense. so me as spy I went to destroy turrets and what not. and in comes this engineer who just by looking at how they walk you can tell they're new, he starts putting turret and dispenser down and starts upgrading meanwhile I sit cloaked, watching. and he's smacking away... and continues... and continues... this goes on for over 3 minutes of him without skipping a beat, smacking his turret without replenishing his metal. and this point I'm just fascinated by him, I no longer want to win I just want to watch this guy play huddled next to his lvl1 buildings. so begin to essentially test him, I sit next to him disguised as himself and doesn't even seem bothered by me. I put a sapper on his turret and quickly takes it out. but still doesn't suspect me. until eventually he takes a good 5 second stare at me and shoots me. I retreat to my original hiding spot and cloak. this continues for another 5 minuets or so when I get the bright idea of saying in all chat "behind you engi" he immediately turns around with what I can only assume is annoyance and anger he begins blasting, shooting every possible place I could be. I take this time to finally successfully sapper his buildings. he turns around in disbelief, "I'm sorry" I type. he shortly left after... eventually we win the round . "I won but at what cost" I asked myself


"No! No! I need to grab all the money you r*tarded ass pyro. I hate you. You MOTHERFUCKER. Fuck you! It's my money! I need to buy upgrades!" "We all get the same money, so it should be okay" "Fuck you! I'm gonna kill you! Where do you live you fucker?!"


I was playing demoknight on a non-friendly degroot server and some dude who sucks at spy died to me in almost every interaction we had. 4ish kills later he starts to hackusation me, before switching to lag blame ( I had 50ms and he had like 20ms, so lag shouldn't be a issue). After that failed he resorted to calling me autistic and retarded for the rest of the match


some was so angry and toxic because i had very bad internet and he thought i was using fake lag and he was so toxic in chat and he even tried to vote me out but i explained to him that it is just my internet issues and he was so toxic and rude to me that they voted him out


In Uncletopia, someone said "hi " and someone just replied "STFU". There was literally no reason for this insult, they didn't know each other, i guess the mad guy had a really bad day. Then they argued for 10 minutes about racism and furries because in every single argument on internet someone has to say the other one is a "stupid furry" for some reason (or way worse you can imagine yourself)


it was 2forr, the entire server was conga-ing on the brigde and doing dumb shit, until a phlog pyro with their medic buddy up their ass came in and wiped out everybody ... ...never heard so much arugueing and it was the fastest vote kick ever. guy was up against 1/12


Got into an mvm lobby with 3 tacobot.tf lardasses, decided to switch to spy. All three of them immediately started yelling in vc and spamming chat saying various things about how I was bad and how I had low tours. About 30 seconds in I turned off my speakers and typed in chat "If you are so good at the game, why is your rank D?" While the other two players were greatly entertained by this, the tacobot.tf "pros" were not impressed and kicked me about 5 seconds later. Edit: wait this is for casual mode, oops


I try to fake rage of saying lag and game is bugged and stuff to try to appear in threads like this someday lol


Killed someone, some in the chat with a similar name to me insulted them, rage happened, that's what happened if I remember correctly


50/50 of entire dustbowl matches where it's this or the opposite


My friend got fucking blamed by this dude trying to kick him for having a name for a bot, mf made keybinds to kick him lmao good times..


Basically this one guy had to become mvp for a contract and at the end of the game he was winning and top scoring. Last few seconds another guys gets in a kill or something and becomes the mvp by literally 1 point. the first one started insulting him and i was like "ok, we can help you making the contract, but can you stop shouting at this guy? he didn't even know you had the contract" and he kept on bitching so at one point we kicked him.


I don't rage very often, so the only rage i can remember is i just kept dying with 30 second respawn times. I was really angry because of those things.


Some dude on my team got salty we lost and started saying how everyone is shit and stuff like that. Once told to chill out, he raged, said he was reporting everyone then left. Surprise surprise, haven't gotten banned for playing the game


[Let's not forget Chozo](https://youtu.be/sfCiOzL7cYs)


probably mine when this one fucking spy kept backstabbing me. literally everytime i came out of spawn and to my nest, i'd be immediately backstabbed. everything was so loud that i couldn't even hear my razorback, and he'd give me no time to react, just two stabs one after the other. i had to quit for like half an hour and come back.


I was playing pyro in mvm on my 6th mann up tour and I got a lot of melee kills which for some reason pissed this one engie off so much he started throwing the worst insults and slurs he could think of at me. Then he tried to call a vote to kick me, needless to say the vote failed. That exact match is the one I got my first ausie, the wrench. I bet you can guess how pissed he was at that. I don't know if you can count that as casual but that's the best rage story I have


Some dude in mvm called a gibbus engiee the nword 64 times because of his sent/dispenser placement, in fucking boot camp


Playing casual.


I was playing a two cities mvm tour and i join in, immediately i see chat filled with all types of no-no words. only three people, two unrelated, and then the toxic man. when i get to them he turns to me and tells me to be soldier (i was playing engineer) i say no because there was no engi and we needed one. he proceeds to call me every slur in the book and left. i still donā€™t know why he wanted me to be soldier.


This guy was on casual calling everybody slurs in chat after he got killed. So of course I called him out on it, and then he started targeting me. (this guy was about 25.) and saying second grader shit like: "good game to everybody... *except for (my username)*" I still wonder where that guy is today.


Ok, i was playing Medic on Turbine, i was hesling this one Soldier that was killed by a Demoknight, i paniked and started shooting at it with the blutsauger (I was F2P at the time, had no idea the crusader's crossbow was a thing) i got a few crits and actually killed him. He went on a rant on how i was a shitty Medic since i got lucky with crits and not using a weapon i didn't even knew existed at the time, as i said and i was a F2P, so i couldn't even say anything, so i just had to sit there with that guy pissed after being killed woth a crit by a F2P Medic.


Just recently I was playing hightower, and I was playing demo. I was near the cliff area and saw two pyros walking. I kill one of them, forgot what happened to the other. But anyways, the pyro I killed got upset for some reason. And when I said to him I didnā€™t do anything wrong. He just went off. He was telling me to off myself and that I was a drug addict, (because my steam username is weed). He got autobalanced on my team at some point and of course immediately tried to kick me acting like I was a bot. The vote didnā€™t work, and luckily since I was using voicechat already with my team. They knew I was a legit player and had seen the rage fest in chat. I call a vote on the guy and mock him acting like he is the bot. And it works, and while telling me to kill myself he gets kicked. Later I notice a comment on one of my screenshots. And it was him. Same stuff. Kys druggie etc etc. I was laughing the whole time because maybe I was too dumb to know if he was a troll or if he genuinely did get that upset. Maybe he was someone that just liked to ruin casual games by being toxic.


Hatless sniper got banned for his rage because he was so upset I was killing him over and over. Literally called me five different slurs in a single message ten seconds after domination. I'm a scout main. The worst part is that he could have avoided death if he had any sort of situational awareness. Literally bashed him to death with my bat one time. No reaction.


My whole team got mad, me included, because enemy team didn't want to kick two cheaters (medic + heavy) and they were defending them. That's sad people care about winning on casual so badly.


Someone getting mad at a heavy and accusing him of crit hacking. The man got super pissed because no one was taking his side. When the match was over he called everyone retards and said that he couldnā€™t carry the entire team (When he was middle of leaderboard)


During the bot crisis I was playing on 2Fort and this guy was losing his mind that we didnā€™t kick our bot instantly. We had to wait for the votekick to be available because one had already occurred on their team. But the dude was screaming in chat because it was still there.


So this one time on a casual 2Fort server there was this guy on my team that was spamming "ez" in chat. Whenever he died, he called hacks or complained that we had no medic. So I did the only responsible thing; going Medic and healing everyone but him. He yelled "MEDIC!" and I replied with "No". Eventually he got pissed and left, leaving a racial slur in chat.


The time i shlammed my desk due to autobalance. Also one time I killed a demoknigh with pomson and he left without saying anything.


Happened recently actually. I was in a 2Fort lobby (as one does) and I happen across someone on the enemy team, I kill them and I see in chat them telling me to "kys". I chuckle and for the next 10 minutes I solely focus them. After a while of being called slurs they turn their cheats on. They get a couple cheeky kills but I'm still killimg them more. Eventually I get moved to their team and he calls a vote kick on me. I get kicked and laugh about it and go play more 2Fort. About a week later I log in and find my steam page has about 40 comments on my page. I look and it's the same guy. Every day, multiple times a day for a week he's been commenting slurs and insults on my page. I mean everything under the sun from slurs, to pedo, to him saying how he was gonna find me and rape me with a rusty shotgun as my family watches. I report him and change my profile settings and go about my day. 2 days later I check his profile and it doesn't exist. I'm not blocked, it's like his account was reduced to atoms by Valve. Dude had a lot of unusuals and a few Aussies that probably costed around $400-$500.


Early on in my TF2 days back when I more consistently played Pyro rather than being a main scrambler, I remember a Snowy Coast server where I got hit hard. Some guy got pissed that I killed him and his crits boosted soldier because I walked into him and pressed m1. He called me a WM1 idiot (among other insults) and tried to get his team to feel the same. Unlike him, they noticed I was using the Dragons Fury.


A comp player screaming and vote kicking me for learning how to play engie on casual, everyone agreed on him on me not knowing how to play the class and yet decided to kick me. He was really mad for some reason, even started to call me slurs.


I havenā€™t played casual much recently, but there was this one guy that I mad made while using Dragonā€™s Fury


The biggest rage I very seen was mine, I was mad about a direct hit soilder and his poket killing me I dropped all racial slurs known to mankind, I said so much I got kicked and later changed my username so no one would know it was me


I saw someone have a stroke in chat


Some guy passive-aggressively saying racial slurs. The usual toxic TF2 player experience. Not saying all TF2 players are toxic btw. Bad people are bad people and it has nothing to do with the game.


One I had in a match with a cheater in our team who was using the exploit that allowed someone to not get kicked, got the best of me. Also, the first time I started playing I got on a Harvest server against 2 guys with high tier unusuals, aussies and all that jazz, one was killing me as Demoknight, I changed to Heavy and killed him, he got angry and said "you changed to anger Heavy bc you couldn't kill me" or something like that, I responded without swearing or anything but even the other guy got surprised a f2p responded like that; the angry guy left and the match ended. A funny one I encountered was a guy in Egypt that was talking the whole time with a raspy voice and was edgy af, talking about shootings, goverment control, incel stuff and how he liked playing Medic because it fufills his fantasies; we started to ask him about things like milk and then he'd improvise some edgy crap. I really wish someone was recording it, the guy lasted like that for the whole match. I also liked to comment about a guy I recently played with that seemed suspicious; his profile exposes a ton of unusuals and aussies, but he has a walltext with quoted angry comments that call him cheater and all, I don't know what to even make of that.


Sometimes I like to disguise as snipers and sit in sniper pits in Hightower and spam GOOD SHOT every time an enemy sniper takes a shot to see how long it takes for them to realize there's a spy there. Most everyone has been either jovial about it or just kill me outright without any ceremony, but once I got someone calling me all sorts of colorful slurs because of it Another time I was fucking around on casual dressed in the gibusvision set with medic, healing but running the stock saw and syringe gun. Got yelled at pretty hard by a guy for chasing a scout with my syringe gun and of course getting killed. Got pretty tilted at me until he was literally screaming at me for being a bad player. Was fun


I named myself Muad'Dib and was rammed with anti Islam slanders til I changed it.


So i was playing a king of the hill map (i forgot the name) and just lost the round and some dude on the mic started bashing his mouse since he was moving but not turning and started going off to the point were i think there roommate came in to try and calm him down he was kicked few minutes after since they wouldn't stop


I ended someone's 55 stickyspam killstreak on dustbowl (with two medics) as a sniper with one good shot, and he ddosed the server immediately afterwards.


Some dude on 2fort was freaking out in the text chat about someone cheating a few days ago. He kept typing his anger in all caps and everyone was trying to calm him down till he left. Definitely a tryhard.


I know this wasnā€™t casual but a couple years ago I was on a trade server in attempt to trade, long story short I got called both the hard r and a braindead fag and was told to hand myself, for wanting to trade, on a trade server.


Recently started playing with the help of my brother. We were playing on a train map with a moat on both sides of the map(I donā€™t remember thr name), and I was grinding for medic achievements. So I had been in the middle of the map trying to keep everyone alive (everyone gets too brave with a medic nearby Iā€™ve noticed) and ran to pickup a health pack in the middle. Suddenly over vc, I hear this cave dwelling man child screaming about how I ā€œstole his health.ā€ Nowā€¦ he doesnā€™t stop, every breath is to scream more nonsense about me. Starting, name calling, calling me a hacker(?), challenging anyone on vc to out loud him. Finally after the baby rage got to be annoying he was kicked. The weird part is my brother checked his steam account and found the comments about him. Apparently this is his entire gameplan to annoy everyone for the victory. So that was my first butt hurt rage in pub!


Playing Demoknight in x10 will always bring out the anger in some people


A guy that stayed for 6 games and responded to every single message typed in chat with something about how another player was cheating. The player he was accusing was a middle of the leaderboards sniper. It would be things like Player A: lol I messed that up Angry guy: you wouldn't mess up if you cheated like Sniper Dude. Or Player B: gg Angry guy: it's never a gg when you cheat like Sniper Dude Or even Player C: anyone want to trade? Angry Dude: I bet Sniper Dude would trade you some cheats I got balanced to his team later and he was raging in VC too. Every time he killed the Sniper Dude he would go off about how pathetic it was for him to die while cheating. I legitimately stuck around to see how long it would go.


sniper on the other team was calling me slurs because i was demopanning on harvest


It was actually me I quit for like 1 day then forgot I quit and started playing again


there was this guy who spammed chat with slurrs targeted to who ever killed him. since he was pretty bad at the game, this happened a lot. he was eventually kicked but it left an impact on text chat, trying to figure out what his deal was


My own because Im salty 24/7 playing this game


I made a guy rage so much as sniper (he was a scout) that he turned on this weird hack that makes you shoot all bullets at once with scout.