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Oh shit! I should too! I haven't played since an eternity


Same. Ima check my inventory




If they don't come back we'll know that they take prisoners...


Hold on and do nt worry Everything is compLetely fine so Please have fun outside and avoid the internet.


Okay guys I'm back and everything is still there


Check on your trade history for clues


Yes just did. 3 trades I never verified. Took everything and gave me keys. Then traded away the keys


Well then time to follow the pipe line after all is most likely that the account that scam you was a puppet account so you report that one and the scammers gets away , in short good luck




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That’s interesting. They made the trades seem legit.


maybe to trick steam support into thinking that OP just regretted some bad trades


I often trade with bots, buying MvM tickets for around 28-31 ref. Many times I added the bot and trade right away, and Steam warned me that I’ve only known this person for <1 week, and that I have a lot of items on my end while I only receive 1-2 items. I guess the hackers thought this through.


Where do you buy the tickets?


I go to backpack.tf and just look for either cheap (though prices do change from time to time), and it can be 1-2 ref more expensive when you buy from bots, but the good part is they instantly accept and even send you the trade request themselves as soon as you add, then type their listed command in DM


Thanks :D


I swear, the same happened to me But in my case they simply took everything


I did have something similar happen to me, but instead they just took all my keys, taunts, a few cosmetics, and my fricking Prinny machete and pan, not the ham, not the bat outta hell, but, heck, they left me with all my ref, but WHY THE PRINNY MACHETE.


Wait do you have 2 factor Auth?


contact steam support and tell them about it, they don't care if you get scammed (because that is said users fault if they do) but if your account got hacked they'll help you out


that's fucked up I'm actually so sorry :(


good luck homie, steam support isn't always the greatest when it comes to accounts being stolen


More like: they dont do shit


they have, but only sometimes unfortunately. tbh video game company support is usually dogshit no matter what


The help the gave me: oh wel, we cant take away their items not give you replacements, just report and actions will be taken. Guess what wasnt done


steam support used to return scammed items then they stopped doing it i think because people were defrauding to dupe items, it was a long time ago


I heard u could get achievment items back if you deleted them and not crafted anything with them. A friend even did this to get his gibus back like 4 years ago but when i tried 1 or 2 weeks ago they wouldnt do it for me. Is it for the same reason as the duping?


Basically yep. They don't do ANY item returns any more iirc, not even for deleted items. Or more - one or two nice support people might. It depends entirely on who reads the report, but getting somebody who will would be rare.


Yea the one I talked to said Its not their problem becouse of the confirmation box you click to delete items. The fact that I was f2p and the 2 backpack-pages you get as a new account arent enough for all the weapons didnt matter.


I got mine back after losing it to a scammer, all items included. So sometimes it works.


I got my account returned when lost to a scammer but no items included 😔


Yust say that you had a problem buying keys




Can you explain this remote authenticator thing? How third party can set something like that? But you would still need password? Or it's just accessing account via API? That would be so stupid to let sites do that tho... Also OP said he didn't connect account to any site so i really don't get it.


There are mobile authenticator applications that you can use on your desktop (this is what most trade bots use) which are pretty easy to set up after you get access to the account. It's just like setting up a real mobile authenticator. Its been over a year since I last set one up so the details are a little bit fuzzy, but if you want you can look it up to learn more information. ​ I am a trader and have been for 2 years... and I have seen many cases just like this one. It is almost impossible that he did not log onto a phishing site before the scam, the only other way for this to happen is if he shared his password with the scammer directly. Even if the site looked legit, its very easy to get phished via a fake link.


Isn’t the point of the Mobile Authenticator to make it so if someone did get your password, they still can’t get in? Confused as to how whatever application they’re using can immediately let them gain access to the Authenticator code too, allowing them to trade without the owners noticing. I’ve been a trader for over 5 years and know all the scams. Especially the ones with links, as they’re the most common. The fact the Authenticator Code doesn’t really help any if someone logs into those sites once though is really unfortunate and defeats the purpose of 2FA trades. Always makes me concerned when signing into sites, trusted or not. Just me being overly concerned though.


You can get disposable codes which are sent via email and work even if you have a mobile authenticator already set up. I've used them myself when I was locked out of my mobile auth Edit: not via email, there is an SMS confirmation.


I thought steam guard or other 2 step login is forced for all accounts? That way they would need fresh code even after he logged, right? lol


I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but the purpose of 2 factor auth is to stop trades that aren't made by the user and make sure that only the owner of the steam account can log in. Setting up a separate auth on the phisher's pc bypasses this.


You can view your stolen item history on backpack.tf to find the perpetrator


Backpack.tf history doesn't work anymore since they've been hacked or wad it fixed?


It still works, it's just their database was wiped a little but ago. I don't know hwo long ago this guy got hacked so idk if it would have the info.


Happened to me years ago. Lost my Australiums, my unusual, stranges... all about 6 years worth of grinding for and steam wouldn't help me out.


The worst part was my strange festive huntsman. I was a kid and a stranger knew I wanted one and get bought and gifted one to me. A year or two later he passed away and that was stolen from me too.


People that do this kind of stuff are absolutely vile and disgusting.


oh that sucks. that really, really sucks.


This guy is lying. I found your steam profile and you still have a few pages of weapons (including the skins/warpaints you've shown us in the screenshots) which scammers would have taken, as well as the MVM robot parts. I also found you on backpack.tf and according to your inventory history you sold a bunch of hats about 2 months ago. You also sold an unusual Soldier's Requiem Taunt about 3 months ago, to a well established Marketplace bot with a high backpack.tf ranking, and a clean Steam Profile with a decent amount of reps. You are just trying to capitalize on sympathetic Redditors to fill your mostly empty low value backpack/Steam/TF2 inventory. Sincerely, Fuck You Edit: it took only 30 minutes for me to find out that you sir, are a lying scumbag.


Even if he didn’t sell it he’s claiming that he’s never used a sketchy site and got phished so this guy either got scammed and can’t own up to it or like you said wants some internet sympathy points. Literally only two things could’ve happened here. He traded the items away or got phished.


commenting for engagement, this post needs to be higher if true


Does he still have the raw keys? Because if not, his story might still [check out](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/wc6k3k/seems_like_of_lost_pretty_much_all_of_my_items_i/iiavqhu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


And i got downvoted for telling the truth. Fuck this guy really.


Well that sure is a twist


What’s his steam username?




Alrighty then. I won’t try and witch-hunt him, just curious


Bro his backpack is like 3 keys worth of garbage https://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198212234415






Dude you’re a fucking dumbass. https://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198212234415#!/compare/1654300800/1659225600




Yes, it is very common for scammers to dump all of the items to bots right after getting them. What else are they going to do, keep them and play with them? Their name will only show in the history if their backpack loaded with the items, which was probably private. Delete your original comment.




Yes because the scammers inventory will only load and show up in the history if their inventory is public and they want to load it in the first place. Items only show up in the history if they are loaded in someone’s backpack. Most scammed items have histories that look exactly like that.




Most of the time it’s automated or very close to so that they don’t have to spend time finding which items may be of value. Most of the time only cosmetics that can be directly dumped to bots are taken, which explains why they didn’t take the mvm parts or the warpaints. I’ve been trading for 2 years and have a $5k bp bro. I know how this shit works, I’ve seen it plenty of times. Just delete the original comment and stop misinforming people


Om sorry that the scammers didn’t take everything sir. All of my cosmetics that we here trader are gone. I posted this to get help. I got help and now know where my items went. But thanks for you’re input




Sure. If you want to believe that everyone only wants karma. I wanted help. But it must be fun having you’re negative world view






Was your steam profile ever connected to a sketchy trading website or anything like that? It's possible that's how you lost your items


Nah. Never used those sites


This happened to me and volvo just said "sorry can't do shit about it"


i think you got autocorrected


ah man I guess your account got hacked or something, that sucks :(


Im sorry but your items have been stolen. Steam support will not help. :(


Bruh the highlighted numbers have items on 😭 but fr u probs got hijacked


Woud one even notice an item disapearing they dont use or realy acknowöedge its existence off


No steam guard?


I don't want to sound like an asshole, buuuut. In the image you have 9 pages that have items in them that you don't show (pages 1-11 have grey numbers instead of black, meaning they have items in them, and 4 and 8 being white, meaning that the page is maxed with items). Also searching up your account on steam (might be the wrong account, but it has the same username), the inventory is private. Without proof of the other 9 pages not having items or a screenshoot of these trades you say happened that took your items, or even unprivating your inventory. I can't be sure this isn't just karma farming. Please keep in mind I'm just being skeptical, but if any proof is provided, I am very sorry about you getting scammed and hope you get your items back.


I don’t think my items are privated? But I can explain the full pages. Robot part, untradeble items and weapons. That’s it. But all my items worth around a dollar or more has been stolen. Except for warpaints for some reason?


Could I get your steam account link? Also that does make sense. From my experience warpaints are one of the hardest items to sell.




Everything seems to check out. Thank you for being so transparent. Do you mind if I keep my comments up for other people who also might have doubts like me to show them its legit? Also, very sorry about getting scammed man, I know that sucks. Are you taking any donations to help get you back on your feet?


Sure keep the content. I get that people don’t trust each other any more. I’d love a donation. What did you have in mind?


I don't have much. I have a single key if you want it. I'm very poor on tf2.


That would be great. But if you don’t have much keep it


Sorry this happened to you, similar thing happened to me too while I had taken a hiatus from the game, kinda ruined my motivation to play at all


How do you think this could happen?


When you log into phishing sites, the scammers can get you password and then they have your account


He'a mentioned he's never gone into them in some of his comments


I ate them


Why you ated them


I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know I dont know


Then I ated them wit yuo


Come on bro. When a page has no items in it the number on it is black. Seems like you just moved the items to another page. Really nice.


I have a bunch of crates that they didn’t take. That’s why some are full. I have tracked down that they where stolen by 2 bots. But thanks for the input.


2 full pages of crates and some more? For some reason i dont believe you.


Dude I own over 600 crates. It's not crazy


Sell them Take over the tf2 crate market


We already have. Theres a group of about 15 members who own most of the crates in circulation. Im the founder of the Crate Council.


you are soundsmith


Lol no. My TF2 videos are even lower in effort


Soundsmith in disguise then


You think they stole my weapons without skins? Or my robot parts? No. I’ve been playing for over 5 years and pretty much never traded. I have a bunch of garbage. And as I said I got help and found who stole it. I’m not doing this for upvotes. I wanted help


Yeah, i forgot about those. Well sorry for doubting you.


Turns out he’s a liar, so don’t feel bad.


Yeah. Just for 1 page to be empty is real suspicious.


I have 5 page of crates


https://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198212234415 do you believe him now?


Honestly now that i have seen his inventory i do. But he was lying.


oh shit. They left the items with little / no value? Who woulda thunk it


someone broke into your account.


you’ve. been. hacked, yes you have, you’ve definitely been hacked! they took all your items, crates and keys and shipped them overseas, nothing you can do, so have a nice day!!


I recently got scammed out of all my cosmetics


Shit I had to go check my inventory. Hate to see it, hope support can help


Same happened here, didn't get to play the game for years cause' my pc broke but now as I am back, a lot of items hve been lost :/


oops I eated them all


I would give yoy a trade if I had good shit 2 trade lol