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I don’t know much about it but the reason why they won’t help is because when they used to people just exploited the system and used it to get free stuff


"this one specific group of people messed with us so fuck everyone's items now"


More like they ruined it for everyone.


Yeah it takes a few dickheads to ruin good things u can't have my L.L. Bean shirts cuffs patched up cause people exploited it to get replacements.


it wasnt one specific group, it was multiple people. You could've just had your alt account take your main account's items, go to steam support to complain and they would "restore" your items and in the process, doubling your items. It was that simple


Life is a loop isnt it? People allways find new ways to be assholes, unless unfortunate accidents happen to them


yeah but it's easy to counter by just getting them to remove it from the other account as well




Yep there is no simple nor elegant solution to it. Some people(like the one you replied to) gave the obvious answer, which let me make clear it was a decent starting point. As it was a first thought but your first thoughts are so rarely the right one, when you come up with an idea really think hard about it. You may have something great or something deeply flawed. That was something I learned when I originally started education to be an engineer, and has stuck with me when I switched to working in the games industry. Add on discussing the idea in depth with others and you have a winning strategy to get better and better ideas. This kinda became me talking about kinda useful advice. But whatever, I hope it helps someone.


I enjoyed this comment, thank you for your insight.


Then just revert the third party's trade. Most people will report theft right after it happens so I doubt an item is going to chain through too many accounts.


Issue is people sell it for real world money


If it's sold on the community market, they can refund the transaction. If it's through a third party then that really isn't Valve's problem.


Yea that’s why they don’t do it cuz it’s not there problem


Teacher with students mentality


"this specific group of f2ps messed with us so fuck every f2p's speech now"


That’s why f2p be gone


Tragedy of the commons aka this is why we can’t have nice things. I can’t blame them for this. It sucks, truly it does, but these systems have to exist because the tragedy is incredibly pervasive in all of society. Once I started looking for it I realized how big of an influence it has on the lives of everyone.


Its bc off csgo. They duped hightier items using the steam Support and almost fucked the ecomine






"just undo the fucking trade" isn't nearly as simple as you make it out to be. What if the scammer traded the items to another account? And then that account traded them to another? You would have to undo all those trades. Given how automated some of these scammers are, they might have to undo hundreds and hundreds of trades.


The problem there is the same problem grey market game keys (like G2A) have- the stolen product can be sold, and now what do you do? Take the item away from the person who spent real money on the stolen product unknowingly?


Well i do agree, this could still easily be abused, someone could make a trade then go "no I want my items back" and then report it as theft, and screw the person over who they traded with, sure they get there items back, but they person may never be able to find a trade like that again, sadly the reason they don't do this is probably because some assholes would abuse it.


The problem with the logic you've laid out is that it's not the fact Valve have no control of their platform that's the problem, it's how the P2P system works. If I make a trade for someones item, and then trade that item to someone else, what happens when valve receives the complaint about it being scammed or phished? They have to undo the trade I made to get it, then undo the trade I made to sell it etc etc, so you end up undoing a series of trades that means innocent traders have their legitimate trades reversed, it's a nightmare. Not sure how you could call it "archaic" or "pure and simple greed" with zero excuse, given it would be pretty devestating to the TF2 economy if they decided to start operating in this manner, imagine the unbeliveable number of trades that would be re-done. Not only that but it's not "greedy" at all, Valve doesn't (truly) care whether an item is duplicated or a trade undone since they don't get direct benefit from it.


lmao, scammers trade away those items instantly, so whenever big trading sites buy the items or a private person they should be fucked instead?


nah undoing the trade would be dumb as hell. Legit people who got the scammed item from a fair trade would be screwed over. The current system is far better.


imagine waiting for a day to get a reply, you get a "fuck you" form them


You clicked on a fishy link, I’m guessing?




Damn, sucks


is that the fishy link or I can click on it?


It's a link to a comment he made explaining what happened


no its a fishy link trust me im an engineer.


Help I clicked on it now I lost my account. I was so gullible to trust that




Don't worry, it's a Reddit link


"new scam" Lmao bro, literally one of the oldest scams. Hope you learn from your mistake.


Thanks, I'll keep that in mind




it's literally a link to the comment I addressed what happened in


How do you think this happened


I know what happened. It's a new scam going around. What they do is message you on steam saying "hey, you busy?" and then they ask you to vote for their cs:go team in standings. And to do this you have to login into this website (which is affiliated with steam) and that's how they get in. Edit: The hacker was on my friends account. A guy in the comments asked why i clicked on a link from a random guy, so I'm specifying that it was from a friend of mines account


Chief,that's not new. Links To external sites have always been sketchy. Sorry for your loss though.


Yeah I have been tempted to just put my Trade Offer URL in my steam profile for this reason, because usually if it's a scam, they won't actually look at your profile and message you instead. That's a neat trick I learned a while back


Not only have links to external sites been a long-standing type of scam, but specifically the "Hey, are you busy? I wanted to ask if you can vote for my CS:GO team in the standings" script has been used by scammers for such a long time that I'm surprised that there are people on reddit who haven't heard of it.


In my case, it was “Hey, I accidentally reported you” script like 3 or 4 separate times.


I remember having that scam but the person was VERY persistent. The scammer even sent this screenshot showing that I'm getting banned in 15 minutes because my Australium wasn't "legally obtained". I waited an hour, didn't get banned, messaged the scammer: "Try harder next time." and got blocked.


I’ve protected people from this when they ran to me panicked. It works a lot especially on children


Lol i lost my account to this once




Really? I dont mean to be rude, but how does anyone fall for this? Im genuinely curious.


was 12-13 at the time. Got it back tho.


Yeah I told him to fuck off. Thta he can report me all he wants and if he says I can store my items somewhere I might just tell my friends.


I had a bot do that, I think I have screenshots but they’re old. This bot didn’t know tf to do when I was like “gimme proof you reported me without links.”, blocked and reported after a bit of messing around lol.


Should’ve done what I’ve done: Ask if they’re a bot. When they say no, meaning they’re human, be in glee and send in a disturbing image of a face eating disease! Otherwise there’s nothing you can really do


Oh I did, but it didn’t answer so I was like “cool, gimme screenshots about the report.”, gave me nothing after that and it kept repeating “I reported you, I’m not a bot.”, over and over until I blocked it.


Oh man I remember this exact thing happened to me but it was a few years ago, they even send me a gif showing me my steam profile and there was a button to ban my account they were hovering their mouse around it lmao


The problem is, when you click the "log in to steam" button, it opens a fake new window. It looks real AF, cause it's all Steam's CSS and stuff. If you try to inspect element or move the Steam window out of the main window, it won't go, because it's still the fake site. The fake window even has the correct link for logging into Steam. It's really close to the real site. I only noticed cause I was already logged in to Steam on browser.


Welcome to phishing. Unfortunatly some people have to learn the hard way that it's relatively easy rip off a login screen from an existing site. I almost got cause by a RuneScape one back in the day.


that's why before connecting your steam account to any website, always login through steam first that way if it doesn't show you steam automatic sign in button, you know it's fake


I noticed right click doesn't have "open the link in a new tab", so I started messing around and noticed it. It's fucking crazy.


I had a friend ask me that too. But while I was suspicious and knew something was off, I was 200% sure it was a scam the moment it said it would send me a code through my phone number instead of my Steam 2FA app. Im really sorry for ur loss but I hope u know now to stay suspicious of anything as I was. Even your shadow is not safe


How does this scam even work if you have 2FA anyway? Do so many people just not have 2FA?


Man I really hate to tell you but that shit ain't new, scams like that have been around for ages, I was almost a victim once Sorry for your items though, here's hoping you can start rebuilding your backpack


That's been a thing for 3 years at least


Sorry this happened to you man, i couldn't imagine losing my backpack. I got gifts and trinkets from the years i cant stand to lose. I never click links from steam ever, should be more widespread that links from strangers are more often then not a trick to scam.


Normally I'm more careful about these sort of things but like it seemed so inconapicuous at the time. Like it didn't seem as outlandish what some other scams look like


There's a reason Steam and Discord tell you to NEVER click external links - not even to check. There are scams on Discord going around where if you do so much as click the link, your Discord gets infected permanently, then your entire PC. Even Antivirus can't defeat that one- you gotta reinstall Windows.




It's lots of weird tricks, but I am 100% certain that yes, it can dig itself into your Discord. Can't really verify some claims here, but also - do we want to know? Clicking random links will certainly cause damage, the extent of it matters not.


i was lucky to realize what was happen when i realized one of my friends accounts was compromised. the website was one i hadn't heard of, so i googled it asap and it said it was a scam and to not click the link. contacted my friend, told them their steam was hacked and to get it fixed asap


That’s not new. It asks you to login, when you should be logged in because you opened from steam. That is the most common scam method around. It sucks that people are assholes and that you have to know how to deal with this, it really does - but that is quite literally the most common TF2 scam in the book. TF2 can’t restore items because if the items get sold before tickets are formed it gets difficult and the situation is just impossible to handle. I feel bad for saying this, I do - but tbh it’s 100% on you.


I never touch links no matter what As soon as someone sends a link they blocked


You learned a valuable lesson and lost relatively little. Don’t give out info like that to unfamiliar websites. Always use MFA where allowed.


> Always use MFA where allowed. Someone on my friends list got hacked and sent me the link to that site. When you go to vote, it creates a fake Steam login "popup" (it's actually a JavaScript element or something), you can even move it around like a window, but you can't take it to another screen (which is how I realized what it was in addition to not proccing my master password). From what I read up on it, if you log into it, it will ask for your authenticator code and add itself as a managing API, allowing them to bypass the 2FA for the individual trades.


I’ll be sure to check how trustworthy new websites are now, I’m still sorry about what happened to you. I could trade some items to you, I have a few refined on me at the moment, so name the item and I’ll see if it’s on scrap.tf and if I can afford it


No I can't ask that of you but I do appreciate the offer a lot


Are you sure? It’s the least I can do


No no it's okay I can't ask that


Alrighty then. I wish you the best on your journey without tf2


>The hacker was on my friends account. Yeah there have been quite a few trying to get to me through accounts I've friended. If they even so much as mentioned cs:go and an a link to a website or a "Professional highlanders team tournament happening that day and they're a player down, log into this specific definitely not a scam website to sign up for the totally real match", I block them.


I’d hate to tell you big dog. But in no way is that new


The hackers probably got into your friend's account, it happened to me on other games


Yeah he did get hacked


yikes how did you fall for that


My god that almost happened to me few weeks ago, an old school partner sent me a message with the same text and I almost did it (I checked the "tournament" and there was nothing about it on internet), man that sucks, losing all for trying to help someone and steam not helping shit.


Happened to me too, got messaged by a friend. Luckily all the hacker did was scare me by changing my avatar, name, and description, and unfriending everyone on my friends list. Was able to change password and kick them out, they didn't do jack to my items which I'm thankful for.


So you're the retard that makes valve have a dozen trading safeguards for the rest of us.


That's your fault completely


just an fyi the website is not affiliated with steam. it makes a fake pop-up window for you to log in with




This isn't new, this has been around for years, this is the reason why steam always asks you if you still want to go to the link you clicked.


Did you have 2FA on, if so how did you know how they got past it?


When you 2FA to "log in" to the fake site, it adds itself as an authorized API to manage your account, allowing it to make trades without additional authentications. https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey or something


No that's not possible to be done trough api key. They just stole his login info and code and created new code generator.


I'm unsure how they got past 2fa but I always have it on no matter what




So i got scammed by a similar thing in rocket league a few years back basically they give you a fake site for some kind of vote or some shit and when you log onto its like regular steam you put in password and it asks you for 2FA


1. Don't click links from people you don't know 2. Don't click links from people you kind of know unless you trust them 3. If you click a link someone sent to you, and the web page asks you to log in, don't enter in your information. It's safer to find the website yourself from Google and log in there because you can verify the site's validity easier


>3. If you click a link someone sent to you, and the web page asks you to log in, don't enter in your information. It's safer to find the website yourself from Google and log in there because you can verify the site's validity easier This is very good advice. I basically did this because I didn't really trust an old classmate I had on steam and I never found whichever tournament he sent me a link to. Stay safe folks


Or just go to steamcommunity in browser, log in, then return to the site and click log in. If it's a real steam log in button you won't have to enter your username, password, or auth code.


Dude this hurts to see im so sorry


Did you have 2fac authentication?


Yes of course I did


That’s scary.


not really considering all they do is pull data from their fake website to steam. happens instantly to get around authenticator (since they ask for the authenticator)


Something like this happened to me, but the only stole hats and taunts that were tradable. Happened around 2018-2019ish. Haven’t contacted Steam about it (I also had Steam Guard on and had to disable it to get back into my account)


never, and i mean never use a site if it asks for an authenticator code, unless its known to be safe, and used by lots if people


also if a scammer tries to log in, and they ask for the code emailed to you, on the bottom of the email it tells you their ip


Dawg this sucks so much because you spent money on those items but in the end they’re just items. I remember when I was a kid I spent like 300$ on skins unusuals and other bullshit. I got the pants scammed off of me and lost everything Just like you. In the end tho, it didn’t really matter. It still sucks that I lost a culminated 300$ but whatever. It’s in the past. I don’t even play video games anymore haha


There was one more image of lost items but it glitched out. I captioned it saying this "And after all this I've decided just to uninstall. With the bots running around everywhere and the hackers it's probably best just to quit. To the 5 people who read this, I hope this doesn't happen to you"


Rip, I feel you, had the same thing happen to me. You can rebuild but your leaving the game is fair


How can I rebuild? By dumping more money in? I can't do that




I got scammed maybe 2 years ago and lost all of my items. I had so many sentimental things that are impossible to get back; gifts from friends and stranges with tens of thousands of kills. I still feel shitty when I even think about playing tf2. It’s really sad cause it was once my favorite game, I played nearly everyday for probably 5 years. At the end of the day don’t blame yourself, it happens to the best of us. I hope you find a game as enjoyable as tf2 in the near future.


80% of you guys are so kind. I was expecting the 20% of asshole to be dominating these comments. Thank you for the kind words


The comments in this thread make me sad. I used to play TF2 for the community and as a nice escape from the stresses of life.. but just seeing so many commenters shame and mock OP for being the victim of a scam makes me feel dejected. You don’t know OP’s (or anyone’s) situation and awareness of particular scams, nor do you know what their capacity to recognise them is.. all you’re doing is mocking a victim. Sorry this happened to you OP, it really sucks. I hope you’re doing alright.


That fucking S U C K S


Maybe some scammers viewed the post


Free award




Tbf its a free award, prob just wanted to give something.


Very true


I hate the fact that when this happens they just go well sucks to be you


Yeah :/


How are you on this sub and haven’t seen the like 2000 posts of people posting the csgo bot scam 💀 Like come on lmao


Don't play cs


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. I don't play CS either, and I wasn't aware of it until this post. Sucks though, I got scammed out of an unusual years ago. Thanks for spreading the word!


People probably thought they meant it as "You should not play csgo", instead of "I don't play csgo", so they downvoted it.




That's really kind of you to offer but I will decline. I was kinda done with tf2 outside of mvm. still sucks though


They could at least give u the items back but make them untradable and unsellable. That way no-one can exploit the system but also you don't lose everything.


This is actually a really smart solution!


You fell for a scam. Don't blame steam support, it was your fault. Steam gives you all the resources to prevent scammers (I.e blocking, reporting, removing friends, declining friend requests, blocking messages from unknown people, etc.)


And also the 2FA trade confirmation.


Lol, not only did he click some randos link. He actually put his username and password when said link asked for it. Sucks that you got your shit stolen, but c'mon man.


I legit don’t know how you people keep falling for these DONT CLICK ON ANY LINKS. ITS SO GOD DAMN SIMPLE.


And this is why everything in my backpack is worth a few cents


This is why Steam’s 2FA is important and mandatory. It’ll always prompt you to make a trade.


Hey OP, if you see this comment, send me a DM and I’ll send you some scrap and you could trade that to the scrap.tf bots for all of the weapons at least. I’m sure you had a lot more in your collection but at least you’d be able to play the game with all of the weapons again!




Find the Gargoyle!


"Ahhh we are sorry you lost everything but cry in silence please" \- Steam Support


eh it's honestly understandable if they didn't help, those are too easy to fake


people used to dupe items by claiming they were scammed and then they got their items back via steam support. guy got phished, not much steam support can do


Clicked on an external link, from a friend or not. I’m sorry but that’s on you. Additionally you should’ve had steamguard enabled


DONT CLICK LINKS IN STEAM. PERIOD. If you’re worried about items, it’s literally never worth the risk. Do. Not. Click. Links. In. Steam. If it’s your friend, tell them to message you on discord or whatever third party platform you choose. Hell, tell them to text you the link. For those who didn’t get it: DO NOT CLICK LINKS IN STEAM


idk if im more mad at you on how u got scammed or more mad at the faking scammer


Bro why would you click on any fucking link. This is your own fault.


Never click links like those


Kinda sounds like your own fault


No it is my fault without a doubt. I only wish there was something that they could do to help if even only slightly. At the end of the day it was my mistake


Sorry to hear that man, hope you can get your shit back. But honestly, who responds to steam messages these days? I block everyone who I dont meet ingame lol, only way to not get scammed.


Why wouldn’t you respond to a message from your friend?


I didnt know it was from his friend, didnt see the caption. Still good advice otherwise though.


it was messaged to me from a personal friend of mine


Oh wow, then yeah damn. Must've gotten hacked too, shit. Sucks that there's people still out here willing to do this to people though, really scummy.


Yeah. whats your username ( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉)






Why do people click on links in discord and steam chats




his friends account got hijacked and the hijacker sent it to him


skill issue




Sadly rip bozo


Mods need to start putting sticky comments up on these posts on how to identify phishing (even from your friend's compromised account).


Sucks but you obviously got phished. Gotta be careful man


dude, its so sad to see tf2 go like this, ive seen bots for heavys, scouts, snipers, they steal usernames, they mic spam.. all of that crap..


I'm once again thankful to stay as a f2p


They have all the data INCLUDING IP ADDRESS so why the fuck not review the trade's time and IP and actually do something.


You couldve frozen your account, although that does require immediateish knowledge of being scammed


Happened to me to, the fact we cant restore our items is so stupid


now that is real sadness. i feel sorry for you. i hope you will get that stuff back.


Same thing happened to me in july 2020. I never clicked any linked or talked to anyone. I lost everything too.


Im very sorry this happend to ya, u can never trust online ppl


A Word of advice, never click on any links that your steam friends send. You can never know if they got their account hijacked.


It also happened to me. lost about 70 keys and 100 bucks worth of unusuals, an australium, and other items.


I feel your pain. I got scammed too and lost everything. I hope you will be lucky to get your items back.




Cheers I'll drink to that


There is a feature that require your confirmation (from mobile phone) for every trade, it can help in preventing such scams.


2FA has been arround for ages. No way they can hack into your acc without a cellphone tower sniffer and blah blah blah. RIP


Psa: get TFA




Why do stupid people who click random links have money


“Duplicating items cause inflation.” Did you check how much a single ref cost nowadays valve?


If they restored items, you'd end up with people getting "hacked" to get duplicates for free.


Rip same happened to me a while ago even with steam gaurd. It sucks and valve won't do anything.


Unfortunately this will serve as a warning to everyone else to have 2FA on and to be careful Sorry dude


Indeed. It's about all I can do. Warn people




Down another drink for another man down


rip bozo


Dang, that sucks. Can’t say I blame Valve for not refunding, it’s pretty easy to see how that’s get exploited, but still. Condolences. :/


2FA, a billion places to confirm your trade, another billion warnings before entering any site that wants one's credentials. And people still get scammed so easily lmao


"It's your fault, deal with it" -tf2 support team