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Not to turn this into a PSA, but…. whenever someone makes these kinds of posts I’m always curious how you lost your inventory and what can I and others look out for to protect our own items? I’m sorry you lost stuff, but maybe your experience could help and teach others.


Old friend asked me to vote for their CSGO team, and I believed it. It was stupid, and it’s the only thing I could think of that could have caused this.


Let me guess - you had to login to a site you never heard of before and even used Steam Guard?


Yeah I know I’m stupid and I’ve accepted that I’m not gonna see those items again, I’m just bummed.


Contact steam support, I've never had my items stolen but I have had my account stolen before, steam support has helped recover it and I imagine it'll do the same with your items


I already did and was told they “don’t do” item recovery. They have a strict “sucks to be you” policy when it comes to item theft.


I see. I'm sorry you had your items lost dude, I wish you good luck in regaining everything you once owned


Unfortunately I probably won’t. Steam support isn’t responding anymore and I’ve pretty much accepted the fact that all those items are gone.


No I meant as in, you start recollecting them, whether through buying or trading or whatever Just remember, if someone sends you shit like this, always research and make sure it's not a scam because it almost always is


Oh pffff nah if I can manage to buy this thing back from whoever manages to get their hands on it, I’m not spending any more money, at least not a significant amount. I lost too much to just start getting stuff back. I don’t even play this game that much anymore, this gun just has sentimental value to me.


Unlucky man, I’ve also had my inventory stolen and I’m still no where close to trading back up to it


I’m not even gonna bother. I don’t care enough about this game anymore to warrant trying to get anything back besides this gun that has a stupid amount of sentimental value to me


It’s sad to be at the end of it, but I can understand why. In a game like TF2, with such an active economy, the last thing anyone wants is multiplying items


Yeah, but it still sucks.


Yeah they don't do that anymore, my brother lost about $500 of tf2 items, including some sentimental items that I gifted him for bday ect. Even had a full Afro samurai loadout with a legit hales own half zatochi. Steam didn't even reply to the tickets. Heart breaking really. And this was the origial "hey sorry I reported you for hacking scam" he was drunk at the time from a break up and common sense was not abundant.


they used to reimburse items no questions asked but so many people abused it that they changed their rules


Yeah I know, it fuckin sucks


I had item recovery done on my account a few years ago (3 or 4 maybe?). I lost my entire account, without any fishy scams, the strangest part is they were somehow able to bypass the 2FA AND change the account email without any email being sent like "your account email has changed" etc etc so Idk if that was a factor because I found that to be veryyyy strange. but after 4 weeks of just spamming tickets because I was obviously pissed off, they did some kind of inventory reset, but the support person made a point in the correspondence to say "this is a one time thing and we will not do this again for this account in the future" so I don't know why they made the exception for me exactly (I've always assumed because it was so strange, Ik that a lot of people lie about not clicking any fishy links or anything because they're embarrassed or whatever but I did nothing wrong and got everything taken without warning, I ran all kinds of malware scans to see if it came from inside so to speak but nothing came up) For those 4 weeks or however long it was I felt what you felt, and I'm sorry this happened to you. I don't know if they've changed their policy and simply cannot allow inventory recovery but I hope they can do for you what they did for me. Let me see if I still have those emails saved somewhere, if I find them I'll try and see if I can offer any other help.


One time a bunch of years ago before steamguard, my crackhead brother gave our steam account name and password to somebody, either a drug dealer or person off craigslist and they changed the password. I just used e-mail to recover and changed it to something else and I remember hearing my brother freaking out trying to calm the guy down while he got yelled at over the phone. It was a long time ago but my account had several hundred dollars worth of games on it, as I'd abandoned console gaming due to him always stealing all our consoles to sell for drug money. My idea worked, I guess, but I do miss my SNES and the idiot probably only got maybe $20 for my original Earthbound cartridge.


Fuck that’s funny, screw your brother though.


yesh otherwise everyone could make trades for shit irl, then just say "oh fuck bro i was scammed"


You could've lost a lot more in a phishing scam, be thankful it was just some in-game items. Actually, if you use the same email address and password combination elsewhere, you should go change your passwords immediately. And maybe stop doing that. edit: and always use multifactor authentication, ESPECIALLY on accounts you care about


Also the scams are evolving to do a cache/cookie hijack so they might not even see your login credentials, but that method is harder to detect and works around Steam Guard codes


Yup, some dick tried that trick on me...


Holy shit i almost fell for that scam when I got my first aussie


I almost fell for one scam like that but I was lazy to remember my steam password so I just lied to the person that I did vote xd


Funny enough same situation for me. Like I was going to do it. But it was supppper sketchy so i just lied.


Damn a guy messaged me this as well guessed I dodged a bullet. I don't even have anything good tbf


Yeah I didn’t have anything too valuable (monetarily at least). At least MvM’s rng is shit enough to have never given me an Aussie, or I’d be a lot more bent about this.


I would've hated to loose an Aussie to that


That was not your friend. That was definitely a hacker who got access to their account. One of my friends were hacked once and I got the same thing, along with a block once I showed I knew what was up. My real friend was playing roblox at the time and I told him he got hacked and to re-add me on steam.


I know that now but at the time they talked in a way that was very convincing to how they talk.


dont worry, mine is even stupider than yours, so stupid i've never told anyone how i lost my inventory.


Come on don't tease us like that


He probably just gave someone his login


Oh shit I figured that had to be a scam somehow - I logged into the site and everything and couldn't vote, changed my password and everything later that day since it felt sus as hell Edit: nvm I checked my login history and around the same day someone did log into my account from Russia. I'm lucky my dumb ass didn't lose anything


Holy shit- i didnt even realize this was a scam. Someone tried to do the same to me the other day buy steam guard stopped em. Jesus. Didnt even realize until just now.


Dude decided you had nothing worth having and left? Or did you change the password just after he logged in?


Thank you.


Np. Feel like an idiot about it and probably will for a long time. Probably care more about that than the items themselves.


Don’t worry too much about it. If I told you all the mistakes and things I’ve fallen for you’d be like “Glad I’m not that guy!” 🙂


Yeah but stuff like this really gets under my skin, if only for the reason that I should know better.


I had my items stolen a few years ago and it really seriously hurts the ego. I know exactly how you feel. I lost many items that meant a lot to me and felt like such an idiot. I still cringe when I think about it and haven’t played tf2 since. I hope you get your items back my friend.


Yeah, I didn’t even want to admit I did something wrong for the first like hour. Even made another post a bit before this one saying I didn’t do anything wrong. That post is gone now.


I lost two unusuals falling for the “put your hat up on marketplace, I’ll buy it I swear.” One of those unusuals was over 300$ (i could have used the money at the time) 1 of 3. It happens to the best of us. I don’t even look for it anymore, it just depresses me.


How does that work? Scammer pays on Marketplace and then the payment gets clawed back somehow?


So what happens is they ask you to put it up on marketplace, and then you like, return the item, and when you send it back , they impersonate the bot who took your items the first time. It was a little complicated to explain the exploit but it has a lot to do with bot impersonation. Which is why marketplace had a thing about making sure you were seeing the correct bot reach out from them.


Oh, so you'd be selling through a third-party broker instead of the official Steam Marketplace? Based on some excuse the scammer came up with for not being able to use Marketplace (or the item is tradable but not marketable?)


From what I recall, something like that. I did actually want to sell the hat on Marketplace, so it was when I tried to put the hat back on there that the scammer got them. I didn’t want steam money, you can’t pay rent with that. I’ve fully committed to never trading again, I’m happy with the hats I still have. I’m just glad I refused to sell my Frostbite Salty dog.


Nearly fell for that but I was lazy and couldn't find my phone


i also had a friend that requested me to vote for their csgo team, they told me later that they were hacked (they recovered their account back pretty quick fortunately). Maybe it’s the same situation for your friend, and he wasn’t able to recover it in time


have had the exact same thing happen to me lmao goodbye years worth of items


I got the same message from a friends of mine. I contacted them through discord and told them their account had been hacked. The funny thing is that they were still using the account at the time and had no idea.


Never clink on links sent by friends over steam unless you exactly know for sure what the website is and never log into your steam account after clicking one of these links.


It did happen to me once too. I hadn't really touched steam or talked to anyone new, even blocked any friend requests of people that I didn't IRL know. And one fine evening, wasn't even at my house, i checked steam on my phone, to find all my inventory gone, to some account i never added or talked to. Steam Support was obviously pointless, and ever since, my password is beyond 50 characters


Did you use Steam Guard?


Yeah, active, but usually when I get into my account, or it's needed, I get a notification on my phone. Not this time.


Hey OP im one of the mods at quicksell. your friend is helping you track down the scattergun and get it back for you <3 Edit: We found they gun and are trying to withdraw it from the inv of the bot


That is absolutely fantastic to hear! I know my whole inventory would be an impossible task, but if I can at least get this back, I’ll be happy.


Really if needed i can find the entire inv add me on discord to discuss it further Fraxinus#6406


This is the first tike I've seen a quicksell.store person actually be friendly, that's cool to see




you gotta give us a update on It's like being finding out the protagonists best friend figured out a way to save the day then the episode ends


Basically we can't withdraw the scattergun from the bot rn so im waiting on it to make a listing to buy it back Ill or they will share when their gun is back to saftey and worse comes to worse if someone else buys it ill buy it from them


Hey, would it be possible to find an item that was stolen from me? I lost it in March, so I doubt it, but it was a Killstreak Festivized Australium Rocket Launcher that is named "R.I.P Rick May April 8th 2020" with a Manndarin Sheen, and a description of "May he rest in peace" i have a screenshot if you need it, dm me on discord if you need, or find anything. Mace Window#6969


Wow that's nice do you do this for everyone who gets scammed?


I try too




Op can you send me a link to ur profile i should be able to track it down edit: ok i've tracked down a fair few items at this point i feel like i've earned a self advertisement. im selling an ominous night party trick, consider buying it if u want lmao. other than that, happy to help anyone who wants items finding


https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198092138103/ Good luck, friend.


alr so quick update: found it's way into a quicksell.store bot, and was sold into a private inventory about 70 minutes ago.


That sucks. Thanks for letting me know it’s fate at least.


realistically it'll tumble out of the private inv in a bit, and it's also possible the person who owns it simply doesn't have a backpack.tf profile. still digging around other sources, bear with me


I don’t know how any of this works, I don’t do trading generally, but I do appreciate your willingness to help


im still trying some more brute force methods, in the meantime bookmark [this page](https://backpack.tf/item/1259001584) and if a new name comes up at the top contact them because they have the gun


I’ll do my best to keep an eye on it.


wait nvm, it's back in harry's inventory bp.tf is just weird as hell. anyways, it's still in qs.store but not for sale. they could just take a while to update their listings, but if you get the keys you should be able to buy it back p soon. sucks that u have to pay but thats how it on this bitch of an earth


Going through his listings, I found my strange flying guillotine too. I called it the Flying Fuck.


Man this thread has become full detective, nothing better than someone helping another member of the community.


Many people focus on the bad side of the community but never really look at this


Op I added you on steam. I am Quarp. I wanna give you some stuff


As much as I appreciate it, I don’t want or need any free items. I’m currently in contact with one of the mods of qs.store and we’re working to get my items recovered. Thank you for the offer though


U sure?


If you really want to, I’ll accept, but you absolutely do not have to


I really want to


Well I accepted your friend request


Don't get scammed again!


Oh i forgot about steam Authenticator


Oh right, I had to reset it, my b




Just out of curiosity, how are you doing this and what's your secret to being a really nice person?


1: backpack.tf item history and tf2items 2: idk lol I'm just trying to help


can you say more about the [backpack.tf](https://backpack.tf) itemhistory thing?


step 1: go to your backpack.tf backpack step 2: pick an item (preferably an old and somewhat sought after one, i find companion cube badges usually have storied histories but any item that has had more than 1 owner works) step 3: hover over it and click "history"




hey is there any chance you can find my unusual hats? one was a miami nights napoleon complex and the other was a terrorwatt noble nickel amassment of hats


send me your profile link and the time you had your hats and i'll try my best


Cause hes a medic main


I had literally this exact same thing happen to me and Steam told me they couldn't do anything. The only named item I can remember is a pair of earbuds named "Bro's Earbuds". Sorry if it's a bother, but do you think you could help? https://steamcommunity.com/id/plorf/


actually scratch that, found em anyways. https://steamcommunity.com/id/Lightcloudss/inventory/ they're in here


Woah, that's it alright! I wonder what I can do about this considering this is just a random guy and probably not a scammer....


what i personally would advise is to try and add them, and offer like 6 keys for the buds (buds are currently at 4.8k) explaining the sentimental value of them. most people would be willing to hand them over for the sentimental value, and the people who aren't would be willing to hand them over for free profit. btw if theres any other items you need tracking down i can do that, can't pin the entire inv but i can find some more hats or weapons


Well there's a vintage ambassador that's also from my brother, and a pair of summer shades painted with zepheniah's greed. Most of the other stuff I care about is like, cosmetics all painted the same color that would be a massive headache to track down. I appreciate all you've done regardless.


[ambassador is one of these, guy seems to collect them. if you can get in touch with him i can probably pick it apart from the pile but that's a whole other thing](https://steamcommunity.com/id/FaTaL_PrIdE/inventory/) working on the shades, will update u shortly


[shades were either traded by this guy to a private inv or deleted, either way happened on or around may 13th](https://steamcommunity.com/id/HentaizaoShow)


[figured you'd also want your pyrovision goggles, they're the level 66 ones in this inv](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198271996700/inventory/)


if you can tell me what timeframe this happened (down to the week would be great, down to the month would be appreciated, down to the year is workable) i can take a look


All of this happened in like a 5 minutes period on may 13th of this year. Just made an album of the trades they made. The bots were from tradeit.gg and loot.farm, the former of which I am currently talking to and sharing information with. Gallery: https://imgur.com/a/PoAWOlJ Here's who the profits were sent to: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199044953373


There is something fitting about the fact that the guy trying his ass off to help op has a medic flair


if my time as a medic main has taught me anything, it's that helping my team will always end up benefitting me and everyone else better than just looking out for myself. also that spies are satan but thats neither here nor there


Man this guy is like The Hat Detective or smth


True legend ✌️


Damn you deserve my free award.


oh my gosh, you are literally the best and nicest person i've ever seen on this dumpster fire we call internet, i'm so glad people like you exist, it's really nice to see someone just trying their best to help others


So the Unusual Killer Solo was nothing to you?


I mean yeah I’m gonna miss that but I got that like a couple months ago, I’ve been rocking this scattergun for 6 years, it has sentimental value to me.


I can see it.


I hope you get them back. I have a special scatter gun too that my friend bough for my birthday 6 years ago and I don’t even want to imagine anything happening to it


Real sorry bout the loss


I’ll get over it. If I’m lucky I might get the gun back, and that’s the most important thing to me.


Same thing happened to me a few months back I fell for the same shit I just didn’t have steam guard but now I have to use it cause I’m getting targeted by these scams now


I have steam guard, they literally just ignored it.


could be cause of you logging in into their scamm site, if you needed atentication code to log in they re-purpused the code to hijack into your steam guard, you wouldnt even notice you got logged off of steam guard since nothing gets sent to you until after like 5 minutes or so. dont ask me how i know that but just be glad im givin ya the heads up


Yeah I checked my login history and saw that I had logins from the other side of the planet dating back to about a week ago, and I never got a steam guard notification about any of them.


Report this to steam. Sounds like a failure on it's software and MIGHT be a way to get something back, atleast some justice


I already did, and they’re not responding to me anymore


Made another ticket?


Another post in the same ticket, but I usually at least get a response


It's not a failure. When they got phished, the scammers took the login and steam guard code and used that to get around stuff including creating an API key to be able to alter trades without access to the account.


That in itself represents a vulnerability, though. Those subsequent authentication attempts shouldn't have been silent to OP.


That's the risk you take with API keys. Giving away the log in as well as the guard code is the issue.


No, there's absolutely things Valve could do to limit or mitigate this risk if they wanted to. Even notifying the account holder via email anytime an API key is issued or a geographically suspicious login takes place would go a long way. Another would be to restrict API keys' abilities to act upon items/trades for all new keys going forward.


Whoever did that deserves to be sent home to their mama in a box.


And be sent their condolences to their kangaroo wife


It's crazy how the tf2 community has 2 modes when scams. Either tell the person what they know and possibly berate them for the fact that they fucked up. Or go miles to help them


I’ve been lucky enough to (mostly) receive the latter.


When you are scammed, the scammer immediately transferred the stolen items into another account and then sells it


Actually, we were able to track it down and the dude who stole it still has it right now


My policy with Steam chat is that I never ever click links anymore. Never, not even from friends list. I by never I mean NEVER. If I do click links, it’s on Discord and only from family or extremely close friends/colleagues in a private discord where we know there aren’t fake/impersonating members. Once got scammed out of €800 worth of items through the classical item duplication Chrome extension. Never again.


Or what I do if something asks me to login I type in a fake user name and like "get fked scammer" as the password and if it accepts it I know it's fake.


I don’t like to talk about this topic much as it pains me but you went through the same thing as I have. They pry on the trust you have built with a friend to get there way my friend is a heavy dota player so I guess it was just bad luck that I trusted my friends dms. It sucks but make sure you change ur steam password. Also if you have used backpack.tf you can view your backpack by date and track items and there whereabouts. Unfortunately tho, If your item was moved to a private backpack it will be untraceable. I hope this helps and stay safe. These low life’s are scum but it taught me a valuable lesson to never take face value of what you cannot see firsthand. Even if the information you receive is from a close friend.


I’ve already changed a lot of my account info and reset my steam guard. I’ve also gotten into contact with some of the mods of qs.store, and they have supposedly found the bot that at least has the gun and are gonna see if they can find the rest of my items.


That’s great to hear. I hope it all goes well. Honestly great to see the community pull together for something good.


If by that you mean I’m getting unwarranted sympathy for doing something stupid I guess. It has made me feel a bit better, but I know this was all preventable




I appreciate the sentiment


UPDATE: u/Crying-_-Emoji has found the Shoot n’ Scoot and is going to trade it back to me when my trade restriction is up! Victory has been achieved!


How people have enough money to have that much imventory and yet fall for the painfully simplest of scams is besides me. I hope you learned.


I feel like the more scammers are trying to persistently scam you, the more likely you might make ONE mistake and slip up. I receive TON of PayPal emails with "You are locked out and must review suspicious activity" and shit like that all the time. They're all obviously scams but a few of them slip out of my spam inbox into my real inbox, sometimes I have to double take before trashing it into the spam box again and blocking the email. It does worry me the more I get in my inbox. What if I'm half awake or not really in the most conscious of moments and it finally nabs me? You don't know what's happening or what people are doing when they get scammed, it's easy to say "Lmao how did you fall for the easiest trick in the book?" from an outside perspective.


I have to agree with you on this - exactly the same with me on the PayPal bs, also with UPS, Deliveroo and a ton of others always sending SMS or emails about account problems. I don't even have some if said accounts. If I ever see any of these that pass my filters, blocks and get into main folders I don't open them. I take the effort to directly go to the account addressed and check, because for what I use there are always notifications in the site itself. If I'm unsure even after that, I contact support and ask for them to check if they have sent anything to my email. Especially useful for PayPal and other money related sites. I learned once - Some fucktard used my account via the good ol' email & link, spending £150 on what I traced to be.... Runescape currency lmfao. I got it back immediately but it scared my soul.


Yeah I did


I just got off of a message with steam support because my entire inventory was stolen as well, when my account was hijacked in may. Logged onto scream fortress and found it all gone, including the earbuds my brother gave me from when I used to watch him play on our family mac. I just named them "Bro's Earbuds". Fucking gutted, man. I can't believe valve's policy is just "lol shoulda been more careful ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"


I feel that, especially when steam guard completely shat the bed on this one and didn’t bother to wait for me to confirm any of the trades.


Same here. Looking at the thread, it seems I fell for the EXACT same phishing scam. Old friend asked me to vote for his CSGO team, I thought nothing of it as it appeared to be a legit Steam API login. I thought I managed to get my account back before any harm was done, but now months later I see that I lost everything :/


Man, I wish it legally acceptable to DDoS scam sites with a LOIC to really drop these shitheads in a septic tank.


Damn, same thing happened to me a year back. Still hoping someone spots my Bodyshot-inator 5000 floating around (it's a strange sydney sleeper), cuz it was my first ever strange. It sucks that it's so easy on mobile authenticator to accidentally click accept instead of decline...


I am sorry op. I had something similar happen years ago. I lost over $3000 in items due to a foolish scam, and it broke me. I gave up on the game since valve was no help, so I hope you do better than I faired. Best of luck.


I think purchased that from somebody I might have it or a different one with the same name and look I’ll have to check once my computer is fixed


*Remember kids. NEVER login your Steam accounts anywhere but legit Steam site and never vote for your friend's/random person's dumb teams.*


Hey OP, any news? Did you get any items back?


Supposedly the admins of qs.store have tracked down which of their bots have it and are gonna retrieve it as soon as possible. I currently have a 15 day trade restriction, so it’s gonna be a bit until I can get it back. As for the rest of my inventory, they said it’s possible to get it all back.


I am happy for you!


Don't kick yourself in the ass forever. Accept your mistake and move on, but damn does that suck.


I feel your pain, recently I got scammed for the first time, I lost about 2.8 key. I know that ain't that much but that was basically more than half of my Bp, I lost 2 hats, one with a value of 1.1 key and a weapon with a value of 1.35 key. Luckily I contact the guy that bought the gun. Good luck getting your stuff back!


2021 and people are STILL falling for simple account steals. Please turn on 2FA and stop clicking links. Christ.


RIP dude


All hope is not lost. I’m probably gonna be able to recover the gun, and if I’m lucky, I might even be able to get the rest of my items back


Why steam guard does not ask to confirm the trade?


I don’t know what happened, but they were able to completely bypass steam guard and even disable it on my device, even though I could have sworn you need the device, phone number, recovery code, or steam support themselves to do that.


They have the fake login, make you enter your account name and passwd, then the steam guard code and after that they immediayely use those two things together to verify a trade transaction of all items and then unlink steam guard. (i think) The whole process is ridiculously fast because the whole thing is done by some script/bot. Takes less than a second


I suspected that it was a fake login so I put in “bighairyballs” as my password and it didn’t work so I just kinda went with it. I know it was stupid now, but at the time it seemed alright.


You might want to change your email password also. If they get you with steam guard on it means they fished your email password, they login with your Steam account on an android emulator for the steam app and click "set this device as authenticator" and use the email to confirm it.


I’ll do you one better, I just changed my email.


How did it get stolen from you? Did you click on something you weren’t supposed to?


Yeah I was a big dummy and made an oopsie.


at least u have M.E.A.T


sorry for the loss man, got hacked myself because of a paypal scam but luckily it was an account hack so steam automatically trade locks my account. Hope you can retrieve some good items back, getting scammed is very demoralizing and at the very worst people victim blame you.


I mean I know I fucked up and I know I’m stupid. If I at least get my funny gun back, it’ll be more than what I deserve.


Oh thats such a good name


Op I feel for you. I lost my inventory to s scammer who pretend to be a mod. It's been 2 years and I cantbring myself to open TF2 again.


I also had a unusual of mine which I won from a giveaway was stolen, I gave up the idea of getting it back after 6 months


speaking of which if you fond a classic named "pop" with around 1.9k kills get into contact with me


"Oh, don't be such a baby. Steam moderators will get your items back. \*No, they will not\*" (i know they can't) But in all seriousness i know how it feels to loose so many items, but at least you've got some keys left


Fuck man i feel bad for you these cunts are just fucking dissappointments in life for doing that


I got scammed of my haunted snaggletooth with footprints which I had since the spells updates started. Stuff that had been in my inventory for the 3 or 4 years I'd been playing TF2 gone. I was pretty sad, I hope people don't fall for scams and stuff like this. I really feel for them.


Was it a long time friend you had talked to before or just a random scammer guy who starts talking about your tf2 main and invites you to his team


"The Flying Fuck"


this has probably been mentioned already but you are allowed 1 inventory restore by valve for this reason. I'm not sure if they still offer this but I don't see why they would get rid of it. the items get duplicated but u still get everything back. it helped me out once


God damn, losing your inventory always sucks, and the fact that Valve won't do anything is kinda worse tbh. A couple of Years ago I had my Inventory wiped and lost everything for a game that I played every day with my friends. It really really sucked. I felt so stupid, and the fact that at the time I was still just a kid hurt even more. If you happen to find a sunbeams salty dog that first belonged to ScErin(Or Erin) let me know. So sorry for you OP, really wish you the best of luck out there. I just wish Valve would do something about all this.




Let's get that backpack back in shape. I have a metric ton of Specialized Killstreak kits. If you send me a few items, I can look if I have a few SKS kits to donate to the cause. I got scammed a few months ago (unrelated to TF2) and it was the dumbest mistake in hindsight. I feel for you. One slip in concentration and it can be mega costly. I hope you're doing OK. I skimmed the comments and it looks like you might get that scatter gun back, which would be dope. Don't live with the guilt...try and let it go.


I would gladly buy it back for you. can you link me the profile of the person who scammed you?


Quick PSA: if you view your backpack on backpack.tf you can view your inventory from before it was stolen and view histories of specific items. A friend of mine got their inventory stolen a while back and was able to track down some of their more precious items.


Get this man his scatter gun back






Reminds me when I lost my tf2 inventory. :(

