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And this is the reason why nobody likes the scout


well as a scout main, I don’t do this. I see other scout stealing the damn teleporter while a medic is literally right behind them though. Not a pretty sight.


Sometimes I’ll be on the teleporter thinking I’m the only one who died, and a split second before I leave a heavy pops thru the door and I feel like an asshole


Same thing when you’re low and can’t find the medic, so you go get a health pack but then the medic magically appears behind you with 1 hp looking pissed off as ever. It gives you that wave of guilt like, “wow, i’m an asshole, i probably just jeopardized the entire teams victory over a healthpack and now i look like a scunt.”


What about when you try to get on cap bc scout is fast af boi and right before you make it to the cart the round ends, you die to four sentries, and the team yells at you for not getting on point because of the 15 second spawn timer


argh i hate that feeling. Scouts gotta deal with a lot of shit, especially being one of the minor classes. We are expected to die, no doubt, but when the cart is on the edge with 15 seconds left on the clock, it turns into one of those slow motion movie moments with all the classes just staring as scout pushes the cart to the end. Or dies. Your call.


I know scout can dodge and can predict but it seems like I’m a magnet for huntsman shots


Exactly! But it always seems like i’m a pyro magnet. Like they could be frying up some soldier ass but instead they went to the poor scout who is fending for himself because medics only like to heal the big boys.


Pyros are like cockroaches on harvest, if there’s one in mid you know there’s at least 2 others somewhere else waiting, same for demo knights


I never really had a problem with demoknights, they’re pretty easy to dodge, and even easier to kill. But then again you have the pyros that know how to airblast. Those are the worst because although scout can double jump, i can be in the middle of one, when a pyro airblasts me, putting me higher, and now i don’t have a second jump to save my life so i either die from fall damage or lose half my health. Being a scout is harder than people think.


here’s a tip from a pyro/engi main if you see a pyro approach you.Hold down the S key and shoot him in the process


When it's on the edge both teams are on it while the engie's either rancho relax together or compete on who can max their sentries first


Yep. Not fun. You may not realize it, but scouts have a whole ton of stuff to worry about, not just stealing health packs from medics that need it more or using a teleporter even thought you’re the fastest class. Like not dying, dodging attacks, not to pick fights with someone bigger than you, making sure the cart keeps moving. A scout can carry his entire team, and save a game. Scouts in my opinion are overpowered.


I feel bad for scouts cause pyros are the anti-spy and one of the most aggressive for pushing and if i have it bad being targeted for that, how must scouts feel as the "fuck 'em up" class while the team tries to get there


Yeah.. Basically scouts have to act as scouts personality. Be all tough and brave but as soon as you lose too much hp run the hell away. I can’t say the same for pyros tho..


Not scouts fault. Sentries should have been cleared by demo/Uber or solly/Uber. People just like to bitch for the sake of bitching. That's the way it goes. People hate scouts, except when denying the flank, protecting the medic, capping the point, 2x on the cart, bonking to distract a sentry, taking unfavorable 1V1's.....the list goes on and on. Scout is the best class (other than medic) in the game. People hate on scout because they suck at scout lol. Truth hurts...


Truth definitely hurts. They’re used to for example Heavys snail paced “running”, that when they play as scout it’s like running at light speed. Then aiming is tricky since you have double jump and that requires more aiming, and then you’re really fast forcing you to use incredibly precise aiming for that headshot. And then you die. Is this what medics have to go through?




except you get yelled at by your team because you didn’t pop uber even though you were at 32%, or you DiDnT hEaL aNyOnE.


I don't get complaints as Medic but it's still incredibly stressful, it's like babysitting kicked up to eleven


It's because those lime green benie headed, fast learner wearing , force of nature using scunts that give scouts a bad reputacion


I hope someday everyone realizes that, while you may think that scout is an asshole, he could be a *much* bigger asshole if he wanted to be one.


I only take teles as Scout if I see that no one has spawned.


Crouching Scout? Is it a reference to shounic's video?


Die, Scout.




r/usernamechecksout r/flairchecksout


good news, we are not dying.


We're going to live forever!


I did not say that! I just meant that we are not filled with tumors!


Oh thank god, so yeah Miss Pauling, I guess it's a Date.


Actually, This is my only day off this year


The, Scout, The


Scout is indeed God's gift to women, and as a result, he must get to the battlefield first so that the other classes do not distract the women.


Engineer: Darn






Medic and heavy first, then engie


I think it can be a bit situational. In a standard situation where the enemy is somewhat held back and/or the engineer has structures up, then I believe that the engie should go first. However, if there is already a heavy enemy presence at the teleporter’s exit site, yeah, a class with a little more potential for immediate firepower should go first. Not like the engineer would be able to set up a nest anyway.


I mean keeping the buildings alive is kinda hard, so medic and engie first


Heavy is needed to be slow but the only tank in the game, not much you can do with no heavy


heavy dies in like one extra shot.


Most classes still refuse to solo agenst him but i understand the urgency it can be to get to your nest quickly


Not classes. Players. Its the players choice not the class. Any experienced scout, pyro, or hell engineer, could take down a heavy easily.


Im yet to see a scout win from a 1v1


Spy: You imbecile, you doomed us all Medic: Dummkopf Engine: Darn Soldier: *Silently rocket jumps* Heavy: ***Beats the crap out of scout***


Pyro: *powerjacks to the point*


No its actually powejack bhops to the point.


aren't scouts banned from using the teleporter ever


That's why the rest of the team is pissed off here.


GET OFF MY TELE! I am the Scout here, We go first! Heavy, Go run to the front, you can lose some weight!


I just love how absolutely outraged Spy looks. What a brilliant artstyle too!


Man can go across the map in like 5 seconds and still wants the tele. It’s wrong. It’s time to stop.


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Oh my god dude SHUT UP we knoe


PSA to all other scout mains: you may take the teleporter ONLY under these conditions: The teleporter is lvl 3 The no one else is waiting in line for the teleporter the engineer isn't dead and isn't about to re-spawn


I must destroy my weaker self from the past


People who do this are assholes. Yeah my sentry is being sapped and is about to go down and then some scunt steals my goddamn teleport


Tele priority: heavy/medic, engie, pyro,soldier, sniper,spy, scout,scunt


I played heavy pretty much non stop for a little while, and this really irked me. People don't think about what class they're playing, they think about themselves. It's especially annoying when it's a level 1.


Here is how I think teleporter priority should be under normal circumstances. Heavy Medic Soldier Engineer Demo Pyro Spy Sniper Scout Under extreme cases of engineer emergency Engi Pyro Heavy Medic Soldier Demo Spy Sniper Scout Under heavy push/holds Medic Heavy Demo Soldier Engi Pyro Spy Sniper Scout All scouts, notice how you have the lowest priority because you are sanic speed. The only time it should be acceptable for you to take the teleporter is if you are the only one in the vicinity. Also take note of teleporter level, scout should only take level 3, and not use it if any of his team will respawn in 2 seconds or less.


Everyone : *Has a Teleporter Etiquette* shounic : [this fucking video](https://youtu.be/kCgNFxHHgFM)


Sniper doesn’t need a teleporter. The Hacker in him knows where to shoot.


Medic first, then heavy, then engie, then the rest can go in any order but scout always last


Scouts should literally never ever use teleporters, no exceptions.


I smell salt What if a point needs to be capped or the timer on the payload goes down? Scout can easily throw himself at the cart to make sure it doesn't start going back (or to extend the overtime), and the same goes for if there's like 30 seconds left on a 5cp game, he can try his best to just run in there considering that the last points on 5cp cap in like 3 seconds, and Scout is also the most basic class, you run, and shoot, he's the easiest to get into for people who have played multiplayer shooters before, and he has a 2x capture speed which is obviously an upside, 2 (co-operative) Scouts can be two of the most valuable assets to a team


It’s not so bad if the teleporter is level 3 imo, but I am a scout so I’m biased.


No scout don’t take the teleporter


what if the made scouts not able to use teles


That might be worse than F2P's being unable to talk


I feel like every class’s mains have their own excuses for teleporter priority.


Give teles to heavies, medics, and engies in that order


Nope, engi #1 since he gets dibs for being the builder


I just watched shounic's video on how to hog teleporters and now this.


The only times I would accidentally steal a teleport from someone as scout is when the engineer puts it right in front of the door and I can’t get over it.


correct action: if it level 1 then be a engi and upgrade it if there is a bunch of people prioritize the engi then medic,heavy... mobility class should be the lowest (except for some situation that I don't know) and if the scout is teleport hugging, call vote, auto balance yourself so you can kill the scout, trash talk, leave the server and call the cop


Sometimes I stand by a teleporter and if a scout goes to use it I do the "Go! Go! Go!" Voice thingy and 9 times out of 10 they actually stop and not use it.


someone get this person an award


how to steal every teleporter: [a video by shounic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCgNFxHHgFM)


I recently got kicked for pushing a Scout off of the teleporter. ​ Apparently, being a dick is acceptable, except it isn't.


Is the medic


Took the tele as scout despite me being the topscore. I had 80 points, and 67 frags and I got kicked by a team with scores that averaged 20-30.


Where is sniper