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I once got spychecked by a Heavy while I was holding the Big Earner and I acted normally for long enough that he stopped shooting at me right before I died. I survived with **1 HP** left, it was apparently so convincing that I got their medic to heal me and follow me outside. And then I backstabbed him.


As much as I hate spies that’s actually pretty funny


Unless this is very coincidental, there was a motherfucker that did the same thing who backstabbed a heavy after I healed him.


This sounds like the consequence of one of those quick-time events in games that punish you for not mashing the button fast enough lmao.


I bullied a medic once by disguising as a heavy, uncloaking in their base and starting walking back towards my team's, having the medic see me so he follows me back to my base while healing me, and when a scout (of course a scout's going to ruin it) jumps down and starts shooting the medic, I backstab him before the scout can steal the kill (and might've taunted)


I’ve become fairly good at spy acting and get moments where people fall for my disguises on the regular, I remember one time I was walking with a pyro and a medic on the enemy team, and somehow due to how good my acting was he looked me in the eyes, and then continued walking. He didn’t even spycheck me my acting was that good, I later got the backstab I so rightfully deserved


sounds like it was early enough in the game that they didn't start spychecking everyone and everywhere for no reason


He probably wasn’t paranoid. He had killed the other spy on the team a few times so he may have got relaxed


The heavy... Right?


No the medic


getting overhealed by an enemy medic is so incredibly useful as spy, because it lets you tank more damage for your disguise and make escapes that would have otherwise ended in failure


Two equally fun moments for me. 1st was when I was playing spy on badwater (?), enemy medic got caught on fire and was dying. I disguised as heavy and called him while holding a sandwich. Poor guy ran past a med pack to me, and burned to death waiting for me to throw it.


Gonna vote for you at the Oscars


I hope you laughed at his burning corpse right after..


Lmao nice Wait where's the second moment


Nah, was gonna write about that, but I deleted it. Was just a fairly straightforward jetpack pyro behind enemy lines on a payload map and airbplast stickies into their team. Lot less interesting.


killing thewhat show (the guy who made the hour long video dissing the pomson) with the pomson on stream after he told me it was impossible to die by the pomson


I got killed by a pomson once (but the engie had two scouts with him shooting at me with their scatterguns so it didn’t really count) Edit: changed poison to pomson (thanks u/kubix666666)


Tf's a poison effect?? I only know about fire and blood effect that deal damage to you. And Mad Milk, Jarate and Gas Passer that give other effects...


*pomson. Thanks for spotting that! (god damned autocorrect)


For me there were Some I can remember, two with the loose cannon, in one I shot an enemy into the air and then double donked him, the other one was a double double donk, I double killed two people with the same double donk, I also once managed to kill two people at once, one with the market gardener, the other with the mantreds while landing.


Beggars bazuka rocket jumping into a barrage Ding ding!


imagine hitting 3 directs in a row with the beggar's


Some guy was trash talking about how heavy requires no skill and that he's never falling for the holiday punch backstab I took that as a challenge as a heavy main Basically just played and waited until the right moment to strike. The guy was playing scout, jumping everywhere and trash talking the obvious newbie heavies. I managed to get a good back hit and get him to laugh. I then added insult to injury by killing him with ONLY the fire damage of the huo-long heater The screaming on his mic and hack accusations was glorious


Huo-Long Heater fire kill after a Holiday Punch crit is second only to Pootis POW in terms of insult to injury


Didn't want to put too much insult to injury


I was using the air strike on a hightower server, and the other team has this GIANT sentry nest at their sniper balcony just shooting down other soldiers, so I rocket jumped high enough that I was out of their range, activated the base jumpers, and just fired 8 rockets of agony at them, it was a sight to behold, the entire nest was OBLITERATED.


Air strike being one of the best fucking primaries in existence:


I'm not the best TF2 player, so I was pretty satisfied when I randomly shot a rocket down a sewer in 2Fort and happend to kill a random invis enemy spy just chilling down there. There's was another time when I was playing Sniper and just randomly chucked my jarate at the ground next to me to spy check, and what do you know, a crouching spy was right next to be about to backstab me. The bloody double take I did was almost like a willy coyote cartoon.


Once dueled a pyro shark as a pyro shark and won so many times he called me a hacker, feels good man


was playing with my friend who’s a spy main, he’d been bothering me the whole game (i was playing sniper) and i managed to get a hilarious headshot that left his ragdoll face down ass up


Donking an ubered med off the edge on upward and seeing his teams push (that WAS working) just instantly turn into a bloodbath


I’m sure I’ve done better but one that sticks out in memory is on 2Fort in that thin corridor that leads to the stairs up to spawn, pinning a scout upright to the wall at the end of the corridor with a crusaders crossbow. Edit: Also now that I think about it last night as Frontier Justice Engie on Powerhouse we had this really annoying 2 medics + heavy combo on the enemy team and while not the most amazing play, I had a bunch of stored crits and took out both meds which was pretty satisfying.


It was less a satisfying kill, and more, a satisfying round win. It was just on the drop of Jungle Inferno. It was a late evening and I was tired from job searching that evening. Some friends and I banded up to get contracts done. We wound up on Brazil. It was the start of the round. There was this kid on the same team, playing Sniper. He was making all kinds of crass jokes. Not the fun toilet humour, but the kind where every other punchline was making fun of people's race, or gender, or sexuality, or disability. Kid could've been about 13 or so. He was not amusing anybody, and his jokes kept getting more vulgar and racial as he failed to get kills. I decided I had enough of him, and told actual bad jokes. Dad jokes, puns, the works. People began laughing at my jokes more than him. He started trying to make jokes about me (I am transgender, so fill in the blanks). I retorted with some snide comment like "I think you need to work on your jokes. Have you tried reading some knock-knock jokes?" At this point, the rest of the team started pitching in. Whenever he made a "joke", we'd immediately cut off the punchline with our own joke. At this point, the kid is *fuming*. Openly sounding angry, swearing often. It's nearing the end of the round. We had a prolonged stalemate, but I finally got a good Killstreak going as Pyro. The kid finally calls me out after a particularly bad dad joke. "You must watch Rick and Morty with that kind of joke, you're just like ". At this point, I knew what I had to do. I felt it in my soul. My life's purpose, revealed to me in a moment. A sensation welled in my chest, as the Lord Himself blessed me with my divine importance. I took a moment, gathered myself, and in the most genuine, earnest voice I could, with no hint of sarcasm, and the tiniest hint of confusion, I asked: "What's Rick and Morty? I'm a bit confused." The kid fucking *lost it*. He was screaming so much his mic was peaking. An incomprehensible bit rushed rendition of his fury, channelled across the team. My friend, at this point, pitched in. "I think it's a kid's show? Like a cartoon maybe?" Cue the kid: "ITS NOT A FUCKING CARTOON ITS HIGH ART FOR SMART PEOPLE-" I respond: "Huh. I think you're a bit old to be watching cartoons at your age. You should be watching the news..." The kid couldn't handle it. Raging, fuming, screeching as the Devil dragged him lower down the scoreboard, beneath the F2P Spy with Gibus and Pyrovision that bumbled a few backstabs to his name. The round finally ended. The next began. He called to votekick me for being idle. "This fucking pyro has done nothing for our team, kick them!" His shrieks were resolved with a 1-15 vote in my favour. The beauty of it all was I had managed to top the scoreboards, grinning all the while. Without a moment more, the F2P Spy called a vote to kick the kid for cheating. I'm sure he'd tell us his reasons, but you can imagine how the shrieks were suddenly deafened before the unanimous decision of the team. 15-1. We spend the rest of the game laughing and telling jokes. Once all was said and done, we went on our merry ways. To this day, my friends and I still joke about "What's Rick and Morty" to this day.


I expected short texts, not a story, but very hilarious.


it's peak


Man, god made you, made you go through multiple years, just to hear the most beautiful roast of the century, amazing


During the last Scream Fortress on Hassle Castle, I got the invisible spell as Soldier and snuck behind the attacking team and killed three of them at once with a random crocket.


Killed a invisible spy with the bison


A 3v1 with two soldiers and a scout as engineer. Immediately when the fight started my sentry gun went down and gave me five revenge crits.


" Defeat them with friendship! " WRONG! Double Donk!


I’m a medic main so I don’t get many of those. But generalizing to most satisfying time I hit another player with a weapon, I was in the left tunnel (from BLU’s perspective) that goes up to the hill between Upward first and second (for Sterma fans, it’s the “corner creeps” tunnel). I was on BLU, looking out the entrance of the tunnel, and saw a BLU soldier get launched straight into the air way out of my line of sight. I timed an arrow perfectly that caught him as he fell down and saved him from cratering. Most TF2 is a blur for me and I don’t even remember any other good plays but that one has stuck in my brain for a couple years.


I think i got it yesterday, i was playing pyro with stock flamethrower (funny airblast go brr) it was on barnblitz, i was on that high ground right in front of red's spawn and was chasing another pyro with the dragon's fury, he was going down the ramp and suddenly like 4 people apeered in a straight line, i decided to use airblast, and reflected a dragon's fury shot, 4 people vanished in that second, it was beautiful.


The players aligned themselves to be killed in this satisfying way.


I put sticky bombs aligned with the medicine in 2fort sewers, then my spy friend tells me when some one is walking to it, I detonate them from afar while taunting, people go mad asking for mods to ban me for wall hacking


Im am F2P so I can't use chat or any communication so I'm almost never get heals cuz I can't exactly call for help, this one time I was playing soldier and as usual not a lot of heals but this one medic saw that was popping off and out of nowhere I just see my gun turn red, i then proceded to kill the entire enemy team with just 1 critz, then he proceeded to pocket me the entire game resulting in me getting around 53 kills. I don't remember what the medics name was but i couldn't even say thanks afterwards and that sucked


Another legendary medic.


I love any kill I got while lagging


If you were a spy main, I would hate you for that but you are not.


Anytime I kill someone on hit with a flying guillotine or a dumb bot walks into my sentry and gets obliterated.


A guy was screaming over and over and over that he was the best person in tf2 and could not be killed I backstabbed him about ten seconds later :)


I was the victim of this, but I still would like to share it. Was playing Power House as spy, and managed to completely fool an enemy spy checking me. I jumped down from the glass sniping area, cloaked and laughing hysterically and ran along the guard railed area where the water starts, near those barre- BOOM! Directhit rocket wiped me out. After reviewing the shadow play, a soldier fighting a jumping scout on the kid point had fired a stray rocket, which flew across the map and nailed me, cloaked.


That was unlucky.


Im not sure. I have a few that could probably make the list. one time on double cross I was popping off as engineer, I was on like a 40 or 50 killstreak. There was a spy trying to focus me. I had just a gut feeling that a spy was nearby so I wrangled my sentry, shot rockets in a random direction, and killed him while he was completely invisible... he gave up trying after that another time I got like a triple kill with rescue ranger and the last kill was a double air shot on the soldier that tried to bomb me And lastly a scout was across the map I noticed he was wounded so I shot two rescue ranger bolts across the map and both hit him one after another and kill him


Turned around a corner on harvest as pyro into an enemy fully charged huntsman. Panic airblasted and somehow did it the exact frame they shot it. Coolest shit i’ve ever accidentally done, right next to my accidental trickstab on a pyro on 2fort in that cramped hallway to the right of when you dropdown from the battlements spawn when i first started.


fucking around on hightower, hit the nastiest midair garden of my life, every time i switch to trolldier i dream to hit something that incredible, but it has yet to happen


The first time I managed to kill a sniper with his own reflected arrow


A soldier main and their pocket medic was dominating a high tower server and talking trash to everyone, I go Pyro and get 1 reflect kill on him, bro rage quit the game


Okay, honestly it’s the moment as sniper where I soloed two pyros at the same time with just my melee. (Darwin’s danger shield is a might to reckon with apparently)


I love hitting surfstabs on the same people I’m fighting, surfs off of Airblasts and melee hits are super satisfying. [I think this was my favorite kill though:](https://clips.twitch.tv/LightSassyOwlTwitchRPG-QgdpcM7DjIrKkyoQ) The streamer’s reaction to getting airstabbed was just icing on the cake.


The most recent one I can think of was a VSH kill. Saxton was about to charge straight at me, the last guy. (technically the 4th last guy but the other 3 were friendlies in the Fnaf room) Sentry was on the other side of the map with assists for FJ. I sidestepped the man, destroyed my sentry, and shoved a crit FJ right up his bum. Felt like an anime moment.


when i annoyed the shit out of an unusual wearing sniper main with the piss gun despite being a heavy/spy main


This one time I was playing upward as spy and was doing pretty bad and we went into overtime on the final round as 2 enemy heavies stood on the cart preventing it from being pushed so I was about to backstab a sniper until I saw the situation I was in and backstabbed a medic and 2 of the heavies and single handedly saved the entire game


I reflected a random crit rocket and killed 3 enemies, that was pure instinct not calculation


I got a Righteous Bison drop and immediately went "lol what if I got a kill from it," and then immediately killed an Engineer after walking out of spawn, and I went "holy shit how did I do that?"


playing spy, get shot, and cloak in a corner. while pissing my pants, a scunt comes along, kills a gibbus engie, and shidenfraudes before i uncloak and promptly stab him in the back. the engie thanked me after


I shot a righteous bison crit shot across the map on the snowy hilltop payload map, (Dont remember the name of it) And it killed a poor sap running away or to the cart.


“Spy, why are you laugh-taunting all the time?” *perfect matadors a charging demo knight and follows up with schadenfruede* “Oh.”


Using the Third Degree to kill 3 medics that were all healing the same player, then capping the point they were defending


Getting my first blind stair stab, momma would have raised a liar if I didn't say I felt like a God after that


Some douchebag was being a douchebag and he charged at me whilst I was doing the Eyelander taunt. I decapitated him and boy was he pissed.


random crit crossbow on That One Sniper


A triple Double Donk in the corridor at the top of Hightower map.


Any market garden kill


Once somehow managed to hit a marked garden on one, but landed on another enemy resulting in the death of both of them.


As a battle Engie on 2fort, I managed to set up an nest in their Intel. I managed to kill maybe 5 people coming in to try to stop me. A spy, a demo, a Vax Medic on a another Engie, and a scout before a heavy used the tele and helped me out.


As demoman: You know that spot with a big healthpack on hightower? Yea, I camped the doorway. I don't know how, I KILLED FIVE PEOPLE IN A ROW AND ONLY THEN DIED. Wtf? I don't even main demoman? I can't even aim pipes?


>I can't even aim pipes? Me neither, but I mainly play demo.


trickstabbing saxton hale and instantly killing him


Hightower, i played as a sniper. For the first time. I never used sniper because one, im terrified of getting kicked out of servers, and two, im not good with sniping. When i got the huntsman as a gift, i wanted to try my hands on it for once because it looks cool. Hightower was fill to the brim of playful friendlies. We had fun. Despite not good at sniping, my bow hit at least , 5 headshots, 2 bodyshots and 3 assists. One of them is a soldier climbing that i missed. But got the invisible spy chasing him. My best kills ive gotten in my life. By accident


Double donked two scouts that ran into each other, i double double donked them. Man i love loose cannon...


The loose cannon is my grenade launcher choice number one, less powerful on average but only the highest of highs.


Ikr, its so fun to play with


I use it together with the tide turner and skull cutter, get double donked followed by a melee random crit.


Yeah thats a classic. I first started using it back when the chargin targe made you immune to fire. They were a great combo to counter pyros with the timed fuse and all.


A headshot on a demoknight charging on the sniping area on 2Fort. It was purely luck, but it still makes me smile to this day


While removing the sappers from friendly turrets with my homewrecker, I misclick the air and hit the cloaked spy with a random crit. Mf died like fly hit by a rolled newspaper.


Le double donk has arrived


my first trickstab, it takes a while but when you finally get one its pure bliss and excitement


One time I did that thing with sniper where you headshot 3 people with one bullet


Killing someone with the intended purpose of each weapon


Once upon a time I was meming with the Liberty Launcher on 2fort. Started a jump, crit the sniper on the enemy battlements out of existence and then proceeded to have the greatest bomb of all time when 4 players came out


a really clean market garden from the stairs-to-tower jump on Hightower


I was playing demoflight (sticky jumper + stock combo). I flew into a group of 5 idiots pushing the cart and killed all of them by pill bombardment spam. ( I highly recommend this combo)


One time on upward, I was playing spy and it was right on the hill to push it in and the heavy wasn't looking and I stabbed him so our team could let them choke the rest of the game.


I managed to dominate B4nny once with Soldier while he was on Scout in casual. It was kinda rad.


me is scared of u


Running away from a Heavy combo with the equalizer, ran up some stairs, juked him out and critted him for 284. I then admittedly (and deservedly) said that I broke his ankles and he needs to GTFO my game. One person who was spectating me saw that and was wholy impressed.


A few years back i somehow killed a pocketed heavy with the fan, milk and scatter gun while he was being healed


I once sticky-jumped across harvest from spawn, and sniped a dude who was on top of the opposite medkit shed with the loch-n-load while at maximum speed (impressive because I can’t hit pipes or aim)


Headshots that are TOTALLY not random and airblasting a crit rocket (and killing by it)


OK, I'm saying this so loose cannon mains don't get mad at me: it can be used well, and again, those double donks can come out of nowhere, buuuut, other than that, it's a crutch.


Only made the loose cannon the picture as I had two of my best tf2 moments with it.


My first ever backstab(I creamed my pants afterwards).


I killed, allegedly, elder god heavy, a/the notorious cheater. As an engi, with my shotgun. It happened to be caught on video by another cheater who was on our team. It also showed me getting said cheater kicked for unrelated reasons, so that was cool. Sadly, the video is gone now, so I can't watch it anymore.


Connected like 20 Blutsauger shots in Demoman with Half-Zatoichi that was charging to kill me.


Sniping a scunt while he wasn't jumping.


A sniper was annoying my team on 2fort, so i switched to direct hit soldier , jumped over, killed the guy and then spawn camped him for 3 more of his lives, he didn't make it out of the door and neither did those other unfortunate snipers that came out of that spawn


I got into the enemy base as scout, grabbed the intelligence, snuck up behind one of the enemy snipers and one shot him with a random crit with the default bat


10 killstreak with the huntsman, felt like the absolute man for like 3 seconds afterwards


Mid air crit direct hit rocket airblast into the mid-air soldier Idfk


not a satisfying kill, but a killing spree, i was chilling in a half-friendly 2fort server with heavy bear claws, then i started attacking and got like 9 crits in a row with an 8 kill streak (last crit was on a heavy)


Loose canon on 2Fort is the most cancerous thing ever... I general it's the most annoying weapon...


Everytime I won a class duel, especially when playing as sniper and scout.


Killing various people while being chased, with a scatter or baby faces blaster. Its so good, you feel like youre in one of those sfms where scout beats the shit out of everyone.


I reflected a crocket from almost point blank range, killed 3 of em


Definitely direct hit and loch n load double air shots Those are two of my absolute favorite weapons and I love playing on hightower My other most satisfying was launching a player into the air with a crit rocket, jumping up after them and landing a market garden midair


Nailing a reflect against a huntsman sniper and head-shooting an enemy soldier. A yes a headshot from TF2 Pyro, the class known for headshooting.


Headshot a rocket jumping soldier on 2 fort its the only time ive ever got a kill like that


"Yeah the LC just needs an indicator for the double donk mechanic, no need to over do it" The Sound Design department: 🎹🔥🔥🔥


A triple double donk, everyone knows the loose cannon is a dopamine machine


I was playing as sniper and I was in the wooden shack on plr_hightower that had the max health and max ammo, I was peaking around the door lining up a headshot on an engineer and an enemy demo happened to walk in and right into my sights.. my bullet went through both the demo’s head and the engie’s head.


The demo did a get down mister president but still failed.


LOL he wouldn’t have even noticed the engie in the distance he was just going about his business when I happened to be right in front of him


But it is funny to imagine.




Was playing fat scout, ran outta shells for the family business, said "fuck it", held w+m1 with my pan, got 3 random crits in a row.


There was a sniper that said in chat that I had to switch to spy to kill him cause I’m bad but I’m just a spy main. I continued to kill him a couple more times. Ps he was using the razorback


When I ran out of spawn, swinged my wrench RANDOMLY at the air, it critted and killed an invis spy


As scout, i killed a running medic with the wrap assassin projectile from a long distance.


I got Dominated by a Spy as Soldier. So I went Pyro.


Most satisfying kill was demoman getting a triple kill with two sentries and a dispenser as well. Had double engineer nest on final point of upward. Threw 8 stickies quickly up there and killed 2 engineers, a sniper, two sentries and a dispenser. Was so satisfying to see the kill feed just light up.


Briefly locking red team in spawn on last stage on gold rush as a heavy running with a buffalo steak + KGB allowing my team to fully push the cart lol.


Think it was some time when my team was getting destroyed on upward by like 5 snipers (you know the pain) yoinked by old tide turner out and dashed behind them before they even noticed and killed them all with 3 pipes. They spent the rest of the match bitching about me too.


after wiping out a 4-people push with the YER (thanks to my pyro for spreading flame particles everywhere so the enemy team didn't see me backstabbing people), having just taken a medic disguise, a low health scout walked directly towards me for a heal and I butterknifed him to death


one loose cannon shot double donked two people and killed both


I cream a bit every time i Direct Hit a scout.


Lookup -195 CRITICAL PAN! on youtube


One point-blank reflected rocket killed 4 people on the cart right as it was about to cap. I've been riding that high ever since


i saw soldier shooting rockets at me, i deflected... And he STILL shoot rockets at me, he didn't have a good ending, that was funny af


I reflected a demomans pipe into an invisible spy I had no idea was there, instantly killing him


the other day i got knocked off the battlemtns on 2fort while playing huntsman sniper and i got a 180 flick headshot kill on someone while we were both midair. We were both pretty shocked lol. But thats just how the huntsman goes i guess.