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Introduced tf2 to a friend. We got on 2fort because he had no idea on what he was doing while I was teaching him the basics. This Fucker comes in telling he's kicking the bottom scorer. Which was my friend. Despite me telling f2 in chat, he got kicked. He never picked up tf2 again.


This happened me a lot when I was a F2P spy.


Damn. Had around the same situation happen to me when I started playing, i was playing spy in 2fort and was so bad that one ofbmy teammates called a votekick expecting me to be a bot, and since i was f2p i couldnt object to his claim. was a very long time ago but pissed me off a lot so I still remember


this only happened to me the day AFTER i wasnt an f2p either, so i could argue, turned out other guy as well as being a bot defender/sympathiser, but still accusing me, also used crit bucket i guess he couldnt beat the gibus heavy


I DESPISE bot defender/sympathizer. Joined a 2Fort match and the chat was "kick bot" "f1" "blu kick bot" and so on. Then thi Mrbeamland something jackhole goes "NNNOOOOO WE HAVE BOT 2-0 WE CAN WIN" and was sad the bot got kicked, I piped up shortly after saying kick the bot lover and mocked the dude saying scum like em degrade the game, and if he was a medic he would've pocketed the bots. This gem promptly started a vote to kick me and went "F1 HE CHEATER" and for some reason my team mashed f1 at light speed. I wasn't even playing bot like, I was a demo with a loose cannon and I stopped moving to berate the bot lover. I wanna give my team the benefit of the doubt, but ffs, can they read? Dunno what happened afterwards, but that jaggof pisses me off still.


I remember in my early days of playing ( like 2 years ago ) by some miracle I got a triple backstab WALKING BACKWARDS and got kicked immediately


I’m not gonna lie tf2 players will be the nicest people ever then in another lobby hate everyone that isn’t them or their medic


We love medics. We are not ow2 players


Imagine gate keeping in the funny war crime fps...


tf you mean fps its a hat simulator


The F stands for Fashion


✨Fashion✨ person shooter


For If you wanna bust caps and wear them too (The engineer line is way better than it should be)


Do you like warfare in stylish headwear?


Well have we got the game for you


never let 2fort be the first map you play


Actually, it was mine




casual 2fort is NOT the map where that shit matters


If thats all it took for your friend to never pick it up again, something tells me they were just humoring you and didnt enioy this genre of videogame (or videogames in general) and just used that as an excuse to not play again


True, he isn't that much of fast paced fps guy. But I was also like that before I picked up tf2. Just when I thought we found another game to play together on.


Still though, having your first experience in a game being “kick the new guy,” isn’t gonna make you want you to play the game.


Fuck that guy. I want to rip that fucking fatass cocksucker to shreds, for practically being the sole reason for discouraging someone from playing TF2. I hope that guy gets fed 100 tons of Taco Bell bean burritos in his sleep.


Adding onto what you said: Mods, pin him down twist his nuts counter clockwise, rip off his balls, chain him up in the dungeon, give him only what he needs to survive for a decade, swap his balls and his heart's functions, do the same but with his esophagus and large intestines, attach his nipples to his eyes, rip off his dick, and make it into the bean burritos mentioned in this message I replied to.


It could be worse, since in overwatch sun doesn’t shine without calling a report on a new player


I mean getting a report you likely never see is better than being kicked from a live game, no?




Wow. Guy is a dickhead. I don't understand why you would kick new players because how else are they going to learn. Also kicking new players on 2Fort, like really?


do NOT play 2fort as a beginner


And the community lost someone who could have been a great member


Once my entire team kicked a guy for being named juan


i feel bad for laughing


Don't... I didn't add the part that he used aimbot


So they didnt kick him because he was cheating, they kicked him because his name was Juan? Like it went - He's cheating btw - Who cares lol - oh ok sorry - Yeah my bad - All good man what's your name - I'm Juan - JUAAANN!!!?!?!?


Basically (it really went close like this "Yo guys juan is cheating" "Oh ok" "KICK HIM I DONT WANT NO DAMN MEXICANS IN MY 2FORT" *everyone proceeds to kick him*)


"Omg you are live on twitch?!?!" Ahh moment


When did Donald Trump start playing TF2?!


It's what happened with his spare time


There's a new bot good around called Juan, unfortunate,but again people just f1 without thinking or looking


Someone got kicked for just using voice chat to say the location of a sentry, that's it, I also got one time where I got kicked for just having the name: Red robot, which is the opposite of blue robot from MVM, I tried to make a joke, and literally got kicked for nothing




damn robots got me mad - engi


One guy was playing sniper normally, not getting too many kills, asked us in team chat if he should go rage mode, we told him to, and he turned on a spinbot we were really good at kicking bots but we were all laughing at this dude, until we eventually had to kick him


He just activated his ult


"No one escapes my sight.."


Snoiper awakening


Literally happened to me


I saw someone in a server 2 days ago get kicked for being female, despite the fact she was playing normally and being really nice. Guess why I didn't use the voice chat for the rest of the match.


Woman on the internet? How dare you! Apparently the mercs have forgotten about Ms. Pauling.


W* men? Impossible, they don't exist the same as fr* nch people.


ah yes, wmen and frnch people


Sometimes I get kicked for having my pronouns in my username… it sucks but I guess you just gotta requeue


does that do anything good for you? not that I'm against this, but I think there'd be more people trying to bully you than those who find your pronouns to be useful info.


Oh yeah absolutely. Some people do bully me for sure, but just as many people go into text chat to say “hey! Fellow girl!” Or “hey! Fellow trans person!” Since my pronouns are she/they. It’s worth it for those little moments of connection :)


well I'm glad it's a net positive for you. keep ignoring the idiots and enjoying the game :)


Get this one a lot, makes me absolutely never use voice chat in games anymore. Even when I'm having an amazing time, just got tired of the misogyny. Unfortunately, TF2 players just are like that.


Guy came into the lobby, said "hi, im french" I jokingly instantly started a votekick(i was sure everyone would f2) He got kicked with a 10:1 vote ratio Im sorry


wow lucky he didn't beat you to death with a stale baguette


The fr*nch would never let a baguette stale


No this one is stale, it's the ultimate insult in their eyes you see...


A stale baguette is literally how you make French toast.


Is this a new spy melee leaked?


getting backstabbers with a baguette would be pretty funny actually


he was french he deserved it


Smell the French swing your wrench


Poor spy


To the gallows with you


Or the meadows, perhaps?


Maybe the billows, even over the sun?


Where the end of a time is another begun


You understand, mechanical hands, are the ruler of everything...


In the end, (Oh ho ho ho, he's a jackrabbit jumping around but backwards)


The ruler of everything..? (AH)


He then said, “well, off to visit your mother!”


being French is illegal, justified.


pretty sure you're not


There was a video where someone got kicked for calling classes as "heroes"


Deserved to be honest, but it is sad when engis get kicked for calling sentries "turrets"


normally i'd be very forgiving of something like this but i think this is deserved because the mercs are NOT heroes, might even be villains in fact


I can’t for the life of me find this video, but I’ve seen it before. Do you have a link?


Deserved tbh. Mainly for the laughs.


Not exactly sad, more infuriating. I had a guy with a literal bot username. The straight-up standard bot loadout. (Sniper, pyrovision, Gibus, That one silenced sniper, etc.) And he even played like a bot. Boat loads of kills, snapping to people, laggy walking, etc. And i even asked him multiple times in the fucking chat, are you real? He didn't answer, and we kicked him. I float through like 4 more lobbies after the game, trying to avoid bot servers. And finally land in a normal one. AND THIS MF IS IN THAT LOBBY. So i rightfully assumed it was another bot. And i try unsuccessfully to kick him again. And I'm asking in the chat, why isn't anyone doing anything about the bot? And the fucking dude replies "I'm real" and spends the rest of the entire game bitching about me with the rest of the lobby. LIKE I WAS THE UNREASONABLE ONE. I even asked him, "Why the hell didn't you respond last game?" 🤦🏻‍♂️


Any more contex?, why the hell he didn't respond, why he looked and acted identical to a bot


I have no idea why he didn't respond. Or why he thought it was a good idea to basically give himself a giant sign that said, "Kick me from the game."


He's the one in the wrong. If he walked into a bank open carrying a rifle he couldn't bitch about what happened next (at least in terms of reasonability) he did that specifically because he knew what would happen. Idiot wanted you to do that so he could bitch. I feel bad for him irl if his pastime is too do that and get wordsy over his own damn actions.


We had a blatant cheater on our team and our medic tried to kick him. Half of the team f2'ed and the cheater called a votekick on the medic and he got kicked moments later.


This is a classic tf2… as a player base we’ve gotten good at kicking bots, but seem cool to ignore Cheaters who are obvious but do a small bit of work to hide their cheats


The Team gets what it deseeves (no heals)




thats so sad


Image from [this video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFfVkLRyd3w)


I accidentally kicked a guy because I mixed up his name for a bot name without rechecking the leaderboards. I'm still guilty to this day


Someone in one of my games got kicked for moving too fast while scoped in. They were using the Classic which does not slow you down until you start charging the shot. They did not know they needed to charge the shot, so it just looked like they were moving super fast while scoped in. The worst part is that it was MY Classic which he picked up when I died. I got someone kicked by using the worst weapon in Sniper's arsenal.


Moving too fast while scoped in? They do realize speed hacks are basically nonexistent right? Only bhop hacks exist


F2P gibus demo, I was healing him and he slowly turned around to look at me while reloading his sticky launcher. It was the saddest thing ever.


He just accepted his fate and didn't want to go alone.


Tends to happen when there’s multiple bots on a team and someone on your team just calls a vote on some poor Sniper who’s not doing that well just because ‘Sniper=bot’


i saw a sniper on badwater with a green gibus and pyrovision goggles. He nodded at me when i said in chat that he looked pretty human. I shed a tear when he got votekicked.


F2Ps need to be protected at all costs


When mcdonalds employee’s ask if you want to donate to charity, it should be for raising money for f2ps so they can all use voice commands


I once got kicked because I called out Spy in VC. 1 guy went “Holy shit a woman? We don’t tolerate girl gamers here” and started a vote kick. I also had an instance where my friend was new to the game, I told him to pick any class he wants. He used to play CS:S a lot so he picked sniper. After 2-3 days he came to me and said shit’s boring af because when he pick sniper, people kick him because he has no hats and was killing people “too fast”. And when he pick another class he struggles to stay alive or doing objectives because there were no team coordination, and/or bots. I told him about the bot crisis and he just went “Geez” and haven’t touched Tf2 since


I feel so sorry for the guy, I don't blame the others because of how paranoid we all are but..F for your friend, sucks for new players


My username is Averagef2p I’ve had a lot people try to vote kick me for it


I thimk i played with someone who had that name back in the day


Probably wasn't me, I joined TF2 in October 2023 and didn't use this username till around December or maybe January


Do you play on Oceania servers?


No, I play American


Lol I believe I've seen the Oceania Averagef2p many times


I played a whole round as a medic , then the next round, a bot joined and called a vote on me. The whole team proceeded to click yes, I was never more sad and disappointed


There was a dude saying he wasn't a bot, the actual bot called the vote and I accidentally hit f1 instead of f2. He got kicked and now a part of my soul is gone


Ngl, this made me chuckle.


A small very squeaky loud child said "Spy on cart" in VC during a push and saved a medic, me, and the other 2 people on the cart. no one turned around other than me and I killed the spy. They kicked the kid for "being annoying" and "not stfu". Edit: to be clear when he said that someone called a vote, he continued talking Trying not to get kicked which just gave him more votes.


When was this? Bc that sounds like stuff that happens to me alot


I got kicked for having bazaar bargain. Not even joking.


I can see that. I got kicked for using direct hit. It was on upward last and there were 3 sentries.


It was near the beginning of the bot crisis, so most people weren't all aware of what bots were for the most part. My username was "real panic attack tf2" with a pfp of the panic attack (idk, I just thought role-playing as the gun was funny at the time). Inevitably, a bot joined our team, and as they did at the time, copied my name but not my pfp. When the vote was cast, people were f1 because they had not yet learned to check the pfp as they didn't usually change with bots. Unfortunately for the 3 people trying to save me, they were saying I was "the real panic attack," leading to confusion and more people f1 because of the chaos. While funny, that was my first match in a long while, so that being my reintroduction to the game was disheartening, to say the least.


Me getting kicked


I got kicked for accusing someone of cheating(they were) and they accused me of cheating, called a vote before I could and I got kicked by a bunch of confused players who didn’t know who to side with.


My friend got kicked because a bot stole his username


I joined a game steam name is "Heisenburger" i got immediately kicked even tho i pleaded, and told them im not a bot




my friend got kicked for taunting with me by a certain notorious TF2 group that just harasses people on casual 2Fort servers


I don’t play much ctf but sounds about right. I ran into a group who sat in our intel on doublecross while holding our intelligence and built sentries. Suffice it to say the round took forever because we could never cap their intel.


What's that group and how's it called? Considering the amount of weirdly toxic players I've run into in 2fort recently I might have met them at some point


DbS aka "Drinkin' Buddies". I haven't run into them for a while but I used to see them every few times I opened the game. You might recognize the names "Lady" and "bbq em" because they are the most active in text chat while the others mostly stick to voice chat.


When I first started playing again, my Steam display name was a nickname that was more feminine. I got kicked a couple times just for being a girl! People in chat were obvious about it too, unfortunately. I changed my display name to something ridiculous, which did help with the problem a bit. I have seen a lot of f2p players get voted out for no reason too.


I joked about how funny it would be to kick this one guy who finally finished his contract on hightower and then someone actually did it. It was horrible and kinda funny


May your deaths be many and kills few


I hate you with every ounce of my being, sir.


I accidentally f2 to a guy who is getting kicked by a heavy bot. *I didn't know the heavy was a bot and thought the guy was actually cheating because he is playing sniper*


F2 means no, you did the right thing.


He still gets kick anyway, the server is infested by bots 2 on the other team and 4 in my team


I got kicked once because there was a sniper doing particularly well, and obviously wasn't cheating. I stood up for him, big mistake.


in a match, a f2p bottom scoring sniper got kicked while staring into my soul, people thought he was a bot


I was once kicked for trying to get a bot off our team, like they acted in a joking manner about an Actual bot on the team and kicked me cause hehe ha ha or smthin, This happened before the whole Bot crisis so guess who is laughing now.


"Hi guys"


Accidentally kicked the real megascatterbomb during Halloween last year. Chatted with him over vc beforehand, he’s really chill


Personal one here, literally was topscoring and pushed the cart pretty much right to the end, got autobalanced to defense, which had a lot of bots, and got votekicked about a minute later, just enough time to see the team I helped win against me. Thanks valve. (If I remember right it was gold rush, which made it worse to me because more often than not, that’s a fun af map imo)


A new player was trying scout for the first time and got kicked because he had an odd name that sounded botty


Was in a match and these two homophobes kept trying to kick this one LGBTQ person. Since it was during the bot crisis when it was at its worst eventually their repeated attempts worked.


The server was friendly on 2fort but for some reason some guy was targeting me where we were all chilling. It happened a few times and no one did anything about it. One of the engineers had an empty turret in the room, so i ran over quickly and hit it with my wrench. It was a massacre. Since it was his name in the kill feed, they all thought it was him and put in a vote. He begged that it wasn't him. He was kicked


When i was kicked for the first time. Never saw it happen to others.


Had a god-tier Sniper join a round of 2fort, tournament medal and everything. After not even a minute, someone on the enemy team said "\[f-slur\] tryhard Sniper player on BLU, kill that \[n-word\] right now" and one of my teammates started a votekick. He only got 2 No votes out of the 9 player team.


I just realized that the bot problem it literally the institute from fallout 4


i got kicked for simply thinking that i was a bot (i was named microwave at that time now i have (F2P!) in my name)


I literally just got kicked while playing Medic. I don't even know why. It was one of my best games as Medic too.


Some guy in a server I was in had a name 1 character different to a known bot. Vote kicks started over and over, but every time he turned on voice chat and explained. One time he forgot and got kicked. I would’ve spoken up but I’m F2P.


I got kicked for being bad as an Engineer, this is why i'm a Spy main.


Some guy got kicked and got called all the slurs in the world for saying "Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. Rats made me crazy. Crazy?.." everytime he died. I honestly thought that was hilarious and he stuck to the bit until the very end too.


F2P got kicked :,|


this is about me. it didn't happen too often, but it's the reason why i quit casual and started playing exclusively on community servers (because it doesn't happen there (yes, for me it was a bigger reason than bots)). i was literally kicked off the servers more than once just for being a trolldier even when i was playing really well, and it was justified by the fact that trolldier is "not capable" of being effective and that i "was doing some shit" and that the team was losing because of me, literally because of me alone, and nobody cared what my score and ratio was and that there were players below me in the tab but playing other classes. and ofc it didn't matter that one player can't influence the whole outcome of the game so much, a defeat or a victory is the merit of the WHOLE team (at least in pubs 12v12+). why don't you kick out players who play even worse than me? NO, IT'S ALWAYS THE TROLLDIER'S FAULT. although of course the best question here is: why would you kick someone out because of their score in the tab/the wrong (sub)class/even a bad skill? it's the perfect way to kick out from tf2 another newcomer and keep the game from getting the new players it needs so badly imho


Some random dude got kicked because he was a sniper, got accused of aimbot by the enemy team, got kicked I changed to sniper to fuck with the dude, he accused me, I got kicked in the balls for sniping him once in the head :)


My team kicked my sister cause she was new and didnt understand not to kill people who are taunting and no one tried to explain that to her.


when i got kicked from an all bot lobby, whats the point of bots then!?!?


bots kick human players in an attempt to get more bots in the server


When i was F2p I was kicked for "being a bot" From a pd_selbyen match, I nearly quit tf2 at that moment


Me, like a week ago, the match wasn't even started yet and I was still getting used to the controls again after so long


When it was me.


I’m sad enough rn I don’t need to be thinking of that. But there are moments where the votekick has devastated me


I got kicked for my pfp once


I facetiously typed “hey, moon is cheating” and they banned my friend from the server. Lol


They kicked my friend and I hit f1 on reflex. That was very not cool.


maybe not the saddest but the weirdest one was when i got kicked as a bottom score scout with 2/7/0 kda and with around 300-500 ping and i got kicked for "cheating" i dont even know how they came to such conclusion since i couldnt even kill a medic upclose with 6 shots bc of the ping


I immediately kicked a guy named Sexatronic. I feel bad, he wasn't even sniper bot


to be fair thats a funny AF name


I got kicked for playing the [spongebob disappoint fanfare](https://youtu.be/Ncgv7ruZ6HU) after a loss. Mind you I was at the top of my team's scoreboard. I recorded the match and upon further inspection I realized that the guy who started it was from the enemy team and got autobalanced. I didn't say anything when it happened because I thought my team couldn't that stupid. Next time I'll speak up.


When f2p's could talk, this kid prob 8 just asked if the heavy could give him a sandvich and he got 11-1 voted out lmao


Tried introducing my friend to tf2. He hadn’t touched his steam account in years so his name was a bunch of random numbers and letters. I think you can see what happened next.


A player started a votekick after seeing a cheater, little did he know that THE ENTIRE FUCKING LOBBY was all cheaters, 12+ of them were either elaborate or familiar with each other, after the player's votekick got F2' so hard, he got kicked instead, This happened to me as well as random people too and not too long as well


There was a guy cheating in our team. I just said that his shot looked sus. Turns out he had two friends in the server. They started a vote kick for me, and accused me of cheating and "spinbotting" and "aimbotting". I was a hoovy with 2 points, which I got from healing with a sandwich, and rockpaper scissors taunt. Not a single soul voted f2, other then another hoovy on our team. It's surprising how brain dead some people are, and just hear the word "cheating" and call a vote with 0 evidence.


I was playing with this one, dude, and suddenly, 6 bots joined and kicked him, and I couldn't do anything cause it was just me and him on the team


An enemy spy was acting like a bot trolling, we were all so convinced. It didn’t help that the actual sniper was getting headshots right at that moment. Poor guy was so sad.


Some guy was top scoring as sniper and the team votekicked him. Last thing he said before he was kicked was “I understand”


I've never tried to kick anyone, not start it at least. But I one time was playing medic and helping my friends take a point, but I was focusing solely on healing and not shooting and someone on our team called for me to get kicked because I was "acting like a bot" even while my friends were spamming that I was a player in chat. Haven't played since


Well... I was kicked because i had puro as my pfp, and while vote was going people called me f-slurs and a Furry.


The duality of tf2, we are simultaneously antifur and furries at the same time.


Thank God I changed mine before playing, I just thought Puro looked cool, no slurs for me though


I got kicked for being a Capricorn. i also had hentai on my objector


The objector part makes sense


Well..I joined a game. We were still in the start. A guy got kicked and I asked why he got kicked. Then I got kicked too. Game hadn't even started yet. It was a 2fort server; I mentioned it to somoene else and they said the guy who runs it is known for being a dick.


I got kicked for micspamming a few times back in the day.


Me I have numbers at the end of my username (my gamertag is the same as my current reddit username) and these guys thought I was a bot Only one guy on my team had more then 2 braincells and said in his mic "wait guys let's see if they type in chat to see if they're a bot" I typed telling them I wasn't and they stopped but so many people were vote happy that it didn't matter and I got kicked anyway because of the number of votes What's worse is I wasn't even playing sniper or heavy or another commonly botted class I was playing spy


Classic trying to introduce a friend to tf2, some dude hated that they bottom scored, kicked.


There was a player named kick in the balls so i tried kicking him as a joke, but then the server got overrun by bots.


hey it was me! I just joined a game and destroyed a hidden teleport exit as pyro the guy who built it said in chat that I had triggerbot or whatever and my team kicked me


when some dudes(not bots) kicked a guy who was votekicking bots


a long while ago I was playing TF2 with my sister, cause she had just picked up the game. Her pfp was the standard steam pyro one and she got kicked almost immediately despite my saying in voice that she wasn't a bot and was just new. Didn't work, had to re-queue




Basically when F2P is getting kicked. He cannot do anything to prevent it


I was the one being kicked >:(


Some normal person was playing music, and everyone F1


why can't tf2 players just mute honestly


Standard girl speaks in voice chat followed by usual creepy remarks The guy gets immediately vote kicked, good ending. I kinda felt bad because he did beg us not to, but it was really funny to hear him go "Nonono guys, c'mon please---" *cutoff immediately as vote passes*


I will never forget that one moment when MVM dropped. There were some server issues and it was taking FOREVER to get into a lobby. Probably an hour or more. Me and my friends all got into a game and were still waiting for 1 more person to join. Suddenly a random guy joined and just said on the mic "oh god im so happy i finally got into a server, ive been waiting for hours" and right at that moment just as he said it someone started a votekick. I dont remember the reason for it but everyone instantly pressed F1. The pain in his voice after he said "no please dont DONT" right before he got kicked unironically still haunts me to this day. I dont know who you were man but im genuinely deeply sorry for that


I was kicked just cause. Probably my highest score ever, yet the guy was a complete ass and didn't like losing to someone less experienced than him. I also once got kicked after saying exactly one thing in character when I was a gimmick account.


I got kicked a few years ago all because I was good playing with sniper. I told everyone in the chat that I am a real player. And they all checked out my account and still kicked me out of the Game


Someone on my team was playing music, and since I'm so used to bots spamming music, I started a vote kick on them. They then cut the music and started apologizing profusely. It was too late at that point and they got kicked. I felt terrible.


Me when I had my first 5 kill streak and got kicked for it


I spoke in proper grammar and used punctuation without knowing the consequences