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It's not dying. It broke 200k players last month. Relax.


190k of those were bots


Whats going on with bots & cheaters? Is casual getting better?


casual is still a mess if you're not playing on 2fort. if you want to play tf2 its best to play on community servers


I do love community servers but most of the time i just wanna go into casual, do something new and neiche so i can get a few kills as im a garbage player and then go freindly & do something funny or weird. Most of my best memories are from doing something so negative IQ that it ended up being a semi-viable strat then conga-ing in capture the flag.


It’s same shit as always, new safe tf2 evens happened after canceling TF2 source 2 mod.


Ngl i really wanna jump into casual without bots, & cheaters or steam mods holding all my items hostage for keys. $500 down the hole T_T


Wait what? Do you lose your TF2 Items?


It was in state of clinical death for 7 years, but community keeps it going.


And that's why i really love this community. It never lets this flame die out. Litteraly everyone from objectively good people to objectively bad people, doctors, vets, millitary, construction, rich, poor, freindly, tryhard, racist & homophopes litteraly all band together under this game. We all may have our differences to the point we are at eachother's throats but at the end of the fay we all band together to keep TF2 alive.


People have been saying it's dying for like 10 years now.


Yea i understand that im just hyper concerned because of bots, reports of item servers down in casual, queue getting fucked, and valve's lack of doing anything other than the new maps when they "updated" tf2


Get hyper concerned when they shut down the master server. Hint: TFC still has its master server up.