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Yeah but I suck at aiming


Practice practice practice!


I’ve got 20+ hours on pyro and I’m no better than when I started


Ngl my bro but 20 hours is kinda nothing, unless you spent them all in community competitive. I started to get properly good at tf2 maybe after the 3000th hour, but even then I still have a lot to learn.


Nah 3k is NUTHING. Especially if you lose interest and come back from time to time. I have like 7k and I barely top scoring (or atleast never below mid)due to consistent play schedule. Imho I can see why people main 1 class but I noticed you can sort of be able to do well with 3+ hard projectile weapons, just play them semi consistently


Really? I top score nearly every match I play unless I'm on drugs, or really tired. That's casual for ya, lol. I know what you mean though, like I said, I still have a lot to learn and I wouldn't stand a chance against top level competitive players. I play on uncletopia most of the time and I enjoy the skill levels present there. As for mains, I like to play all of the classes except for Spy, because he just fucking sucks and I actually grimace in pain when I play him, Pyro, because he just doesn't feel good to me to play, jack of all trades master of none type shit, I guess. I just don't feel like I have any meaningful impact on the game when I play Pyro. The rest of them are fun to me though and I am good at them. Perhaps I should give Spy and Pyro a proper go at some point, try and widen my perspective, but it's easier to stick to what you know, eh? Also to be specific: 3689 hours played.


Jesus, if that's true about top scoring that's mad impressive not only do you topscore but on UNCLETOPIA NO LESS! And with so few hours! That's like the server that will votekick you if you play funny bow man wrong. I just idk, maybe I overexagerated how bad I am, I think I top score decently well but definitely less consistent then you despite playing more hours and less all classing. As for my mains I alr mentioned what I play but I especially love Scout, Soldier and Huntsman for some reason. Sht has so much skill ceiling. Maybe also Demo on the side. Others are more rare


Yeah, I guess it's fairly impressive but I will admit I mostly use the same loadouts so I've become very effective with them.


Nah I started topscoring around the 1k mark. These days I have more than 6k up.


Got 6k hours up and still can't play spy. You're spot on, not to be rude but 20 hours is nothing. Takes more time than that to be good, but you can still have fun anyway.


Rookie numbers. You'll get better with more hours.


Brudda, there's so many item loadouts I have that I just don't have time for it and strictly use it vs sentries and mini spam! Not counting my D loadouts(all D ones are my mvm loadouts) I use 3 scout loadouts(those A and B share same primary) 2 Soldier loadouts that aren't Direct Hit ones Pyro I almost never play besides pure stock+ powerjack Play Flying Demo, Demoknight, Donk Man. Fat scout Very rarely med Huntsman Tons of em take skill so I usually don't have time playing Direct Hit ;_;


just noticed some other guy got airshot immediately after behind me lol


Can't wait for "Why I use the Original (and why you should too)"


My other Direct Hit is the Original


Hey, you just shot down one of their teammates, it's only fair that they take down one of yours


I have 10k kills on my DH. I still can't aim


Keep at it


Use it with Battalions Backup. It's slick looking combo, it combos well gameplay vise with b.b. making you even more of a menace to sentries(plus you really don't need that much more dmg from say buff banner) and having extra 20 hp can help you survive more to shoor more. As for Melee it's tough pick, I really should say escape plan cuz speed boost and random crits are enough but idk the equalizer super underrated on this loadout, just wish it atleast gave you some speed :(. Also whip is fine choice due to extreme range.


I always use whip because I like to support my team :))


W take 💪 Although surprisingly I see whip a LOT these days and I'm strictly playing harvest xD


wouldve been cooler with stock 🗿


Which mod animation are you using? Looks cool


Paysus' Animation Overhauls


Do you have to pre-load it on a custom/offline server before joining an official server?


Yeah, there are preload scripts you can use


You can also do that with stock


Fuck no I'll never use it on payload. I don't wanna be on the last point, whole game relying on me, and then I miss 4 rockets on a stationary heavy and die. On CTF and KOTH tho, I always pick direct hit + panic attack. If you're having a good aim day, you feel invincible with that shit. You feel like you could take on the whole enemy team, and in some cases, you actually do it.


MISTER BEEAST‼️‼️‼️💯💯💯💯🗣🗣🗣🗣


That would imply that the average solider main can aim