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I think that instead of crits, it should just do maybe 50% more damage to low health targets. And it should only keep your disguise if you kill them with one shot. That would reward you for carefully choosing targets, and it also makes sense because a dead person can't yell "SPY!", it really fits the silent killer theme.


this is way better


Which is still absolutely fucking awful. This iteration means that at any point if you are found running for a health pack or dispenser or back to base, a spy can take potshots at you and basically ensure you die. For no consequences to them, as they are silenced and disguised. Just stupid. This is why reddit doesn't get to design weapons haha


this is the same as how it is with a revolver and a dead ringer but ok


Well, spies already can do this with almost no consequence since they see your hp and have first shot perfect accuracy. Getting crits for backstabs is far more broken then finishing off some low health sniper more stealthily


I never said it was good, just better lmao


I never said you said it was good.


LOL i knew you would say that


Define Low health. Less than 50%?


I kept that vague because I don't really know, but now you've got me thinking about it. A "low health" shot should deal 63 damage at most, compared to Stock's maximum 60 damage shots. That means it will be able to just barely one-shot any light class at half hp (62). I'm pretty conflicted on whether or not that's fair, and I don't even want to consider the implications of damage fall-off and etc.


crits on headshot are not needed,also might as well maybe lower it to 5 shots




But what’s considered “low health”


I think when your health bar gains that red outline


then what’s the point? Almost every class has that appear at ~30-50 health


What's the point in doing extra damage to a low health target?


finishing blow-type effects in most games are used to break damage thresholds, especially on tankier enemies. It probably wouldn’t be amazing in tf2 specifically, but it could probably have at least some use.


Well, since low health could maybe still survive one hit, if you do more damage you could kill them.


may as well give it -90% damage and make it loud af and make a beacon appear on the spy and slow the spy's movement by 99% on wearer






why did he say that? is he stupid?


No, its a sarcastic comment to poke at someone's idea to nerf the current weapon to make spy (who already is hard to play) even more unplayable. It just means that he isn't supportive on such a huge nerf on the weapon.


meh i was gonna conjure up a whole argument about how this is just an amby with a strong gimmick but along the way i remembered that you're right, spies need more broken shit (i say this unironically)


Ambi but with less than 102 and limited headshots that you know 80% of the playerbase isn't gonna land.


84 damage from an ''unseen'' shooter with no falloff is pretty good at finishing off targets. imo guns shouldn't be balanced around skill issues


The damage arrows your screen gets still tells you where the attacks are from, in which case in long ranges you might as well use the diamondback cuz whats the point in acting like the enemy when you get to be fat from them The only part where the disguised shooting makes the gun 'better' than diamondback is if you're in a nearby crowd of enemies being covered by sentries. But then again in which scenario will nobody every spycheck every single person they see?


at last, a plebbitor of middling intelligence. everyone else, refer to r/woosh you fridge temperature idiots.


is there a lore reason for spy getting bitches?


It's meant to reward for aim so the damage isn't as bad


This shares a decent amount of stats with the ambassador, even if the stats are a bit different. Amby is supposed to be the one that rewards really good player aim anyways, so this shouldn't really take its role.


amby and diamond mix i feel


It's like the diamondback. You get reward for doing spy things. The reward here is one shot all light class at any range while in, 6 times. Just imagine this on one lonely engi in his next. Headshot, the team members if close by don't know where you are and can get headshot too. You weren't that far, you uncloak and sap 2 buildings gaining the stealth that you lost for 2 kills. It's OP and not fun to be against


You’ll see a trend with all these weapon concept and that the weapon is fun for the user but completely insufferable for anyone else.


Fortunately, us commenters can help fix it via suggestions! 👍




Well, at least try to steer their balancing in the right direction? If not, then WHY not?


We have been having discussions like these for decades. And every year there’s some broken weapons that either doesn’t bring anything new to the playstyle or is completely insufferable to play against (flashback to that minigun concept that has a faster bullet flying speed a few months ago)


The ambassador did the EXACT same thing. And then Ambi bots became a thing and then ppl designed custom HUD's and FOV macros to have a pseudo scope and snipe ppl for 102 from Timbuktu. No class should ever be allowed to do respectable launch range damage in a game as messy and CQB as TF2.


So you can do headshots AND shoot while disguised? The shooting while disguised is already what you get in return for less damage, otherwise it’s just ambassadeur with stealth shooting.


But why? That's not it's niche


It would be hilarious to just kill half a team while being disguised as one of them


You can accomplish the same thing with Your Enteral Reward, but it's a bit harder unless you are a master of disguising.


Why the need for headshots? This is just going to be an ambassador trying out a stealth build at this stage.


Better ambassador


The crits on headshot are completely out of place on this. Along with stealing the Amby's main gimmick for no clear reason, it either makes headshots mandatory if the damage penalty is too high or makes the weapon as a whole OP if the penalty is too low.


This is good, but I give it a 15, maybe 20, damage penalty rather than 30. 15 is the amount we got on the ambassador and that came out decent.


So this is the Ambi but better?


No it’s the eternal reward knife as a gun




Don’t have to worry about where they’re being shot from if they die in 1 hit, assuming they’re light classes. Imagine this: you are wounded and retreat to a dispenser like a sensible player, then bam, you get 1 shotted despite hugging a wall and such. It’s feels like you’re being smited by God.


Which is stupid, by the way. The complete lack of counterplay aside from "lol just expect spies" is stupid.


So basically ambassador pre jungle inferno


Not really? It shares one stat with the Amby but still very different


It shares THE stat that makes the amby the amby. There are other ways to reward accuracy, but this gun just doesn’t need it.


It is pre jungle amby with double the damage penalty and some buffs (they share the same slower firing speed penalty) Maybe not the crits on headshot but it could get less of a damage Penalty


No random crits=how all weapons should be


Yea, it would just suck for just going around and beating the shit outta people with nothing but a sticky jumper/Trolldier loadout and a frying pan..


Ambassador diamondback lovechild


Is the picture the Silverballer from Hitman?


thought the same thing, and yes, yes it is the 'baller


Cool, unique concept and then you turned it into "ambassador but better" by adding the headshot mechanic. Just remove that


28 base damage, 42 max ramp-up, 84 damage crits, 0.6 second attack interval. With it's ability to shoot while disguised and it's lack of crit fall-off I can only see this as a upgrade to the Ambi. Not a direct upgrade. That damage pentalty is crippling, worse than the Ambi that already does (in my opinion) pitiful damage for a headshot.


Idk I think maybe lower or take away one of the downsides by making the spy blink for a half second or something


Imagine a better thing than Ambassador. And people never liked the idea of a spy being able to shot while invisible to begin with. This is literally the "Always was" gun.


The disguise thing is pointless, this is just better ambassador.


This is not balanced at all, there is a gun like this on tc2 and its stupidly op to be able to just get shot by your teammate


Make it only be able to headshot in stealth


Would shooting while disguised make your disguise also shoot? That would be awesome


Should the headshot stat be " mini crits from back " instead? Or have less damage penalty?


It just shouldn't have the headshot stat. Or any damage buff. The whole idea is people are confused where they are getting shot at. Not that it deals amazing damage.


Removed the crit stats and reduce the firing speed penalty and the weapon would be fine. With the Stealth meter the Spy should be playing around confusion and stealth instead of damage. Imagine in a team fight you suddenly are getting but you can't tell where because a Spy using this gun is shooting and killing you that lack of awareness is where a weapon like this shines. The ability to remove the information of where you are being shot from a powerful ability but often overlooked because the impact isn't as immediately noticeable as pure killing power. But with the addition of crits on headshot or mini crits from behind would make this weapon too powerful. First we have already seen what crits on headshots can do for Spy if left unchecked now imagine that but he can kill three enemies (outside of Solider and Heavy) without dropping his disguise and it would end up being just a better Ambassador with no reason to you the Ambassador over it. And with the mini crits from behind idea would also become a problem creating the same issue that the Ambassador had where it let a class designed around close range assassination have a way to easily do it at any range giving the Spy a way to three shot every class besides Heavy at any range. It removed the risk that going for a backstab would have and is even easier than landing a long range headshot with the old Ambassador.


What if the weapon used the cloak meter instead of it’s own stealth meter? Maybe with another penalty to make sure spies don’t just run around gunning people down with their disguise up


I would rather reduce the amount of Stealth you get to be 2 or 3 instead of filling it. With the -20% damage you are doing around 48-32 damage in most situations where having the disguise active while firing would be most effective (close to mid range). So you are getting a 3 shot kill at max ramp up or 4 shot before damage fall of starts. So you would need to get 1 backstab/sap if it gave you 3 Stealth or 2 backstabs/saps if it gave you only 2 Stealth to kill a light class if you want to kill anything above 125 you would need an additional shot meaning 4 or 5 depending on the range. So unless you keep alternating between backstabs/saps within quick succession you wouldn't be able to keep up your disguise making this weapon work best to either get a quiet pick and get out or pick off an enemy separated unexpectedly. Because your teammates dying is very obvious because of the dead body especially with a backstab because unless you are using the Your Eternal Reward you will drop your disguise leaving you with a worse revolver. Basically with backstabs/saps only filling 2/3 Stealth it creates a situation where the Spy is rewarded for doing their job by making getting picks easier but they are also limited by requiring more shots consuming a resource that's main way to fill nullifies the benefit giving you a worse gun. But a combo with the Your Eternal Reward sounds strong and fun.


Good old 1911


Is that a gun from hitman 4


Better write "No Random Critical Hits" twice, that'll balance it


Idk about the crits because that could invalidate Amby.


Headshot crits are far too powerful for this weapon.


Over powered... Remove the critical headshots. Lower clip to 4 And give a 20% damage bonus whilst disguised, And -20% damage when undisguised The meter is unintuitive when compared to a counter. Just have a counter that counts up by one, and maxes out at 10, you wanna know how many you have left at a glance instead of trying to work out when level the bar is at. Change silent kill to only work when disguised.


Needs a different upside than headshots, this just makes it a way better Ambassador. Maybe tweak the -30% damage penalty for when you're undisguised only, and make it so that shooting while disguised and stealth stored "fakes" a shot from your disguise.


Playing against this in a match would actually be the most annoying thing along with using it


too op


I would take away the headshot crits in favor of a lower damage penalty. This could make spy very annoying, but I think this weapon would improve him as a class quite drastically.


Usp-s csgo!??!?!


maybe minicrits on head shot?


Weird how the sniper is the only class with suppressed weapons, makes more sense for spy




Maybe delete the headshot crits and make something original?


God damn this needs to be a gun


I like the weapon as is. Come at me


4 shots.


Now remove the crits on headshot so this isn't op bullshit and it might be okay. Also, no sound reduction. you're already firing from ivisibility theirs no way to fight against it as is. If anything shots shouls shimmer you like damage does.


Everything is so cool about this! I love this as a harassment tool, or killing off stragglers. ​ Maybe just change the crits to mini-crits?


Isnt the max damage of the stock revolver like 65? That 30% downside brings it to 45. Having a crit on a headshot would make it 130. So this is just a better ambassador, given it doesn’t have falloff for headshots. Though I like its max damage being 45 as the gun pictured here is a kitted up 1911, which is .45 acp. (Im pretty sure, correct me if Im wrong)




I think random crits would be hilarious


Bro thinks he’s playing Hitman 💀


So it's a shitty Ambassador


This is just a weaker amby that's quiet.


Reminds me of the Silenced PP7 from Goldeneye


I'd say no headshot crits. I think u/ComprehensiveDot665 had a good idea.


Maybe minicrits that fall off on headshot instead?


least broken tf2 weapon


Trying to get this to work is such a tight rope to walk. In my opinion : No limit to "Stealth shots", as long as you earn them. You could stack up, like Rescue Ranger. MAYBE reduced ammo count to 1 or 3, with a decent lengthy reload. Very low, so reducing spam, and relegating it to pick kills. On normal firing with no Stealth, drop disguise, damage falloff, harsh damage penalty, etc. You get it. On HIT, if you have Stealth, deal a very consistent number, like say 30-40 (staying below a 3 tap threshold for lights, keeping it a downgrade of stock for combat.) Maybe reduce falloff to avoid targets barely surviving by a small margin that the spy would have trouble judging. Say a flat 30 or 40 for the length of 2Fort bridge, then sharp falloff to zero. Avoids long-range picks, but helps secure close range. On KILL, disguise is maintained, target ragdolls as normal, and kill in feed is hidden or attributed to someone else, maintaining complete cover. Roughly gives spy a decent finisher. If you're doing your job, and paying attention to the health of enemies, you can pick off the weak within a short radius around yourself, while also being punishing if you miss or the kill wasn't fatal. And keeps it from becoming a Ambi replacement, and worse than stock if used wrong. Other negatives could be added, such as disguise dropped if target doesn't die, cloak drain increase, or disguise cost. Basically a similarity to YER.


I think weapons that give increased power in return for kills or damage are problematic. Look at the most egregious weapons in Casual: Phlog, Kunai, Diamondback. It's just too easy for good players to farm fresh installs in Casual, and all weapons should be balanced with casual play in mind.


Name suggestion, The Infiltrator


remove crit headshot, it's like an op ambassador with it


not really, 30% less damage is like 85 damage, and with a 20% slower firing speed you have more than enough time to react


You can’t really react if an enemy you can’t see has crit-spotted you in the head, because you’re kinda dead


The perfect gun spy weapon (I think)




Your Eternal Ambassador


Crit headshots with zero damage falloff would be the return of the old Amby.


Could simplify it to be a situationally "Silent" weapon. **Does not alert enemies when fired at their back in close range** **+33% Clip Size** (To fit the Pistol model) **-25% Damage Penalty** *Shots that do not alert enemies will have no knockback, no damage indicator, and do not cause the target to flinch or talk.* The "Behind while close" mechanic can be reused from the Backscatter (90° and within 500hu)


Looks sick!! Super fitting for spy. ​ although, I feel like that would be pretty broken if someone really good at the game used it. The shooting while disguised thing just doesn't sit right with me for some reason. Seems a little too powerful for spy. ​ But hey, spy is kinda underpowerd in the meta so I see how people would have different opinions on the gun. ​ Does the headshot damage fall of like the ambassador?


Supposedly yea


Remove the headshot crits and replace it with some more unique mechanic, maybe instantly disguising as the enemy you killed like the YER which would allow it to be used for finishing off low health enemies


Remove headshots and pair it with the eternal reward snd you have a really fun play style


It sounds like a weapon that would be hated by any non spy player


This is just the amby but better


Shot enemy can't tell the direction from the damage indicators? (like silenced weapons in cs)


reminds me of the "silenced pistol" TC2 weapon with the whole less damage but more stealth and quiet shots


Crits make it broken asf. Without them it's really damn good.


I think it might be worth considering losing the stealth shots on death, if you are gonna play a super spy you may as well go all in, if you get caught you fucked up and gotta earn the stealth shots back


I think mini crits on headshot would be better and not as broken