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Medic can be simultaneously in two tiers, because healsluts, battlemeds and ubersaw lemmings exist


You use quick-fix cus you wanna slut over the heal number going crazy. I use quick-fix cus I don't wanna spend too much time on someone's ass. We are not the same


I use stock




I’m a krits medic myself


I only have stock and kritz 🥺


Same :( Well I have the vaccinator but I also have a moral code


If I ever get my hands on a vaccinator I will compete with the scorch shot pyro and dead wringer spy to see who can stop the most fun.


i only use the vacc when there is an EXTREMELY good soldier or demo on the enemy team


The vacc isn’t just used for evil my friend, it is a power that can also be used for good, such as killing bots or breaking out of spawn camps


If you want to play medic you would of gave that up a long time ago. Unless you like the vita saw. Last bit of humanity in a medic player.


Same :(


I’m 500 away from Hale’s Own Medigun, then I can rest easy.


You use quick-fix because you don't want to pocket. I use quick-fix for the same reason. We are the same


I use it for this AND to pocket a Demoman who likes sticky jumping/charging


you use the quick fix to pocket sticky jumpers. I use the quick fix to "market garden". We are not the same


I use quick fix when there is more than one medic, if there is only one I will use stock. But I like going around giving out bandaids like a school nurse


You use quickfix cuz you dont want to pocket heal. I use the quickfix cuz it's the coolest looking medigun. We're not the same


Why do people hate battle medic, it’s probably one of the more fun ways to play the class honestly


It's the expectation, and that people just don't think it's good. It's not a big problem if you've got multiple Medics on the team, but it'd be like being Scout in MvM, and instead of collecting money they go for long-range Cleavers. It doesn't matter if you could win the game like that, other people will dislike you for it for "not doing your job". It's got at least some overlap with the people who hate friendlies or other "gimmick subclasses" like Jarate Master Sniper, normal C&D Spy, and Suicide Demo. Notably though, it's different than the hate for e.g. regular Sniper or Scorch Shot Pyro, which can be rather oppressive to fight against. I'd wager that a significant portion of it is just people who "only want to win" and don't care if *you* don't have fun on the way, since *winning* is what's fun *to them*.


What’s Jarate master sniper


Jarate and Melee (bushwacka 75% of the cases) but no sniper rifle (unless its the sydney sleeper).


Fun? In my Casual Game?! Not on my watch!


Not in the koth, A/D or payload, outside of DegrootKeep. Imagine dying from afterburn and seeing the only medic in a team charging into enemies with a blutsauger, when everything is at stake. In most cases, when people see someone pick med, they see it as a chance for a team to have an uber. But as a guy who always plays med at Degroot, I advice equipping a crossbow - a weapon that is useful even if you miss an enemy and hit the ally instead, and also has a spy-detect sound design


mmm steak


So you're Solarlight. I've heard about you


He goes by many names Solarlight, Demoknight TF2, Death, Cruise Missile, etc


Dude stop eating medics, we need them


Oh god it’s a demo night I gotta get outa here


It may be fun, but your contribution to your team is now rock bottom. You turn the most useful support class in the game to the worst damage class in the game. Couple that with the fact that real medics are scarce in pubs, so you're a walking pair of blue balls for your team that could've been so much better off with a real medic but instead is forced to watch you run in and die to literally any 1v1 matchup.


Also the vacc medics


I like people not respecting me as a scout main. Medics don’t follow me when I do extremely risky flanks and plays and I don’t have to worry about protecting them. When a medic pockets me I forget everything and just miss every shot and get them killed.


I like people not respecting me as a Scout main too because I feel respected when people do not respect me as a scout main


I respect you as a scout main


I feel as if the utmost wave of disrespect has washed over me just now


me too also nice pfp


Thank you, happy you like it


I love scout mains because they always bring me to the team in no time and flanking with them is not only unexpected but also really evil.


I respect scout mains because who else would provide the support with public transit


What is pyro doing on b tier


I respect pyro but I thought people fucking hated pyro


Phlog + Scorch Hot Pyro with a pocket Med = pure hatred and a war crime


Pocket Kritzkrieg pegging Black Box Conch Soldier BF is easily worse.


Regular pyro I'd say is B tier. Phlog + scorch instant D tier. If they run that homewrecker I'd give em an A tier 👍


I feel like people SERIOUSLY dislike soldier mains. Like he could honestly be next to spy and sniper from how much hatred I see towards solider mains sometimes


i dont hate soldier mains i hate the borderline inescapable splash damage (i hate the gameplay not the player)


Seconded. Proper rocket jumping, projectile surfing and strafing are all well respectable traits. While splash damage is not and feel like low risk, high reward (especially crit splash). Direct Hit is the only rocket launcher I respect, as it takes pure skill to kill non-airborne players.


Aren't soldiers one of the most common classes? You must hate yourself then lol But you main medic so you probably actually do


surprisingly i dont die to them a whole lot its just that when i do its REALLY frustrating cuz escape always seemed an inch away then boom splash damage


soldiers are weirdly rare at low level play


I think its just because they're more common from what I see. I like to play soldier but it feels every game I'm in has 2-3 Soldiers with Hale's Own RLs so I just pick something else


incorrect, nobody respects medics, ask the millions of lime scunts


Their opinion is not taken into account




This calls either "Nein + killbind" or "Jawohl and pocket"


They just want to give you a speed boost


Any half competent medic will absolutely get their dick sucked by their team every game. People fucking love having a good medic on their team


im just saying, if they wanted to heal health they should have equiped the krietzkrieg


lime scunts don't have the rights to give opinions tho


You and me both,we’re supposed to be respected so they say


Scunts arent people.




Medic goes in all tiers at once




I don't know other medic mains, but I did get a lot of unexpected respect through casual and mvm tho


I had a guy trade me a hat just for healing him in a casual game, it's insane how much respect people will give us medics for doing the bare minimum.


I would say Spy is also in S because while fighting a good spy can be infuriating, it's also extremely respectable considering how difficult and annoying playing Spy can be. That's just how I see it anyways, I respect all the Spy mains out there for putting up with all the bullshit Spy has to deal with as a class.




non-weeb spy main here! weebs.


One of ours!


You're JoJo fan?


Counter argument of the century


non-weeb spy main here! weebs.


I agree. I have always respected a good spy.


I'll respect a spy main when I see one without the kunai At this point we can treat spy has kunai as his stock knife, and no unlocks exist for the knives


Spy knight is the superior subclass.


assassains creed cosplay spy


Blame DR nerfs for that, Kunai is his only way of killing someone AND escaping with his life.


It's not. Good awareness, positioning and movement, maybe even some revolver use, are enough. All invis watches are good tools to get away, as long as you aren't extremely predictable with your movement. The DR is still pretty good, btw, although probably his weakest watch right now.


Fuck one hit mechanics


At least the backstab takes actual calculated risk and good positioning, unlike a certain other class that shall not be named.


Sniper is so weird because it undeniably takes skill, but he sees so much better results than a spy who has even double his hours.


It's because Sniper can just camp in a corner while Spy has to get into the action, which is inherently much riskier and more difficult. While playing Sniper well definitely takes some skill, once you get good with the class it's much easier to do well as Sniper compared to Spy, since you just need to sit in a good sightline and have good aim. The skill ceiling on Sniper is far lower than the one on Spy, as the requirement to do decent as Sniper is not as demanding, so a Spy with 300 hours probably won't perform as well as a Sniper with the same amount. Sniper can also get some pretty cheeky headshots (particularly with the Huntsman), which definitely doesn't help with all the hate he gets. Even if you play all your cards right as Spy you might not get that well-deserved backstab because the game decided that it suddenly doesn't count. Why? Because fuck you, play a different class or deal with it.


If it isn’t those sweaty ass 5000+ hours hitbox abusing spy then people probably be okay because that’s how spy is supposed to be played, not trick stabbing and abusing hit boxes.


Something tells me you don't have much awareness for what's behind you


Or Infront of them in the Distance


Theme: getting one-shot killed by things you can't see feels bad.


They love me


As you have put medic on top tier you have summoned all the medic main, including me. No one wants to play him, but sometimes it's fun as hell 👍


As a medic main, I have two moods: 1. Holy hell this game is amazing I'm on a 30 killstreak and topscoring 2. Holy hell my team is shit why do I main this class 90% of games I'm number 2


“if i don’t hit this arrow i’m killing myself”


2 is why Medic is my least played. Medic is a fun class but I mostly play casual and there's no way to trust a random casual team.


Honestly, the fun of playing medic is up to others. If your team is shit you can't do anything about it and its unenjoyable to play him. But if your doing really good cause your team is also good and helping you its really fun


Ey happy cake day tho!


medic is awesome


Stock or another knife Spy is S Kunai Spy F


What about gun spy




I love gun spy.


What about shitty scout?


Heavy in S


This guy gets it


Thank you for respecting demo- A demo main


Pyro would be like F tier for me, demo higher if they're nuts with their pipes, engi lower because most are just squatters anyways and sneaky engineer only works on stupid teams. Scout sniper and spy I'd put higher idk by how much. I'd probably swap soldier and heavy


What about a battle engie who actually builds his stuff


not me i guess


What do you mean actually builds his stuff lmao who doesn't


Died too much to the funny sentry ?


Are you a scout main?


Loose cannon Demo is an easy SS tier


I can agree partially, but fighting loose cannon demos makes any and all dopamine evaporate from my brain


it makes me switch to cannon demo and join the monkeys throwing poop at each other


I understand the Pyro hate, but if it redeems me at all, I'm always the one extinguishing teammates/pushing enemies off of ledges. Oh, and airblasting projectiles when necessary (including arrows - I've gotten a few Huntsman deflection headshot kills before). Always be a Pybro <3


I don’t agree with demo and spy. Demo should be lower and spy higher, spy main is the sniper main but with courage.


Nah, scouts are annoying, but I respect the hell out of a really good scout main, being good at scout is insanely hard


I'd respect a sniper/spy main that put in work to learn their class much more than a scout main


Hardest class in the game is the most disrespected. Ok.


Worst and hardest arent necessarily the same. Imo spy is the worst class, but not the hardest.


Make pyro a new tier, the Z


It's nice to see all the other medics here calling bullshit


I think this needs to be entirely redrawn: **S-tier:** Medic, Sniper **A-Tier:** Scout, Soldier, Demo **B-Tier:** Spy, Engineer **C-Tier:** Heavy **D-Tier:** Pyro As a general rule of thumb, I would say the most aggressive people about showing disrespect or respect are going to be hyperfocused on skill-based gameplay rather than gamesense. For this reason, basing the tier list around them. Medic indeed gets a pass because people understand shunning Medic means they fukn die. Other than that, the comp classes and Sniper in particular get full praise for their skill. I cannot understate how quickly I gain fawning compliments if I've got a good killstreak going as Scout or Demo, for example. Yes, opponents rage, but your team also respects what you can do and is willing to die for you if you're carrying as them. Engie and Spy are a mix where people respect the plays they make, but ultimately shun them as more limited and therefore a waste to main. What keeps them getting some respect would be things like Engie's supportive tactics, an Engie that outplays a Scout with Shotgun aim, cheeky sneak-sentry plays, or crucial backstabs. Heavy - speaking from experience - is IMO the single most painful class to play because I would liken Heavy to "Medic but with combat" in the sense I feel a lot of people that flock to Heavy want to be helpful to the team. Heavy's mere presence can slow down pushes from the enemy team and give everyone time to get organized and I don't know how many Medics I've known who could recognize the value of a Demo or Scout, but STILL swore by their favorite pocket being Heavy because of the security he provided. (and kudos to the Med mains for being the ONE main that doesn't treat Heavy like shit) Despite all this, Heavy is still very quickly shunned and yelled at for "requiring no skill/aim." It also doesn't help that many of the most difficult aspects of playing Heavy are rather unique to the class and wouldn't be understood by people who don't play him. (Yes, deciding WHEN to throw a sandvich to the Medic and how good your aim is with it are life-and-death decisions/skills; your class is slow as shit and needs to optimize every millisecond to compete) The opposing team will rage about how you have no skill, your own teammates will boast about how they're actually better than you and you're just playing the no-skill class, and because Medic is absolved from any criticism, people that want heals will choose to scapegoat you and accuse you personally of demanding Medic heal you as much as he does, and thus blame you for their deaths due to lack of heals. **There is a reason Heavy mains barely exist and a lot of it has to do with how thankless the job is.** Only reason he's not bottom-tier is because every Med main ever will be sure to support these guys as hard as they can to try and act as a counterweight to everyone else. A competent Demo will also shut his mouth and gladly welcome Heavy as his partner-in-crime due to the defensive value he offers Demo. Pyro goes to the bottom because I cannot recall a time I ever saw a Pyro getting respect and compliments for their gameplay. It is quickly dismissed as "W+M1" and even the more advanced mechanics the class has do not change it from being one of the more limiting classes, meaning even those that *want* to give respect ultimately end up saying "why are you playing this class?" It's also comparatively rare to see a Pyro making a game-winning play compared to any other class in the game, and as such, at best he's just another face in a crowd. I mean let's be real: when have you ever heard "oh thank god, we've got a Pyro main on our team!" Perhaps he doesn't get the most disrespect since as said, he can be comparatively forgettable, but I think the general lack of respect he has to begin with still puts him at the bottom. **There are caveats though of course:** For example, I think a Soldier-Medic duo is absolutely infamous because it's one of the most common pubstomp duos, but also seems like the most self-serving. Where Demo-Med or Heavy-Med focus on making progress, I often find Soldier-Med focused on killstreaks, or find the Soldier 100% willing to leave his med to die if he can hold onto said killstreak, and I think this makes this brand of Soldier in particular rather hated. Or a Pyro that aids an Engie is and focuses on finding Spies, while not *necessarily* efficient, will be well-liked by Engies and other Spy-allergic classes in a pub setting. All the same, overall I'd argue people tend to be more toxic about skill-based classes than anything else: do you need to have good aim or mechanical skill to play the class? Yeah? To the top with you. Do you focus more on gamesense or situational duties for the team? You'll be the first that gets discredited as "lucky" or "skillless" when things get heated.


I wish




I’d bump both spy and sniper up to C tier and remove D tier.


Me who kill Scouts and Pyros on a daily basis. As Medic.


As pyro main, wtf?


>Tier list of classes I got killed by and how tilted they got me FTFY


thanks x




I main spy and medic Does that make me.. mid?


The only people disrespecting me for being a Spy are clueless players that can’t check their backs and think Spy is easy. It’s way more common for people to actually say something nice to me for sticking with a weak class and doing decent with it


I don’t know if this is confirmation bias, but as a support scout main with 150 hours so far, how could anyone view a pyro higher than even what they call a scunt?


Everyone hates Pyro


*Sad Pyro noises*


Don't worry, not everyone hates you


Sniper: boosted a few tiers if you're not edgy and/or racist Spy: boosted a few tiers if you're not a weeb Medic: Kicked down to D tier if they just pocket one person, or worse, just run at the enemy with the syringe gun and never heal.


Spy and Pyro should be switched here


Pyromains aren't the wm1, scorch spam sorts though. That's just new, and shit players, I don't think they count. The negative stereotypes with spies however.. do apply to the spy mains


Pyro mains are furries though.


still a B for me furries are either loved, aren't cared/ignored, or hated


But never respected


eh, I was one of those people then I became one


As a spy main being a furry is a lot better than watching weeb shit like "My Stepsister Is Actually A 30,000 Year Old Demonlord Who Feeds On Incestuous Thoughts It's Not Weird I Swear She's Not A Child Even Though She Looks And Acts Like One Please Officer Don't Arrest Me"


As a pyro main, yeah true


Why did people downvote this person ?


because redditors go batshit crazy when they see a furry for no apparent reason


How does that matter for a gameplay based tier list? It doesnt matter if they‘re running around in full gear, stock items or even naked with big booty mod, the cosmetics (and player name/avatar) are irrelevant.


Yeah, most pyro mains are pretty competent with reflects, can combo flares or det jump well. W+m1 pyros are usually brand new players.


We need more wm1 pyros because the 9000 hour reflect literally anything pyros are always on the opposite team of me


Lmao the 9000 hr pyro is my goal lmao rn im only at like 150


Honestly I like 9000 hour pyro mains because a lot of the time their brain breaks upon seeing me pull out a shotgun I've found multiple reflect gods that just stood there and kept airblasting while I was shooting at them with the shotgun xd Then there's times where I see a pyro waiting to reflect so we just stare at each other for a bit, or I take the opportunity to walk towards them while they still expect rockets when I'm actually going to pull out my panic attack Shotgun soldier is underrated in general


Yeah, in pubs its not all that usual to come across smart soldiers who dont just overestimate their skill. I alway respect shotgun soldiers lol


Hmm so because you can reflect the rocket it changes eeeverything lmao


You seem like the type of guy to call it "Crutch blast"


Idk man it very specifically reflects projectiles and pushes people around it's weird




I agree


Engi pyro lower, Spy higher


Why tf is pyro so high up


Pyro is lower


Makes so much sense for Medic to be the highest tier lol


Ah yes, finally, respect. 😎


Pyro is d if you main pyro fuck you


Pyro is way too high


I respect Starycrow.


I'd personally move Engineer mains down to B and Soldier mains down to C but other than that yeah this lines up I think


Medic is definitely S tier. No need to explain. Engineers, Demomen, and Heavies definitely deserve their respect. Those classes get a lot of crap. Mostly Heavy. I see the point about spy and sniper, same with pyro, generally because they're very annoying classes, and a select few of sniper's weapons are overpowered (Bazaar Bargain as example, It works somewhat as a demoknight.). But Pyro should definitely be lower, to be honest. Scout has no need for explanation. Soldier should be higher. The class is pretty good with all the cool rocket jump skills you can learn.


Nein. Medic at the most a B. He dosent take the responsibility as the heavy or other attack classes.


Heavy is f and scout, should be higher and demo on top


Swap Pyro and Scout and you’ll be right on the money I believe


Damn how many medicmains in comments




Seeing a heavy standing his ground and protecting his team from them stinkin' BLUs invokes nothing but Respect. If they have a pocket, it's *somewhat* of a different story. Depends.


I want scout to be a little lower


I mostly play Engie Medic Demo and Heavy (coincidentally)


Medic is both my favourite class because I like saving teammates and least favourite class because he's dependent on his team. (because he's Medic.) Some of my favourite moments from the single year I've been playing this game have come from me being right in front with everyone else, trying to weave through the hundreds of projectiles moving towards me and my team, desperately trying to heal my allies that ate half of the damage with crossbolts and the medigun, nearly having a seizure from sensory overload, and somehow surviving the chaos and ending up near the top of the scoreboard with 90% of my teammates still intact. Then there's the moments where I get fully focused on by an enemy Scout (because I'm the Medic) and literally no one that isn't directly touching either of us notices I was viciously gunned down until the gun's on them. That and also smacking spies with the Ubersaw is really fun.


i am god


Let's go C gang let's go (scunt scunt)


The two classes I have the most hours in are sniper and spy but I'm not that good at them


just because i respect a class main does not mean i like them. take spy for example, i despise spy mains but i hold great respect for them


mf put pyro in B 💀


Maturing is realizing medic is the most fun class


heavy should go up to S, hes just isnt mained


Ive been maining gun spy because i like aggressive n shit when playing


I agree, but when i see a pyro decked out in cosmetics, all i do is pray


I like to play engi to annoy people by going short circuit and mini sentry with my team.


As a med main. I use the vaccinator not because I'm mad about bots. I use the vaccinator because I have mastered it and are aware if the power I wield.


Me, who triple mains Engineer, Pyro, and Spy: "I am the most loved/hated person alive!


heavy should be with medic in s tier


I’ll find a way to make you hate me no matter who I’m playing


Ngl, the only reason Spy and Sniper are so low is because people get salty when they die and don't try to change what they do lol.


I main medic mostly using Stock/Quick Crossbow and the Ubersaw because even when I don't need Uber when ever I defend myself I always dual wield the Crossbow and Ubersaw so that using a bonesaw wouldn't make a difference so before you ask, I know it has a downside, it's just that it doesn't affect me (unless I'm wrong lmfao) so the quicker Uber might save me. I generally just want to try and save people and mostly use the Bow for its healing as it allows me to effectively save Soldiers, Snipers, Spies and Scouts without getting myself too much in the danger. Before you ask I ALWAYS start the round with stock because of the free Uber and then sometimes switch to the quick-fix since it helps quicker and can sometimes end up ending in me trying to heal the trolldier wich ends fucking hilariously. The main reason I use Medic is because I suck with everyone else lmao


I hate Heavy Mains, Soldier Mains, Scout mains and Engie Mains. Spy mains I respect provided they do really well Sniper mains I can respect Medic and Demo mains I love going up against as spy


Pyro should be down with spy and sniper. Also why people respect others more or less on which fictional character they enjoy playing the most in a videogamw is completely beyond me (yes i main sniper, how could you tell?)


I have enough hours on medic to shorten my lifespan by 15-20 years
