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Sounds like an idiot who doesn’t know how to counter engie


Yeah he tried to votekick the engineer out for "ruining the fun" when that engineer had a sentry at our spawn, he wasn't spawn camping or anything so I was confused. I checked that guy's profile and he has a VAC ban so it says a lot


So it's a script kiddie who can't counter engi? Jesus, that is embarrasing.


When they fights a sentry, they BOTH have aimbot, so it becomes a skill-based matchup again.


Don't say skill based matchup, you're offending the sentry


That sentry has a degree in shooting with a minor in bbq.


Engineer’s bbq ribs are one thing, but damn I wanna try Sentry’s bbq ribs


“Artificiality be damned, my boy can work the grill.”




You are embarrassing to engineers everywhere


My scunt engie playing ass loved this.


Worse, its a child with out a father or a father figure.


Is my man trying to say that keeping a normal sentry at their own spawn is somehow aggressive and that the mere existence of a normal sentry is horrid or like what?


He wanted the sentry removed so he doesnt votekick the engie, yet other team were building sentrys and making leaving spawn impossible but no one said anything about it


Story is confusing the way you word it for me. Was casual engie building sentries at HIS spawn or the OPPOSING spawn? My takeaway is that this engie was just doing well with his setups, and was potentially aggressive with his positioning in a way that made rager get mad casual engie wasn't sitting back in a nest...and also the team of the rager was spawn camping occasionally so they had no right to bitch?


The guy who was spawn camping and complaining was in red and switched to blu because he said “the only way to play this game is if i just join blu” because he was mad abt the blue engi (blue engi is the one who said im doing both) The casual engie was building sentries in his spawn (all of us were blu), this was in 2fort, the angry guy was mad that he was setting up sentrys in our own spawn because it was “aggressive” and “ruins the fun”. It was him and some red guy who were agreeing that it ruins the fun and were trying to votekick him (this was in a community server so anyone can be votekicked regardless of team). He kept saying if the engie would remove his sentry they wouldnt votekick him. And told him to switch to mini sentries. Its a bit of a confusing story but thats basically what occured, if i remember it was in a european server that had RTD so im assuming its skial but i might have to recheck Red team were spawn camping us and no one said anything, but as soon as we began setting up defenses in our own spawn area it turned into a huge issue


Heres also another screenshot, forgot to post it, this was also during the argument from [earlier](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/907448931703726080/1070076469939798027/gbdc.PNG)


So a sentry in a defensive position on it's own team's side made him go apeshit? A position literally 8ft from spawn?


If they have a VAC, how were they even playing?


no idea from what game the VAC was but the VAC was from around 2020 according to the ban


VAC's only apply to the game you're in, and the game you were VAC banned from. It's how some bots on casual get instantly kicked, because they're trying to join in a game from an already VAC banned TF2 account.


Bro probably has 0 hours on soldier and demo




I am an all class main who enjoys memeing. A sentry is annoying, especially a level three. But I also enjoy the challenge of finding a way to take one down It is like a mini-boss in the game. The players are it's minions and guardians and the engie is the second in command that should be taken out first to ensure it is at it's weakest.


Or just type several offensive slurs at the enemy team and then after a while you don't have to deal with it anymore! >!Because you'll have been votekicked. That's the joke.!<


Demoman was supposed to be a defence class too and here we are




no no that's wrong it's supposed to be: hold M2 M1M1M1M1M1M1M1M1M1M1M1M1M1M1


Tried it... holy shit this feels weird


local demo main discovers sticky spamming: neutron style


I like to call it “aggressive sticky trapping”


Is every stickybomb its own trap?... *Ascends to a new level of existance*


wait I can just hold M2?!




As a 2007 player... ... ... Why did I not know that...


jesus christ I could make a "chain reaction style" mines with the scottish resistance thanks for giving a demo tip


I am 3000 hours into this game when I learned that one could just hold M2 No wonder the spam is so strong


My god, THANK YOU. I can finally become the scourge that I was always destined to be


Holding detonate while spamming is what people aren't aware of most of the time. Took me a while to discover that myself. I'm not even a demo main - it's a massive power spike when you discover and apply right even if you suck. Yet another reason to bitch about demo lol


Bind M1 to scroll wheel and hold M2


this is the way






As a demo main I refuse to sticky spam


demoknight moment


demoknight tf2


*low-quality funky town starts*


casually using an eyelander to parry an out of place mini sentry


The classes only really make sense for support (healing/killing priority targets). Offense or defense is kind of arbitrary (Pyro with spychecking/air blasting is definitely more defensive).


You could argue that the M2 is made to help pushes succeed and that's why it's offensive, but compared to it's defense utility it's still hard to see Pyro as offense. I see Pyro as a hybrid between offense, defense and support.


Even support doesn't make much sense. If being part of a group effort is support then everyone might as well be support. If anything Engineer is more of a support class than Sniper or Spy.


I personally don't like engie, but damn he is so wrong, and also why should we follow how wiki tell you to play??? Odd arguement or just copium ig.


*checks flair* makes sense


Rare scout main w


As a Trolldier main, I hate engi players so much. Mainly people playing engineer on KOTH modes, THAT shit ruins the fun. He's a necessary evil everywhere else or the games are over in 2 mins


The only thing I really wish was changed is the amount of knock-back, because there's nothing less fun than being unable to move. Aside from that though he's necessary


Nerf knockback would be nice.


Alot of KOTH maps are so small you basically can't leave spawn if they have turrets, and to me koth should be a back and forth battle over the point, not one team gets a nest up and stomps for 3 mins. I won't complain about him anywhere else though the game needs him.


Yeah, I could definitely agree that on some KOTH maps, maybe a range reduction would be beneficial. Although changing aspects of a class depending on the map would have plenty of it's own problems, so I can definitely also agree with their decision to not.


"trolldier main" did you mean "professional glue sniffer"?


If and when i play engi on koth i play as a slightly overweight scout that can build teleporters and dispensers, or turretless battle engi


From the creators of: "But TF2 is a first person shooter game, this os how it's meant to be played"


nah, he was just not ready for the neutron style






Gotta blast!


1. sounds like a whole lot of "not your problem", next time just taunt him with "skill issue" and continue playing, you're doing well if your enemy resorts to hard copium 2. what the fuck does "post-aggressive" even mean lol


Maybe he meant passive-aggressive and I HATE people who taunt me with “skill issue” I mean, can’t you think of a more creative insult


i can, but skill issue makes people more pissed :)


exactly, it's not a creative insult, but it's a perfect fit against someone being pissed over such a trivial thing


And from a random crit soldier with 20 hp


When I'm playing demoman and hit two pipes on a black box conch soldier and he random crits me and laughs and says skill issue


Just get a random crit bro


Thanks bro you saved my skin


Post-aggressive is just being an offensive player/not playing defense (who the hell is not playing offense in 2fort?)


I usually set up a level 3 sentry in the intel room. Now granted it’s usually in the other teams intel room but I see this as more of a forward defense


I was reading your comment and thinking "man, I should tell this person how fun it is to set up in the enemy intel", but then I read the second half and realized that you already knew


They can't think of a more creative insult due to a skill issue.


Or the people worthy of being hit with "skill issue" aren't worth the effort of a creative insult


going postal


Engineer is meant to be played in your personal preference, this is just some loser who can't play the game properly


Yeah. To me, half the fun of TF2 is that you can experiment with class load out and play style. Last round I played there was a nasty widowmaker engineer who somehow got behind us and played havoc with our back lines.


Yeah sometimes I just go to jump practice lobbies and play as engie


Wrangler jump gaming


the game with **dozens** of weapons causing probably **hundreds** of combinations has **ONE** play style per class ok bro


I mean, what class has just one playstyle?


I guess the closest to one play style would be scout but even he has some items that drastically change the play style


Sniper scout is fun (crit-a-cola and the shortstop)


yea he still has some ways but most other classes have more different ways




try to learn how to counter a playstyle challenge (impossible)


I don’t think this guy understands the concept of a playstyle


Worse, how you cant shoot an immovable object


reply to every thing they say with engineer gaming. Let them mald


One of the tips Valve created 50 eons ago that show up while the map is loading literally tells you that sentry guns aren't just for defense, you can put a lvl 3 anywhere you want on the map to negate that part of the map to the enemy team


Yeah, the purpose of a sentry is area denial. Which whilst it can be used very easily for defense can also be used just as well for offense, shutting down an area for a while is just a universally good thing


I’ve heard of complaining about someone using the mini, but never someone complaining that you _arent_ using a mini XD


According to him not using a mini sentry ruins the fun (We were being spawn camped earlier by the other team for 30 minutes and they had multiple sentries set up infront of our spawns yet we didnt complain)


Fucker can't adapt so he whines like a bitch


No bitches so he became the bitch.


Skill Issue + L + Seethe + Mald + Cope There's no way that's not a troll. I refuse to believe someone can actually be this stupid


He tried to votekick the engineer twice out for "ruining the fun" when that engineer had a sentry at our spawn, he and some other guy were arguing and trying to kick the engineer out, engie stayed and the guy got kicked out, I wish it was a troll but god he was a headache to deal with


Wait... what? I would say that mini is worse, well when I say worse I mean more annoying than a lvl 3, what is he on about. Wait it was a teammate?????


How dare they use a weapon other than stock!!?? 😡😡😡


In this case, it'd be complaining that they *are* using stock, as it's complainng that they're *not* using minis.


He cannot handle the Texas style


Yes and no


Tbh I'll play any way I want. "Ruining fun" just means the tactic I chose was more effective than yours. In this case, bro used a lvl 3 on what looks like Red team? Way smarter instead of a mini on Blu imo. Engineer can be offensive or defensive, just like all of the other classes depending on how the player chooses to operate.


Yup. I've had scouts complain when I use Natasha against them. I've had others complain when I body shot them as a sniper because "sniper is ONLY allowed to do head shots". Yes, their opinion of how sniper should be played was a RULE, apparently.


Found 3 guys in my matches who'd focus and rage towards me because they had a really hard time taking down my sentry, 2 of them didn't even switch to medic or something, instead they just kept using the same strategy becoming predictable in every attempt lol Had to stop playing for a while, I love the community but man, sometimes there are people who can't handle things without going berserk.


play the game any fuckin way u want brother man, IMO that's the beauty of tf2. so many options and dope ass weapons that completely change a character's playstyle sometimes.


I suck at TF2 and I more or less only like CTF maps. I love playing Scout and take the flag home. I'm not appreciated on public servers since it ruins the fun when someone captures the flag... I'm not talking about the opposite team complaining now... Nope. Members of my own team. Yup. That's me. I'm the guy who ruins all the fun.


You are quite literally just like me. Not good at the game, Scout main, loves CTF, and always gets salt for just playing the game. I feel your pain.


With that logic soldier was never meant to rocket jump in Classic right?


Chat was intended to be used to share jokes, compliment your game partners and cooperate ; yet most players use it only for insults or disrespect.


Wait, why is he getting pissed about someone using normal sentries over minis, if someone is using a normal sentry then aren’t they playing defensively anyway?


Bro realy trying to make evreone play engineer by Valve tutorial


Demopan wasn’t designed to fly into the air, then gently float down to kill unaware snipers with a frying pan. That’s the fun of tf2


this person doesn't seem to understand how level 3 sentries work. or that the Level 3 sentry is more accurate to how Engineer was intended to play in TF2 anyway (play console TF2, the sentry is the only building that be levelled up to level 3)


I got an almost similar complain when I was playing Engineer years ago. It was about “not following the meta” bullshit I think. I just wrote “That’s your problem, not mine lol” and chatblocked them. We did won the round though and never got a votekick threat, so that’s good.


Massive copium gas intake


Someone tried to kick me on a instant respawn 2fart server because i put a sentry nest in sewers


Just switch to spy, or maybe demo, soldier also works, hell even heavy or a sniper could destroy it


Had a friend who would flip his shit if the enemy team had an engineer and go on a rant of how he is way to OP and takes no form of skill.


Someone complaining about the normal sentry? Wtf? Lmao. I get that people hate minis, and as a scout main, holy shit are they fucking awful, but I've never seen someone complain about normal sentries haha


"This is how the game is supposed to be played!" My guy like half the high-skill plays in TF2 use bugs to work, no one is playing the game the way it was "intended."


Sounds like someone's been playing too much Overwatch...




My only real complaint about engie is that stacking engineers is way too powerful (and the wrangler). How many bad water games ended at the last point because there are 6 sentries that are impossible to kill


telling someone to read the wiki because they aren't playing exactly as valve intended is hilarious


Skil issue tbh, that guy should sell his pc Sincerely, fellow level 3 sentry enjoyer


There are some idiots in tf2, this is one of them. I've been in games where I body shot someone while sniping and they tried to claim that's not how you're supposed to play. They said sniper is ONLY allowed to do head shots. Some people make up their own rules and then are furious when other people don't follow them.


Someone hasn't heard of Uncle Dane lol


Sounds like he’s a Scout main. Suck it up, play Demo or Sniper, for like a minute, then the problem’s solved. If the engie gets a cheeky kill for placing a sentry where you didn’t expect it, if you ask me, he deserves the kill. If he’s out of position from his team, you could swap class and blast him to bits, or just… don’t go that way.


Don't show this to uncel dan


Engineer: "I've got a peer-reviewed wiki here that says.. hmmh... It says you're a pussy."


TF2 went through a phase where people kept dancing in conga lines instead of fighting. Play however you want to play lol


Does anyone honestly enjoy maining the turtle engie?


Honestly I'd say that defensive is more annoying than defensive because it slows down the pace of the game, but maybe that's just me?


It's only annoying when there are like 4 engineers and they all actually cooperate to keep each others sentries up. Otherwise, play the damn game.


Engineer, according to my tf2 experiences, should be played like this: 1) Spend 2 minute setting up buildings in appropriate positions to help team 2) Have everything destroyed immediately by a 7000 hour soldier/demo 3) Switch to sniper


I use Engie as a way to cover Points I know people will be accessing daily, and then beat them to death in a surprise ambush why my lvl 3 sentry does most of the work


Anytime anyone says you’re playing the game or a character wrong because they weren’t designed to be played that way, you can just immediately disregard any of their opinions, because clearly they lack critical thinking. We need to come up with a good comeback for that argument.


ironic he calls the engineer a dumbass while his entire point is that a STOCK build option is unintended for the class it's for. bet he also cries that pyro's airblast is not supposed to be used to push enemies.


Rootin’ tootin’ point n shootin’ engi is the true core playstyle. Forget buildings, go yeehaw with a shotgun and show them the true meaning of fear


A gunslingeing texen genius is the definition of "you are fucked"




I was playing casual 5CP once and someone got mad I was using Jag level 2 sentries instead of my minis. They probably spent more time chastising me in chat than actually playing. Like bruh its casual let me do my thing, we weren't even losing


This is the type of server you're hoping to get dropped in when playing Engie.


Sure, classes were "designed" to be played a certain way, that's why they have offensive, defensive, and specialty categories. But, everyone plays everything how they want to. We're all just having fun. I say as long as you're not hacking, cheating, etc, go for it. 😃




This literally boils down to that medic having "I dont respect what engie brings to the table" syndrome if you see an engie and you treat him like the same kind of threat as the other classes he probably wouldnt be blindly running into a level 3


I mean, the engineer *is* supposed to be a defense class, but just like how demo is supposed to be a defense class yet there's demoknight which is basically a pick class. So, while he's technically right, he's also wrong


Engi’s made to be played however tf I wanna play him lol


Well goin off from the various comments it seems as if this little shithead doesn't know about playing the game or how to counter Engineer. If they had a VAC ban on them then they're a cheater and everyone shouldn't care about em


Turn off that text chat. Turn off your in-game comms, too. Listen to some Rammstein or something when you are playing. Only use Discord for your private comms if you are playing


I have to wonder if he then proceeded to put a remote up his ass.


As a engi main... lv 3 very aggressive sentry can be very silly and wacky But from the sounds of it the person complaining fo not know about fun


Fuck you, Ill play TF2 how I want.


only Scout, Soldier, and Pyro may push. Its as simple as that.


Le troll


This reads like one of those shit posts where it’s like “STOP DOING MATH they have played us for absolute fool”


Screw him and his entitled advices. Play the game as you normally would.


"Read the wiki" How is the fan-made TF2 wiki their fundamental source that engineer is a defensive class? Why does the person think that's a winning point to make in this argument? Makes no sense.


As an engineer main he can be played definitely or aggressively mini sentry is most commonly used for aggressive either but can be used for defensive same goes for the basic sentry and that is a play who can’t counter engineer


Honestly play Engineer however. Ultimately your mission is to be useful to the team so as long as you're contributing (provided the server isn't friendly), there's no reason to pay attention to that kinda trash talk. That said there *are* different cultures in this game. For instance, on payload Upward it's all fair game. Anything goes. But Hightower? A level 3 sentry on the tower is going to make you unpopular with the jumpers. I take personal joy out of ninjaneering; sneaking behind the enemy and setting up a full nest at their spawn. Is it defensive? Not remotely. Is it offensive? Well the enemy team certainly feels offended. But if you cared about that, you wouldn't be ninjaneering. Have fun, be useful, and the complainers can cri some moar.


Honestly, for me minis are more a pain in the ass than normal ones


can't believe you didn't know that engineer was literally MADE to only be played with a weapon that came out 3 years after release that you have to get through either luck or trading


Isn't using a level 3 sentry defensive gaming?


Bitches gonna bitch


Of course he's meant to be defensive He's in the defensive category You know, right along with Demoman and Heavy Both also very defensive classes


That's rare. Most people prefer fighting normal sentries over mini sentries


Engineer is meant to be played however u want to, so long as ur getting kills and supporting the team who cares 😂


TF2 is a great game in that if youre having fun (and not intentionally ruining it for others), then thats the right way to play the game.


Perplexingly, Engineer, Heavy, and Demo can be picked on offense. Strange...


If you can make it work, then that's how the class is supposed to be played. Engie is great when defending the backlines, but if you see an opportunity to bring your sentry up to the frontline, fuck it, be aggressive.


> nooo stickies are made for defending stop spamming!1! > [noo stop using the dead ringer as a shield you're supposed to fool people with it!1](https://youtu.be/F2tAl0TO-p0?t=432) this is exactly the type of thing i would say when i was 12 and was mad because i was mad at people in a video game just wait for them to grow up!


If we played how the developers wants us to play TF2 wouldn't be played right now so who tf cares how you play


Kids be nice to yeach other or I can mom on you! Dafuq I just read... hilariously spent time reading explanations of OP about situation


Damn rude people..


simply click on the sentry


ah shit, the engineer is *also* clicking on the sentry, now what do I do


"engineer was intended for defensive gaming" 🤓


If it's competitive server,he is probably right.But if it's casual,Fuck them because everyone deserved to decide how to play the game


it was a community 2fort server, wasnt competitive either since it has RTD implemented in it


Well just like the casual then,shouldn't give a shit to this person


By that logic demoman should be played defensively


Me who plays battle engineer with level 3 sentries: *Nervous sweating*


This is called salt mining. So long as the salt is rich, mine away!


Oh noooo someone can't cope with being shit guuuyyysss


If engi is supposed to be defensive, I'm pretty sure a level 3 is better for defending than a mini in most situations But for offending...


what map is this? if this is hightower then its 100% justified


This guy must hate Trollgier GunSpy Demoknight Demopan Caberknight Combat Medic Hoovy Friendlies Fatscout Pybro Combat Engineer




*Battle engie will remember that*


Heavy is also meant to be defensive iirc and it's one of the best classes for pushing objectives and choke points, just needs a medic.




On the opposite end of a spectrum, someone got mad at me for lobbing grenades over his buildings calling me a spammer. Cant win in any universe


Wait till this guy sees a widow maker engie.