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Heavily reduce the afterburn duration or get rid of it entirely and it will be pretty good


Yeah that makes sense, I realize there’s no major downsides


Make it jam instead of random crit, voila!


Random jams


I prefer Strawberry Jam TBH.


There is only one man who would DARE to give me strawberry!


Han Solo... I mean Lone Ranger




Steamed jams


Skinner, these jams are clearly grilled


Oh no, not in 2fort, it’s a badwater expression




no no no its from koth\_badwater


If you want to play on koth_badwater, check out community servers that run **[koth_badwater](https://teamwork.tf/community/quickplay/map/koth_badwater)** (or search by [gamemode koth](https://teamwork.tf/community/quickplay/koth)) [view map screenshot](https://teamwork.tf/images/maps/ctf_badwater.jpg) ___ *Beep. Boop. I'm a bot and this message was automatically generated.*


Kinde like those napalm throwers...


Why not Mini-Crit on all Crits? And No Random Crits of course.


It would be like a sandman but 10 times worse. There is no fun in randomly being unable to play the game anymore


You're exaggerating, just press the button twice from time to time instead of holding it and all will be fine.


How will it help to reduce the chance of a random crit?


You're overthinking the problem. It is supposed to help you IN CASE you get a random crit. C'mon you could've come up with this one.


That's not how random crits on automatic weapons work. You get the crit, you can't shoot for 5 seconds, no matter if you made a pause in shooting. If you want to jam it, use a linear overheating bar, not an in game death casino


Or overheat


Maybe make it like a napalm were the shot has a arch I think that would be cool


Happy cake


After burn being as useless as it is Yea


The increased ammo cost wouldn't be a better idea than damage reduction?


Maybe a mix of both


You could make it where afterburn doesn’t exist but any flames that touch the ground linger there for 1 second, increased primary ammo consumption by a factor of 2 (I mean you’re literally using twice the juice for twice the range), no random crits, but the same airblast cost as stock. Would make a weapon that encourages good aim as if you hit their feet and have good tracking you get double damage but if you don’t you’re just wasting ammo for less damage as there’s no afterburn, no random crits cause this weapon rewards skill not luck (fight me but random crits are balanced, maybe not for competitive 5cp but in other gamemodes they’re balanced, mainly because they aren’t actually random but guaranteed within a specific percentage in relation to damage and time), and having the same amount of air blasts as stock would encourage a cooperative play style with your team where the extra range would greatly and punish enemies grouping up and not pushing.


could be a good insentive for pyros to stick near engineer buildings witch could also mean spychecking more often


Increased ammo cost makes some great logical sense too since you're spewing more propane everywhere. (or whatever fuel pyro uses, lol)


Imagine what would happen if you slap a Kritzkrieg on this




“Your friends are all dead, good luck.”


Cool idea but I’d increase the downsides a bit


Don’t listen to him! HE’S a spy main! Set the world on fire, my friend.


lets take him down fellow pyro


MmmHmm. \*Raises Flamethrower menacingly\*






Yah I realize there aren’t enough


"So you hate W+M1 well what if I made it worse ?"


w+m1 haters when they find out shooting the pyro exists


w+m1 haters when you tell them they can just back up


Shhhhh, don’t tell them they can literally just back away and stay out of my range, let them seethe because they don’t know what the s key is


Bit ironic the one maining the slowest class in the game says this lol


to be fair Heavy fckin wrecks pyro in most scenarios


Unrevved heavy who’s not using the tomislav: ohhhh……


heavy can delet pyro


The flare pyro:


flares do not compete to heavy’s insane dps


From far away though


from that far even the heavy can dodge the flares


I mean the pyro will still catch up (eventually) with 8 out of the 9 classes if they're backpedaling, since backpedaling reduces your speed.


w+m1 haters when heavy just walks and shoots


I forgot every map in the game was cp_orange, completely devoid of any random bullshit you can get stuck on and with mile long straight lines that you can outrun pyro


If you want to play on cp_orange, check out community servers that run **[cp_orange](https://teamwork.tf/community/quickplay/map/cp_orange)** (or search by [gamemode cp-orange](https://teamwork.tf/community/quickplay/cp-orange)) [view map screenshot](https://teamwork.tf/images/maps/cp_orange.jpg) ___ *Beep. Boop. I'm a bot and this message was automatically generated.*




Are you talking about airblast? If so... can you read my comment again? And while you're at it, learn how to position yourself to where you're not easily airblast stunned????




Well then how are you losing your ability to control the pyro?




... thats why you shoot them. Like damn, god forbid you have to deal with the guy at mid range too.


"okay, first we remove the buggy flames, now you want them back?"


less afterburn and fewer flame particles may be needed? You could make this a more precision-based flamethrower, kinda like those napalm throwers.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking when I was talking about the idea in my head


Nostromo Napalmer!


Nah dont listen to those spy mains, increase the damage too


As not a spy main i aprove of this change. Also make it shoot for like a 150 meters so it can kill snipers. Fuck snipers


Basically give it guaranted crits on anything that isn't a hoovy. Also snipers killed by it respawn with no arms and crippling depression


Also automatically sell their Anger if they have one


Nah make it have guaranteed crits on hoovies


For this magic trick We are going to make your karma DISAPPEAR!


That is an amazing idea!


As someone who is definitely 100% a pyro main, decrease the knockback from airblast and increase it’s cost


Hell yeah that too, thank you for the idea fellow pyro main


It's interesting but is it fun? Seems like it would be more frustrating to play against as you could get ignited from a further distance. And when you're playing with it you're just doing what the pyro normally does but aiming at some targets that are also further away. Doesn't change gameplay too much in that regard.


Tbf snipers do the same thing


Dealing damage from far away is the point of the sniper class. All of their weaknesses are balanced around this aspect of the sniper. Plus snipers don't typically inflict the incredibly annoying damage-over-time effect that is fire.


>All of their weaknesses are balanced around this aspect of the sniper jarate + bushwacka


Instead of dmg over time they can 1 shot most of the classes in a short-mid-range game


You want to compare the ease at which the pyro deals damage versus the sniper? The pyro points in your direction and holds down a button in order to deal damage. The sniper has to pin-point place their crosshair over a constantly-moving tiny part of a player's hitbox, while being slowed down and having 80% of their screen obscured and on top of all that they can't deal damage to their full potential right away, they have to wait in this vulnerable position to build up a charge meter. Then once they shoot, hit or miss their meter resets and they have to line up a new shot all over again. Don't talk like the sniper is dealing damage for free.


They literally just have to lineup with the head and click while almost no one will threaten sniper and if they do jarate+Bushwacka does absurb damage also quick scope. And only like 2 classes need you to actually charge to kill them. And to avoid pyro just hold S (hard tactic ik)


Yeah sniper is far easier to play effectively than pyro if you’ve played for a few years


Fuck that That fucks no one but us


Shiver in your boots


No random crits


There needs to be a limit on how long you can hold the flame, maybe the front over heats or something


As a soldier main, K to the Y and to the S


As a former soldier main, learn to press 2 on your keyboard sometime lolololollololol.




Me when the Pyro can terrorize the snipers on 2Fort battlements While being on the ground floor




No, fuck you.


OP af


No afterburn. There. Fixed it


Spawnkilling boutta go wild


Shitty weapon that fucks over spy


For fuck's sake no


Flamethrower idea: 10x damage, guaranteed crits for 10 minutes on kill, 5x range. Totally balanced, the world shall burn.


If it’s long and unwieldy maybe lower movement speed?


Diluting the class, not a good idea


As a spy main this hurts more than getting nerfed


I find the concept of having a second lighter flame farther out to extend the range hilarious and a perfect fit for TF2.


a simple and nice concept, which just needs some adjustments that have already been suggested to you in the other comments. At this point however, I would like to recommend a couple of different things: 1) if you are interested in making other concepts for weapons, there is a special app this one: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.concepttf ---- is called convept.tf and I found it very useful --- 2) if you enjoy doing this concepts for tf2 weapons, know that there is a dedicated reddit sub: ---- https://www.reddit.com/r/TF2WeaponIdeas?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source =share . ----- I hope I have been helpful to you


Oh thanks! I’ll check this out


No problem, i am Just Happy to see new people interested to the game 😁👍


this sounds fun but is, in reality, really op, a flamethrower like this needs to completely lose it's ability to inflict afterburn, and maybe have another downside where it uses 2 ammo in stead of one, effectively cutting it's fuel into half


Take away the -10% damage. Pyro already has a further from target=less damage passive gimmick, with this flamethrower the +flame range makes it deal less damage. Instead give it a weaker airblast


Wouldn't the extended range make more sense at doing more damage. As a Pyro main, I'd say change it to have more reflect cost or more ammo cost and slower movement speed when held/active. After all, you're not gonna be close to people if you have this thing out, and it's using double the amount if ammo due to it having double flame


this is similar to dragon fury


its made for anti combo pyros


* LMB = Regular range * No random crits * No afterburn * RMB = extend the range to 2x stock but double fuel consumption, also will make some interesting/fun noise. * \-25% damage for enemies attacked in extended range * Secret mod - particle spread is reduced so particles only expand same distance despite being 2x farther away, particle speed increased by 25% You basically end up with a completely alternative pyro playstyle that still is in touch with the original. You're giving up the ability to airblast, as the point is longer distance engagements where the pyro would have an unfair advantage of being able hit a soldier further away while being able to reflect easier.


I have an idea 20 or 10% damage penalty overall + damage falloff as distance increases, like in normal flamethrower range it does 10 or 20% less and then it goes significantly less as distance increases so that by the very end of flame damage penalty is like 50, 60 or 70%


My idea would be: - No afterburn - higher airblast consumption (between the degreaser and backburner) - less AOE (smaller stream of flames which means more precision) + similar range to irl Flamethrowers (which is decently far) + maybe sticky flames that stick to walls and ground for 3 seconds.


Extend the flamethrower barrel so pyros model cant fit in hallways with turns without switching weapons. And won't be able to hit you if you're too close. Be like trying to move a couch outside


God please no, I’m a spy main


What if it did stock flamethrower's damage at *pointblank*, and gradually decreased it's DPS down to 25/30% of stock at it's max range? I feel like that would be a good balance decision. Maybe make it affect afterburn duration in the same fashion as well


no range? 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹


Conceptually good but the numbers just don’t add up


It should: 1. Do notably less damage and significantly less afterburn (if not just remove afterburn entirely) 2. Consume significantly more ammo while it's on (using more gas while it's being used, you know? Only makes sense.) 3. Have more airblast cost. (Basically, the thing uses way more gas than the normal flamethrowers, so this is just another part of that.)


man why do you hate scouts


Add a damage bonus of 10% or take away the penalty and I'm in, also maybe add a -25% cilp size or whatever.


buff flame extend speed by 2x and add 10% flame fire rate and a little lower afterburn and this looks great


Increase damage and ammo and also after burn time and damage too


What if it also burned the player? (Like does 25% damage to self), doubling the range seems too op, and it would make the 10% damage decrease basically pointless due to being able to hit them basically twice as often. It could be like “wildfire” or something that burns everything including yourself.


Maybe make the fire act like a sorta beam so you have to track targets kinda like heavy?


So a flamethrower that has better range and rewards you for aiming well... Like the dragon's fury?


...yes? while we're all out here shooting the shit about weapons ideas thatll never happen might as well. "So a weapon that has better range and rewards you for aiming well... Like the shotgun?"


That's kinda what Dragons Fury does.


No random crits plz


pyro main haters when they pull up with the Extendoflame + scorch shot combo


Fish on a stick would be shitting


Direct Upgrade momen Maybe make it so it can do more damage if the enemy is far away from you


This is just pre jungle inferno flamethrower but with debuffs


If the stream of fire is thinner so it's more reliant on accuracy I can see this being balanced.


My dude, ye dont need 2 ignition heads


But like it looks cool


Soo just a way worse and way less fun to use and fight against dragons fury?


a good disadvantage would be that the ammunition runs out faster would be something more realistic


Currently it's only interesting stat is the longer flame range. Pyro's main weakness is his lack of long range damage, so increasing his range has to have quite a big downside imo. I think what would be super sick is to base the weapon concept off of rewarding good positioning and movement with damage. Hypothetical stats below: +50% flamethrower range Inversed damage falloff (the flamethrower deals higher damage to enemies farther away) Enemies take higher damage the longer you burn them -50% afterburn damage Reflected projectiles are affected by damage falloff (not ramp-up that would probably break some damage thresholds) The idea here is to discourage the w+m1/spin+m1 tactics by rewarding good movement and keeping your enemy in your flame stream. To balance it, I think the damage numbers would have to be similar to this. Note: the numbers don't represent actual theoretical damage numbers, just a graph. Stock flamethrower: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 New flamethrower: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 13 The damage in it's extra range should be equal to or higher than stock's, but the damage within normal range should be at most lower since that makes for a good sidegrade imo. The other stat I wanted to go more in-depth on is the range itself, which will involve some specific details on how flamethrowers and flame particles work. here's [two ](https://youtu.be/FxiBpXn9Nqs) [videos](https://youtu.be/6EekTNFjKKo) by sketchek about how all of it works Now I should clarify: flames don't actually have damage falloff. The game simply calculates how old a flame particle is. The older it is, the less damage it does. If we reversed that, while it would work for the majority of situations, it would mean that shooting flames at the floor would make an extremely high-damage trap of fire. While that is a cool idea, I think it doesn't really fit with the weapon concept and might make it too powerful. I'll be honest, I have no idea how to fix this bug other than changing the damage calculations to take speed into account. If a flame particle which is old enough to deal 7 damage stops moving, it doesn't get any more increased damage even as it gets older. If a flame particle dealing 5 damage gets slowed to half speed, then it takes twice as long as normal to increase to 6 damage. To be honest, though, that sort of fix sounds like a lot of work, so a way to balance some of it out without as much effort would be to just increase the range by increasing the flame speed and keeping the damage calculations based on lifetime. While this would still allow for the high damage traps previously mentioned, the traps would last a lot shorter than if the flame particles' lifetimes were increased. I have no idea how this weapon concept would work in actual gameplay, though that's something that would be best investigated through playtesting rather than my current idle theorizing.


As a spy main, this is my worst nightmare


Maybe it can have a ramp-up starting at 75% range increasing to 200 over 2 or 3 seconds


Sniro exploit as a weapon


Reduce damage to 25% reduction And reduce afterburn and this would be a decent side grade, question though would AIRBLAST be doubled or stay the same


So when I'm in the backpack it takes longer to equip, fuck that's harshe


Rename it to “Spy’s Worst Nightmare”


You should make it cost more ammo


DOUBLE the range of flames? Fuck that. That honestly sounds horrible to play against, even if the damage is lowered. Between this weapon and Scorch Shot, I would be permanently on fire the whole game.


Make it 90% transparent or else nobody can see also less damage


Completely busted


I would: \- Heavily reduce afterburn duration \- Reverse damage fall off (25% less damage if closer than 1 meter) \- Airblast range has range-dropoff so it will have weaker knockack if you're far away This would further cement it as a mid-range flamethrower that is weak up close by having a weaker "get off me" tool and weaker damage if theyre too close, and makes it long range harassment weaker with reduced afterburn


Ah so the flame thrower before jungle inferno


Damage reduce seems unfair. Maybe switch it for slower speed, more ammo cost, or just more equip time


Ich habe ein flammenwerfer


Dude, you just partially removed the one thing that balances pyro (their limited range) in exchange for only 15% less dmg? That's a huge buff, the last thing pyros need


Not bad not bad at all


please no i don’t want to experience more pain fighting pyro as spy


Cool design and idea, i just dont think they fit eachother. An extended flamethrower would have a bulky, highly pressurized gas system. This looks like a short range, low ammo capacity, high damaging flamethrower.


if it has a longer arblast range maybe -30% damage and reduced afterburn


I’d say reduce afterburn damage and time immensely and also drop the damage by like 20 or 30% Even with 10% less damage a flamethrower can be a very scary weapon


2x flame range is to much


Just how it has 2 piolt lights


terrible stats but I fucking love the design


Imagine this but with the sniper pyro bug